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Chapter 134 Triumph

August 5th.

Su He rode a horse and walked on Chencang Road. On the hillsides on both sides of the road, the sweet potato leaves had turned yellow.

Many farmers are digging sweet potatoes, and it is the time of autumn harvest again.

Before he set off from Rongcheng, the spring rice harvest in Sichuan had begun.

Farmers take good care of their own fields, and the rice yield in many areas is 10% higher than last year.

Now is the Little Ice Age, and the accumulated temperature in southern Hanzhong is insufficient.

When the weather gets warmer and the accumulated temperature reaches the required level in many areas of Hanzhong, two crops of rice can be grown here.

Su He was riding a horse on the road, and many farmers appeared in front of them. They were setting up scarecrows in the rice fields to drive away the birds that were pecking at the grain.

They had arrived around Hanzhong, and Su He sent someone to notify Wang Zhongce in advance.

Don't let him waste people and money and organize some grand welcome ceremonies.

He only needed to take his soldiers to the ancestral temple to worship the Yellow Emperor, and let Wang Zhongce maintain the traffic order in the city and open the road from the city gate to the ancestral temple.

When Su He saw Hanzhong City again, he was filled with emotion.

After ten months, he returned victoriously from Sichuan.

Su He inspected salt companies in Sichuan. He returned to Chengdu via the Yangtze River, inspecting Sichuan Coal, Sichuan Iron and Steel and other companies along the way.

In the core areas along the rivers of Sichuan, fields have been allocated, and farmers are enthusiastic about farming.

After they harvest the rice, they can leave more than half of the food.

These farmers have never received so much food.

They were overjoyed and supported the local government, and no one missed the Ming Dynasty.

Seeing that Sichuan's rule was stable, Su He said goodbye to Su Xiong and Li Zhisheng and returned to Hanzhong County with his army.

When the army returned, many soldiers came back with their wives.

Su He took the initiative to promote military service, helped soldiers get married, and helped them get married.

Many people in the army are young men outside Baoji Prefecture, Shaanxi Province.

Hanzhong and Baoji cannot provide so many women of the right age.

After the conquest of Sichuan, the male-to-female ratio of the population under rule was not too imbalanced.

In most areas, maids of the gentry accounted for a large proportion of women of childbearing age.

The gentry not only occupied the land, they also occupied a large number of young women.

In every village, there are many people who are single.

After wiping out the gentry, these maids became the soldiers' main dating targets.

Most of them are not young ladies or unmarried soldiers, many of them are around twenty-three years old.

In this era, everyone is an old bachelor.

If they can marry a wife who is good-looking and fertile, they won't be too picky.

As Su He approached Hanzhong City, he heard the sound of gongs and drums celebrating.

The lit fireworks also bloomed over Hanzhong City.

Qin Shanshui led the soldiers of the guard regiment and followed Commander Su forward.

He saw many people walking out of Hanzhong City to welcome the returning victorious army.

"This is my wife, and he must be my son in his arms."

"Mom, I'm here."

"Big brother and second brother, I'm back."

Qin Shanshui heard that his comrades and their families came to greet them. He observed carefully in the crowd and did not see the mother-in-law.

Suddenly he saw two children running towards him who looked like his team. The girl among them was his daughter Qin Yun.

Qin Yun has grown much taller than when he left, and his complexion is no longer sallow, but becomes healthy white.

When she left him, she had changed a lot, but Qin Shanshui could recognize her at a glance. This was his daughter.

Qin Yun is holding flowers. As a representative of primary school students, she is preparing to welcome the returning army after victory.

All the students of Hanzhong Primary School, organized by their teachers, came out to welcome the army back in victory.

Each of them waved the small Great Wall military flag in their hands.

When the teacher saw that the army was approaching the city gate, he told Qin Yun and Liu Dongliang: "You hold flowers and go and present them to Commander Su."

Qin Yun and Liu Dongliang, the two most talented primary school students, walked towards Suhe holding flowers.

Su He looked at two primary school students, a boy and a girl, walking towards him holding flowers.

He immediately reined in the horse and made it stop here.

He waved his hand and told the army to stop directly at the city gate.

When Su He communicated with Wang Zhongce, he just made a joke at the time, but he did not expect that he would actually ask the primary school students to present flowers.

This kind of welcome ceremony is not extravagant and wasteful.

It can also establish the image of a soldier in the minds of primary school students.

