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Chapter 138 The Han Chinese Are Not Slaves

Su He became King of Qin and issued the first decree.

The "Laws of the King of Qin" were announced.

Under the rule of the Qin Palace, starting from September 9, 4328.

Dali Temple and its local branches began to use the "Law of the King of Qin" to judge cases.

"Laws of the King of Qin" is a complex law with nine volumes and 250,000 words.

Including criminal law, civil law, marriage law, contract law, land distribution and expropriation and other laws.

Marriage Act and Slavery Abolition Act.

These two laws were important starting points for Su He to implement the "Laws of the King of Qin".

The marriage laws of all dynasties and generations generally followed the system of monogamy and multiple concubines.

Marriage depends on the parents' orders and the matchmaker's words.

Monogamy and multiple concubines are now a choice with a high rate of infant mortality.

Every royal family has its heirs.

Families with a little ability will choose to marry more wives and have more children.

The new marriage law introduced by Suhe changed monogamy and multiple concubines and implemented polygamy.

In order to protect women and reduce deaths during childbirth.

The Marriage Law stipulates that both men and women are not allowed to get married until they are 16 years old.

At the same time, the wife's rights are strengthened and the interests of non-legial children are protected.

The Marriage Law stipulates that not only the husband can divorce his wife, but the wife also has the right to divorce her husband.

Marriage and divorce need to be carried out under the witness of Zhu Shi, and a document must be formed and reported to the local household department.

Only after the procedures are completed can the marriage and divorce be officially considered.

But it also stipulates de facto marriage, which is determined by Dali Temple officials based on the circumstances.

In a divorce case, the party who made the mistake needs to compensate the other party with a certain amount of money.

Every child born to a wife, whether legitimate or otherwise, has the right to inherit the family property.

The head of the family can designate one child to receive half of the property, and the other children to share the remaining half.

This is one of Su He's methods to disintegrate the clan, learning from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's order of grace.

This is a conspiracy, except for the head of the family and the legitimate son.

The remaining wives and children will support this law.

This law also strengthens the role of Zhushi in marriage and divorce.

Strengthen the ability to congratulate teachers, promote Yan and Huang beliefs, and unify the thinking of the people.

The orders of parents and the words of matchmakers turned into free love, Zhu Shi witnessed it.

Su He's main purpose of abolishing his parents' order was to weaken the clan's influence.

The clan leader usually has a great say in the marriage of clan members.

It is through this power that the patriarch controls the entire clan.

Su He abolished a right and cut off a pillar of the clan.

As time goes by, family slowly replaces clan.

Suhe can use forceful means to eliminate the gentry who rely on land rent.

A clan that relies on blood is difficult to disintegrate.

The nobles he awarded tended to evolve into clans.

Before these people's clans were formed, there was very little resistance.

Su He passed the "Marriage Law", preventing the formation of huge clans in the future.

The "Abolition of Slavery Law" specifically stipulates that people with Yan and Huang beliefs should worship the two emperors of Yan and Huang in their ancestral temples.

No one is allowed to use any method, directly or indirectly, to turn them into slaves.

At the same time, Su He issued an order in the name of Shengzhu that as long as he was of Yanhuang blood, he would not seek refuge with foreigners or be punished by Dali Temple.

They did not go to the ancestral temple to worship Yan and Huang for various reasons, but as long as they believed that they belonged to the Yan and Huang bloodline, they would have Yan and Huang beliefs.

Yanhuang belief is not a religion, but a bloodline inheritance and civilization inheritance.

Su He's order was announced together with the "Abolition of Slavery Law".

That is to say, everyone under the rule of the Qin Palace is not allowed to let Han people become slaves.

Even if this person is not a Han Chinese under the rule of Prince Qin.

Su He personally wrote a special article "Han people are not slaves" in "Hanzhong Weekly".

He also did so in the name of the ancestral temple.

