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Chapter 126 Daming retreats, Chongzhen is furious

There are three documents placed in front of Zhu Xieyuan's desk.

The master helped him translate "Hanzhong Weekly".

Situations reported by the remnants of the Ming army in Chongqing Prefecture and Kuizhou Prefecture.

The military report and the situation in Sichuan reported by Xu Chengming, the commander-in-chief of Guizhou Province.

Combining these three pieces of information, Zhu Xieyuan easily concluded that Sichuan has been completely occupied by thieves in yellow.

It has become meaningless for him to continue attacking the yellow-robed thieves here in Hanyin.

He summoned the generals. When they came to the camp, they were all listless.

The troops under each of them suffered at least half casualties.

However, they were blocked by thieves in yellow clothes and could not move forward.

A general who was blind in his left eye complained when he entered the camp:

"Mr. Governor, we really have no way to attack again.

Nearly one-tenth of the soldiers under my command were killed, more than half were wounded, and I was blinded by lead bullets.

If we attack now, we will die.

Forcing soldiers to die will lead to mutiny in the army.

The thief in yellow is taking the opportunity to enter the palace, and we will be completely ruined."

After the general finished speaking, he reflected on his experiences during this period.

At first, he was intimidated by Zhu Xieyuan's powerful methods.

He could only force his subordinates to continuously attack the Hanyin defense line of the thieves in yellow.

The cannons and muskets of the thieves in yellow were too fierce, and the grenades were as dense as hail.

The thief in yellow is also condescending and is suitable for defensive operations.

The army suffered heavy casualties but failed to capture the thieves in yellow.

Hundreds of households and military households under his command united to resist his orders.

Facing this hopeless war, he also began to dawdle.

Zhu Xieyuan ordered the attack again. He led the troops to show off, rush forward a little and then retreat quickly to reduce the casualties of the troops.

His approach soon spread to the entire army.

In order to avoid being punished by Zhu Xieyuan, their generals also began to unite.

Zhu Xieyuan was also afraid that the soldiers would mutiny, so he did not force the army to attack again.

He waited for the red barbarian cannon, hoping that the red barbarian cannon from the rear could break the yellow-clothed thieves' defense line.

Unexpectedly, something happened while the Hongyi cannon was being transported.

The thief in yellow sent an elite team to rush out through the mountains and ridges on a small path.

They blew up the Hongyi cannon and all the artillerymen were captured by the thieves in yellow.

When Zhu Xieyuan received the news, he was furious and ordered the army to attack fiercely and executed two disobedient generals.

The lower-level officers and soldiers united in rebellion and rushed to Zhu Xieyuan's camp. They were suppressed.

The top generals did not dare to mutiny, which was a rebellion against the Ming Dynasty.

If you do this kind of thing, you can only take refuge in the thieves in yellow.

They all have blood debts in their hands, and they are afraid that the thieves in yellow will dig up old scores.

Zhu Xieyuan was also frightened by the mutiny in the army and did not force the generals again.

Some time ago, there were rumors among the army that the thieves in yellow had captured Sichuan.

The generals thought that the war was over and they could return to Huguang.

Zhu Xieyuan didn't know what to think, and he didn't withdraw his troops for a long time.

A general saw some silence in the camp, his eyes were a little frightened, and he said:

"My Lord Governor, the large army of thieves in yellow are returning from Sichuan.

We people have no way to resist.

The thieves in yellow swallowed up Sichuan. Based on what they did in Hanzhong, they must have completely controlled Sichuan before they expand again.

We returned to Huguang to train our troops and guard against the yellow-clad thieves expanding toward Huguang."

When the other generals heard what someone said, they immediately agreed.

It is obvious that these generals are aware that they cannot defeat them now and should withdraw their troops.

"There is no need to continue fighting, withdraw the troops!"

Zhu Xieyuan said in a calm tone.

When the generals heard the order to withdraw, they all cheered.

I have been worried these days and finally waited for the news that the war was over.

Zhu Xieyuan arranged the withdrawal plan, and the generals listened carefully.

The generals returned to their camps and mobilized their troops.

Taking advantage of the cover of night, the army began to retreat.

The Ming army entered Xing'an Prefecture from Huguang twice as fast and ran back to Xunyang Mansion in Huguang.

