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Chapter 157 Divided troops to occupy Shaanxi

Su Hu put down the battle report in his hand and called all the generals for a meeting.

Li Dazhuang and Zhang Yuliang defeated the Guan Ning Cavalry of the Ming Army.

It proves that rocket launchers, artillery and iron box trucks work together to effectively prevent cavalry sneak attacks and protect transport teams.

When the army is encamped, mines and sentries can prevent cavalry from attacking the camp.

When the army moves, there are iron box trucks and rocket launchers with extremely long range.

When you encounter a ranger, just greet them with a rocket launcher.

Rocket launchers have a fast rate of fire, are extremely simple to launch, and have a long range.

This kind of firearm is more efficient than heavy artillery in attacking cavalry.

The cost of rocket launchers is not high, and arsenals have now mass-produced them.

A trained artilleryman can skillfully operate a rocket launcher.

With the existence of rocket launchers, the Ming cavalry suffered such a big loss, and they would never dare to attack the logistics team in the future.

There are really tough people who dare to attack the logistics team.

The soldiers who protect the logistics will also use rocket launchers and muskets to let these cavalry experience the power of their Qin army's firearms.

The Ming army's Guan Ning cavalry was defeated by them in this battle.

Some of Guan Ning's cavalry were captured by them and some were annihilated.

Only more than 5,000 people ran out, and almost everyone was injured.

These Guan Ning cavalry have become frightened birds.

The morale of the Ming army infantry was even lower, and they basically did not dare to fight them head-on.

The conditions for dividing our forces to capture Shaanxi are ripe.

Wu Jie, commander of the Fourth Army, asked happily: "Commander Su Hu, are we going to divide our troops?"

"Yes, the conditions are ripe, we can divide our forces to capture Shaanxi.

Fulfill His Highness the King of Qin’s expectations for our northern front army.”

After Su Hu finished speaking, he arranged various armies.

"The artillery division sent out an artillery regiment with rockets and heavy artillery to follow the army in every direction.

Other units of the artillery division were mixed into the logistics team and used rockets and other firearms to eliminate the troops attacking the logistics team.

The Guards were responsible for occupying Tongguan and other border cities in Shaanxi and Henan and Shanxi, as well as the Great Wall near Yulinwei.

I led the Third Army to take charge of central Shaanxi and occupied Xi'an Prefecture, Pingliang Prefecture, and Qingyang Prefecture.

The Third Army was also responsible for occupying the Great Wall in the Ningxia region.

The Fourth Army is responsible for the western part of Shaanxi, occupying the Great Wall area along Gongchang Prefecture, Lintao Prefecture, Ganzhou Guard and Suzhou Guard.

Other places can be slower, and the Great Wall must be taken first.

We cannot let the Mongols capture the Great Wall.

Especially Jiayuguan must not fall into the hands of the Mongols.

If Jiayuguan falls, we must take it back at all costs."

Su Hu only arranged the tasks of each army. The specific tasks of each army were assigned to the commanders of each army.


"Dad, what should we do?"

Wu Sangui looked at Guan Ning's cavalry with only 5,000 men left.

It had been a long time, and now he was still shuddering when he recalled that nightmare scene.

The cannonballs of the thieves in yellow were thrown down as if they were free of charge.

Just use massive cannonballs to defeat them.

In particular, a kind of long cannonball frightened Wu Sangui the most.

He was wounded by this shell and almost killed.

He had never seen such a scene before, and he didn't expect that the battle could be fought like this.

Wu Xiang looked at the cavalry around him who had no fighting spirit.

Zu Dashou, He Kegang, and Song Wei all did not come back.

He is currently the only commander in chief of the Guan Ning Army.

His direct troops suffered heavy losses, but he must be able to gather all these remaining soldiers under his command.

His strength rose instead of falling.

Wu Xiang summoned the remnants of Guan Ning's cavalry and all generals with more than a hundred households.

He said with a solemn expression: "We have no way to continue fighting this war.

Master Sun has been retreating steadily, and has now retreated to Xi'an Mansion.

Where else could he retreat, to Suide or outside the Great Wall?

Those local Shaanxi troops collapsed when they encountered the yellow-robed thieves.

Let alone win the battle, they couldn't even stop it.

Now we have lost the ability to take the initiative.

If the cavalry cannot take the initiative to attack, how can we still defend the city?"

Wu Sangui asked doubtfully: "Dad, your idea is that we just run away.

It's easy to run away, but how do you explain it to the court?"

