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Chapter 145 Allicin and Penicillin

Su He has been working very regularly these days, dealing with government and military affairs in the morning.

In the afternoon, I went to the Academy of Sciences and used a microscope to study antibiotics.

The students in the junior class also have a very regular schedule.

In the morning, the students helped Su He organize the elementary school’s knowledge system.

In the afternoon, I assisted Su He in researching antibiotics and used this opportunity to learn about microorganisms.

Qin Yun used a knife to cut a piece of gelatin made from beef.

This kind of thing is very similar to skin jelly, so it is called beef jelly.

The teacher said beef jelly was the best microbial culture medium he could find now.

Qin Yun put the cut beef jelly on a microscope and observed it.

On this beef jelly, you can see under a microscope that there are many bacteria that look very much like grapes.

The teacher said that there are many staphylococci on the beef jelly medium, and they are one of the main culprits of infection.

Qin Yun believed this and they extracted pus from the death wounds of the infected wounded.

There are a lot of staphylococci in it.

The teacher led them to study two antibiotics.

Antibiotics are drugs that specifically deal with pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus.

"Teacher, the growth requirements of these staphylococci have reached the level you mentioned.

Should we start treating them with antibiotics?

Antibiotics can really kill these pathogenic bacteria, and this terminal disease can be cured."

When Su He heard Qin Yun's call, he immediately stepped forward and checked the status of the staphylococcus through the telescope.

These Staphylococcus colonies have stabilized.

It took a certain amount of time to find Staphylococcus aureus in Suhe these days.

Bacteria are cultivated through culture media, and there are various miscellaneous bacteria.

Through continuous screening, he has now come up with relatively pure Staphylococcus aureus.

With these staphylococci, Suhe can find allicin and penicillin.

The students in the first phase of the junior class all have important research work now and are unable to come over to help.

The second class of students in the junior class is too young, so many people can't help.

Su He asked them to observe the microscope and record the status of Staphylococcus and other bacteria.

In this way, he also made students aware of microorganisms such as bacteria.

Su He gave the students a form and asked him to fill in the relevant content based on the conditions on the culture medium.

With the help of these students, he has cultivated a large number of staphylococci.

Su He cultivated these staphylococci in order to use them to find two antibiotics.

They are allicin and penicillin respectively.

These two antibiotics have the simplest preparation requirements.

Among them, allicin is the easiest, while penicillin requires very high technical requirements.

Su He has known for a long time that allicin can be extracted from garlic.

But he didn't know the extraction method and didn't have a microscope.

It is impossible to observe certain substances in garlic that can kill bacteria.

Su He prepared the staphylococci and left to go to this room, where he went to the allicin and penicillin research area.

Su He first came to the allicin glasses area.

Allicin, a simple broad-spectrum antibiotic, was something Soho had long wanted to prepare.

Without a microscope, the correct production process for allicin cannot be found.

Eating raw garlic can have certain effects, but the content of allicin in garlic is very low.

If you eat people until they die, you won't be able to eat enough to cure the disease.

Qu Qingyi is responsible for managing this area. She also contacted Wang Wenjun to help the drug experiment go smoothly.

There are many loyal guardsmen who process garlic in various ways.

They juiced the garlic, soaked it, steamed it, soaked it in alcohol, soaked it in oil and so on, and processed it in more than a dozen ways.

Su He arranged all the ways he could think of.

Qu Qingyi saw Su He approaching and said respectfully: "Your Highness, King Qin, we have processed a ton of garlic these days.

According to the instructions of His Highness King Qin, not only soaking, steaming and other processing methods are used.

We also messed up the order of operations, such as soaking in alcohol first and then squeezing the juice.

A total of 182 processing methods were selected to produce various garlic juices."

Su He saw that Qu Qingyi's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes and knew that she had been working very hard during this period.

I don’t know how to extract allicin, so I have to use exhaustive methods and try every possible way to find allicin.

He has already captured Sichuan and is preparing to start the imperial examination.

The Ming Dynasty will never let him go.

It is now the fourth year of Chongzhen's reign, and the Ming Dynasty has not yet reached its end.

The Ming Dynasty also had the ability to mobilize three to four hundred thousand troops for large-scale operations.

Only by defeating these elites of the Ming Dynasty will the Ming Dynasty enter a state of dormancy.