Some of the Ming army's baggage was not carried and was thrown directly into the previous camp.

Zhu Xieyuan ordered the generals to station troops at Xunyang Mansion to prevent the yellow-clothed thieves from entering the palace.

He went into his tent, bathed and changed clothes.

He took out a blank piece of paper and wrote a final letter to his family.

He also carefully wrote an inscription for Emperor Chongzhen.

Report on the situation in Sichuan, summarize the reasons for their success or failure, and propose several plans to deal with the thieves in yellow.

Zhu Xieyuan faced the direction of the capital and kowtowed three times.

"I am ashamed of the Ming Dynasty, I am ashamed of my trust in Emperor Chongzhen, and I am ashamed of the gentry of Sichuan."

Zhu Xieyuan kowtowed and stood up. He took out a sharp sword and placed it across his neck.

With a strong pull, Zhu Xieyuan fell beside the table and soon lost his breath.

He knew he couldn't survive and chose to commit suicide for the sake of his family.

When Zhu Xieyuan enters the capital, he must bear all the responsibilities for abandoning Sichuan.

There is a high probability that he will be executed by Lingchi, and his family will become sinners, with no hope of rising again.

Zhu Xieyuan's death was quickly discovered, causing a sensation in the camp.

The generals talked a lot.

Zhu Xieyuan's confidants and masters helped him collect his body.

A master named Yang Qianhe was sorting out Zhu Xieyuan's belongings.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the camp, he secretly hid the military maps of Huguang, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan.


Su Hu heard the soldier's report.

"Really, all the Ming troops retreated."

"Commander, we have confirmed that it is correct. They took advantage of the darkness last night to evacuate everyone.

We didn't realize until dawn that it was too late to chase them now."

When Su Hu heard the report from the reconnaissance camp, his tense heart during this period could relax.

He was really afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold the Hanyin defense line.

Behind him is Hanzhong. Once the Hanyin defense line is lost, the consequences will be disastrous.

The main force entering Sichuan from Suhe will also be caught in a trap by the Ming army.

Fortunately, he persisted and blocked the Ming army's intermittent attacks in the past few months.

Commander Su was so powerful that he captured Sichuan in a short time. The Ming Dynasty had no chance to mobilize heavy troops.

This made the Ming army feel that attacking Hanyin would no longer have the desired effect.

"Sending troops to recover the lost land, we will take back all the lost land in Xing'an Prefecture.

We cannot lose an inch of our land."

Su Hu sent out a reconnaissance battalion to continuously detect the location of the Chinese army.

He confirmed that the Ming army had really withdrawn and asked the reconnaissance battalion to keep a distance from the Ming army.

Even if there was an ambush by the Ming army around him, he would still have enough time to arrange for the troops to adjust their formation.

Su Hu saw that the Ming army was advancing in confusion, and many logistical supplies had not been taken away in time.

He sent troops to continuously regain the lost territory and rushed to the junction of Xing'an Prefecture and Xunyang Prefecture.

Su Hu discovered that the Ming army was all stationed in Xunyang Mansion.

Many tents were decorated with white banners. Could it be that Zhu Xieyuan was dead?

Su Hu stationed his army in Baihe County, Xing'an Prefecture to guard against the Ming army in Huguang.


Ming Dynasty Capital, Wenyuan Pavilion.

Xu Guangqi, the Minister of Rites, holds a newspaper.

"This is a newspaper published by the thieves in yellow, and I have had it for three days.

This is the newspaper my friend brought back from Sichuan. He told me that Sichuan was completely lost.

The actions of the yellow-clad thieves who captured Sichuan in the newspaper were exactly the same as what he had experienced.

The yellow-robed thieves massacred Sichuan scholar-bureaucrats including Zhu Zhishu, the king of Shu.

Why hasn’t the cabinet reported this matter to the emperor?”

Zhou Yanru heard Xu Guangqi's questioning tone.

There was a displeased look on his face. This person wanted to get involved in cabinet affairs even before he joined the cabinet.

Do you still have eyes on him, the chief minister of the dynasty?

Zhou Yanru snorted coldly and said in an unhurried tone:

"Major military and national affairs must wait for Sichuan Governor Zhang Lun or Governor Zhu Xieyuan to report.

How can you believe what the rebels say themselves?

They said they captured the capital, how could we still believe it?"

