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Chapter 245 Attacking the Heart (2)

Sun Chuanting and Lu Xiangsheng looked at the generals who had been summoned.

Sun Chuanting said in a serious tone: "Everyone is deeply favored by the emperor, and I will never allow anyone to betray the Ming Dynasty.

You should take good care of your soldiers. Once you find someone surrendering to the yellow thief, his immediate superior will be seated."

Lu Xiangsheng waited until Sun Chuanting finished speaking, and then added: "All leaflets dropped by the thieves in yellow must be handed in, and no one is allowed to keep them.

If anyone is found to have kept the leaflets of the thieves in yellow, they will be punished as collaborating with the enemy."

Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting saw all the generals leaving.

They looked at each other with a little fear in their eyes.

Lu Xiangsheng lamented: "The thieves in yellow are using a tactic to shake our military morale.

Now is the time when our army is in crisis. Once the morale of the army is shaken, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Sun Chuanting agreed: "We must kill one person to serve as a warning to others to curb the spread of surrender thoughts in the army.

During this period, all city gates were blocked with huge stones and guarded by our own soldiers."

They had to prepare for a rainy day, even if a certain Ming army general wanted to dedicate the city.

All the city gates were blocked and no one could offer the city.

If some people really rebel, they will only cause small-scale unrest and will soon be suppressed by the surrounding Ming army.


Late at night, several soldiers were discussing.

"Xiao Qi, if we really want to escape, if we are discovered by others on the city wall, we will be killed as examples."

"Wealth comes with life, but it is better to be killed by a musket than to die of starvation.

We military households are just sons of bitches.

Leave the hardest and most tiring work to us.

The task of siegeing a city and maximizing the death rate is left to our military households.

Once we are rewarded for our meritorious service, nothing will happen to us.

Tianxiong Army and Guan Ning Army, they eat horse meat as big as a palm.

We ate horse meat as big as a fingernail, drank some bone soup, and drank enough water to stay full.

I can't even lift the knife now.

If we delay for a few more days, we won't be able to escape even if we try to escape."

"Xiao Qi, how can we escape? The general flag is keeping an eye on us, and adults from hundreds of families are also patrolling from time to time."

"Let's wait until the second half of the night, when most people go to bed.

We used ropes to escape directly outside the city.

After arriving outside the city, immediately disperse and flee.

As long as they don't make too much noise, those musketeers can't shoot accurately at night.

Seeing that there are no trenches dug by the Qin army, as long as we run into the trench, we will succeed."

The group of soldiers continued to wait, and soon it was late at night when most of the officers went to bed.

This group of people climbed directly to the bottom of the city using ropes.

Ming troops were constantly on the city wall, throwing burning torches outside the city wall.

The torch fell near the trench dug by the Qin army.

They mainly observed whether there were thieves in yellow clothes attacking the city at night.

The torches are mainly aimed at the outside of the city, and there are blind spots on the city wall.

Some Ming soldiers immediately tied the hemp rope to the city wall and climbed to the bottom of the city along the hemp rope.

When these people came to the city, they separated and fled.

When they ran to the area where torches were thrown in the city, their figures were immediately illuminated.

The man responsible for guarding the city wall immediately shouted: "Someone ran out, step up the patrol of the city wall."

All soldiers cross-supervised different teams.

Someone escaped and joined the team that defended the city together."

The Ming army on the Mengjin city wall immediately began to search every corner of the city wall.

There were hundreds of Ming soldiers. When they saw the big movement on the city wall, they cursed and immediately started running down the city with ropes.

After landing, he ran desperately outside the city.

But many people did not run out and were directly killed by muskets on the city wall.


Wang Shiyuanhui reported: "Your Majesty, our attack strategy was very successful.

Many Ming troops saw our leaflets and chose to run out of Mengjin County.

At first, there were only dozens of people coming every day.

Now these days, hundreds of people come here every day.

I asked the Ming army who surrendered and found out that almost all the horses in the city had been killed, and the horse meat that the Ming army could distribute was becoming less and less.

The ordinary Ming army could only distribute horse meat the size of a fingernail and some horse bones every day.

Let alone eating enough, it is very difficult to stay alive with this little food."

"Today is New Year's Eve, and next year will be 4333. This will be a year worth remembering.

Since it's New Year's Eve, we have to eat some good food and show it to the Ming army in Mengjin County."

Su He gave the order and the army kitchen began to make a large number of dumplings.

In the north, people are accustomed to eating dumplings during Chinese New Year.

Guo Dalei led his soldiers to gather in the trench upwind and began to eat dumplings.

Some surrendered Ming troops also came to the trench, which was only a few hundred meters away from Mengjin County.

If you speak here, the Ming army in Mengjin County can hear you clearly.