Su He is taking the route of elite soldiers, and he will not be stupid enough to compete with the Ming Dynasty.

The only option is to reduce the death rate of soldiers as much as possible.

According to statistics from doctors in field hospitals, apart from being killed on the battlefield, the biggest cause of death for soldiers is death from injuries and infections.

Once antibiotics are developed, many soldiers who die from infection can be saved.

He becomes a veteran who has been on the battlefield and can lead ten recruits to fight as a squad leader.

In addition to antibiotics, Su He has been using rifle rifles.

Tian Jiapeng was in charge of the rifled gun. The milling machine he designed was very effective.

A milling machine can process a qualified barrel.

However, the cutting tool of the milling machine is too brittle. When processing two barrels, the rifling in the barrel will be deformed.

There is absolutely no way to mass-produce them, and we can only process some rifled guns at a high cost.

These guns were used as training equipment to enable soldiers to become proficient in using rifled guns.

In this way, when mass production begins on site, combat effectiveness can be formed in a short time.

Tian Jiapeng took away a few microscopes and entered the laboratory of the Institute of Metallurgy of the Academy of Sciences and never came out.

Su He had no one available, so he had to borrow Qu Qingyi from Wang Wenjun.

I only hope that the second youth class will grow up as soon as possible and become his assistants.

Su He asked the soldiers from the guard regiment to carry about 200 glass bottles and walk towards the area where the culture medium was located.

These glass bottles are filled with garlic juice processed in various ways.

Su He has thought of all the ways to process garlic.

Hopefully there is a way to get a higher allicin content.

Qin Yun saw Su He coming with a group of people.

She said excitedly: "Teacher, is it finally going to start?

It’s incredible that garlic can really kill the plague.”

Su He said with a smile: "The plague is composed of a variety of germs, which may be bacteria or viruses.

The magnification of the current microscope is too low to see the virus.

Allicin is an antibiotic that specifically targets bacteria and can treat most infections.

Antibiotics have no effect on viruses. When encountering a plague caused by viruses, isolation is the most effective."

Su He gave a few brief introductions, which is how he usually teaches students.

For some mediocre students, they simply cannot keep up with Su He's ideas.

These students in the junior class are all geniuses, and they can understand whatever Su He says no matter how extraordinary it is.

This is because Su He's teaching level is not good enough and he can only teach geniuses.

Su He took the students to the place where the culture medium was placed.

There are a lot of culture media placed here, and there are the latest glass thermometers next to them.

Send someone to control the temperature here at all times.

Keep the temperature at the temperature that staphylococci prefer.

Qin Yun looked at the small mold spots that appeared on the beef jelly from time to time. These were Staphylococcus aureus.

There was a piece of beef jelly, and the teacher asked them to scrape their mouths with wood chips and apply it on the beef jelly.

Colorful mycelium grows on this beef jelly.

Qin Yun discovered for the first time that his mouth, which he thought was clean, was actually so dirty.

The teacher said that there are many bacteria in the mouth, and the bacteria that cause infection are Staphylococcus aureus.

Su He immediately asked the guardsmen to dip a cotton swab in a small amount of garlic juice and apply it on the culture medium.

He was doing an in vitro bactericidal experiment on allicin.

Allicin can kill bacteria outside the body, so it can kill pathogenic bacteria in the body.

The soldiers in the guard regiment are all literate, and they know which garlic juice they apply on the ground.

The soldiers carefully recorded their situation.

The glass bottle in each person's hand has a number on it, recording the method of processing this garlic juice.

Qu Qingyi watched from the sidelines and guided the soldiers of the guard regiment who made mistakes.


"Teacher, come and see. These bacteria are dead."

Su He has been too tired these days and is waiting for the results of the allicin experiment while it still needs time.

He sat at the table and took notes, and fell asleep before he knew it.

Hearing Qin Yun's cry, Su He opened his eyes.

Qin Yun stood beside him and said in surprise: "Teacher, go and see, the staphylococci on the culture medium are really dead.

I looked at it several times with a microscope and found that the staphylococci were really dissolved by allicin."

Su He came to the culture medium area and used a microscope to randomly inspect the culture medium.

He found that most staphylococci thrived in culture media smeared with garlic juice.