It is recommended that ancestral temples in various places consecrate teachers, study the "Laws of the King of Qin", preach the law, and assist the government in rescuing the enslaved Han people.

The Prince of Qin's palace congratulated teachers, patrolled the area, and Dali Temple officials cooperated with each other.

Free all slaves, no human or animal slaves allowed.

Household servants, maids, child brides, and brothel girls are all considered a type of slave.

Especially child brides and brothel girls, they are apricot slaves.

Anyone who keeps slaves will be given a warning for the first time and arrested and sentenced for the second time. Depending on the seriousness of the case, he will be sentenced to different terms of imprisonment.

The domestic servants and maids at home need to sign new contracts with them according to the standard contract provided by the Qin Palace.

Su He leads by example.

The maids in Prince Qin's palace are slaves.

All the maids signed new contracts and became free persons.

The salary is agreed upon every month, and you can submit your resignation in advance without being tied up for a lifetime.

Depending on the confidentiality of their contacts, they will be subject to certain restrictions after leaving the company.

During working hours, maids are not restricted from getting married and having children.

The person getting married needs to pass the review of the Qin Palace.

There are no eunuchs in the palace of King Qin.

In this era, the role of eunuchs was not that great.

The main purpose of eunuchs is to ensure that there are no other men in the harem and to maintain the purity of the royal blood.

Su He chose not to use eunuchs. He directly left the harem of Prince Qin's palace without men. There were not even male guards in the harem.

There are some manual jobs, and Suhe recruits many strong women in their thirties and forties.

These farm women are much better than the young eunuchs in doing physical work.

The Qin Palace also specially trained a female guard group to protect the safety of the harem.

The leader of this women's guard group is her wife Li Huixin.

Now is the age of firearms. Women can easily kill powerful men with firearms.

"Husband, our female guard group has taken over the defense of the harem."

Li Huixin is dressed in a smart military uniform and carries a rifled musket behind her back. She looks heroic.

"Huixin, my future safety will be left to you."

"Husband, our female security corps is definitely no worse than the security corps."

Li Huixin is a primary school teacher. Su He did not expect that after a short period of training, she could lead the guard team well.

Li Huixin was a maidservant of the Liu family, a great gentry in Hanzhong.

She appears to be a maid, but in fact she is a dowry girl.

I grew up with the young lady and married with the young lady.

In ancient times, men were in charge of outside affairs and women were in charge of domestic affairs.

A lady from a big family needs to learn a lot of things, especially family management and financial knowledge.

Some ladies don't like to study, so they find some clever maids to marry them.

Su He captured Hanzhong, wiped out all the gentry, and rescued many slaves and maids, including Li Huixin.

She took the recruitment examination and became an elementary school teacher.

Wang Wenjun walked over to them holding a stack of contracts.

She has passed her confinement, her body has returned to normal, and she has begun to manage the affairs of the harem and the Ministry of Health of Prince Qin's palace.

When Li Huixin saw Wang Wenjun arriving, she stepped forward to say hello: "Sister Wenjun, hello."

"Hello, sister Huixin."

Wang Wenjun looked at Li Jiaxin, this was the wife she had found for her husband.

After returning to Hanzhong, her husband did not sleep with her.

Wang Wenjun initially thought that her husband was neglecting her, so she made insinuations and asked why.

Su Hecai said that there are no contraceptive measures now, and Wang Wenjun did not maintain good health after giving birth.

Pregnancy again will cause great damage to her body.

With her medical experience, Wang Wenjun also knows that after giving birth, she needs to cultivate her body and restore its vitality.

She knew more about Su He's identity and that she was not the only wife.

Take the initiative to help Su He choose people who are pure in mind and pose little threat to her.

When Su He was in Sichuan, he selected good candidates for him.

Wang Wenjun's best candidate is Qu Qingyi.

It's just that Qu Qingyi is too young, so Su He firmly disagrees.

He also used the marriage law to raise the age for women to get married to sixteen.