Xu Guangqi frowned and said: "Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, and Chen Qiyu, the chief envoy of Shaanxi Province, jointly submitted the memorial.

The thieves in yellow have sharp firearms, and the army is no match for the thieves in yellow.

Hong Chengchou established an army mainly composed of firearms. He recovered the Yansui area occupied by the rebels and was able to quickly wipe out the rebels in northern Shaanxi.

The title book of Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, hints at a lot of information about the thieves in yellow. How can this be unbelievable?

Zhang Lun, the governor of Sichuan, has been killed by thieves in yellow clothes, how can he report to the court?"

Zhou Yanru stared at Xu Guangqi and said slowly: "Xu Guangqi, you are the Minister of Rites, please pay attention to your identity."

Xu Guangqi saw that the cabinet and colleagues did not want to talk to him.

He is a little impatient, but he is not a fool.

After thinking for a moment, he realized why these people were pretending to be confused.

The news that thieves in yellow have occupied Sichuan is too important.

This process must be correct before they can report it to Emperor Chongzhen.

This kind of reporting follows the process and will not be implicated.

Those who report privately may also implicate the emperor when he hears the news and becomes furious.

These people are all cabinet members, and they are still considering their own interests and not the interests of Ming Dynasty.

"I will tell the emperor personally about this."

Xu Guangqi flicked his sleeves and walked out of Wenyuan Pavilion.

These cowards are afraid of taking responsibility, but he is not afraid of taking responsibility.

The Ming Dynasty is already riddled with holes, and it is getting worse every year.

The unrest in Shaanxi has never been contained, and now a group of thieves in yellow have emerged from Shaanxi.

The thieves in yellow are different from other rebel thieves. They are no longer ordinary rebel thieves.

This is a rebel with the potential to overthrow the Ming Dynasty.

What the thief in yellow did has spread throughout the Ming Dynasty.

Now only Emperor Chongzhen, who lives in the deep palace, doesn't know.

The businessmen in the teahouse have been talking about the thieves in yellow these days.

When Xu Guangqi was drinking tea, he heard the people discussing the thieves in yellow.

There are many people at the bottom who support the thieves in yellow.

They also want to own their own land.

The gentry extremely hated the thieves in yellow. The more land the gentry owned, the deeper their hatred towards the thieves in yellow.

If this situation continues to develop, Xu Guangqi will feel shuddering.

Xu Guangqi asked Emperor Chongzhen for instructions through the eunuch. He had important matters to meet with Emperor Chongzhen.

Xu Guangqi entered the palace for a long time.

The official from the General Affairs Department trotted outside Wenyuan Pavilion, wiping the sweat from his face.

Officials from the Department of General Affairs walked into Wenyuan Pavilion and saw Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant, and said respectfully: "Sir, chief assistant, Governor Zhu Xieyuan is urgent for five hundred miles."

Officials from the General Affairs Department presented Zhu Xieyuan's title book and handed it to the chief assistant Zhou Yanru.

The title script submitted by the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty was reviewed by the General Affairs Department, drafted by the cabinet, and approved by the Secretary of Ceremonies or the Yellow Emperor before it could be officially implemented.

Zhou Yanru opened the title book, which contained Zhu Xieyuan's report on the war with the yellow-robed thieves.

The content in the question book is similar to the content in the Thief in Yellow newspaper, only richer.

Not only Rongcheng but also Kuizhou Prefecture in Sichuan was lost. Xu Chengming, the commander-in-chief of Guizhou, defeated Zunyi Prefecture in Sichuan.

Zhu Xieyuan put forward some suggestions.

Make muskets and cannons. Only by equipping muskets and cannons can you deal with the yellow thieves.

He was ashamed of the emperor and committed suicide to die for his country.

He recommended Hou Xun, the governor of Changping, to succeed him.

Ban all propaganda by the thieves in yellow, they are very inflammatory.

After Zhou Yanru read Zhu Xieyuan's question book, he handed it to Cifu Wen Tiren.

Now the cabinet can decide anything as long as the two of them agree.

Zhou Yanru looked at Wen Tiren with a solemn expression.

"Wen Changqing, the thieves in yellow have caused too much trouble this time. Our cabinet must reach a consensus."

Zhou Yanru's attitude is very obvious, and the two of them can argue about other matters.