Many garlic juices contain too little allicin to inhibit the main causative bacteria of this infection.

Su He followed the direction of Qin Yun's fingers, picked out the culture medium and put it under the microscope.

He saw a lot of dead staphylococci on the culture medium in this area.

In several of the media, staphylococci completely disappeared.

"Haha, allicin appears."

Su He couldn't help but laugh. He had worked hard for so long and finally saw the light of day.

He immediately called Qu Qingyi to check the processing method of garlic on this culture medium.

Qu Qingyi looked through the numbers and records and told Su He.

Garlic juice in this area generally only goes through three processes.

The first step is crushing, using a machine to completely crush the soaked garlic.

The second step is soaking, soaking the garlic in distilled water.

The third process is distillation. The most effective allicin is distilled at a temperature of 75 degrees.

After finding allicin, Su He looked at the glass bottle in front of him.

There is a golden yellow liquid with a strong garlic smell in it.

This golden yellow liquid is allicin, and its value is sometimes more valuable than gold.

Su He used allicin and repeated antibacterial experiments.

The experimental results once again confirmed that allicin can effectively kill Staphylococcus aureus and other pathogenic bacteria.

Su He asked Qu Qingyi to explore the industrial production technology of this allicin, form a patent, and conduct secret registration.

At the same time, contact Wang Wenjun and Hanzhong Hospital.

Drug experiments began using prisoners on death row who had committed the most heinous crimes.

Test the dosage of allicin taken each time and see if there are any side effects after taking it.

Whether it can effectively cure diseases such as infections.

These have not been tested on real people, so there is no way to imagine them.

Even if you use mice or monkeys, there is a huge gap between them and humans, and you cannot get accurate information.

Fortunately, there are many death row inmates in prison now, so let them contribute and contribute to the development of science.

Allicin had seen the light of day, and Su He focused his attention on penicillin.

In Su He's impression, allicin has a weak effect and can only treat infections with mild symptoms.

The mainstream antibiotic in the future will still be penicillin.

Su He only remembered that penicillin was the secretion of a certain kind of Penicillium.

He had no idea what kind of Penicillium it was.

Allicin has been found by exhaustive methods, and there is no problem in finding Penicillium by exhaustive methods.

Su He led the students to continuously collect various Penicillium molds.

They planted Penicillium and Staphylococcus on a culture medium.

As long as Staphylococcus is found, it will be killed by substances secreted by Penicillium.

The substance secreted by Penicillium is penicillin.

The whole process is boring and cumbersome, and you can only try it over and over again.

Su He knew that what he did was purely a matter of luck.

There are too many types of Penicillium, and it is possible that none of the Penicillium in Hanzhong has the ability to secrete penicillin.

Su He led the students and kept looking at the microscope, ruling out one result after another.

Su He was not depressed. He knew that sooner or later, he would be able to find the results he wanted.

As long as the experiment continues, penicillin will be found.

This is much easier than other scientists exploring silently in the dark.

He carefully recorded the situation. At least the current experimental process could rule out a wrong answer.

The total amount of Penicillium is large but also limited. After he eliminated most of the wrong answers, only the correct answers remained.


"Teacher, come and see.

Is this the result you want?"

Qin Yun seemed to have found the penicillin the teacher had been talking about.

She couldn't believe it and immediately came to Su He to verify the authenticity of the result.

When Su He heard Qin Yun's words, he walked as fast as flying and immediately rushed to Qin Yun's side.

Lean down and look through the microscope to see what's going on on the culture medium.

He saw a vacuum zone appearing next to Penicillium, and all the surrounding Staphylococci dissolved.

This sign is the production of penicillin that dissolves the bacteria.

After searching for so many days, they finally found penicillin.

"Qin Yun, where was this Penicillium found?"

"Teacher, I brought the melon from home. I have been so busy these days that I forgot about it.

It got moldy in the dormitory, and we happened to be looking for green plum fungus, so I conveniently used this melon for experiments."

Su He remembered that in later generations, it was the discovery of penicillin on melons.

This fruit, which has grown in China for more than 3,000 years, has not only brought delicious food to people, but has also made great contributions.

Su He rubbed Qin Yun's head and said happily: "Qin Yun, you have done a great job. This kind of thing can fulfill your wishes and it can solve many plagues."