Su He presented a pile of evidence. Giving birth to a child before the age of sixteen is very easy to cause death in childbirth, and it also has a great impact on a woman's lifespan.

Wang Wenjun looked at Su He and said:

"Husband, all the maids in Prince Qin's palace have re-signed their contracts.

I asked them and found that there were many people who wanted to get married, and I had arranged blind dates for them."

Su He looked at these contracts, they were all standard contracts.

After signing this contract, these maids will no longer be slaves and become free people.

"It's good to do this, these maids won't have access to secrets.

If you are old enough and want to get married, let them get married."

Wang Wenjun said with some worry: "Husband, there are rumors outside that brothels are being closed down. It was you who followed my advice and introduced these laws.

They say that my harem is involved in politics, should I avoid it?"

Su He smiled and said: "Don't care about the opinions of those rotten scholars.

What I did was not entirely due to your suggestion, Wenjun.

Your suggestion only made me determined to prevent Han women from joining brothels.

Brothel girls, child brides and other disguised sex slaves must be resolutely outlawed.

The Han people are not slaves, we must re-establish the Han people's self-confidence.

The spirit of the people during the Han and Tang Dynasties was completely different from today.

At that time, one Han was like five barbarians.

Now the Hulu are completely invincible.

This has a lot to do with the corruption and incompetence of the imperial court.

But the bigger reason is that corrupt Confucianism restricts people's thinking.

A wealthy family turns all the people into slaves.

Ordinary people have no way of advancement except studying.

I want to break the shackles on the people through various means, and the "Abolition of Slavery Law" is the most important part of it.

I introduced the "Abolition of Slavery Law" for another purpose, which was to attack aristocratic families.

I found that after some farmers were knighted, they also began to evolve into aristocratic families.

This is human nature, there is no need to stop it.

It is this humanity that drives them to serve me, which is consistent with my interests.

I introduced this law to break up the personal dependence relationship between masters and slaves.

The existence of this kind of personal dependence is really terrible.

All the slave's life is under the control of the master's family.

When several aristocratic families join forces, they can form a usable army.

This is simply a shadow government office besides the Prince of Qin's Palace.

Under the rule of Prince Qin’s Mansion, everyone’s allegiance can only be to Prince Qin.”

Every time a British master came to power in history, he set off an abolitionist movement.

It is because of the strong personal dependence relationship between master and slave that it affects the rule of the government.

But because the resistance was too great, it was just a burst of movement, and everything remained as usual after the death of the British Lord.

Su He wanted to use the law to cooperate with Zhushi, the government and the people to completely solve the problem of slavery.

Su He will punish anyone who dares to stop him without mercy.


Chief Editorial Office of Hanzhong Newspaper.

Ling Yin, editor-in-chief of Hanzhong Weekly, gave tasks to other editors of the newspaper.

"Our main task at this stage is to publicize the "Law of the King of Qin" and make this law deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

After the meeting, Hongyue, the social news editor of Hanzhong Newspaper, said with emotion:

"His Royal Highness the King of Qin is truly the first of its kind to ban brothels directly.

From now on, no sisters will be forced to join a brothel."

Suzune also fell into deep thought, thinking about her own life experience.

"This is thanks to Sister Qu Qingyi, who persuaded Queen Qin to ban Han women from providing services in brothels.

Now many brothels have been closed down."

Lingyin didn't expect that His Highness King Qin could do this.

People who run brothels have many tricks.

The government strictly controls them so that they cannot use violence against the girls in brothels.

These people also have many non-violent methods of persecution.

His Highness the King of Qin initially only stipulated that women could leave the brothel voluntarily.

A woman like her who has the skills to make a living, a lot of money, and strong mobility can leave the brothel.

The other sisters had no choice but to stay in the brothel due to various pressures and social discrimination.

Suzune and her sisters also saved many sisters during this time.

But their power is very weak and they can only save a few people.

