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Chapter 176 The sale of steam engines

In the teahouse of the headquarters of Xinxue Hanzhong School.

Wang Zhongce asked in surprise: "Your Highness, King Qin, do we really want to sell steam engines to others?

His Highness the King of Qin has said before that monopoly will bring the greatest benefits.

We have this technology and can use steam engines to enhance the production capacity of major factories.

This can bring huge benefits to the palace.

Selling steam engines now does not mean handing over our interests to others."

Su He smiled and said: "For families, monopoly can indeed bring huge benefits.

But for the government, we cannot focus solely on short-term interests.

Sell ​​steam engines to promote industrialization.

Industrialization will absorb a large number of laborers, increase productivity, and bring about earth-shaking changes to society.

We have allocated land to the people, but the current situation of more people and less land has not changed.

We need to absorb the excess population that the land cannot bear through industrialization.

Only when people have stable jobs will our rule become more stable.

In addition to monopolizing industries with natural monopoly attributes, the government must allow the people to fully compete in other industries.

Even this kind of monopoly industry must be split into two or three companies to compete with each other when the time comes, so that they can maintain a certain degree of vitality.

Only through competition can the entire society be dynamic, constantly explore new technologies, and promote the industrialization process.

At the same time, steam engines can also bring us huge benefits.

They are both under the management of the Shaofu and are sold to brother units. No matter how expensive the sale is, the cost is borne internally.

Sell ​​it to the private sector and earn a lot of silver coins.

The money you make from steam engines is not that much, but using a steam engine requires a lot of coal.

We prohibit private coal mining, and all coal resources are in the hands of the government.

When these businessmen purchase steam engines, they will consume a large amount of coal, which can bring a steady stream of benefits to the government.

Only with these silver coins can we support our planned plan."

Wang Zhongce asked in surprise: "Your Highness, King Qin, do you really want to implement the construction of the Hetao Coal and Steel Group and the northwest well drilling plan.

The cost of building a steel plant is a bit high, but it can bring us a lot of benefits.

The cost of drilling wells in the northwest is too high and the benefits are very low.

In the northwest region, it is possible to drill more than a dozen wells before one can produce water.

Even if there is a steam engine, we have calculated the cost.

The cost of each well ranges from five hundred to three thousand taels of silver coins, and the cost of maintaining these wells is not low."

Su He said in a solemn tone: "The plan to dig wells in the northwest will be implemented in the spring, and we need to start preparations now.

In some areas of the northwest, it is now extremely difficult for humans and animals to drink water.

Groundwater is quite abundant, and steam engines are used to dig wells and lift water.

It is possible to realize the plan to drill wells. No matter how high the cost is, we must ensure that the people have drinking water."

Su He will definitely promote this plan, even if the cost is a bit high.

The Gansu-Shaanxi region is extremely important, especially the northwest border area, where the normal life of the people must be ensured.

The existence of these villages is the cornerstone of border stability.

In this kind of influencing matter, we cannot only consider the gains and losses of interests.

"Zhong Ce, please pass on the news about the government's sale of steam engines."


Hanzhong, Degui Restaurant.

Many businessmen from the Hanzhong Chamber of Commerce gathered together.

Most of the members of these chambers of commerce are factory owners.

Ding Wannian looked at the members of the Chamber of Commerce and said: "We can all come together to form a Chamber of Commerce because we all realize that if we don't join together, we will be eliminated by Sichuan merchants.

Everyone respects me, Mr. Ding, and allows me to serve as the president of the Hanzhong Chamber of Commerce.

Everyone must abide by the rules agreed upon by our Chamber of Commerce.

If a member violates the rules, the Chamber of Commerce will kick him out directly."

After Ding Wannian finished speaking, he immediately read out three names.

"You three are no longer members of the Chamber of Commerce. Please get out! Don't let me go to the tax bureau to report you in person."

"Bah! I'm a government lackey, I'm just evading taxes.

The tax bureau didn't even notice it, so you still have to mind your own business.

I won’t be a part of this bullshit chamber of commerce anymore. With my ability, I don’t believe I can make a way out of it.”

After Ding Wannian saw these three people leaving, he said with a serious expression: "You are taking advantage of the workers by substituting inferior products for good ones.

I don't care about this kind of thing, it's a matter for the government to take care of.

Tax evasion is absolutely unacceptable. Members of the Shanxi Chamber of Commerce next door evaded taxes in large numbers.

The tax bureau directly investigates every transaction of Shanxi merchants. Many people did not evade taxes, but were found to have done many illegal things.

This incident directly caused Shanxi Merchants to become a third-rate chamber of commerce, which was not as powerful as the Gansu-Shaanxi Chamber of Commerce.

