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Chapter 247: Captives, Divide Troops

On New Year's Day, Su He had just finished breakfast when he received a report from Wang Shiyuan.

"Your Majesty, great news, the Fourth Army and the Seventh Army have entered Mengjin County.

Our army defeated Tianxiong Army and Guan Ning Army.

Now all the armies are rushing into Mengjin County to capture prisoners of the Ming army.

There were more than 100,000 Ming troops in Mengjin County. More than 10,000 people were killed last night, and more than 60,000 people surrendered directly.

There are more than 20,000 people left hiding in various places in Mengjin County, and our army is searching for them in the city."

Su He heard that the Qin army had broken through Mengjin County and defeated the Tianxiong Army and Guan Ning Army, the two most capable armies of the Ming Dynasty.

A smile appeared on his face. Now the Ming Dynasty has two most capable firearms troops.

They were surrounded and annihilated by the Qin army in Mengjin County.

The Ming Dynasty could no longer produce an organized firearms army.

The Qin army's road to unifying the world has become a smooth road.

Even if the Ming Dynasty has secretly trained firearms troops, troops that have not experienced the blood and fire of war will have very weak combat effectiveness.

They are simply no match for the Qin Army, a strong and iron-blooded army.

Su He asked Wang Shiyuan: "Is there any news about Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting?"

These two people are very capable, even if the army they command is completely wiped out.

As long as they are given a year or two, if Emperor Chongzhen supports them, they can build a team again.

Wang Shiyuan immediately replied: "Your Majesty, Commander Wu Jie and Commander Li Dazhuang paid attention to the situation of these two people immediately.

Lu Xiangsheng was boosting morale on the front line, but he was directly shot dead by our army's sniper.

Sun Chuanting was defeated and hid in the fortress built by Li Zicheng, the king of Chuang, and committed suicide with his sword.

After confirmation by multiple Ming army prisoners, the identities of these two men were confirmed."

When Su He heard that Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting were both dead, he let out a sigh of relief.

The abilities of these two people were too strong. If not for the right time and place, they would have been trapped in Mengjin County without reinforcements and would have blown up the food reserves.

The ability of these two people can definitely last for a long time.

Su He felt a little pity again. Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting were the top talents in this era.

But they are destined not to be used by themselves. These two people are loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

In history, Chongzhen was capricious towards them, especially Sun Chuanting, who suffered many injustices, but they were still loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

The best result is to kill the talents who are loyal to the Ming Dynasty completely.

Su He asked: "The Ming army suffered so many casualties, what are the casualties of our army?"

"Your Majesty, the specific data has not been calculated yet, but it is based on the rough results reported by each army.

More than 1,300 of our troops were killed and more than 5,000 injured.

Except for the 300 seriously wounded, most of the wounded have a chance to be cured."

Wang Shiyuan had been prepared for a long time. When Su He asked this question, he immediately told the data he had compiled.

Su He listened to Wang Shiyuan's report that more than a thousand people had been killed, which meant that more than a thousand families had been broken up.

Since they attacked Mengjin County, they have killed more than 3,600 people and injured more than 12,000 people.

There will definitely be deaths in the war, but this death toll is greater than the death toll in previous siege battles.

They now have no way to quickly capture the reinforced concrete building.

The Ming army deployed a large number of artillery pieces on the city wall, but it was impossible to break through their defense line.

The Tianxiong Army and the Guan Ning Army are strong forces, and Su He can accept the current casualties.

Su He said in a solemn tone: "Check the identities of the soldiers who died and don't get them wrong."

The payment of pensions to soldiers is monitored by specialized personnel.

Many people in the Military Justice Department and the Metropolitan Procuratorate like to investigate this kind of case.

Once someone is found to have embezzled the martyrs' pensions, the reward for investigating this case will be greater than that for investigating three extremely troublesome cases.

Wang Shiyuan nodded and said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that our soldiers all carry steel nameplates.

Printed on it are their names, units they belong to, place of origin, time of enlistment and other information.

There are also people in the army who keep statistics on who has not returned after going to the army.

