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Chapter 1071 The Rules of the Empire

Zhu Dahu lived in a residence designated by the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His personal freedom was not restricted, but he had to be accompanied by officials from the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs when traveling.

When he saw Zhao Youkun, who lived next door, going out, he just snorted coldly.

He knew that during this period, Zhao Youkun visited a friend of Gui Wang Qutian in order to understand the empire's attitude towards this matter.

Zhu Dahu sneered at Zhao Youkun's approach.

He was really a close friend of King Gui Qutian. As early as when King Gui Qutian founded the country, he would follow him to Europe to create a career together.

Those who are still in the empire are just ordinary friends and will never get involved in this matter.

Zhao Youkun is just wasting his efforts in doing this.

Zhu Dahu made a pot of tea, turned on the electronic radio in the room, and listened to the news from Huaxia Radio Station.

This new thing called radio is still unique to the empire.

This is a medium where news is extremely fast.

When newspapers report breaking news, they also need editors to confirm the authenticity of the news, format the articles, and hand them over to printing plants for printing. The newspapers will be put on the market through distribution channels and people will buy them and read them.

Only in this extremely cumbersome way can people learn the latest information.

Broadcasting is very timely. As long as the people turn on the radio and encounter an emergency, they can make emergency broadcasts at any time and pass the news on immediately.

Very few people have the habit of reading newspapers, but listening to the radio is a good pastime.

The penetration of radio is much stronger than that of newspapers.

When Zhu Dahu first came into contact with radio, he fell in love with this new thing.

He listened to the news on the radio mainly because he wanted to understand the attitude of the empire from the details of the news.

He believed that this method was much more efficient than Zhao Youkun's approach.

Zhu Dahu listened to the standard baritone voice coming from the radio, broadcasting important news about the empire.

There was one piece of news that was far more popular than the others, and he had heard about the progress of this news many times.

Candidates from Zhejiang Province report cheating from candidates from Western India Province.

The big news of imperial examination fraud must have caused a sensation in the entire empire in the days just after the imperial examination.

Zhu Dahu listened to the progress of this news during this period, and he gradually understood the ins and outs of this matter.

This is an egregious incident of taking an exam by pretending to be someone else.

A low-caste candidate in Western India was forced to help a high-caste candidate cheat.

They just want to gain fame and enter the local government.

Who would have thought that this candidate performed well and achieved third place in the local area.

If you don't take part in the Jinshi imperial examination with this score, it will definitely attract the attention of others.

As long as this candidate fails the imperial examination, the matter will pass quietly.

Who would have thought that this candidate, for some unknown reason, performed well and got into the exam?

For the admission of Imperial Jinshi, two places are fixed in each province, and the remaining places are divided according to the amount of tax paid by the province.

Provinces in backward areas basically only have two fixed quotas.

Before the expansion of the empire's territory, when he took the imperial examination, Jiangsu and Zhejiang could get more than a dozen Jinshi places.

Now as the number of provinces in the empire increases, the number of fixed quotas of Jinshi increases.

The imperial court cannot increase the number of myopia quotas indefinitely.

Even for an economically powerful province like Zhejiang, there are only five additional places for the imperial examination.

In a region like Zhejiang, where the literary style flourishes, the eighth-ranked scholar has no chance of becoming a Jinshi.

If he wants to get a Jinshi, there is only one way, and that is to find a Jinshi who has cheated in the imperial examination.

If the imperial court discovers that a Jinshi has committed fraud in the imperial examination, his or her place will be banned directly.

In order to punish the local lax control, even if the number of Jinshi is fixed, it will be supplemented by scholars from the big list.

It is precisely because of the existence of this kind of regulation that a scholar who has lost his name in Sunshan, as long as his family is slightly powerful.

He will definitely search for Jinshi candidates frantically. As long as he finds a Jinshi who has cheated in the imperial examination, he can add him to the list of Jinshi.

The empire punished fraud in imperial examinations very strictly, but with the uneven quality of candidates in new territories, fraud in imperial examinations occurred every year.

The reason why Zhu Dahu is concerned about this matter is that the person who dealt with the fraud in the imperial examination was none other than the prince Su Shu.

Every time he wanted to ask to see Prince Su Shu to understand the empire's attitude towards the outbreak of war between vassal states.

Even his request for an audience was unsuccessful. Prince Su Shu had more important things to deal with.

This more important thing is the imperial examination fraud that occurred after the imperial examination results were released.

Zhu Dahu has been wasting in the empire for two months, and there has been no progress at all on this matter.

