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Chapter 1035 Achievements of the Royal Academy of Sciences (2)

Dean Tian Jiapeng said proudly: "If the 10,000-ton hydraulic press is only used to produce gun barrels, it will be overkill and underutilized.

There are generally three types of steel pipe production processes.

The most common method is rolling, and the steel pipe made in this way will have some gaps.

For normal use, the performance is sufficient.

But under high temperature and high pressure, this kind of steel pipe will leak.

The second process is to use a boring machine to drill holes, which is extremely expensive to produce.

The cannon barrels and gun barrels before the Empire, as well as the high-pressure pipes of boilers, all used this process.

However, in addition to the high cost of this process, the tolerances for processing steel pipes are still very large.

In order to meet the tolerances of the steel pipe, the cannonballs and bullets need to be made slightly smaller, which affects the air tightness of the gun.

The third process is to use this huge 10,000-ton hydraulic press to extrude it directly through the mold.

This is just a simple application direction of 10,000-ton hydraulic press.

Its greatest use is to manufacture the keels of 10,000-ton battleships, the girders of the chassis of tanks over 60 tons, and the skeleton of gantry cranes capable of lifting hundreds of tons of cargo.

Without this country's most important tool, even if we produce better-performing steel, we still can't process the steel into usable parts."

Prince Su Shu lamented: "The industrial system is just one link after another.

Some scholars proposed the barrel theory. How much water a barrel can carry is determined by the shortest plank.

The same is true for the industrial system. If any industrial system has shortcomings, it will not be able to produce the ideal products."

Emperor Su He looked at the huge 10,000-ton hydraulic press.

Even the manufacturers of this equipment do not understand the contribution of this equipment to industry.

With this equipment, the Empire can build better high-voltage equipment.

Synthetic ammonia production will usher in a major explosion.

Cheap and sufficient urea has obvious effects on increasing agricultural output.

Especially in the central plains of the empire, the land resources have been exhausted. The yield of farmland with chemical fertilizers can be increased by a generation compared to farmland without chemical fertilizers.

The most important resources in agricultural production are seeds, water, fertilizers, and pesticides.

If you want to maintain high production, these four points are indispensable.

The empire has always attached great importance to the cultivation of seeds.

The construction of water conservancy facilities in the empire has been going on since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

As long as you invest in these two items, you will definitely gain something.

Only chemical fertilizers and pesticides are highly dependent on industrial capacity.

Emperor Su He praised: "The 10,000-ton hydraulic press project has brought glory to the empire.

I will reward the relevant members of the project team heavily."

After Emperor Su He finished speaking, he stepped forward and shook hands with the representatives of the project team one by one, encouraging them to continue their efforts and build larger hydraulic presses such as 30,000-ton class and 50,000-ton class.

The 10,000-ton hydraulic press project team was extremely excited when they heard Emperor Su He promised to give them rewards.

But they experienced Emperor Su He personally coming forward to shake hands and heard Emperor Su He's encouragement.

These people were so excited that their blood surged and their faces turned red, as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

When the accompanying officials saw the huge 10,000-ton hydraulic press, they felt the power of industry firsthand.

Dean Tian Jiapeng led everyone to leave the factory and go to a plainly decorated building.

He introduced to everyone: "The factory is where we study large mechanical equipment.

Here is the study of small mechanical equipment.

The importance of mechanical equipment is definitely not based on the size of the equipment."

Under the leadership of Dean Tian Jiapeng, everyone came to the Computer Research Center.

They saw strange equipment covering a hundred square meters of room. This equipment was composed of numerous motors and gears.

This machine is running at high speed, constantly spitting out strips of paper.

As a mathematician, Dean Tian Jiapeng gradually matured this machine called a mechanical computer after more than ten years of hard research in accordance with the requirements of Emperor Su He.

The mechanical computer is not very difficult to manufacture, and is far less demanding than a 10,000-ton hydraulic press.

In order to meet the requirements of large-scale calculations, its operating principle is extremely complex.

Dean Tian Jiapeng led the thousands of mathematicians he trained, and after more than ten years of exploration, he designed a set of self-consistent mathematical logic.

If Emperor Su He had not been increasing investment in this project and encouraging him to continue research, he would have given up long ago as he felt it was impossible.

Dean Tian Jiapeng thought about the difficulties encountered by the mechanical computer project, and his heart was filled with bitterness.