After he praised Qin Yun, he immediately carefully inoculated the green plum fungus into other culture media.

After Penicillium grows to a certain scale.

Soho tried to use sweet potatoes, sorghum, beef jelly, pork jelly and other things to cultivate the discovered Penicillium.

Through various experiments, he found that this kind of Penicillium prefers the culture medium made from sweet potato juice.

Su He continued to conduct experiments and repeatedly confirmed that this kind of Penicillium can secrete penicillin, which can kill many kinds of bacteria.

After many explorations, Su He found a way to cultivate Penicillium and prepare penicillin in advance.

After filtering the penicillin cultured in the culture medium, rapeseed oil is added.

Penicillin is soluble in water, and many impurities in penicillin are fat-soluble substances, which are easier to integrate into oil.

The clear liquid above the rapeseed oil is extracted and filtered through activated carbon. This is penicillin containing many impurities.

This kind of penicillin has the highest purity among large-scale production of penicillin under current conditions.

Su He produced a batch of penicillin and asked Qu Qingyi to bring it to the doctor to conduct drug experiments on death row prisoners.

Verify the effectiveness and toxic side effects of penicillin.


Su He looked at Wu Youke who was wearing a white coat.

He did not expect that this famous doctor who was particularly good at treating plagues in history would become a famous doctor in Hanzhong Hospital.

Wu Youke performed so well that Wang Wenjun appointed him as the person in charge of the allicin and penicillin drug experiment.

"Your Highness, King Qin, we used death row prisoners to test allicin and penicillin, and the results have come out."

Wu Youke looked excited and handed the data from the two drug experiments to Su He.

He was shocked by the therapeutic effects of these two drugs. These two drugs are really amazing.

Su He carefully read the drug experiment report handed over by Wu Youke.

Allicin can be taken orally or applied topically.

The therapeutic effect of allicin is very obvious. People with infections should take allicin for three days in a row.

Most of the infection symptoms subside.

Especially for post-surgical infections and gastrointestinal infections in children, allicin has miraculous effects.

Death row inmates who took less than 1 gram of allicin per day had no serious side effects.

Some death row inmates developed symptoms such as rashes and vomiting.

Allicin's powerful and effective therapeutic effects have no impact at all on these weak side effects.

Seeing this, Su He was relieved that allicin could be used on the battlefield.

When treating soldiers in field hospitals, as long as postoperative infections can be effectively treated, the survival rate of soldiers after surgery will increase several times.

The emergence of allicin is a good thing for everyone, especially infants and young children.

Doctors had no way to deal with the infection before and had to rely on people to get through it on their own.

Nowadays, allicin can treat the infection, or at least weaken the infection.

This allows your immune system to work its best and give you time to defeat the disease.

Allicin can effectively increase the average life span of the people, and can also bring huge benefits to the Qin Palace.

Su He looked at the penicillin drug experiment results again.

The emergence of penicillin truly changed the history of mankind's fight against disease.

Twenty death row inmates were given penicillin at daily doses ranging from 0.01 to 1 gram.

As long as it reaches 0.5 grams per day, the death row prisoner will die.

If the dosage exceeds 0.1 grams per day, death row inmates will develop severe edema, purpura and other symptoms. The infection will be controlled, but it will cause severe side effects.

When Su He saw this result, he was immediately shocked.

The side effects of penicillin are too great, it is simply poison.

It is either fatal or semi-disabled. Even if penicillin is effective, it cannot be used as a drug.

The death and disability rate caused by penicillin was too high, and Su He did not think this was a problem with penicillin.

Penicillin's effect is against the bacterial cell wall.

Animals, including humans, do not have cell walls as a cellular structure at all.

Penicillin is completely harmless to humans,

It may cause allergic reactions and requires a skin test before use.

Penicillin allergic reaction is impossible to achieve 100%.

All twenty prisoners on death row were wiped out. This was definitely not an allergic reaction.

Su He estimated that the current purification technology was not up to par and there were too many impurities in penicillin.

There is no way to perform sterile culture now, and there may be some miscellaneous bacteria mixed into the penicillin.

These bacteria produce some deadly toxins.

Su He continued to read the experimental report.

Wu Youke waited for the doctor and found that penicillin could not be taken internally, so they turned to external use.