In order to prevent harmful animals from causing harm to those of us who abide by the law.

Members who evade taxes will be fired directly."

Ding Wannian emphasized the words "obeying laws and disciplines".

“During this period, everyone has seen the big chimneys in industrial areas.

What impression do you have of steam engines?"

After Ding Wannian finished speaking, all the members of the Chamber of Commerce showed envy and jealousy.

Zhang Youcha said with envy: "The power of the steam engine is really easy to use.

In government-run paper mills, steam engines were directly used to pound bamboo and stir the pulp.

Government-built paper factories produce paper of good quality and at low prices.

Due to the cutoff of the Han River, our hydraulic factory now has no power and relies entirely on manual production.

The production efficiency is very low and the cost is extremely high.

We are now selling paper at a loss just to maintain old customers.

If this goes on for a long time, our family will not be able to endure it."

Yang Wencai also said excitedly: "It's really sad that the Han River is cut off. I have obtained a complete set of patent authorizations for textile industry technology.

Prepare for mass production of linens and silks.

I have purchased a large amount of twine and raw silk.

Now that the factory is closed, workers must be paid the minimum basic wage.

If the Han River wants to restore its flow, based on past experience, the snow on Kaichun Mountain must melt.

It will take another two to three months.

I saw government-run textile factories transporting large amounts of cloth every day.

I lose at least 500 taels of silver coins every day, which is 1,500 taels of silver coins a month."

Yang Wencai said this through gritted teeth. He has now lost at least three thousand taels of silver coins.

For him, if he doesn't make money, he loses money.

Members of the Chamber of Commerce were filled with indignation and told of their losses during this period.

The Han River was cut off and there was no steam engine, so their factories had to shut down.

Ding Wannian sighed and said, "I'm just like everyone else.

My grain processing plant also stopped working because the Han River was cut off.

I need to bring processed grain from Sichuan and transport it to Hanzhong for sale.

There has been severe drought in recent years and the Jialing River has stopped flowing.

Sichuan can only transport grain here by land transportation.

Now, cement roads have been built between Hanzhong and major cities in Sichuan.

Horse-drawn carriages run very fast on concrete roads, but even so, the loss of food transported by land is huge.

The price of grain set by His Highness the King of Qin is very cheap.

Anyone who dares to sell grain at a high price stipulated by the government will be directly imprisoned for hoarding.

Now for every kilogram of rice I sell, I lose two copper coins."

Ding Wannian told his experience, and all the businessmen sympathized with each other and talked about the money they had lost.

Ding Wannian knows that there are very few businessmen like him who really lose money.

He is the father-in-law of the Prime Minister, and his son Degui is also in the review period before promotion.

In order not to leave any clue to others, he did not reduce the share of grain sold.

Most businessmen in the chamber of commerce have not made any money, so they feel that they have lost money.

Seeing the transport convoy outside the government-run factory lining up on the road, everyone's eyes were red with envy.

Ding Wannian saw that the time had come, and he broke the news.

"Everyone, I have got some definite news and I want to share it with you."

Everyone looked at Ding Wannian and focused all their attention on Ding Wannian.

They made Ding Wannian the president of the Hanzhong Chamber of Commerce because they believed that Ding Wannian had unique information channels.

Ding Wannian did not sell out, and went straight to the point: "The Steam Power Company is preparing to sell steam engines in the near future.

A small steam engine costs 500 taels of silver coins, and a large steam engine costs 3,000 taels of silver coins.

For a small factory with dozens of people, a small steam engine is enough.

For large factories with hundreds of people, large steam engines are more reliable.

Government-run factories all use large steam engines.

Steam engines are purchased on a first-come, first-served basis, with nobles having priority.

In addition to supplying official supplies, the steam power company only sells thirty large steam engines and five hundred small steam engines every month.

I plan to buy five large steam engines first and convert all the grain processing plants in Hanzhong into steam power."

When Yang Wencai heard the news, he couldn't sit still immediately.

"Brother Ding, when will the steam power company start selling steam engines?

I must buy the steam engine as soon as possible, and the factory cannot delay it any longer."

"The news I got is that in five days, everyone must keep it confidential and prepare funds.

We bought steam engines as soon as they came on sale.

I would like to remind you that the purchase of steam engines cannot be done by nobles.

The owner who occupies a large share of the factory must be an aristocrat in order to use the aristocrat's right of first refusal.

Steam power companies will verify tax and other information, and if they provide false information, they will be blacklisted."

Ding Wannian emphatically reminded that he was afraid that some members would take advantage of the situation and miss this opportunity.


In Lefu Building, members of the Shu Chamber of Commerce all gathered together.

