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Chapter 1033 Visiting the Royal Academy of Sciences

Prince Su Shu looked at the statistics compiled by the cabinet.

The empire harvested this autumn and obtained more food than last year.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development believes that this reason is mainly due to the serious bankruptcy of the manufacturing industry, and farmers who have gone to cities to work as part-time workers have returned to their hometowns to work in agriculture.

There is a sufficient working population in the countryside. The troubles caused by mechanical harvesting in the past and the waste caused by the insufficient working population will no longer occur this year.

Prince Su Shu saw that after the economic crisis broke out, the grain harvest was not affected.

He knew that if the economic crisis could not be resolved in a short time, it would not have a serious impact on the empire.

If the economic crisis does not affect the grain harvest, the empire can ensure the supply of commercial grain and relief grain, and even have enough grain to export to vassal countries.

Han people have always been very docile when they have enough to eat.

The rulers of the past dynasties were unable to satisfy even the trivial demands of the people.

When Prince Su Shu saw this data, he was not so eager to solve the economic crisis.

He wanted to pass on the costs incurred by the empire due to supply problems to other vassal states, but this idea was rejected by his father.

Prince Su Shu has always wanted to prove himself, and he has to do everything he does well.

If he can think of a solution to the problem that satisfies his father, it will also prove his ability to his father and the civil and military officials.

The main task of Prince Su Shu during this period was to investigate the detailed situation of the empire's industrial industry.

Whether it is the fundamental solution to the economic crisis, industrial upgrading.

Another way to alleviate the economic crisis is to transfer industries to areas with poor industries.

This all requires the court to understand the specific data of the imperial industry.

Prince Su Shu asked people to sort out tax data, bank data, insurance data and other related data to estimate the specific situation of the empire's industries.

There is a big gap between the estimated situation and the situation reported by various places.

Prince Su Shu selected the Beijing-Tianjin region, the Yangtze River Delta region, and the Pearl River Delta region for investigation.

It can be judged from the specific conditions of these three places, and the situation calculated from the data is more accurate than the information reported by various places.

Prince Su Shu has detailed data in his hands, and he has a general framework for how the empire will carry out industrial upgrading and industrial transfer.

During this time, he consulted many scholars, business representatives and officials.

Prince Su Shu combined the opinions of all parties and selected the greatest common denominator between them.

He believes that the policy created in this way is not the most perfect policy, but it is the policy with the least resistance to implementation.

Industrial upgrading mainly focuses on government-run companies, and the court can supervise and supervise from behind. If the leader of any company does not do well, then replace it.

Industrial transfer involves the transferor and the receiving party, and there are complicated overt and covert struggles between the two places.

The overall migration of the industrial chain involves dozens or hundreds of companies.

Such a complicated matter cannot be solved immediately with a decree from the imperial court.

The imperial court must make arrangements for one place and one policy. On this matter, there is no policy that can be adopted nationwide.

Prince Su Shu combined the data he collected and repeatedly revised the contents of the memorial.

He changed the manuscript several times and finally finished the memorial to which he was quite satisfied.

Prince Su Shu just relaxed for a while, sipping tea and reading the newspaper.

One of the things discussed in the newspaper made him frown slightly.

Some people discussed in newspapers that the imperial court should transfer the damage caused by the economic crisis to other vassal states.

In this way, the difficulties currently encountered by the court can be solved once and for all.

If Prince Su Shu had encountered such remarks before, he would have made this person his confidant.

Now that he saw such remarks again, anger suddenly rose in his heart.

This is someone trying to give him eye drops, using this unspeakable method to hit him secretly.

If some businessmen encounter difficulties now, they believe the methods in the newspapers.

They used various means to transfer the crisis they encountered to the vassal country.

At that time, there will definitely be a group of people who want to throw dirty water on him.

When Prince Su Shu thought of this, he picked up the phone and was about to take action.

He then put down the phone again and frowned deeply.

The people who planned the plan had very big plans and would never follow such a simple plan.

Prince Su Shu thought for a long time. He believed that these people with bad intentions behind the scenes were just waiting for him to take action and make mistakes.

As long as he makes no mistakes, his status will be as stable as Mount Tai.

Only by using various methods to disturb his mood and make him make mistakes can these people take advantage of him.

Prince Su Shu made up his mind that he would stop with silence now.

As time goes by, his position will become more stable, and those behind the scenes will inevitably be unable to sit still.

All they have to do is show some flaws and reveal their identity.