It's about the thief in yellow. We need to put aside our prejudices and resolve this matter together.

Unable to contain the thieves in yellow, they used ruthless methods against the gentry.

Letting the thieves in yellow develop and grow will benefit no one.

Wen Tiren put down the question book and understood what Zhou Yanru meant.

"Zhou Yusheng, the thieves in yellow must be completely eliminated.

They killed the gentry wantonly, did not respect Zhu Cheng's Neo-Confucianism, and practiced fallacies like Yangming's Xinxue.

The thieves in yellow also confiscated the gentry's fields and restricted land sales.

He is trying to dig up the foundation of our scholar-bureaucrats.

The thief in yellow must not be allowed to stay."

Zhou Yanru and Wen Tiren, the two chief ministers and second ministers of the cabinet who were not willing to deal with each other, reached an agreement on the issue of exterminating the thieves in yellow.

"Everyone complete the draft as soon as possible and send the question book to the emperor."

Zhou Yanru and Wen Tiren drafted Zhu Xieyuan's inscription.

"What should Zhou Yusheng and Zhu Xieyuan do? With your Majesty's character, he won't survive if he doesn't die.

If Sichuan had not been occupied by thieves in yellow, His Majesty would have executed a large number of Sichuan officials.

The last time King Zhu Changhao of Rui was executed by thieves in yellow, it was the chief assistant Han Xu who tried his best to stop him.

At a time when the current situation was turbulent, most of the officials in Hanzhong died for their country, and Yang He was defeated and died, so it was not widely implicated."

When Wen Tiren spoke, he stared at Zhou Yanru with his eyes.

At that time, the situation was turbulent, and it was Zhou Yanru who was doing things secretly.

Zhou Yanru is the chief assistant, so he needs to make a decision on this kind of matter.

"Zhu Xieyuan has died for his country, and he will be given a generous burial in accordance with the instructions of the crown prince and grand master."

After Zhou Yanru finished speaking, he wrote down his first voting opinion.

"Wen Changqing, who should be appointed as governor to defend Huguang and other places.

Should you choose Hou Xun recommended by Zhu Xieyuan?"

When Wen Tiren heard Zhou Yanru ask this question, he felt that he had evil intentions.

Huguang is a mess, and that's what we should do to defend this place.

If you cannot keep it, the person who recommended it will be jointly and severally liable.

Zhu Xieyuan led troops to attack the Hanyin defense line of the yellow-clad thieves. He fought heavily for several months without making any progress.

It can be seen from this that the combat effectiveness of Huguang's army is very weak, and it is not easy to make meritorious deeds there.

Zhou Yanru asked this, and he was not prepared to send out his closest men.

"Zhou Yusheng, I think the Donglin Party has many talents and should contribute to the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Xieyuan recommended Hou Xun because he must have understood his abilities, and he is a good candidate."

Zhou Yanru heard what Wen Tiren said, and they reached a consensus.

"Then choose Hou Xun, the governor of Changping. He is a man who knows the military. He has also spent time in Guizhou and is familiar with the situation in the southwest."

"In addition, Shanhaiguan Commander-in-Chief You Shiwei was asked to assist Hou Xun.

If Huguang troops are unable to do so, we still need to send border troops..."

They reached a consensus on some things and wrote the results in the question book.

Zhou Yanru called the young eunuch and gave this title book to the emperor.


Xu Guangqi followed the young eunuch to Qianqing Palace, waiting for the summons of Emperor Chongzhen.

Emperor Chongzhen is reviewing the title book jointly submitted by Hong Chengchou and Chen Qiyu.

"Hong Aiqing is my minister of Honggu, and he has basically wiped out the rebels in northern Shaanxi.

You can concentrate on training your troops and go south to destroy the thieves in yellow.

The thieves in yellow were really too reckless. They dared to attack Sichuan and even Jianmen Pass was captured.

There is no news from the front line yet, so I don’t know how Zhu Xieyuan and Zhang Lun are fighting.

Zhu Xieyuan should be able to reach Hanzhong and work with Zhang Lun to exterminate the bandits in yellow."

Cao Huachun, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony, saw Emperor Chongzhen put down the title book.

He said respectfully from the side: "Your Majesty, Mr. Xu Guangqi, the Minister of Rites, is waiting outside the door, saying that he has important things to report."