This time the Qin Palace strongly promoted the "Laws of the King of Qin", and no force could resist it.

Lingyin sighed: "His Royal Highness King Qin has given an order, even if there are people who stay in the brothel voluntarily for money.

The owner of the brothel will also be sentenced, and the woman will be forced to arrange a blind date through the ancestral temple.

You must choose one among the many old bachelors to get married.

Some small brothels have closed down, and big brothels have spent a lot of money to recruit foreign women to pick up clients.

The Slavery Abolition Act has no protection for these people."

Hongyue looked out the window at the women who could walk freely on the street.

Brothels are places where crime breeds. Women in the Ming Dynasty did not dare to go out.

In addition to the oppression of corrupt feudal ethics, there is also the issue of personal safety.

Many women are not accompanied by their family members, so they are easily captured as soon as they step out of the house and sold into brothels.

This is how she was sold to a brothel.

Now in Hanzhong City, there are patrols patrolling the streets constantly, and there are also guards in the city.

In particular, His Highness the King of Qin constantly wiped out the gentry and the gangs they had raised.

New gangs are also targeted by patrols.

Hanzhong City is very safe here.

Remove the oppression of corrupt Confucian ethics and ethics, and society will be safe again.

There is no need to worry about being taken away at any time, which is why so many women dare to walk out.


Wang Ziyong took his two brothers Liu Wenguang and Liu Wensheng to the restaurant for a drink.

Now, only these two people are left with him.

On the day of the ceremony, he was only made an earl.

Wang Ziyong still remembered that Su He asked him why he led his troops to burn, kill and plunder the people.

He has never forgotten that terrifying look.

Wang Ziyong felt that his answer was wrong. Su He really dared to kill him and did not care about the bad reputation of killing the rebels.

He still remembers his answer.

There is great hunger in old age, and people eat each other.

It’s all about finding a way to survive, who cares about morality and law.

Wang Ziyong walked out of Prince Qin's Mansion in a cold sweat, and soon he heard the news.

His own troops have been annexed by Suhe.

Some people who had no murders in their hands and were sick and weak were assigned land, and those with good health were recruited into the army.

Those who committed murders but had extenuating circumstances were incorporated into the Reclamation Corps.

Those who kill innocent people indiscriminately and act recklessly will be directly executed.

Wang Ziyong was also appointed as the general manager of the Reclamation Corps, and most of his subordinates were his former subordinates.

When His Highness the King of Qin appointed him, he said that the butcher's knife should not be aimed at one's own compatriots.

They should aim their blood-stained butcher knives at the foreigners. His reclamation corps is specialized in garrisoning in turbulent areas dominated by foreigners.

Now under the rule of the Qin Palace, there are no areas where foreigners live together.

Wang Ziyong believes that there will be an opportunity for him to show his talents in the near future.

Now he and most of his generals are serving as auditors at the military academy.

Seeing Su He's great strength, Wang Ziyong did not have the confidence to form an independent team.

Sooner or later it will be annexed by Suhe, so it is better to join now.

They were drinking wine when suddenly Su Yan, the Minister of Punishment, led a group of patrolmen and pushed open the door.

"Seal all exits. No one is in this room anymore. Search in other rooms."

Wang Ziyong was frightened when a group of patrolmen broke down his door.

He thought Su He had changed his mind and was going to execute him.

After seeing that this was an error, he took the Liu brothers out of the room to watch.

Not only did they walk out of the room, but many people in the box also walked out of the room to watch.

"What's going on? It's the first time I've seen such a big movement from the patrol."

Su Yan led the patrol and kicked open the doors of each room.

"Qin Zhi, Zhang Yunxing, if you refuse to release your servants, please come with me to the Prison Department Prison."

After Su Yan finished speaking, the patrolmen raised their guns, and someone approached the two men with torture instruments.

"I want to see His Majesty the King of Qin. I am the company commander of the Guards Division. You have no right to arrest me."