Prince Su Shu can kill these people with one thunder blow.

While he was thinking about these things, there was a gentle knock on the door.

Prince Su Shu motioned to the waiting eunuch to open the door.

He saw it was Xiao Yizi, the eunuch beside his father.

After the eunuch Xiao Yizi entered the room, he said respectfully: "His Royal Highness, I will tell you that His Majesty the Emperor has ordered you to go outside the afternoon gate."

Prince Su Shu first bowed and said: "My son, I accept the order."

He then ordered: "If anyone comes, I will reward Xiao Yizi with one hundred taels of silver coins."

The eunuch Xiao Yizi immediately thanked him and said, "I would like to thank His Highness for the generous reward."

Prince Su Shu knew how to treat these little eunuchs in the palace.

He could not be too close to these little eunuchs, nor could he show a bored attitude.

Prince Su Shu knew that these eunuchs had extremely low self-esteem, and he only needed to show a little respect to them to gain their loyalty.

He packed up his belongings and immediately took the car to the Meridian Gate.

When Prince Su Shu came to the Meridian Gate, he saw many officials arriving in vehicles one after another.

They parked their cars in the parking lot outside us and trotted towards where my father was.

Prince Su Shu saw that his father always had a smile on his face.

He could make his father, who showed no signs of joy, appear so happy.

That must be something that makes my father happy.

Prince Su Shu also smiled happily when he saw that something good had happened.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Emperor Su He saw that all the civil and military officials he had notified were already in place.

He said happily: "I have some happy things to share this time.

The court spent large sums of money to invest in the Royal Academy of Sciences, and some people in the court complained about the situation.

The Royal Academy of Sciences has lived up to expectations, and has achieved success after project that consumes huge amounts of money.

This time I will lead all my dear friends to accompany me to visit the Royal Academy of Sciences."

Prince Su Shu heard that he was going to visit the Royal Academy of Sciences.

He immediately thought of the project he had seen before at the Royal Academy of Sciences.

It's really all kinds of weird, research and stuff.

He could no longer remember some regular research projects clearly.

But he was deeply impressed by some scientists who were not in the mainstream.

Some of them are studying people and why men and women can get pregnant when they work together.

What are the causes of birth, old age, illness and death?

Prince Su Shu's view on this project is that his father is getting older every year.

He also wanted to be like Qin Shihuang, Han Wu Emperor, and Tang Taizong. When he felt his body was aging, he began to pray to gods and cultivate immortality and refine the elixir of immortality.

It's just that my father doesn't believe in the existence of gods, let alone the elixir of life.

My father has a high degree of trust in something called science.

I believe that studying people’s birth, old age, illness and death is also science.

There are still some obscure scientists in the Royal Academy of Sciences. They are studying how people can ascend to heaven?

Prince Su Shu looked through history books, and he only saw a man named Wanhu in the Ming Dynasty.

He saw that firecrackers could go to heaven, so he chose to bundle them and send himself to heaven.

He can go up but can't come back.

The empire's rockets are more powerful, and everyone in the military complains about the accuracy of the rockets. There is almost no accuracy at all, but no one complains about the power of the rockets.

As long as this kind of rocket is slightly modified, it can fly to higher places, but if the shadow goes up, it will never come back.

The Royal Academy of Sciences does have a lot of technology that is related to the life and death of the empire.

But the Royal Academy of Sciences also has more such bizarre research.

If his father had not supported these projects, he would have asked Tian Jiapeng, the president of the Royal Academy of Sciences, how he could have passed the approval of these projects.

While Prince Su Shu was thinking about these things, his legs and feet were quick and he had already taken a car to follow his father's motorcade to the Royal Academy of Sciences.

The Royal Academy of Sciences is adjacent to Huaxia University, and it is also located next to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

This location is in the core of the capital, and it is very close to the imperial palace.

Everyone soon arrived at the gate of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

In front of the gate of the Royal Academy of Sciences, there is a huge Sinan.

Sinan is one of the oldest inventions in China. It is a treasure left by the Chinese ancestors who explored the world.

The appearance of Si Nan pointed the way for the emperor to defeat Chi You.

It also has the meaning of moving forward and moving forward inexorably.

Emperor Su He led everyone to approach the Royal Academy of Sciences. He looked at Tian Jiapeng, the president of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Minister of Science and Technology, and said: "Tian Aiqing, today I and all of you are guests. Next, Tian Aiqing will serve as your guide to introduce you to everyone."

One or two.”