Qi Gangyi, the former King of Wu and the real ruler of Wu State, had already expressed dissatisfaction with Zhu Dahu's progress.

Zhu Dahu received an urging telegram from Jianye, but he had no choice.

The prince of the empire, Su Shu, took a procrastinating attitude towards their matter.

Prince Su Shu has used this method to express his dissatisfaction with this matter.

There was very little Zhu Dahu could do except wait for Prince Su Shu's attitude to change.

He heard from the news that Prince Su Shu had dealt with the imperial examination fraud incident.

Zhu Dahu went out again and tried to visit the prince Su Shu.

Prince Su Shu may not receive him as usual.

But he must express his attitude.

Prince Su Shu has been busy for several days and can finally relax for a while.

The imperial examination fraud case is a major case among major cases.

The whole government and the public are paying attention to this case.

Prince Su Shu is responsible for handling this case and must make this case a solid case.

All details, causes and consequences of this case are worthy of scrutiny.

Prince Su Shu heard the report from his subordinates, and Wu State representative Zhu Dahu asked to see him.

He glanced at the calendar on his desk and saw that he had been putting off this matter for two months.

He accepted the appointment from his father and was specifically responsible for handling this matter.

The father has already expressed his attitude, but as the manager, he must show the attitude of the suzerain country to the vassal countries.

The vassal country's unreasonable request was quickly passed by the suzerain country.

This will make many vassal countries think that the strength of the suzerain country is different.

Prince Su Shu also did not want vassal states to test the suzerain state to happen frequently.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! He must show the attitude and power of the suzerain country.

He wanted to make the officials of these vassal states feel uncomfortable so that they would remember.

But after two months of delay, it was almost time.

If the delay continues, the situation in the vassal country will change dramatically.

A foolish young man appeared, disregarding the empire's attitude, and brazenly launched a war.

Once this happens, it will be troublesome.

Prince Su Shu ordered: "Inform the representatives of Wu and Gui and let them prepare. I will take time to deal with their problems tomorrow."

Zhu Dahu saw that he requested an interview with the Imperial Crown Prince Su Shu, but just like the previous times, he was not met by the Crown Prince Su Shu.

The loneliness in his eyes flashed away, but he heard a turning point.

Zhu Dahu asked in surprise: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is ready to handle our affairs tomorrow."

When he got the confirmed answer, he clenched his fists.

Things finally took a turn for the better, and his two months of waiting were worth it.

Zhu Dahu returned to his residence. He reported the good news to the country and began to sort out the prepared information.

He believes that he is fully prepared this time.

As long as the imperial prince Su Shu gives him a chance to speak, he will definitely persuade the prince Su Shu with his sharp tongue.

Zhu Dahu was preparing knowledge in the house when he heard footsteps outside the door.

Soon Zhao Youkun's annoying voice came.

"Zhu Dahu, you should thank me.

If I hadn't been busy in the capital during this period, I don't know how long this matter would have been delayed."

Zhu Dahu frowned. He immediately opened the door and said, "Zhao Youkun, you must be self-aware. This is obviously my request to see the Imperial Prince Su Shu many times.

I used my sincerity to impress the imperial prince Su Shu, and he gave us a chance."

Zhao Youkun refused to give in and said in a sharp tone: "Zhu Dahu, you have asked to see the imperial prince Su Shu many times, but you didn't even come in, and you still talked big words.

The breakthrough in this matter was obviously due to my busy work for many days and finding many people to intercede for us.

Only then did Prince Su Shu dispel the anger in his heart and give us a chance."

The two of them refused to give in. They had to fight over who had greater merit.

This incident affects the future of the two people in a small way, and affects the morale of the two countries in a big way.

The two of them are not trying to convince each other, knowing that the other party is no longer able to convince.

They were telling reporters who were observing from behind.

As long as this matter is reported, it's a done deal.

Not only is there the current rhetoric, but behind the scenes it also needs to be seen whether each person's methods are superb.

Zhu Dahu had already predicted that the major newspapers in the empire would not pay much attention to this small situation in the vassal country.

Whoever pays more silver coins will have his story published in the newspaper.

The major newspapers in the empire will inevitably have two answers.

Zhu Dahu got up very early, and he saw Zhao Youkun doing the same.

They came to the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs early in the morning to wait for the arrival of Prince Su Shu.

Because the two offended Li Zhiheng, Minister of Foreign Affairs, they were waiting for knowledge without even a cup of hot tea.

There was only a bowl of herbal tea on the table that had been there for a long time.

Zhu Dahu didn't care at all about the hospitality of the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Li Zhiheng, Minister of Foreign Affairs, can only use these little tricks to disgust people.