When Qin Zhi saw this scene, he didn't dare to resist, he just yelled.

He knew that the police officers had great power, and if he really resisted arrest, these police officers would really dare to shoot him.

Zhang Yunxing just reacted and shouted loudly: "I am a fifth-rank official of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and I want to impeach you."

"You are all legally illiterate. You haven't read "Laws of the King of Qin" and you haven't read the newspaper in the past few days!

Now there is no impeachment at all. If you think there is a problem, go directly to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to beat the drum.

You have violated the "Laws of the King of Qin", and as the Minister of Punishment, I have the right to arrest you."

Su Yan saw that the patrol had tied up the two men and immediately took them away.

This incident was fully reported by Hanzhong Weekly and caused a great sensation.

Ding Wannian and Yang Wencai met for dinner in a restaurant.

Yang Wencai brought a jar of daughter's red wine over.

"This is the wine I brought from Huguang. Everything here in Hanzhong is good, but there is no wine."

Ding Wannian took a sip of wine and praised: "Good wine, my family has so much food, and my in-laws have a winery.

We don't have any good wine to drink, and the previous stock has been used up for the wedding.

Brother Yang, I haven’t seen you during this time, where did you go to make a fortune?”

Yang Wencai said with a smile: "To earn hard money, my niece-in-law will become the admiral of the Hanshui Navy.

Broken ships captured by the navy and damaged in battles cannot be used as warships, even if their hulls are repaired and their hulls are not strong enough.

But they are used as merchant ships, no problem at all.

He told me the news, and I sold all my raw silk and bought a few boats in good condition.

After letting the craftsmen repair it, he took the fleet along the Han River to Huguang.

Daming is very chaotic right now.

Our ships passing through Hanzhong can pass as long as they are loaded with silver.

The linen and cotton fabrics I shipped to Hanzhong Textile Company this time were sold very well."

After Ding Wannian heard this, he admired Yang Wencai a little. This man really dared to fight.

The risk was too great, and he didn't even dare to transport things to Huguang.

"Brother Yang, why are you buying me a drink because you want to make money for yourself?

With the kind of person you are, you won’t be able to show off this matter.”

Yang Wencai sighed and said, "You have also read Hanzhong Weekly.

Qin Zhang's case was very controversial.

His Highness the King of Qin is really ruthless, not just businessmen and common people like us.

The newly appointed nobles and officials in the Qin Palace did not listen to the warning and continued to be slaves, and also started to arrest them.

One person has been deprived of his noble status, another person has had his official position removed, and they still have to go to jail."

When Yang Wencai said this, he secretly wiped his sweat.

He was not at home during this time, and his eldest son was in charge.

The eldest son has no abilities, but he is very obedient.

Seeing something was wrong, he asked his niece-in-law about the situation.

After realizing the situation, he immediately asked all the servants in the family to sign the standard contract provided by the Qin Palace.

If a domestic servant does not want to sign a contract, give them a severance package, and this person will have nothing to do with their family.

"Brother Ding, it's still about the slaves.

I'm selling cloth in Huguang, and it's impossible for the boat to come back empty.

The grain and salt in Huguang are monopolized by big families, and I simply cannot transport these things with my ability.

Fortunately, we didn't bring any salt back. Those who did did so suffered a huge loss.

I heard from my niece Xu that there are many bachelors in the army.

I conducted surveys in cities and rural areas and found that the proportion of young bachelors is also very high.

I realized this was a very big market and bought more than 3,000 women directly.

None of the ones I bought were beauties.

These people are very cheap. The price of one person is less than the value of a piece of cotton.

Prepare to be sold to bachelors in the city and the army.

In this situation, I don't dare to sell it.

Brother Ding, you are well-informed and have a sharp mind. Please help me come up with ideas.

If all these people are released, the most they can do is to gain some money.

But someone has reported me, and if I am arrested and sentenced, it will be over."