After Tian Jiapeng saluted and received the order, he stood at the front of the team and led everyone to visit the Royal Academy of Sciences as a guide.

He felt that this was his most proud day.

The Royal Academy of Sciences is a large consumer of imperial funds, but its output has been questioned by many officials.

Projects such as internal combustion engines and radio stations that had a great impact on the imperial court were all completed by university professors.

Many civil servants publicly criticized the experts of the Royal Academy of Sciences, saying that they were nothing but idlers.

This situation made Dean Tian Jiapeng extremely angry.

These are completely what laymen say, but their words can easily guide public opinion.

Scientists at the Royal Academy of Sciences focus their main attention on exploring scientific principles.

Scientific principles are extremely important and are the foundation for the development of all science and technology.

There are no laws of thermodynamics, no study of mechanics.

The internal combustion engine simply cannot be developed.

There is no study of electromagnetism and the establishment of electromagnetic equations.

The law of mutual transformation between electricity and magnetism was determined, and radio using electromagnetic waves for communication would never appear.

Dean Tian Jiapeng knew that Emperor Su He was a person who understood science and technology and the relationship between the two.

But he must lay a good foundation. Even when Emperor Su He strongly supported it, some people would oppose it.

Their generation will leave sooner or later. If the emperor after the empire does not understand the relationship between science and technology.

The Royal Academy of Sciences’ exploration of science has never stopped.

But if you can't produce results, you have no right to speak.

Dean Tian Jiapeng could not even say a few words to rebut.

Since then, Dean Tian Jiapeng has learned a painful lesson.

The Royal Academy of Sciences wants to explore science, but it cannot be ignorant of technology.

The Royal Academy of Sciences receives so much research funding that it really can’t even compare to university professors. That would be so shameful.

After President Tian Jiapeng mobilized scientists from the Royal Academy of Sciences.

He immediately planned several projects that could affect the empire's strength.

Dean Tian Jiapeng's action once again aroused opposition.

The imperial court invested too much money in the Royal Academy of Sciences, a total of 60 million taels of silver coins.

This much money is enough for the imperial army to fight a long and large war.

Dean Tian Jiapeng was criticized by some people and he even reduced the number of times he went out.

He knew the reason for this.

The annual income gap of the imperial court is not very large, and this huge expenditure is given to the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Then the funds other yamen receive from the imperial court will become much less.

Blocking someone's path to wealth is like killing one's parents. The pain that touches the soul the most is that it touches his interests.

Dean Tian Jiapeng knows these people and their interests have been touched.

President Tian Jiapeng can understand that these people are looking for trouble and scolding, but he does not want to be scolded all the time. The Shenzhen Royal Academy of Sciences has become a notorious yamen.

From then on, President Tian Jiapeng began to urge various projects of the Royal Academy of Sciences to achieve phased results as soon as possible.

Especially after the economic crisis broke out, the empire's economic situation was not good, and the court had no extra funds, so it had to cut off unsatisfactory projects.

Some ministers are again calling out the fact that the Royal Academy of Sciences has received so much funding but has not developed any important projects.

The Royal Academy of Sciences should be banned, they are a bunch of bastards.

Dean Tian Jiapeng looked at these clowns, but a sense of urgency emerged in his heart.

If something really happens to the imperial court, priority must be given to ensuring survival needs.

Yamen like the Royal Academy of Sciences have no choice but to give up.

President Tian Jiapeng does not want this. He wants most officials to realize the importance of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

As the dean, he no longer manages affairs, but goes to the workshop to discuss with technical staff how to solve problems.

God will not let you down if you work hard.

Through the unremitting efforts of scientists from the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Some of the major projects that Dean Tian Jiapeng promoted with all his strength a few years ago have already achieved success.

Dean Tian Jiapeng only gets excited when he sees successful projects.

He immediately went to the Qianqing Palace to report.

After Emperor Su He sent someone to review, he then chose to summon civil and military officials to go to the Royal Academy of Sciences to see the power of industry.

Tian Jiapeng, president of the Royal Academy of Sciences, feels sad every time he thinks about these things.

Even with the support of Emperor Su He, the journey of the Royal Academy of Sciences was extremely difficult.

He looked at some civil servants in the visiting team with provocative eyes.

These civil servants still view people from a traditional perspective and regard them as ordinary craftsmen.

Dean Tian Jiapeng wants to use hard facts to fight back against these people.

Let them clearly realize that times have changed.

This chapter has been completed!
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