"Don't worry about the court, our survival is the most important thing.

In the Battle of Salsh, so many generals fled, and several were severely punished.

I finally figured it out. As long as we have soldiers in our hands now, the imperial court can't do anything to us.

If the imperial court wants us to attack the yellow-robed thieves and Hou Jin, it must tolerate our occasional little willfulness."

"Since dad is sure, let's just run away."

Wu Xiang looked at his somewhat reckless son and said, "We must be skillful in retreating. We cannot escape blatantly.

Unless there is an emergency, there is no way to escape.

After becoming a deserter, it was very difficult to find connections.

We must act in the name of chasing the thief in yellow.

It’s not up to you to decide where we should pursue you.”

"Dad, your idea is great. I believe everyone will support you."

A relaxed smile appeared on Wu Sangui's face.

The firearms of the thief in yellow were too terrifying, and he didn't want to face them again.

I would rather fight with Hou Jin's cavalry than encounter the thieves in yellow again.


"General Xu, what should we do in this situation now? Please help everyone make up their minds."

"Yes, we are hiding in Xi'an City, and we are surrounded by thieves in yellow outside."

"The cavalry of Guan Ning Army said they were chasing thieves in yellow clothes.

No one can tell that they just found a reason to escape.

The cavalrymen of Guan Ning Army were arrogant and fell into an ambush.

They were captured and killed by the thieves in yellow clothes, and the rest were already frightened.

They can run fast on four legs, how can we run on two legs?"

"Master Sun uses that beast Cao Bianjiao as an inspector. He keeps an eye on people like us and doesn't care.

From the bottom of his heart, this little beast believes that we took refuge in the thieves in yellow, which resulted in the death of his uncle.

As an inspector, his methods these days have been too ruthless.

Which general dares to slack off? This little beast really dares to kill someone."

Xu Kaisheng heard the complaints from the general soldiers.

He spread his hands and said helplessly: "Everyone asks me for help, but there is no good way.

Lord Sun desperately wanted to defend Xi'an City and planned to use Xi'an Fort to drag him down.

We failed along the way, but there are still four armies, and they may succeed.

Lord Sun wants to use the fortified city of Xi'an to consume the thieves in yellow.

In the current battle to defend the city, the casualties on our side defending the city should be smaller.

The thieves in yellow really broke into Xi'an. It's not too late for everyone to make wise choices."


Su Hu looked at the Great Wall military flag that had been planted on the top of Xi'an.

A smile appeared on his face, Xi'an City was about to be completely occupied.

They used siege mines that had not been used for a long time.

Send a vanguard and, under the cover of the army, bury siege mines under the city wall.

With several violent explosions, a section of Xi'an City's wall collapsed due to a siege mine.

The Third Army did not use heavy artillery to attack the city, but used more artillery shells in the early stage.

Now the shells of the heavy artillery have been fired.

They are waiting for logistical transport of artillery shells.

The Ming army in Xi'an was too tenacious.

Using various defensive equipment, they caused heavy casualties to the Qin army.

Xi'an is the capital of Shaanxi, and the fall of Xi'an represents the fall of Shaanxi.

The capture of Xi'an had a great impact on the morale of everyone in Shaanxi.

After the news of the fall of Xi'an spread, it became very easy to attack other parts of Shaanxi.

The guard approached the headquarters and said: "Commander, Qu Xiangyang wishes that the commander is critically ill."

Su Hu looked stunned and asked in surprise: "What's going on? How could Master Qu Zhu be critically ill?"

The guard pointed to the military flag on the wall ahead.

"Commander, Master Qu Zhu saw that we attacked many times but failed to capture the city of Xi'an.

The vanguard carrying the siege mines was the manpower that Master Qu Zhu summoned from the army and asked the soldiers to volunteer.

The vanguard failed to attack the city many times, and its morale was somewhat low.

Qu Zhushi personally led the vanguard to attack the city and boosted the morale of the vanguard.

He carried various defensive equipment and buried siege mines under the city wall.

However, he was injured by the golden juice and fell into a critical condition."

Su Hu asked other armies to continue attacking the city and expand the results.

Follow the collapsed city wall, rush into Xi'an City, completely capture Xi'an City, and eliminate the elite Ming army.

He immediately rushed to the field hospital to visit Qu Xiangyang.

During this period, he has cooperated very well with Qu Xiangyang. He is an outstanding talent. Su Hu does not want to lose this comrade.