They were eating dumplings in the trench and shouting loudly: "Brothers, I am the big dog, the military household king of Daming Prefecture.

As long as the brothers surrender to the Qin army, they will have enough to eat every day, and their food will be improved during the holidays.

Today is New Year's Eve, we are eating dumplings at Qin Jun's place.

The brothers were in the city and couldn't even get a full meal.

If everyone surrenders to the Qin army, they will have enough to eat, so why suffer from hunger in the city?

The Ming Dynasty was getting worse day by day, and the whole Ming Dynasty was in signs of national subjugation.

If everyone comes to join the Qin army, that means abandoning darkness and joining the light, and everyone will have a bright future."

After Wang Dagou finished shouting, he looked at Guo Dalei with a flattering smile and said.

"Sir, I didn't say a word wrong. I followed your instructions and shouted out all these words."

Guo Dalei said with satisfaction: "Not bad, I'll add a chicken drumstick for you."

What they were waiting for was not the surrender of the Ming army, but a fierce artillery counterattack from Mengjin County.

Cannons that fire solid projectiles can basically do no harm to the Qin army in the trench.

The Ming army was just venting their anger, which also meant that the Ming army on the city wall was afraid.

Guo Dalei hid in the trench and calculated the density of Ming army artillery on the city wall of Mengjin County.

The Qin army had dug trenches and could easily rush to the bottom of the city wall, set up ladders and began to attack the city.

But there was nothing they could do about the artillery on the city wall of Mengjin County.

The dense artillery on the city wall of Mengjin County only needs to fire shotgun shells.

The rain of bullets it creates can kill most of the soldiers attacking the city.

They have tried to attack many times, but they have been unable to withstand the cannonballs fired from the city walls.


The Ming troops guarding the city wall smelled the aroma of dumplings and roasted chicken legs not far away.

Their noses kept sniffing the fragrance in the air, and saliva dripped from the corners of their mouths.

"These are dumplings stuffed with pork and cabbage. I can smell it as soon as I smell it.

I miss pork dumplings so much. My family is very poor and we rent land from hundreds of households.

Every year the family raises a big fat pig.

Before New Year's Eve, killing the big fat pig was the happiest time when I was a child."

"I know Wang Dagou. He escaped and was able to have enough to eat every day.

We also gave them dumplings for New Year’s Eve, and I could smell the aroma of chicken legs, soy sauce beef, and braised pork.”

The Ming army at the head of Mengjin County City could smell the fragrance wafting over them.

Smell these fragrances and recall the deliciousness of these things.

Soon their hunger and abdominal cramps brought them back to reality.

Some Ming soldiers whispered to their friends:

"I really envy the Qin army for having a full meal every day.

If I hadn't had the chance, I would have voted for the Qin army."


Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting immediately climbed onto the city wall to let their own troops take important positions.

Lu Xiangsheng sniffed the fragrance wafting in the air.

His face was ashen and he said: "The thief in yellow is becoming more and more skilled in scheming.

After doing this, I don't know how many people fled the city desperately.

They hit our army directly, and our army is extremely hungry now.

If you lure them with food, many people's will will be shaken.

There are piles of corpses outside the city every day, but these people still can't be stopped.

The scheming tactics of the thieves in yellow have a great impact on our army.

Some of the Tianxiong troops who had been following me for a long time could not bear the hunger and ran out of the city.

When I looked at their eyes, many of them were ready to run away.

If we don’t take action, all our soldiers will be gone.”

Sun Chuanting felt powerless in his heart, and he suggested: "Our war horses, if we save food like this now, they will finish it the day after tomorrow.

The soldiers kept fleeing from the city because they were hungry.

When the soldiers reach a consensus to surrender, they will definitely join forces to rebel.

Before that, we must find the right opportunity to break through.

If we don't run away, we really have no chance and will be wiped out by the thieves in yellow in this small county town."

Lu Xiangsheng made up his mind and said: "I have been waiting for the opportunity.

Unexpectedly, the thieves in yellow directly drained the firewood and destroyed our army's granary.

The time given to us was too short and we did not wait for a good opportunity.

Now we can only break out. Let's gather all the troops and try to kill the thieves in yellow as much as possible.

Every time a thief in yellow is killed, the pressure on the court will be relieved.

Even if our Tianxiong Army dies, we must die on an upright battlefield and cannot starve to death in Mengjin County."

Sun Chuanting nodded heavily and said: "It's the same with our Guan Ning Army. Soldiers return their bodies wrapped in horse leather.

When I lead an army in battle, I am mentally prepared for such a day to come sooner or later.

Even if you die, you must die with honor and value.

We must do our last bit for the Ming Dynasty."