Qin Yun handed the flowers to Su He and said, "Thank you, Commander Su, for building a peaceful home so that we can live and work in peace."

Liu Dongliang was very nervous and just handed the flowers to Su He. He wanted to say something but couldn't.

Su He took the flowers presented by the two primary school students and touched their heads with his hands.

He encouraged: "Study hard and make progress every day."

Su He looked at the two primary school students and ran back to the team happily.

He continued to lead the team through the gate of Hanzhong City.

On both sides of the city gate, there was a group of musicians. When they saw the army entering the city, the sound of drums and gongs sounded alternately, mixed with the sound of pianos.

This is an impassioned piece of music.

Su He rode a horse and approached Hanzhong City accompanied by music.

The troops behind him followed him into Hanzhong City.

Su He took the officers of the Dudu Palace and went straight to the ancestral temple.

When he returns from victory, he must report the good news to his ancestors.

He came to the gate of the ancestral temple and dismounted, took the Tai Chi Bagua belt from the guard and tied it around his waist.

Su He led the officers to the stone statue of Yellow Emperor.

The ancestral temple congratulated Song Kangnian and personally lit three incense sticks and handed them to Su He.

Su He held the incense in both hands, bent down and bowed to the stone statue of Yellow Emperor.

"The descendants of future generations, Su He, have returned victoriously and offered you sticks of incense to thank you for your blessing."

Su He placed the incense on the bronze tripod, and other officers began to offer incense to Huang Di one after another.

He called Song Kangnian aside and asked about the changes in Hanzhong City during this period.

Master Zhu goes deep into every corner of Hanzhong City and understands every major event that happens in Hanzhong City.

This group is entirely supported by Su He, and their interests are deeply bound to Su He.

Ordinary officials would betray Su He for profit, but these Zhushi didn't even have the chance to betray him.

Their theories were considered evil in the Ming Dynasty and would be beaten to death with sticks.

In order to achieve certain interests, Confucianism proposed the theory of telepathy between heaven and man to control the emperor.

In order to maintain the stability of their rule, the emperor also accepted this doctrine and declared himself the emperor.

The blessing masters preached that there is no God, and the emperor is not the emperor, but an ordinary person.

The emperors and officials of the Ming Dynasty would not let these congratulators go.

Su He learned about the changes in Hanzhong City during this period from Song Kangnian's words.

He saw that ordinary soldiers had entered the ancestral temple, and they collectively bowed to the stone statue of Yellow Emperor.

After these soldiers paid homage to the Yellow Emperor, they went home on holiday.

When the army returned, all military pay had been paid to the soldiers' accounts through the bank.

Through their passbooks, they can withdraw the money from any bank.

Sichuan now only has key cities and bank branches.

There are bank branches in any county in Hanzhong County, Baoji Prefecture, even a remote county.

People with families in Hanzhong County returned to their homes alone or with their newlywed wives.

People who have no family in Hanzhong County will be rewarded with a lot of money in this battle.

Su He learned that many soldiers were planning to buy a house in Hanzhong City or surrounding areas.

If you don't have enough money to buy a house, you can also use your status as a soldier to get a low-interest loan from the bank.


After Su He entered the city, he rushed to the palace. He communicated with Wang Zhongce in the Wenhua Palace about what happened during this time.

Wang Zhongce said happily: "I feel much more relaxed now that Commander Su is back.

In the past few months, nothing major has happened here in Hanzhong.

The most important thing is that the batch of winter wheat that Commander Su asked farmers to plant last year has really grown.

From April to June, there was no rain in Baoji for more than a month.

Fortunately, we have built many reservoirs and canals to ensure water supply for wheat fields and sweet potato fields.

There are still more than half a month left, and the grain harvest season is back, so the lack of water will not affect this year's harvest."

When Su He heard the news, he was very happy.

"Food is the most important. Sichuan's spring rice harvest has been bumper, and Hanzhong County and Baoji Prefecture can also have bumper harvests.

Then we will be confident that we can defeat the Ming Army in northern Shaanxi next year.

Winter wheat is really successful, which is the biggest good news.

He can more than double the food production in the north."

Wang Zhongce continued: "Several major events have happened externally.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, and Cao Wenshao, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, also forged many cannons and led troops to wipe out the rebels.

Wang Jiayin was too fat and his body was not flexible, so he was captured alive by Hong Chengchou.

Now he has been escorted to the capital and is expected to be executed by Chongzhen Lingchi.