Su Hu came to the field hospital and saw Qu Xiangyang, who was pale.

The doctor was cleaning his right arm, using scissors and tweezers to remove pieces of cooled lead.

When the lead is peeled off, some of it is attached to the skin, and it is very painful to tear it off.

Big beads of sweat continued to trickle down Qu Xiangyang's forehead, but he did not cry out in pain.

When the doctor from the field hospital took off a few pieces, he sighed.

He took out gauze and wrapped Qu Xiangyang's arm again.

Qu Xiangyang endured the pain and looked at Su Hu weakly.

"Have the siege mines been successfully laid under the city wall of Xi'an? Have we entered Xi'an City?"

"Master Qu Zhu, don't worry.

The city wall has been blown down by siege mines, and I have sent troops into the city."

When Qu Xiangyang heard this, he smiled and passed out.

Su Hu sighed in his heart:

"Why are you so anxious to lead the vanguard to attack the city in person?

The next batch of logistics supplies will arrive soon, and our heavy artillery will be able to fire again."

Su Hu actually knew in his heart the reason for Qu Xiangyang's choice.

The Ming army in Xi'an City is becoming more and more tenacious in defending the city day by day.

This is obviously the Ming army commander Sun Chengzong, who integrated the army by defending the city.

Once the Ming army in the city is integrated and transformed into a strong army, they will be in big trouble.

For a strong city like Xi'an, there is no shortage of food, muskets and cannons.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the city.

Once the Ming army in the city unified their thoughts, they decided to coexist with the city of Xi'an.

Sun Chengzong also had the ability to mobilize young men to defend the city.

Their Qin army will not be able to capture the city of Xi'an in the short term, and changes are likely to occur.

Especially the Ming army and gentry in other parts of Shaanxi Province saw that the city of Xi'an had resisted for so long.

Their low morale was boosted.

The Ming army was too determined to defend the city, and their heavy artillery shells had been used up.

It will take some time to wait for logistics to transport the shells.

They were competing for time with Sun Chengzong to see which side could achieve their strategy first.

Su Hu saw the signal from the director of the field hospital and walked out of the hospital ward.

"Commander Su, Master Qu Zhu's condition is very serious and requires amputation. His right arm cannot be saved."

"Don't we have allicin and penicillin, can't we save the song and Zhu Shi?"

Su Hu knew that once the amputation was performed,

After the amputation, you become disabled, plus the recuperation time from the amputation surgery.

Qu Xiangyang cannot adapt to the current situation in the army, and he will definitely quit the army.

"Commander Su, allicin and penicillin are very effective, but they are not a panacea.

Infection from an arrow or injuries caused by feces and water can be cured.

The gold juice used by the Ming army was lead water, and the temperature was so high that it burned the arms directly.

In this situation, it is difficult for gods to save him, so he can only save his life by amputation as soon as possible.

Our field hospital has rescued people who were burned by gold juice many times.

If the torso is burned, there is no way to save it. If the limbs are burned, as long as the limbs are amputated as soon as possible, there is an 80% chance of saving the patient."

"Your doctor's opinion is the most important, let's ampute the leg."

When Su Hu left the field hospital, Chief of Staff Qin Xiangkun found him immediately.

"Commander, how is Master Qu Zhu's situation?"

"The injury is serious and requires amputation."

"I hope he can save his life. This siege will be really dangerous without Qu Zhushi.

The Ming army was almost integrated into an iron army by Sun Chengzong.

After we breached the city wall, their morale collapsed again.

Our troops invaded Xi'an City, and most of the Ming army surrendered.

Xu Kaisheng, the commander-in-chief of Guyuan, also kidnapped Sun Chengzong and Guan Ning's army who were unwilling to surrender."

After Su Hu captured the city of Xi'an, he asked Zhou Dahu, commander of the First Division, to lead the second-line troops such as the garrison and the reclamation corps.

When capturing cities in Shaanxi, there are only a few guardsmen guarding the cities in these places. When they see the army coming, they will inevitably surrender the city.

He took Wei Yunshang and Meng Zheng and headed straight to the Ningxia area.

He wanted to seize the Great Wall and deal with the Ming army's border troops.


Li Dazhuang led the troops and marched quickly.

He met Ming officials who wanted to dedicate the city.

They were all told to contact the security forces at the rear.

He took the main force of the Guards and went straight to Tongguan.

Tongguan's geographical location is very important, as it is the only way from the Central Plains to enter Shaanxi.