They found that penicillin worked very well when applied externally.

The topical effect of penicillin is far greater than that of allicin.

A death row prisoner's thigh has developed ulcers and the infection is very serious.

Use topical penicillin to clean the wound and apply medicine to the wound.

The infection was controlled immediately and the death row inmate's life was saved.

The side effects of topical penicillin are also very low. Except for occasional edema in the affected area, no major side effects have been found.

Su He smiled happily after reading the drug experiment report.

The Prince of Qin’s Mansion now has two antibiotics, allicin and penicillin.

One is for internal use and the other is for external use.

The combined use of these two antibiotics can effectively cure many previous terminal diseases.

Su He looked at Wu Youke and ordered: "The Academy of Sciences has prepared a lot of allicin and penicillin.

I authorize your Hanzhong Hospital to use allicin and penicillin in the treatment process.

Doctor Wu, you need to establish complete medical records.

Make statistics on the patient's treatment effects and side effects, and explore whether allicin and penicillin can be used to treat each disease, and what is the dosage and usage.

Lay a solid foundation for the popularization of allicin and penicillin."

Wu Youke heard that His Highness King Qin asked them to use allicin and penicillin on all the people.

He was very happy. As a doctor, he would cure diseases and save people.

With these two drugs, he can conquer many diseases.

Wu Youke was a little confused, but finally asked: "Your Highness, King Qin, how much do allicin and penicillin cost?

This kind of drug that can treat terminal infections should be very expensive.

I suggest that hospitals try to price it as low as possible so that most people can afford it."

"Doctor Wu, don't worry! Most people can afford this kind of medicine."

When Wu Youke heard Su He say these words, he bowed and thanked Su He for all the people.

Accompanied by Su He's secretary Qu Qingyi, he went to the Academy of Sciences laboratory to collect the two drugs with a coded warrant.

Su He was thinking about the pricing of allicin and penicillin.

Allicin and penicillin are industrially produced and the cost is not too exaggerated.

Wu Youke is waiting for doctor’s drug experimental data.

The dosage of these two drugs for each course of treatment is about ten grams.

Nowadays, bacteria are not resistant to antibiotics, and most infections can be completely cured in just one course of treatment.

Su He asked the hospital to price a course of treatment at 100 taels of silver coins.

One gram of medicine costs up to ten taels of silver coins.

This kind of expensive price will hurt not just ordinary people, but even wealthy businessmen.

This price is the external sales price of allicin and penicillin.

Hanzhong Hospital provides free treatment to officials and soldiers under the rule of the Qin Palace.

Immediate family members of officials and military personnel enjoy half-price treatment.

Allicin and penicillin were expensive, so Su He asked Zumiao to intervene.

Yanhuang believers in the ancestral temple can enjoy a half discount, and a course of treatment only costs five taels of silver coins.

This price is affordable to ordinary people.

The ancestral temple also has many assistance functions. The donations from believers are used to help believers in need.

The hospital has long-term ancestral temple congratulators stationed there. They mainly provide hospice care services and help people in need.

Banks will also provide corresponding loans to help sick people tide over difficulties.

Su He tried his best to let the Qin Palace govern the people so that they would not die because they had no money to treat the disease.

He looked at Secretary-General Qian Mingyi who was beside him and ordered:

"Mingyi, you personally prepared a pharmaceutical factory, mainly producing allicin and penicillin.

I will ask the Academy of Sciences to transfer the patented technology for production to pharmaceutical manufacturers.

The pharmaceutical factory is stationed by security forces, and all workers in the pharmaceutical factory must pass key inspections to ensure the confidentiality of drug formulas.

I will notify Su Changsheng and ask the secret guards to help you examine the pharmaceutical factory workers.

In one month, enough allicin and penicillin must be prepared for 10,000 people.

Can you do this well?"

In a rare move, Su He put pressure on Qian Mingyi to prepare a sufficient quantity of antibiotics.

The war is about to begin, and we cannot give up rescuing some soldiers because of insufficient medicine.

Qian Mingyi bowed and said solemnly: "Your Highness, King Qin, please rest assured that I will definitely do this well.

Strictly keep the secrets of pharmaceutical companies and never let them leak out.

I will definitely complete the tasks assigned by His Highness King Qin."

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