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Chapter 1017 The Wind Rises in America (3)

King Cao Li Dazhuang saw the officials in the court meeting, and many of them looked confused.

He knew that there were very few people in Cao State with strategic thinking.

As the monarch of Cao State, what he has to do now is to unify the imperial court's ideas.

If the court has too many ideas, it will be slow to do things, which will inevitably affect the subsequent war.

King Cao Li Dazhuang stood up and walked to the front of the officials below.

He said in a passionate tone: "Everyone knows that the most important national policy of the Qin State to end the Warring States Period and unify the world is to establish diplomatic ties with distant countries and attack with close quarters.

Our ancestors thousands of years ago knew how to make friends from far away and attack close by.

As descendants, should we still make common sense mistakes that our ancestors did not make?

The empire occupied the Bull Run Road and cut off the land passage between our country and Xiang Kingdom.

When our country travels to Xiangguo, the only option left is the sea route.

Looking at the strength of American navies, can our navy compete with the combined naval strength of other countries?

To be honest, our army's naval strength can barely suppress Xiangguo's navy.

If either Zhao or Wei ends up, our navy will not be able to resist the Xiang Kingdom's navy joining forces with the navies of other countries.

The navy cannot have an advantage. Even if we occupy part of Xiangguo's territory in advance, it will be in vain.

This part of the landing troops will become a lone force deep behind enemy lines, and the end will be very miserable.

As for Zhao or Wei, whether they will end up or not, it only takes a little thought to come to a conclusion.

Zhao State and Wei State cannot watch our country easily annexing Xiang State. As long as our country takes action, these two countries will definitely target our country.

The Americas can accommodate multiple countries, but it cannot accommodate multiple regional hegemons.

Zhao and Wei have formed a brotherly state. The alliance between these two countries is obviously aimed at our country.

Our country must not give Zhao and Wei a chance."

After King Cao Li Dazhuang finished his long speech, many officials in the court meeting already understood why Cao State did not attack Xiang State.

Everyone knows the situation of distant friendship and close attack.

After a little thought, they can figure out why Cao Guo made such a choice?

King Cao Li Dazhuang used simple principles to reach a consensus among most officials of Cao State.

He looked at the Grand Governor Kong Erniu and ordered: "Next, Duke Guo of Tang will introduce to us the next strategic trends of Cao State."

The Grand Governor Kong Erniu stood up immediately. He first asked for instructions: "Your Majesty, I request that a sand table be placed at the Grand Council so that I can better introduce the current situation in America and our country's trends."

King Cao Li Dazhuang nodded and gave a few instructions to the commander of the guards.

The guards in front of the palace quickly brought over a huge sand table.

The Grand Governor Kong Erniu stood in front of the sand table and immediately described the current situation in America.

"Zhao suddenly attacked many city-states in the south.

With this move of Zhao State, three more provinces were immediately created, and Zhao State's foundation was strengthened.

Other countries, including our country, are waiting for the empire's action on this matter.

So many days have passed, and the empire has a heated discussion among the people on this matter.

However, the imperial cabinet and the governor's office did not have much discussion on this matter.

The emperor of the empire did not issue an edict on this matter.

The empire's attitude towards this matter seemed to be indifferent.

This incident verified the authenticity of the rumors.

The empire will no longer impose too many restrictions on vassal states whose proportion of Han people meets the requirements.

Recently, similar rumors have spread, as long as the American vassal states maintain trade with the empire.

The empire does not interfere too much in civil wars between vassal states.

Based on the above two reasons, our Cao State should not remain silent any longer and should strike preemptively.

Zhao State and Wei State have reached an alliance, and Zhao State has cleaned up many city-states in the south.

The Yan State in the north of Zhao State was rich in military virtue, but its population was small due to its harsh environment.

It is very strong in local combat and basically does not have the strength to fight abroad unless it obtains foreign assistance.

Among the countries in America that border Zhao State, only Xiang State is left with a chaotic internal situation.

If our country attacks Xiang State, Zhao State will definitely ally with Xiang State and find a way to drive our country away.

If our country does not attack Xiang State, the probability of conflict between Zhao State and Xiang State is very high.

Xiang State just cannot industrialize well and its strength is relatively weak.

But they are also a country where Han people account for over 60%.

Prince Xiang Su Zhenxing is another hardliner and will never surrender easily.

As long as the Xiang Kingdom receives support from external weapons, they cannot expand, but their ability to protect themselves is fine.

As for Xiangguo's difficulty in obtaining weapons, it is not difficult at all.

The empire is far away, but the merchants in the empire are very active. As long as Xiangguo pays, he can obtain a large amount of weapons and ammunition.

When Xiang Wangsu's revitalization reaches a critical moment, he will definitely mortgage the country's sovereignty and borrow a large amount from the Imperial Royal Bank.