By capturing Tongguan, the Qin army will be able to enter Henan and Shanxi at any time in the future.

Tongguan, in the hands of the Ming army, can also ensure the security of Henan and Shanxi.

"Chief of Staff Duan, how are the preparations of the artillery division's heavy artillery regiment?"

Duan Ruide immediately replied: "Report to the commander, there are enough heavy artillery shells, they have been following the rear of our army.

We can use heavy artillery to break down the gate of Tongguan."

Li Dazhuang commanded the army to besiege the city and attack the city with heavy artillery.

After two days of heavy artillery siege, the Tongguan defenders did not surrender.

After seeing the situation at Tongguan, he left a division of troops behind.

Let them cooperate with the artillery regiments sent by the artillery division to assist them.

Besiege Tongguan and use heavy artillery to break through Tongguan, or wait until the defenders cannot hold on and surrender.

Li Dazhuang led the troops and headed towards Yulinwei.

That's where the Ming Dynasty's frontier army and the Great Wall were located.

Now that the elites of the Ming Dynasty were exhausted, the border troops could no longer resist the Mongol invasion.

Li Dazhuang wanted to reach the Great Wall one day earlier and could not let the Mongols rush into the Great Wall.

Pan Hongcai congratulated his master on horseback and followed Li Dazhuang.

“Commander, with only one division left, can they take Tongguan?

There are so many of us, why don't we break through Tongguan before leaving?"

"Master Pan Zhu, attacking the city now is different from before.

In the past, the only way was to climb the city wall and fight over the wall repeatedly with the defenders.

The siege caused huge casualties and took a very long time.

Now that cannons and gunpowder are available, there is no need to use this traditional method.

Just relying on the power of the cannon, even if it can't blow open the city wall.

Cannons can also blow up the defenders on top of the city.

No army can endure continuous casualties.

There are no reinforcements here in Tongguan, so we are not in a hurry to capture Tongguan, we can just wait it out slowly."

Li Dazhuang led the army on a rapid march.

Leaving behind their heavy artillery and logistics teams, they marched extremely fast.


Han Shuliang looked at Lanzhou City in front of him and couldn't help but shed tears.

He has been away from home for more than two years and thought he would never return to Lanzhou.

Unexpectedly, he would lead troops to attack Lanzhou City today.

Li Wenfang introduced at the side: "Commander, the Military Intelligence Bureau just gave us the report that the Ming army general guarding Lanzhou is Han Mingtong."

"It turns out that the big head is guarding Lanzhou City. If everything goes well, we can peacefully take over Lanzhou City today."

Han Shuliang still has some confidence in taking over Lanzhou peacefully.

Han Mingtong was his eldest son. His father was outside the city, but he dared not go out to greet him.

Han Shuliang saw that Han Mingtong was the commander.

He felt relieved that nothing happened to his family.

Han Mingtong's ability to succeed him proves that the family still holds a certain amount of power.

During this time, Shaanxi was in great turmoil, but their family was able to survive it.

Han Shuliang immediately arranged for hot air balloons to drop leaflets to persuade the Ming troops in Lanzhou City to surrender.

The Qin army general in the leaflet did not write the name Han Shuliang, but Han Jinglie.

Han Shuliang, this was a temporary pseudonym he gave to Su He.

At that time, everyone took refuge in Chuhe. As long as their family was not in Hanzhong, they would give a false name.

In Lanzhou City, the Ming Dynasty defenders looked at the army of yellow-robed thieves besieging the city.

Some of them have legs that are constantly shaking.

No one thinks that Lanzhou City can be defended with just the force of Lanzhou City.

Under the propaganda of the Ming Dynasty, they learned that the thieves in yellow were very cruel.

Once the city is captured, the thieves in yellow will massacre the city, and they will all be finished by then.

"Everyone, look, what is that in the sky?"

"The gods have arrived."

"This is the magic trick of the thief in yellow. Go and get the blood of the black dog."

"Don't be nervous, everyone, the merchants who came to us said so.

The thief in yellow has something called a hot air balloon, which can fly into the sky."

"Look, everyone, something has been thrown from above."

"It looks like a piece of paper, please take a look."

Han Mingtong's soldiers brought him the leaflet dropped by the thief in yellow.

The tactics of the thieves in yellow are no longer a secret.

They conquered Chengdu through these means and even boasted about it in the newspapers.

Now every general who fights against the thieves in yellow can easily obtain the newspapers of the thieves in yellow if he wants to read them.