But when I think about the joy after success, and the sense of accomplishment of creating a new field, I really feel that I have no regrets in this life.

The mechanical computer project has been established for a long time, and the annual investment is not large.

But this project was shocking enough and could demonstrate his own abilities. Dean Tian Jiapeng took this opportunity to demonstrate the mechanical computer project.

Dean Tian Jiapeng introduced: “This is a mechanical computer that I successfully developed after fifteen years of leading thousands of mathematicians.

The only ability of a mechanical computer is that it can calculate results on its own based on input data.

You can think of it as a big abacus, and its calculation speed is tens of thousands of times that of an abacus."

When Dean Tian Jiapeng introduced the mechanical computer, he always had a proud smile on his face.

Before industrialization, people with outstanding computing abilities did not receive much attention.

The role of the abacus is only in the hands of the accountant to calculate complicated accounts.

With the advent of industrialization, every industry has a demand for computing.

Everything from the calculation of ballistic curves of guns to the statistics of national economies are all inseparable from huge and complex calculations.

The only calculation tools available to mathematicians are manuscript paper and an abacus.

Cabinet Minister Fang Yizhi also loves science. He prefers to explore the world of physics.

He knows that in physics, computational mechanics requires a huge calculation process, let alone more complex electromagnetism.

He knew that Dean Tian Jiapeng wouldn't talk nonsense, but he couldn't believe that this machine called a mechanical computer had a computing power tens of thousands of times that of an abacus.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Fang Yizhi simply cannot imagine that it can surpass the calculation power of an abacus tens of thousands times.

He thought of a physics problem he had spent two months calculating in his spare time.

In order to calculate this difficult problem, he used up two abacus.

He calculated the results and had a strong sense of accomplishment.

He carries this manuscript with him at all times, ready to brag to his friends in his spare time.

Dean Tian Jiapeng only said that the mechanical computer is a large abacus, and this machine will definitely not be able to solve problems on its own.

Fang Yizhi turned around and found the manuscript paper, but he did not take out the manuscript paper on which he calculated the results.

He walked to Dean Tian Jiapeng and handed him the manuscript paper with the calculation process.

"Dean Tian, ​​the capabilities of the mechanical computer are amazing. Can I verify on the spot that the mechanical computer is indeed what you said?"

Fang Yizhi's approach made some officials who were staring at the Royal Academy of Sciences think that there was no need for the Royal Academy of Sciences to spend so much money.

Dean Tian Jiapeng himself led the project, but he exaggerated and boasted about the results of the project.

They had enough reasons to ask the court to reduce the allocation to the Royal Academy of Sciences.

When Dean Tian Jiapeng saw this situation emerging, he was not worried at all, but instead became excited.

He did not brag about the capabilities of mechanical computers at all.

When he established this project, he only wanted to complete the tasks assigned by Emperor Su He.

As time goes by, as the project research deepens.

He found that if he continued on, he could produce great results that had never been achieved before, so he showed his subjective initiative and actively devoted himself to research.

This project is a project that Emperor Su He focuses on. Whenever a Royal Academy of Sciences project is reported, Emperor Su He will ask about it.

Dean Tian Jiapeng inspected the mechanical computer project in order to guard against the whim of Emperor Su He.

The data he reported were all relatively conservative data. Even if there were some minor problems with the machine, the reporting requirements could still be met.

For people who have no confidence, if Fang Yizhi does this, it is to make things difficult.

For the confident Dean Tian Jiapeng, what Fang Yizhi did was to cooperate with others to show his holiness.

Dean Tian Jiapeng took the manuscript paper with the calculation process.

He handed this manuscript to the mathematicians on the mechanical computer project.

Dean Tian Jiapeng explained: "I just said that a mechanical computer is like a big abacus, and the use of the abacus has its own rules.

When using mechanical computers, we must also pursue its unique mathematical laws.

When I started studying mechanical computers, I used decimal numbers, a total of ten numbers from zero to nine, plus arithmetic symbols, to calculate most mathematical problems.

But using the decimal system, the calculation process is too complicated, and the machine also needs to be designed very complicatedly.

In a huge machine, if a small problem occurs somewhere, the machine will be paralyzed.

Until the large-scale application of telegraph technology, telegraphs used two states: high voltage and low voltage, indicating presence and absence.

Using only these two states and passing the rules of cryptographic design, all words can be expressed.

This is the yin-yang thought of the sages, which can encompass all things.