As long as he is willing to fight and has the ability to fight.

Half of Xiang State's territory is mountainous, which will definitely continue to consume Zhao State's national power.

I predict that as long as our country does not attack Xiangguo, Zhao may be tempted to attack Xiangguo.

When they found that the resistance of Xiang State was too strong, they would withdraw their troops.

As for our country's goal, that is to take the initiative to attack Wei.

We must hurt Wei State and make Wei State realize how powerful our country is.

Otherwise, when Zhao and Wei accumulate enough strength, they will definitely attack our country and achieve their goal of dominating the Americas.

Don't take any chances, Wei has already started taking action now.

Wei has already added 100,000 troops to the border with our country.

Wei's various types of heavy artillery, weapons and ammunition were continuously mobilized to the border during this period.

Wei and Zhao are allies. They must know Zhao's action plan. Wei has already prepared for war.

This is a local war, and our country will control the intensity of the war.

The purpose is to demonstrate our country’s strength and at the same time verify the combat effectiveness of Cao’s army.”

When Duke Liu Zhengyuan of Lu heard the introduction from Duke Kong Erniu of Tang, he finally understood what the imperial court was thinking.

The empire let go of its vassal states, and Zhao State sent its troops southward, wiping out many city-states.

This directly fills the Americas with the smell of gunpowder, and countries will inevitably engage in arms races.

As the arms race between countries deepens, war will be inevitable. After all, it is a war sweeping across the Americas.

The size of Cao State is not as good as that of Zhao State and Wei State. With the current national strength in an arms race, Cao State will undoubtedly lose in the future.

However, Cao State took the initiative to attack Wei State and launched a limited war.

No matter what the outcome of this war is, the war factions of the two countries are at war.

If Cao Guo wins this war, he will be able to maintain peace for at least twenty years.

The empire had only been established for a few years, but the world situation had already changed dramatically.

King Zhao and King Wei will probably pass away twenty years later.

As brothers, the two men no longer control the country.

The new King Zhao and King Wei do not have the previous family ties as a bond, and the two countries also have certain conflicts of interest. They may not be able to maintain their alliance.

Cao Guo faced Zhao and Wei alone without much pressure.

Lu Guogong Liu Yuanzheng had this view, which was based on the diplomatic experience he gained from many visits to Europe.

The countries in Europe were as close as brothers at first, but once there was a conflict of interest, they would immediately turn against each other.

He believed that the relationship between Zhao and Wei was strong, mainly because the first-generation monarchs were both brothers and lords.

The relationship between the two of them can suppress the conflict of interests between the two countries.

No matter which king, King Su Xiong of Zhao or King Su Hu of Wei, dies first, it will have a huge impact on the relationship between the two countries.

Liu Yuanzheng, Duke of Lu State, thought he was right, but he was unable to express his thoughts at the court meeting.

Even on other occasions, he was unable to express his speculations.

His opinion only increases the ambition of other countries and destroys his own prestige.

At a time when a national war is about to begin, it is a statement that shakes the morale of the military.

Even if Liu Yuanzheng, Duke of Lu State, was a relative, he would be sacrificed by King Cao Li Dazhuang.

He couldn't tell his true thoughts. Thinking of Tang Guogong Kong Erniu, there was a flaw in what he just said.

He immediately stood up and asked for advice: "The purpose mentioned by Tang Guogong just now also means to test the army.

I don't quite understand this situation. Cao's army is a strong and well-trained army.

Whether it is domestic bandit suppression or our retired soldiers participating in wars in Europe.

Their performance is in line with the characteristics of a strong army.

What I find very surprising is why Tang Guogong wants to train his troops."

When the Grand Governor Kong Erniu heard this question, he was asked by Liu Yuanzheng, Duke of Lu State.

Duke Lu Guo had left the army for many years, but he was still a soldier, so he asked questions more politely.

He had just been worried that a certain civilian official would ask questions. The way these civilian officials asked questions would definitely lead to the military abusing military expenditures.

The Grand Governor Kong Erniu replied equally politely: "The Duke of Lu is far away in Rui on official duties and does not understand the current situation of Cao's army.

With our education Aboriginal adults grow up.

For these indigenous men who have successfully become Chinese, their best option is to join the army.

Except for some veterans who were not suitable for the battlefield when the army was founded, they chose to retire.

Most of the veterans have become officers, and a high proportion of new Han Chinese are among the new recruits.

They form the most basic level of the army.

One of the purposes of this war is to test the combat effectiveness of the army under the new situation.

Not only our Cao State, but also the Zhao State and the Wei State have a large number of new Han people who have become the grassroots of the army."

When Liu Yuanzheng, Duke of Lu State, heard this explanation, he realized that the Chineseization rate exceeded 50%. This was by no means just talk.