He has absolutely no say in the empire's major decisions, and there is no need to respect him.

Zhao Youkun said angrily: "I hope the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the empire will not be a real villain and continue to serve guests with herbal tea for a while.

Drinking herbal tea in winter is a way of hospitality in which region.

In the middle of winter, why don't you turn off the heating?

As a southerner, I really can’t stay here for even a quarter of an hour without the heating.”

They were just grumbling to relieve the depression that had accumulated in their hearts for the past two months. If this depression was not vented now, they would not be able to vent it to the imperial prince Su Shu all at once.

The time has come to ten o'clock in the morning, and Zhu Dahu and Zhao Youkun are anxiously waiting.

They finally saw the figures of Prince Su Shu and cabinet minister Chu Sheng.

During this time, Zhu Dahu and Zhao Youkun had many exchanges with Cabinet Minister Chu Sheng.

But the decision-making power on this matter rests in the hands of Prince Su Shu.

Chu Sheng was very tactful. Even if they reached some consensus, they still needed the permission of Prince Su Shu to pass it.

Prince Su Shu sat down and looked at Zhu Dahu and Zhao Youkun who looked a little reserved.

His display of power made the two rebellious people calm down a lot.

Since Prince Su Shu came forward in person, he was ready to cut through the mess quickly and resolve this matter.

He looked at the two of them and said directly: "I have been busy during this period, but I also learned about your thoughts through Mr. Chu.

As the suzerain state, the empire has certain obligations to the vassal states, but you are not a province of the empire. You have autonomy in doing things, but you need to abide by some rules.

If there are no rules, there will be no circle. If all the vassal countries do not abide by the rules, the world will be in chaos."

When Zhu Dahu heard what Prince Su Shu said, he knew that the empire's attitude had changed.

This is completely a good thing for these vassal countries.

This shows that most of the shackles on their bodies have been removed.

Zhu Dahu quickly asked: "Your Highness, may I ask what kind of rules the empire has established."

He knew very well that the rules established by the empire were not strict and the vassal parliaments abided by them.

Once the rules established by the empire are very strict, you may abide by them at first, but it's hard to tell later.

Prince Su Shu said in a serious tone: "The empire is a suzerain state, not a court that manages vassal states, let alone a nanny.

The rules of the empire are very simple, anyone can figure them out, and there will be no misunderstandings.

This is the bottom line that the empire cannot touch. Once a vassal country touches it, the empire will definitely intervene in the war.

There are only two rules in the empire.

The first rule is that all warring parties must strictly abide by the "Jianye Convention".

Gas bombs, such inhumane weapons of mass destruction, must never be allowed to appear in war.

All parties will never be allowed to massacre prisoners and civilians.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The second rule is that the two vassal states must declare war in advance.

Only after declaring war on each other can we start a war.

An undeclared war is a vassal state invading another vassal state.

The empire has an obligation to protect its vassal states.

If a vassal country is invaded for no reason, the empire will definitely intervene in this war."

After Zhu Dahu heard these two rules of the empire, his tense expression immediately relaxed.

The "Jianye Convention" must be observed. This is a rule tacitly agreed upon by all parties.

Unexpectedly, the empire would emphasize this rule again, which shows that the empire attaches great importance to this rule.

No vassal state dared not pay attention to this rule. The fate of Wu State has set an example for all major vassal states.

The vassal states must declare war on each other before they can go to war.

Zhu Dahu believes that the major vassal states will accept this rule to a high degree.

After this rule is established, Zhao will not raid many city-states.

Countries don't have to worry, they are suddenly raided by other countries.

Every country has railways and telegraphs. As long as there is time to prepare, troops can be mobilized very quickly within the country.

The empire established this rule for the major vassal states to regularize war.

As long as both vassal states agree to the war, this is an internal matter within the vassal states and the empire will not intervene in the war.

Zhu Dahu knew that with the empire making such a promise, the major vassal states could start the war with confidence, without having to worry about the empire suddenly intervening in the war in the middle.

Zhu Dahu said excitedly: "We in Wu State can completely accept the empire's rules.

If the Gui State does not return the Chengtian Fortress to the Wu State, we will take it ourselves."

Zhao Youkun immediately stood up, pointed at Zhu Dahu and said: "We in Gui State accept the rules of the empire. If the compensation from Wu State cannot be paid, we will get it ourselves."

Prince Su Shu saw that the representatives of Wu and Gui were full of gunpowder.

He signaled the two of them to quiet down, as they still had something to explain.

This chapter has been completed!
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