The Ming army in Mengjin County has reached its last moment and has not yet waited for a turnaround.

The thieves in yellow were so scheming that they found that many Ming soldiers were wavering and could not drag on any longer.

Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting prepared for a final fight to the death.

They killed all the war horses and took out some of the stored grain.

Other Ming army troops could only eat horse meat.

Tianxiong Army and Guan Ning Army made steamed buns with horse meat, and all the soldiers ate it deliciously.

They agreed that at dawn on the first day of the Lunar New Year, all the troops in the city would break out of the encirclement.

Lu Xiangsheng led the Tianxiong army to break through the east gate, and Sun Chuanting led the Guan Ning army to break through the south gate.

The other Ming armies followed the Tianxiong Army and Guan Ning Army respectively.

In order to keep the secret secret, the Tianxiong Army and the Guan Ning Army guarded the city wall extremely strictly and did not allow ordinary guard households to approach the city wall.

All city walls are guarded by close associates of Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting.

As the sky turned completely dark, the Tianxiong Army and the Guan Ning Army began to move away the boulders blocking the East and South City Gates.


Su He didn't sleep on New Year's Eve. He went to various military units to have fun with the people.

He chatted with junior officers about daily life and ordinary soldiers about changes in their hometowns.

Because there were so many troops going there and they could not be treated differently, Su He visited all the meritorious regiments.

Su He only returned to the governor's camp at three o'clock. He was not going to sleep tonight.

Su He saw that Ding Degui, who was responsible for managing the prisoners, was very relaxed.

"Degui, you are usually very busy, especially in the second half of the night when so many prisoners arrive. Why are you so leisurely today?"

"Your Majesty, I don't know what's going on. Not a single Ming soldier ran out of the city today. This kind of thing is very abnormal.

Could it be that all these Ming troops stayed in the city to celebrate the festival?"

When Su He heard what Ding Degui said, he immediately became alert.

He immediately realized that something was wrong with this situation.

The Ming army in Mengjin County was extremely hungry.

How can you still think about celebrating the holidays in this state?

If there is no Ming army to escape from the city, they will definitely not be able to get out.

Why can't they come out? Could it be that the Ming army in the city is making big moves?

"Degui, the staff will observe the scene in Mengjin County today to see if there is anything abnormal, especially if there is an increase in cooking smoke."

When Ding Degui heard Qin Wang Su He's question, he immediately took out a small notebook and looked through the records in it.

"Your Majesty, the staff officer on the reconnaissance balloon has observed that the smoke from cooking in Mengjin County has indeed increased at night. It is two or three times more than the previous few days.

I think this situation is relatively normal.

Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and today is New Year's Day.

Many places in the north have the custom of staying up late on New Year's Eve, and eating a sumptuous supper in the evening.

The amount of smoke produced by our army last night was five or six times that of other times."

"No, this situation is definitely not normal."

Su He listened to the information told by Ding Degui and verified his suspicion.

The Ming army had run out of food and began to kill horses to satisfy their hunger.

No matter how brainless a commander is, he will not increase the army's food supply just because of the holidays.

If the Ming army did this, they must have taken action.

"Breakthrough, the Ming army wants to break through.

They will definitely take advantage of our army's lax defense due to the festival and choose to break out today."

Su He immediately sent messengers to notify the senior officers of each army.

Let them be alert immediately and never let the Ming army break through and escape.

Wu Jie, commander of the Fourth Army, was sleeping soundly when he was woken up by Zhu Shi Wang Zhixin.

Wu Jie rubbed his eyes and said, "Master Wang Zhu, you called the wrong person. Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng is on duty in the middle of the night."

These three senior officers are responsible for all matters of the Fourth Army.

In order to prevent unexpected accidents, no one can be found to take responsibility.

The three of them take turns on duty at night.

Wang Zhixin spoke very quickly: "Commander, the order from the king is that the Ming army in Mengjin County is about to break through.

Let us cheer up and never let the Ming army succeed in breaking through."

Wu Jie was extremely excited and said: "We are finally going to fight a big battle. This time we must show the majesty of the Fourth Army."

The Third Army and the Seventh Army have gained such a great reputation on the grasslands that it is extremely easy to recruit new soldiers at the new barracks.

The fourth army can only choose, and these two armies pick the remaining recruits.

Wu Jie immediately began to wake up all the officers and asked them to wake up the soldiers under his command.

He checked the defense line east of Mengjin County overnight.

He must carry out the orders given personally by King Qin Su He without compromise.

Failure to carry out orders is disobedience to military orders.

No one can bear this crime.

The worst-case scenario is that King Su He of Qin made a wrong prediction and their Fourth Army made a fool of themselves.

This chapter has been completed!
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