Ding Wannian looked at Yang Wencai, he was really a talented person and he even engaged in human trafficking.

He thought carefully and came up with a solution.

"Brother Yang, take these women and go to the ancestral temple immediately to worship Yanhuang.

Make blind dates with people through the ancestral temple, and tell people when you meet outsiders that this is the woman you rescued in Huguang.

"Laws of the King of Qin" discusses deeds regardless of the heart.

After doing this, no one can accuse you of selling slaves.

The newlyweds will definitely be grateful to you after they get married.

They will not repay you with money, but will repay you in other ways.

If you don't take action, you will be in big trouble after the patrol takes action."

When Yang Wencai heard Ding Wannian's approach, he immediately got up and ran out.

As he ran, he said, "Thank you, Brother Ding, for your idea. I will take them to the ancestral temple for a blind date right away."

Yang Wencai thought Ding Wannian's method was very good.

This method is better than letting these women go directly.

You can also gain a good reputation at the same time.

A good reputation, sometimes, is more important than money.


At the Ancestral Temple Fair in Yimen Township, many villagers came to the temple fair to exchange money with their goods.

Liu Guangsheng, the consecrated master of the ancestral temple, was on duty at the temple fair. He walked among the crowds and loudly promoted the latest policies of the Qin Palace.

"My fellow citizens, His Highness the King of Qin, Su He, has promulgated a new law, the Law of the King of Qin.

In our ancestral temple, people preach the "Law of the King of Qin" every day.

If you have time, go to the ancestral temple more often and listen.

You can also ask us for advice and ask any questions about the "Laws of the King of Qin"."

What Liu Guangsheng said attracted the attention of many villagers.

These villagers are illiterate, but they also understand the importance of the law.

In previous lives, these people had no idea when others violated the law and misappropriated their interests.

Now some people have heard the "Laws of the King of Qin" and found out that those people have broken the law.

"There aren't many laws that apply to our villages. Everyone should remember that if you can't afford to raise your daughter, you can send her to the welfare home in the township government.

It is a serious crime to raise children and wives.

Families that engage in this kind of behavior should immediately return the child bride to her original family or send her to the township government welfare home.

Once confirmed by the police, you will be taken directly to jail."

As soon as Liu Guangsheng said this, many villagers started talking about it.

"If child brides are not allowed to be raised, how will my son get married?"

"Zhao Laoliu's family couldn't afford to raise their daughter, so they fostered her in our home.

Even if the lawsuit goes to the county, I will ask Zhao Laoliu to make up for the money I have spent raising my daughter in the past few years."

Liu Guangsheng saw the noisy people, which only accounted for a small part of the crowd.

"Purchasing slaves is illegal and has little to do with anyone.

Human trafficking is also illegal.

Even his own daughter and wife are not allowed to be sold.

Anyone who dares to sell will be directly arrested by the police and thrown into jail."

After Liu Guangsheng finished speaking, there were boos in the audience.

"Which fool would sell his wife and daughter so that he could survive? Who would sell his wife and daughter except a gambler?"

“This year’s wheat and sweet potato harvests look set to be bumper.

The taxes collected by the Prince of Qin's Mansion were not heavy, and they were actually collected without any other apportionment.

In this good year, we will not sell our wives and daughters."

"If you sell your wife and daughter now, others will chew on you."

Liu Guangsheng was very pleased to see the performance of the villagers.

Except for scum, normal people will not sell their children or daughters until they can no longer survive.

He continued to speak loudly: "Please be quiet, I know that no one will sell their wives or daughters.

Some people in the village had given away their children to work as slaves for wealthy families, and they all came to register with me.

Our ancestral temple will be responsible to the end, and as long as they are still alive, we can help you find your children."

Liu Guangsheng promoted the "Laws of the King of Qin" and mobilized parents who had given away their children to register information with him.

The ancestral temple will help these people find children and send them home based on the children's opinions.

This chapter has been completed!
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