"Call him in."

Cao Huachun quickly brought Xu Guangqi into Qianqing Palace.

When Xu Guangqi saw Emperor Chongzhen, he immediately knelt down and saluted.

"Xu Aiqing Pingsheng, if you have anything to do, come to me."

Xu Guangqi stood up, took out "Hanzhong Weekly" and handed it to Cao Huachun.

"Your Majesty, my friend brought a newspaper called Hanzhong Weekly from Sichuan.

This is a thief in yellow, who publishes something similar to Di Bao.

The words used by the thief in yellow are different from the ones we use.

I have excerpted the above content and asked your Majesty to read it.

My friend escaped from Sichuan and he has confirmed that the contents in the newspaper are true."

Chongzhen raised his hand, and Cao Huachun immediately handed over the newspaper.

As soon as Chongzhen took a few glances, he suddenly stood up.

He picked up the teacup on the table and threw the teacup directly to the ground.

The tea splashed all over Cao Huachun, and he did not dare to move.

"The King of Rui was killed by the man in yellow, and now the King of Shu is also dead.

Zhu Xieyuan is a mediocre minister, and Zhang's theory is too useless.

Chu, Yun, Guichuan, and the armies of the four provinces failed to stop the yellow-robed thieves.

Sichuan only used it for a few months before it was all lost.

It collapsed at the first touch, and the fortified city of Rongcheng was not even able to hold on for a month."

Chongzhen immediately pulled out the sword on the wall and chopped off a corner of the wooden table in front of him with one strike.

"Zhu Xieyuan deserves to die, Zhang Lun deserves to die, and all civil and military officials in Sichuan deserve to die."

Chongzhen was furious and kept slashing the wooden table with his sword. The top of the wooden table was covered with sword marks.

He vented for a while before stopping, panting and sitting on a chair.

"Xu Aiqing, what do you think about this matter?"

When Xu Guangqi got the news, he was thinking about how to deal with the thief in yellow.

He found some ways and came to see the saint in person.

"Your Majesty, I have some humble opinions.

The thieves in yellow can defeat the army of Shaanxi and engulf Sichuan with just one residence.

The thief in yellow definitely has some merits. I think the thief in yellow has sharp firearms.

The battle report from the front showed that the thieves in yellow had sharp guns and artillery.

Our army has few guns and artillery, and there is no way to resist the yellow-clad thieves.

This is an important reason why we have a large army but are defeated repeatedly in battles.

I suggest that muskets and artillery should be vigorously promoted in the military.

I recommend two people, Bi Maokang, the right minister of the Nanjing Ministry of War, who studies self-generated fire guns.

This is basically the same kind of firearm as the flintlock gun used by the thief in yellow.

Sun Yuanhua, the governor of Denglai, is my disciple. He is good at forging cannons.

Our army cannot resist the yellow-robed thieves because there are too few red barbarian cannons."

Chongzhen was very satisfied with Xu Guangqi's opinion.

Xu Guangqi’s opinions coincided with those of Hong Chengchou and others.

"Xu Aiqing, cannons are easy to make, but where does the money come from?

Now there is no money in the accounts of the Ministry of Accounts, and the imperial court has already added Liao rates, so we cannot add Shaanxi rates again."

Chongzhen also had great ambitions and wanted to revive the Ming Dynasty.

Every time he wants to accomplish something, he will encounter the most fatal problem - lack of money.

Xu Guangqi immediately knelt on the ground and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, you must not increase the agricultural tax.

The thieves in yellow are now powerful. Raising taxes again will cause turmoil in various places, and the thieves in yellow will definitely take advantage of the situation.

This will seriously affect the country of Ming Dynasty."

While Xu Guangqi was speaking, he kept kowtowing.

"Xu Aiqing, please be free! I also know that now is not the time to raise taxes.

If Xu Aiqing has any ideas, you can tell me."

Xu Guangqi saw Emperor Chongzhen's hair disheveled and looked very depressed.

He thought about how old he was and how few years he had left to live.

Xu Guangqi was worried and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, please increase the salt tax and collect the mineral tax.

The court's current salt tax is less than half of what it was during the Hongwu Dynasty, and the mining tax has basically not been collected.