We have a detailed mechanism and after multiple confirmations, there will be no mistake in the identity of the martyrs."

Wang Shiyuan was extremely confident in determining the identity of the martyr.

A martyr who carries a nameplate will be reviewed by several different departments to determine his identity.

For martyrs whose nameplates cannot be found, the division-level Zhushi should personally pay attention to them and confirm their identity.

After Su He learned about the war situation, he issued military orders to all armies and asked them to treat the prisoners well.

At the same time, the prisoners were carefully screened, those who were too angry with the people and those who were loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

These two types of prisoners were screened out, and those who committed serious crimes were shot, while those who committed no serious crimes were sent to dig and build roads.


Under the supervision of the Qin army, Li Sanyang gathered the bodies of the Ming army.

The Qin army found a lot of wood and poured a lot of kerosene on it.

They piled a large number of corpses on wood and poured a large amount of kerosene on the corpses.

Light it with a torch, and the blazing fire will devour all the corpses.

They soon turned into a pile of ashes and were buried in a random hole dug in the ground.

Li Sanyang was responsible for carrying the corpse. While carrying it, he thought that if he was unlucky, he would also be one of the flames.

He was rather critical of the Ming army's burning of corpses.

Nowadays, people are all about settling down to their graves. These people are worthy of being thieves and bandits, and they were all burned in a single fire.

When Li Sanyang saw the Qin army, they also burned the bodies of their companions.

It's just that these people are no longer burned collectively, and the remaining ashes are also put into a small jar.

Li Sanyang was busy from dawn to noon.

Only then did all the corpses in the area they were responsible for be disposed of.

Li Sanyang and his companions squatted outside the Ming army's tent.

"What's going on with the Qin army? They ignore us, even if they behead us, they still want to give us a good time.

I heard in the storybook that when Bai Qi, the butcher, killed the Zhao soldiers, he asked the Zhao soldiers to dig the holes himself.

Tell me, wait a moment, will the Qin army let us dig a hole for ourselves?"

“It’s so hard to dig holes in this winter.

They took off our clothes and threw them outside to freeze.

In this cold season, if you freeze for one night, no matter how good your body is, you won’t be able to survive.”

When Li Sanyang heard what his companion said, he felt like his whole body was shaking.

I have very little to wear, so every night is extremely difficult.

When he lived in a tent before, he was constantly woken up by the cold at night to add firewood to the stove.

"This seems to be the smell of food. It's not like we're about to start dinner now."

Li Sanyang drooled and said eagerly.

"What are you thinking of? This is Qin Jun's own cooking.

If you give us food and don't kill us, everything will be fine.

Now I just hope that Qin Jun can give us a few glasses of water.

Let's drink water to last for a few days. When the situation becomes clearer, we will know our fate.

I really miss the horse bone soup I had before. I feel full even after drinking water.

We haven’t even had a sip of water since last night.”

Li Sanyang's eyes were sharp, and he saw the officers of the Qin Army approaching.

"Everyone, please stop talking. An officer from the Qin Army is coming over."

When the Ming army prisoners heard Li Sanyang's words, they immediately shut up and waited quietly.

"You guys, stand in line and follow me to eat."

When the prisoners of the Ming Army heard that they were eating, they were stunned for a moment, then they immediately reacted and followed the Qin Army officers.

Li Sanyang took the opportunity to look at the entire prison camp.

There are many Qin soldiers here, standing guard with guns.

The scale of the prison camp was also very large. There were at least 5,000 prisoners in this camp.

All their weapons were confiscated, and they didn't have a grain of food on them. They couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

Li Sanyang soon smelled a stronger aroma of food.

"There is an indescribable aroma of rice and tofu."

They came outside a big tent.

The Qin Army officer pointed at Li Sanyang and said, "You were the most active in working in the morning. As their captain, you are responsible for managing them.

Everyone got their bowls and chopsticks from me and lined up to get their meal.

Everyone obeys the order, no one is allowed to leave the team, no noise is allowed.

If someone violates the order, the entire team will not be allowed to eat."

The Qin army threatened them with food, and all the prisoners of the Ming army obeyed.