Han Mingtong is no exception. He is young and is more able to accept this novel knowledge.

When he opened the flyer, his eyes immediately widened.

He saw that the general leading the yellow-robed thieves was named Han Jinglie.

He had already fled to Lanzhou City from other places.

I learned that the general named Han Shuliang was the thief in yellow who attacked them.

He would never forget the name Han Kyung-yeol.

This is the name of his father, the former commander of the Lanzhou Guard.

Dad followed the governor of the three sides, Mr. Yang He, to encircle and suppress the thieves in yellow.

After the defeat of the army, he was never heard from again.

Everyone in the family believed that my father had died for his country.

I didn't expect that my father would become a general of the yellow bandits and lead troops to attack Lanzhou.

Han Mingtong is not afraid of others pretending to be fake. There are many secrets in this article that only direct family members understand.

He immediately called his commanding colleagues and asked the family members to guard the door.

In a very thin voice, he explained: "Fifth Uncle, the general leading the army of the thieves in yellow outside may be my father.

You secretly go to the thief in yellow to observe. If it is really my father, we will open the city and surrender.

If my father can become a high-ranking official of the Thieves in Yellow, our family will not only not be affected, but it will also flourish.

The thieves in yellow are not my father, so you deal with them in the name of preparing to sacrifice the city.

What we do specifically depends on the development of the situation."

Han Jingfeng nodded, indicating that he understood.

Han Mingtong secretly let his fifth uncle out of the city, and he was worried all the time.

After only waiting for half a day, I saw Uncle Wu coming back quietly.

He couldn't hide the joy on his face.

"Nephew, I saw the third brother.

He is really the third brother.

The third brother did not die, but became a high official of the thieves in yellow."

Han Mingtong confirmed that it was his father outside, and immediately opened the gate of Lanzhou City and let the Qin army enter the city.

He wanted to jump off the broken ship of the Ming Dynasty and board the great ship of the King of Qin with great prospects.


Wu Jie led the third division on the way to Jialing Pass.

The wind and sand along this road were too strong, and the strong wind roared past with the sand and gravel.

It was all yellow and you couldn't see the surrounding scenery.

He led his soldiers and marched directly along the Great Wall.

The resistance of the Ming Dynasty's border troops was very weak. If they attacked even slightly, these border troops would surrender.

Wu Jie found out after questioning the prisoners that Emperor Chongzhen had drained away all the elite border troops in order to annihilate them.

Most of the frontier troops who stayed at the Great Wall were old, weak, sick and disabled.

They put on the clothes of the Ming army and carried the flag of the Ming army.

There is no news here in Jiayuguan, so Wu Jie plans to trick him into opening the city gate of Jiayuguan.

Fu Xiucheng spit out a mouthful of yellow sand and said: "According to the map and the prisoners' instructions, the front is Jiayuguan.

The loess desert area is too difficult to walk through.

His Highness the King of Qin said that this was the result of the southward movement of precipitation belts and massive deforestation.

In every prosperous period of China, the precipitation belt moved northward, which could create hundreds of millions of acres of more arable land out of thin air.

During the Han and Tang dynasties, elephants could roam in Henan, so it was called Yu.

Instead of catching up with the good times, we caught up with the worst times."

Wang Zhixin, Zhu Shi of the Fourth Army, said:

"You must believe that His Highness King Qin can lead the people of the world to live a better life.

It's just a natural disaster, no man-made disaster, so the people will not have too hard a time."

The messenger ran over eagerly.

"Report to the commander, two miles ahead is Jiayuguan. Our scouts saw Mongolians attacking Jiayuguan."

"The whole army accelerated its advance, defeated the Mongols, and rescued Jiayuguan.

Jiayuguan was in the hands of Ming Dynasty, and it was Ni Yuqiang, the brother.

Jiayuguan must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the Mongols.

The Ming Dynasty failed to defend Yumen Pass, so we cannot lose Jiayuguan Pass again.

This is also a God-given opportunity, it just so happens that we enter the city in the name of Ming army reinforcements."

Wu Jie led the troops to attack.

The Mongols who besieged Jiayuguan immediately retreated when they saw a large number of reinforcements approaching.

The Ming army at Jiayuguan thought that the Ming Dynasty had received news that they were besieged, and sent troops to support them.

Jiayuguan opened the city gates to welcome reinforcements into the city.

Wu Jie laughed twice and led his army to easily occupy Jiayuguan.

This chapter has been completed!
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