Wang Ziyong led his army to flee to the north bank of the Weihe River in Baoji Prefecture, but the Ming army did not dare to pursue him.

He wants to seek refuge with us and has been staying in Baoji Mansion for more than a month.

These people basically had no food, so the Sixth Division provided them with some sweet potatoes.

The rebel king Gao Yingxiang led his troops eastward to Shanxi and caused a great disturbance in Shanxi.

After the Golden Taiji, they stepped up their efforts to win over the Mongolian Horqin tribe.

According to the staff analysis of the General Staff Department, Huang Taiji will attack Lin Dan Khan of the Chahar tribe and completely annex Monan Mongolia."

Su He listened to Wang Zhongce's story and said with a smile: "Send someone to inform Wang Ziyong and ask him to bring a group of generals to Hanzhong to attend my king ceremony.

They didn't dare to come, so they let the Sixth Division cut off their food and take the opportunity to annex these people.

If they dared to come, they immediately sent Master Zhu as a lobbyist, and the Sixth Division took the opportunity to annex these people.

After them, I will order Su Ying to send the gendarmerie to strictly inspect and clean out some bad apples.

The Hou Jin Dynasty must continue to pay attention. If they really annex Monan Mongolia, their power will be too great, and we must stop it."

Su He directly ordered the annexation of Wang Ziyong's Ministry, and he wanted to save his life when he came to Hanzhong.

They were all rebels against the Ming Dynasty, but their routes were different. There was no way to merge, they could only annex.

At this time, it is definitely not the time to be merciful. As a monarch of a separatist power, Su He must not be weak when he should be ruthless.

Wang Zhongce wrote down Su He's instructions and continued: "Chongzhen promoted Xu Guangqi, the Minister of Rites, to the cabinet and sent him to the south to collect taxes.

We must also focus on the development of muskets and artillery, which poses a great threat to us."

Su He smiled and said calmly: "The Ming Dynasty does not need to worry, Chongzhen wants to make guns and cannons, but he has no money.

Chongzhen thought too simply, let alone sending Xu Guangqi, Chongzhen himself to collect taxes, he would not be able to collect the taxes."

The Ming Dynasty was already in trouble, unless Chongzhen did what he did and slaughtered the gentry.

I'm afraid that one or two honest officials will not be able to collect taxes at all. A few salt merchants can do it by confiscating their homes, but the money will not be of much use.

The Ming Dynasty court allocated one hundred taels of silver, but even the cost of making guns might not be allocated to ten taels of silver.

Muskets and artillery cannot reach a certain scale, and their effects are limited.

Su He talked with Wang Zhongce about many things, and basically understood the changes in Hanzhong during the time when he sent troops.

After Su He left Wenhua Hall, he went to Lingyun Hall to meet with Qian Mingyi, director of the Secretariat.

Through Qian Mingyi, we can understand the changes in Hanzhong during this period, which is basically the same as what Wang Zhongce said.

By comparing Su He's statement with theirs and Song Kangnian's statement, he can fully understand the changes in Hanzhong during this period.

Qian Mingyi walked out of Lingyun Palace, and a figure walked out of the shadows.

The secret guard commander Su Changsheng handed a stack of information to Su He.

Su He left the secret guard commander Su Changsheng in Hanzhong just to deal with some rebels.

There can be no situation where the army is fighting a hard battle at the front and someone is behind to cause trouble.

At the same time, it serves as his eyes and ears so that he will not be deceived by anyone.

"Ergou, you did a very good job. The other information will be forwarded to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Give these people some dignity and let them go without too much pain."

Su He used a pencil to circle a few people's names.

Su He is still called Su Changsheng Ergou by his real name.

When other people called Su Changsheng Ergou, he immediately got angry.

Su He didn't call him Ergou once, but Su Changsheng became very frightened and felt that he had done something wrong.

From that time on, he always called Su Changsheng Ergou.

He is the only one who can call this name, which proves that their monarch and ministers get along harmoniously.

Su Changsheng provided him with a list during the time when he was dispatching troops.

Some people contacted Ming Dynasty secretly.

Most of the officials were reported by their subordinates, and a few of them were hidden deeply and did not escape the detection of secret guards.

Ordinary people can just transfer the information to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for investigation.

There were also a few people from Sujia Village whose public handling would not have a good impact, so they asked Su Changsheng to handle it secretly.