In recent years, the population has increased greatly, but the salt tax has decreased. This must be because salt merchants and tax collectors joined forces to corrupt the court's salt tax.

Minerals in various places belong to the imperial court, but now they cannot collect mining taxes.

During the Shenzong Dynasty, Emperor Shenzong sent mining supervisors to various places, and the court was able to receive a large amount of mining taxes."

When Chongzhen heard what Xu Guangqi said, he immediately became energetic.

"It's so different, these corrupt officials."

Xu Guangqi only dared to talk about salt tax and mining tax.

He did not dare to mention the gentry's non-payment of taxes and land annexation, which were stubborn problems that existed since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

There was a gentle knock on the door of Qianqing Palace, which meant something important had happened.

After Cao Huachun asked Emperor Chongzhen for instructions.

Quietly exiting the Qianqing Palace, he quickly took the question book and entered the Qianqing Palace again.

Cao Huachun walked to Emperor Chongzhen and whispered: "Your Majesty, the cabinet has sent Zhu Xieyuan's title book.

The cabinet ministers have completed drafting the votes."

Emperor Chongzhen opened the title book.

He had finished venting his anger just now, but there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart. The thief in yellow was bragging.

He saw Zhu Xieyuan's performance and Sichuan was completely lost.

The anger in my heart rose again, and I threw the question book to the ground.

Since he came to the throne, no province has ever been completely occupied by rebels.

This is the first time.

Cao Huachun saw Emperor Chongzhen staring at the title book on the ground.

He immediately bent down, picked up the question book, and placed it respectfully on the table.

"Change a set of desks and pens, ink, paper and inkstones."

Cao Huachun immediately arranged for the young eunuch to buy a brand new table, pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Emperor Chongzhen began to write and comment on this inscription.

The cabinet has given its opinion on the voting plan.

Zhu Xieyuan was buried honorably, Hou Xun made governor of the three provinces of Chu, Yunnan and Guizhou, and sent General You Shiwei of Shanhaiguan Pass to Huguang.

Chongzhen picked up the imperial pen, dipped it in cinnabar, and approved the title.

Zhu Xieyuan dug up graves and whipped corpses.

Zhu Xieyuan's three clans were imprisoned, the men were convicted and exiled thousands of miles away, and the women were sent to the Jiaofangsi.

Zhang Lun, Hou Liangzhu and other Sichuan officials and their families followed this procedure.

Hou Xun, the governor of the three provinces of Chu, Yunnan and Guizhou, defended the yellow-robed thieves.

The third customs officer, You Shiwei, was transferred to Huguang.

At the same time, Chongzhen issued an imperial edict to transfer Bi Maokang, the right minister of the Nanjing Ministry of War, and Sun Yuanhua, the governor of Denglai, to Beijing.

Chongzhen asked Xu Guangqi to join the cabinet and be responsible for surveying salt taxes and collecting mineral taxes.

The Jin Yiwei were ordered to strictly inspect the newspapers of the thieves in yellow, and those who dared to hide them would be charged with rebellion.

Zhu Xieyuan's title book entered the capital and immediately confirmed that what the yellow thief in the newspaper said was true.

This caused great shock among the scholar-bureaucrat community.

The thieves in yellow were too ruthless and did not leave any way for the gentry to survive.

They are all afraid and will not interfere with their own interests and will no longer obstruct the policy against the thieves in yellow.

The gossip officials of the Qing Dynasty also continued to write inscriptions for Chongzhen.

Chongzhen personally approved these inscriptions in the Qianqing Palace.

"General Qin Liangyu is loyal to the Ming Dynasty, but someone actually asked me to be wary of Sichuan officials and troops.

These are all gentry and officials, and the thieves in yellow can spare their clansmen and relatives.

These people all have a blood feud with the thief in yellow.

The white-pole soldiers were transferred to Huguang to give them a chance for revenge."

Chongzhen opened another question book and couldn't help being furious.

"Playing the piano randomly, the gentry actually wanted to form a group practice.

This is the vassal town at the end of the Tang Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty has not yet reached the end of the dynasty. If I can revive the Ming Dynasty, this is absolutely impossible.

Gentlemen could donate money and materials, and send their own children to join the army.

Private armies must not be formed, and private armies of gentry must be strictly investigated in various places."

This chapter has been completed!
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