He has also been a soldier and knows that the current army only needs to control the supply of ammunition, strengthen the control and training of officers, and give sufficient respect and treatment to grassroots soldiers.

The possibility of rebellion by grassroots soldiers is very low.

These new Han people, their fanatical loyalty to the country is stronger than many Han people who immigrated.

Their destiny changed completely. From precarious, nomadic, fishing and hunting tribesmen, they became citizens of Cao State.

These indigenous people who are willing to become Han people naturally identify with this country.

On the contrary, the Han immigrants had too many choices. If they were unhappy, they could immigrate to other vassal states at any time, or return to the empire.

Their loyalty to the country depends entirely on how much treatment the country gives them.

Liu Yuanzheng, Duke of Lu State, communicated with scholars.

After the indigenous people were assimilated, they were more loyal to the country than the real Han people.

Scholars have studied this phenomenon and found that it is a common phenomenon.

There is a term for this phenomenon, convert fanaticism.

Duke Liu Yuanzheng of Lu State had left the army for many years, but he could still tell.

There is a glass ceiling for New Han people in the military, and not many of them become officers.

Some core departments of the army and garrisons in important places will not use troops with too many New Han people.

Liu Yuanshan, Prime Minister of Cao State, stood up and proposed: "Your Majesty, our country should join the member states of the Jianye Convention.

The use of inhumane weapons of mass destruction on the battlefield is prohibited.”

When King Cao Li Dazhuang heard the Prime Minister's suggestion, he immediately gave a thumbs up and praised: "Qi Guogong, your suggestion is really wonderful.

Our country does not join the Jianye Convention. Once white phosphorus bombs or poison gas bombs are used, the empire will use this reason to intervene in the situation in America.

Without the Empire's involvement, we can control the scale of the war.

Once the empire chooses to intervene, how will the situation develop? No one can predict.

I will now approve Cao Guo’s accession to the Jianye Convention, and the cabinet will arrange this matter immediately.”

The great meeting of Cao State adjourned after discussing the matter of joining the "Convention of Jianye".

King Cao Li Dazhuang immediately asked the governor to take action, and Cao's army began to move towards the mountainous area bordering Wei.

The actions of Cao Guo in mobilizing troops could not be concealed, nor could the contents of Cao Guo’s great court meeting be concealed.

King Cao Li Dazhuang held a small meeting, and he could guarantee that the ministers involved would not leak the information.

The most core ministers of Cao State are all traitors, so there is no need for Cao State to exist.

The interests of these ministers and the interests of Cao State have been tightly bound together. They are both prosperous and suffer.

However, officials at the Great Court Meeting will inevitably have spies from other countries, and what was said at the Great Court Meeting cannot be concealed at all.

Cao Wang Li Dazhuang is not worried about information leakage.

What was said at the meeting was not a dark conspiracy, it was all conspiracy.

Yangmou is not afraid of the other party knowing about it. As long as there are no changes that affect the situation in America, there will be no problems with Yangmou.

Even if Zhao State knew that Cao State did not choose to attack Xiang State, one of its purposes was to sow discord between Zhao State and Xiang State.

Zhao State will not change its established national policy.

Zhao's national policy is the greatest common denominator formed after the interests of all parties have been compromised.

As long as King Su Xiong of Zhao suddenly dies of illness and this earth-shaking change does not occur in Zhao State, Zhao State's choices will not change much.

Cao Guo's actions made many countries feel relieved.

When Xiang Guosu Zhenxing learned about this situation, he happily drank half a bottle of liquor.

He drunkenly said: "My king's judgment is extremely correct. As long as the navy is strong and prevents Cao's army from landing by sea, Cao's army will give up attacking our country.

While paying attention to Cao Jun, you must also keep an eye on Zhao Jun.

Our country now borders Zhao State, and the two countries have lost many buffer countries.

Cao Guo's judgment is correct, Zhao Guo is likely to try to attack our country.

At that time I will let Zhao Guo know that Xiang Guo is full of men.

The State of Zhao did not dare to attack the State of Yan, and they could not easily conquer the State of Xiang.

Only by showing strength to the outside world can our country survive."

Qi State Shanjing, Qi King Sushan's tense expression could finally relax.

There was a war between the two great powers in South America, Cao State and Wei State.

The security of his small country is fully guaranteed.

But he did not dare to slack off at all. The way of survival of Yan State has made small countries like Yan understand the way that small countries can really survive.

The Qi State must increase the strength of its army. Even if its strength is insufficient, it must still fight a defensive war.

The major vassal states in America learned about Cao's power to the world and announced their participation in the "Jianye Convention".

They also reacted and called the whole world one after another to announce their participation in the "Jianye Convention".

This chapter has been completed!
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