After Su He finished his work, he left Lingyun Hall and prepared to go to the back hall to meet his mother first.

He asked the maid that his mother was at Wang Wenjun's place.

Su He went directly to Wang Wenjun's palace.

He almost walked to Wang Wenjun's palace and was surrounded by hundreds of cats.

These cats haven't seen him for a long time and still know him as their master.

Some cats grabbed Su He's trousers, and some even jumped directly onto Su He's shoulders.

Su He petted the cats and fed them some dried fish, and then the cats dispersed.

He walked to the door of Wang Wenjun's palace.

The maid saw Su He arriving and wanted to go in to report.

Su He waved his hand to stop them, and he directly opened the door of the palace.

Mom and wife knew he was coming back today.

Su He pushed the door a little loudly and woke up the sleeping baby in the room.

He heard a loud cry, followed by another cry.

"Who is so careless and makes so much noise that he wakes up the children?"

"Son, you are back. Come and meet your children. They are very cute."

Not long after she put the children to sleep, Su's mother was very angry when she saw them being woken up.

When she saw that the person entering the house was Su He, she turned into a smile and called Su He to come and see her children.

Su He saw two bamboo beds next to his mother, and she was sitting beside them guarding the two children.

Wang Wenjun was sitting at the desk, writing something. When she saw Su He come in, she turned to look at Su He.

Su He walked over to Wang Wenjun first, held Wang Wenjun's hand, and said softly: "Wenjun, thank you for your hard work.

I wasn't even with you when you gave birth to your child."

Wang Wenjun felt warm in his heart when he heard these words.

She looked at the two babies next to her and said happily: "It's not hard, it's just that Ronger tormented me, and giving birth to Shu'er went smoothly."

Wang Wenjun pulled Su He to the two small beds.

Take him to look at his two children.

Su He looked at the two children. They were white and fat.

My daughter looks very much like Wang Wenjun. When she grows up, she will definitely be an iconic beauty.

My son's outline can still be seen between his eyebrows, but he looks more delicate.

The two little guys were crying loudly just now. After seeing Su He, they stopped crying and suddenly started laughing.

Su He looked at these two little guys and hoped that they would grow up healthily.

In this era, even in the royal family, the infant mortality rate is about half.

The only way to have more children is to fight for the chance of having more children.

Su He wrote about the existence of microorganisms in his primary school textbook and used a gooseneck bottle to prove the existence of microorganisms.

Many doctors, including his wife Wang Wenjun, have noticed the impact of microorganisms on diseases.

Su He just glanced at what Wang Wenjun had written.

She was writing about how to prevent microbial infections during infancy and reduce infant mortality rates.

Many of the above contents were told by Su He to Wang Wenjun.

The most important point is that the baby needs to drink milk after birth to pass on the mother's antibodies.

In an era without antibiotics, this was extremely important for infant survival.

When eating after weaning, drink boiled water and eat cooked food.

Su He hopes that with awareness of microbial prevention, the infant mortality rate can be reduced.

Mother Su said happily: "These two little guys are still close to their father.

I usually coax them and cry a lot, but as soon as my son comes, they stop crying."

Su He chatted with his mother about home affairs again.

After the two little guys were born, his mother focused all her energy on these two little guys.


After Qin Shanshui visited the ancestral temple, he was ready to ask others where the textile factory's family home was.

"Five copper coins, just five copper coins, go to any place in Hanzhong City."

Qin Shanshui saw a bicycle on the roadside in front of the ancestral temple, shouting about business.

He walked over and asked: "Textile Factory Family Courtyard, are you going there?"

Handlebar nodded and said: "Five copper coins, but you have to wait for another hourglass time, which is about a quarter of an hour.

I'll find a few more people and you guys can ride together.

When the hourglass runs out, even if you are alone, I will drive you there.

You may pick up a few people on the way.

If you want to hire a special car to go to the textile factory's courtyard, it will cost you fifty copper coins."

The handlebar type is introduced in detail, and he can tell from the expressions of the guests whether it is their first time riding in a car.

The introduction was not detailed, and if some trouble occurred, he would be taken away for questioning by the patrolman.

Especially these soldiers in yellow clothes, he did not dare to offend easily.

Qin Shanshui had some money in his pocket, but he had paid for it with his life.

He didn't have to spend forty copper coins after a while, and he thought it was worth it.

When Qin Shanshui boarded the donkey cart, he continued to greet business.