Li Gong, president of the Shu Chamber of Commerce, took out a stack of paper and gave it to everyone to read.

"Old man Ding is really well-informed. I paid a lot of money to get this information.

What do you think of this news?"

Wang Jizong was the first to speak: "You must buy a steam engine.

Our foundation is in Sichuan, and we came to Hanzhong just to obtain advanced technology and gain greater profits.

I've seen the term "basic market" in newspapers.

We must protect Sichuan's fundamentals.

In order to ensure the income of Sichuan silkworm farmers, I will continue to purchase silkworm cocoons even when the factory is shut down.

In summer and autumn, there are floods in the Yangtze River and its tributaries, and my factory was shut down for more than a month.

The losses were so heavy that I didn't stop buying cocoons.

The price of the steam engine was a bit high, but it also brought huge profits.

Take my textile industry as an example.

As long as the steam engine is used for half a year and does not break down, the purchase price of the steam engine will be earned back.

Then if you use the steam engine, it will be pure profit."

Li Gong also agreed: "What Jizong said is very correct.

My father-in-law's family was exiled to Jianchang, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

In Sichuan and Yunnan, they established cooperatives with the people and led them to grow sugar cane.

I also signed contracts with farmers in Hanzhong and Gansu and Shaanxi regions to purchase large quantities of sugar beets.

The sugar factory in Hanzhong has been built, but I didn't expect it to be unable to operate.

Now the beets are getting damaged every day, and I can't wait any longer.

Steam engine, I have to fight for it."

Li Gong saw his friend Wang Linjiang become the prefect of Xi'an.

He is also preparing to cooperate with Wang Linjiang to plant a large amount of sugar beets in Xi'an.

Wang Linjiang has gained political achievements, he has gained benefits, and farmers can get a better income. This is a win-win-win situation.

They discussed all the plans, but because the Wei River and other rivers were cut off, there was no way to build a hydraulic plant, so the plan has been stranded.

Unexpectedly, in an unexpected turn of events, a machine like the steam engine, which could drive factory machinery without the need for a river, was born.

Li Gong is ready to restart this plan.


Lu Jin looked at the long queue of businessmen outside the steam power factory.

He didn't expect that so many people would want to buy a steam engine.

His Highness the King of Qin set a price for the steam engine that was too high.

The government-run factory purchased the steam engine at the internal price, which cost only a small amount of silver coins.

These merchants bought it at normal prices. A steam engine was really not something that a small factory could afford.

In order to screen customers, he directly wrote the selling price of the steam engine on a wooden sign and set it up outside the factory gate.

I thought I could block some people, but I didn't expect these merchants to be too enthusiastic.

Lu Jin was also very happy. Every time he sold a steam engine, he would get a lot of bonuses.

Li Gong saw Lu Jin coming out. He stood in the front row, bowed his hands to Lu Jin, and asked, "Manager Lu, if you sell steam engines, will you let us operate the machines?"

After he got the information, he asked the store clerk to come here and line up immediately.

Directly occupying the front row position, you can buy the steam engine immediately.

When Lu Jin heard the question, he smiled and said: "Our factory has a limited supply of steam engines every month.

If you queue up to order the steam engine in full, nobles will have priority in queuing.

The steam engine for the current month is sold out, so you can only reserve the steam engine for the next month with full payment.

We are very strict about the identity verification of merchants, and steam engines are not allowed to be resold.

Violation of relevant regulations will be directly included in our company's blacklist.

Steam engines are sold and we are responsible for installation and maintenance. Maintenance does not cost a lot of money.

Your company can also send people to learn basic maintenance of steam engines."

After Lu Jun finished speaking, the company's finance staff and the bank staff who had been called in advance began to collect the money for the steam engine.

Ding Degui was at the front of the queue and bought five large steam engines in one go.

Yang Wencai saw that Li Gong was in front of him and was ready to buy a large number of steam engines.

Yang Wencai shouted anxiously: "Manager Lu, I want to add money, can I give priority to purchasing a steam engine?"

Lu Jin waved his hand and replied: "I'm really sorry, the price of the steam engine is set by the King of Qin.

Our factory is not qualified to change the price of steam engines at will."

Yang Wencai looked anxious as he was finally placed in line.

"It was sold so quickly that only one large steam engine remained.

I bought one large steam engine and fifteen small steam engines.

I'm ordering three large steam engines."

When Yang Wencai inspected the government-run factory, he had already calculated in advance that his factory was operating normally.

Three large steam engines are necessary, and one steam engine should be prepared as a backup.

Sales of steam engines were very hot and they were sold out in a blink of an eye.

Many people who have not purchased a steam engine can only place an order for full payment.

This chapter has been completed!
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