I was thinking about whether using the two states of yin and yang can satisfy mathematical calculations.

Through the unremitting efforts of me and the project team members, we successfully converted the mathematical calculation problems expressed in decimal into binary expression.

I named this calculation process binary mathematics.

We need to convert conventional decimal mathematics into binary mathematics and input it to the mechanical computer through paper tape so that it can calculate the result."

When Dean Tian Jiapeng introduced, there was a banging sound of paper tape being pressed next to him.

Mathematicians have successfully transformed the mathematical problems submitted by Fang Yizhi into binary mathematics that can be read by mechanical computers.

The paper tape was quickly pressed, and the mathematician carefully put the cardboard tape into the input port of the mechanical computer.

After checking that everything was normal, he pressed the button to start the machine.

The sound of the motor rotating at high speed was heard. The machine quickly swallowed the paper tape, and then the gears clicked together.

Everyone waited for about five minutes before the mechanical computer spit out a long paper tape with the results.

The mathematician took the paper tape and converted the binary mathematics content on it into decimal mathematics content that was easier for others to understand.

Dean Tian Jiapeng took the calculation results and handed them to Fang Yizhi.

"Master Fang, this is the result calculated by the mechanical computer."

When Fang Yizhi saw the familiar results on the paper, his eyes widened and he said in surprise: "The mechanical computer calculation process is so fast, it only takes five minutes to calculate the specific results.

The result of his calculation is exactly the same as the result of my laborious calculation.

It took me more than two months to calculate this result.

My abacus level is indeed not high, but the difference in efficiency is huge."

Many officials found it inconceivable that the mechanical computer was so powerful that it could push the empire's computing level to a point where the vassal states could not pursue it.

They believe that the results of mechanical computer calculations are true and correct.

With Fang Yizhi's character, he would never commit fraud together with Tian Jiapeng. This is totally not worth it.

Even if this project fails, the Royal Academy of Sciences will at most lose some funding.

Once the project is falsified, Dean Tian Jiapeng will retire and return home.

Fang Yizhi is an extremely humane minister. He will never cooperate with Tian Jiapeng, who is lower than him in this small project.

Dean Tian Jiapeng said excitedly: "The success of the mechanical computer project will bring completely different changes to the empire.

The Empire has a useful tool for calculating complex ballistic problems.

At major weapons research institutes, they can continuously optimize rockets to make their trajectory more stable.

I believe that with the advancement of technology, the error of rockets will definitely be reduced, and its accuracy will not be much different from that of artillery.

High-level passwords for military communications are used only once to maintain confidentiality.

The General Staff Headquarters cannot set high-level passwords in advance and must temporarily create them during wartime.

Due to limited time, the codebook produced was only a few thin pieces of paper.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! With mechanical computers put into use, the General Staff can produce a large number of code books in a short time to meet the needs of the frontline army.

After all, there is no completely confidential password. If you want to improve the confidentiality of telegrams in a short time, the best way is to use a one-time pad.

The reason why this one-time pad can ensure security has a prerequisite.

Even for the empire's top cryptographers, it would take about half a year to decipher the content.

After this time, even if the local government deciphers the contents of the telegram, it will have little impact on the war.

But if cryptographers use mechanical computers, the half-year deciphering process will probably only take a dozen days.

To decipher the enemy's code in this way, even if it is a one-time password, it is necessary to decipher it.

The encryption and deciphering of passwords is the relationship between spear and shield.

The emergence of mechanical computers provided a more convenient tool.

Whoever masters this tool will increase his work efficiency hundreds of times.

A large number of calculation processes occur in every industrial design.

The number of mathematicians in the empire was limited and could not meet the needs of the empire's industry.

The emergence of mechanical computers allowed mathematicians to concentrate on studying mathematical problems.

The complicated mathematical calculation process only needs to be completed by trained engineers through mechanical computers, which allows the talents to make full use of themselves.

It is extremely difficult to train a mathematician, but it is not difficult for an empire to train an engineer."

Emperor Su He was extremely happy when he saw the emergence of mechanical computers.

Mechanical computers are amazing machines nowadays.

But Emperor Su He wanted to cultivate a large number of mathematicians who used binary mathematics.

Only in this way can a good foundation be laid for the emergence of tube computers.

Electron tube technology requires vacuum, and the empire's current industry cannot produce electron tubes.

But the emergence of mechanical computers has left plenty of firepower for the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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