"Five copper coins, go anywhere in the West City."

The fat Ding Degui got on the carriage.

He saw Qin Shanshui in the car and said with a smile: "Captain Qin, we haven't seen each other for a while."

Qin Shanshui also recognized Ding Degui, who came to his tent to congratulate him that night.

His body shape is so conspicuous that there are not many fat men in the army.

"Master Ding Zhu's family is also in Xicheng."

Ding Degui nodded and said: "I'm going to my factory. The new grain will come down soon. The Grain Storage Bureau is clearing out some old grain.

My family runs a rice mill and grain store, and now is a busy time, so I want to go to the factory to find them."

After Ding Degui introduced his situation, he asked Qin Shanshui: "Captain Qin, I remember that you were born as a refugee.

Are the family members placed in factories? Most of them are factories in Xicheng now."

"That's right, my mother-in-law was assigned to work in a textile factory."

While they were chatting, more than ten people got in the car.

When the handlebar type saw enough people, he drove the donkey and the donkey cart started slowly.

These people are from other troops and they don't know each other.

But chatting about interesting things in the military, the few of them quickly became familiar with each other.

"The textile factory family home has arrived."

When Qin Shanshui heard the words from the cart, he said goodbye to the others and got off the donkey cart.

He walked into the courtyard of the textile factory and asked other people where his mother-in-law lived.

Qin Shanshui walked to the place where his mother-in-law lived, which was a small house.

He saw that the door to the room was locked, and Qin Shanshui stood outside the door worriedly.

Their army returned victorious, which shocked the whole city of Hanzhong.

He did not see his mother-in-law in the welcoming team.

Their comrades-in-arms and many of their family members were outside the city to greet them.

Qin Shanshui thought that his mother-in-law would be waiting at home, but he didn't expect that the door was still locked.

An aunt came out from the next room.

"Are you Qin Shanshui?"

"it's me."

When the aunt heard Qin Shanshui admit his identity, he relaxed and said, "Your mother-in-law knew you were coming back today, so she applied to work overtime at night.

After a while, the night shift workers will get off work.

Your daughter Qin Yun, their elementary school only ends in the evening, and there will be a school bus to bring her back, so you don’t have to worry."

Qin Shanshui thanked you: "Thank you."

"That's so polite. We are all neighbors, and I'm afraid you might be impatient."

Qin Shanshui waited for a while, and then he saw many female workers walking in groups at the gate of the family courtyard.

He saw the figure of his mother-in-law in the crowd at a glance.

Qin Shanshui saw his mother-in-law, noticed his figure, and ran towards him quickly.

"Master, just come back. I've been worried these days.

Many people can't come back, and I'm really afraid that you can't come back either."

Qin Shanshui saw his mother-in-law and started sobbing while talking.

He comforted: "Don't worry! The Ming army is simply vulnerable.

I am still a guard regiment, following Commander Su's actions, and my safety is guaranteed."

Qin Shanshui could only tell white lies, but did not dare to tell his mother-in-law that he was an elite soldier, specifically attacking the most elite servants of the Ming Dynasty.

The mother-in-law opened the door, and Qin Shanshui saw that the room was very narrow, with the stove next to the bed.

It was not as good as his previous home, where there was no separation between the stove and the rooms.

When a fire is lit on the stove, there is smoke throughout the house.

Qin Shanshui thought that this house was given to them free of charge by the textile factory without charging a penny, so there was no need for him to find fault.

"I was rewarded with a lot of money by the army for my meritorious service, and I also mailed you some money. Why didn't you rent a good house?

This place is too shabby, let’s buy a bigger house, a house of our own.”

"Master, I don't dare to spend the money you mailed to me because I'm afraid someone will target us mother and daughter.

If you want to change to a bigger house, we will change to a bigger house."

After Mrs. Qin Shanshui finished speaking, she said a little shyly: "It's not convenient for you to live here when you come back. The room is too small.

My body has been cured at Wang's Medical Center.

The doctor said that my pregnancy was too early and my vitality was damaged.

Now that I can give birth normally, I will definitely give birth to a big fat boy for you."

Qin Shanshui was very happy after hearing this and began to sort out the silver coins in his hands.

He took his mother-in-law to buy a house of his own in a remote area of ​​Hanzhong City.

Qin Shanshui was not prepared to borrow money. He had been frightened by loan sharks since he was a child and did not want to borrow any money.

This chapter has been completed!
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