Li Sanyang glanced at the usual thorns.

His awareness was very clear that if these people dared to make trouble, they would start to deal with the troublemakers without the intervention of the Qin army.

Li Sanyang led his team, lined up to receive the bowls and chopsticks, and followed the Qin army officers into the camp.

He used a wooden plate and held the bowls and chopsticks on it.

Here are a pair of chopsticks and two porcelain bowls.

Li Sanyang saw several large pots inside the camp, and the rich aroma of food came from them.

The smell he smelled made him swallow his saliva repeatedly.

When he saw other people, his Adam's apple kept rising and falling, and everyone was greedy.

Li Sanyang lined up with the Qin army officers. He saw spicy tofu and egg soup in the big pot in front of him.

There is also a fist-sized yellow steamed bun next to it. I don’t know what it is made of.

But smelling the fragrance it releases, it should be something edible.

"Each person has a steamed bun, a bowl of vegetables and a bowl of soup."

Li Sanyang took the bowl over and saw Qin Jun fill him with two large bowls, one bowl of vegetables and one bowl of soup, and handed him a steamed bun.

After loading all the food, he, led by the officer, came to an open space outside the camp.

"You just eat here, everyone has their own dishes and chopsticks. After the meal, go wash the dishes in the pool next to it.

If you lose your dishes, you will be punished."

Li Sanyang heard that they could start eating.

He immediately picked up the egg soup first and quickly drank a large bowl of soup.

I was really thirsty, and the egg soup quenched my thirst and made me hungry.

He finished the egg soup and took a bite of the steamed bun.

This kind of steamed bun-like thing has a rough texture when placed in the mouth, but it becomes fragrant after chewing twice.

He finished his meal quickly with one mouthful of wotou and one bite of vegetables.

His stomach felt warm at this moment, and he no longer felt hungry.

The Qin army was very kind to them and gave them precious food.


Ding Degui walked to Su He and said: "Your Majesty, I have already notified the senior officers of each army. They will arrive at the governor's camp soon."

"Degui, if you go to the various armies to inform them, do you know what the situation is like for the prisoners of the Ming army now?"

When Ding Degui heard King Qin's question, he immediately replied: "Your Majesty, when I passed by the prisoner camp, I looked like the person in charge of the prisoner camp to understand some of the situation.

Most of the prisoners of the Ming army were recruited as soldiers just to have enough to eat and earn some money.

There is nothing the military households can do, they have been soldiers for generations.

These people all regard going to war as a kind of corvee.

The Ming army often suffered from hunger in Mengjin County.

They didn't have enough to eat for a long time.

We provide meals so that they can at least have enough to eat.

The taste of the steamed buns made from corn flour is not very good, but the steamed buns are definitely filling.

Most of the Ming army prisoners obeyed our arrangements as long as they had enough to eat.

A small number of prisoners of the Ming army refused to obey discipline and were specially selected by the officers of the prisoner camp.

In accordance with the king's instructions, they were sent to dangerous road construction teams in major mines and mountainous areas."

After Su He listened to Ding Degui's report, he ordered:

"The prisoner camp selected a group of obedient and physically fit prisoners and sent them to the new military camp for training.

The other prisoners will be handed over to the custody of the logistics corps until the large-scale arrival of the logistics corps.

There will be dedicated personnel to train these prisoners and assign them to places where they are urgently needed."

Ding Degui immediately wrote down King Qin's instructions and conveyed them to the officers in charge of the prison camp.

Su He waited in the governor's camp, and soon all the senior officers came here.

These officers were in a good mood and they were all celebrating each other's victory in the war.

Su He said directly: "We have achieved some results now, but it is far from the time to celebrate.

After capturing Mengjin County, the elite Ming army was surrounded and annihilated by us, especially since the troops here in Henan are empty, we must continue to act."

When all the officers heard what Su He said, they pricked up their ears and waited for Su He to give the order.

Whether you drink soup or eat meat from now on depends on whether you can successfully complete combat missions in the future.

Su He stared at the big sand table ahead and began to arrange the battle plans of each army.

"The Fourth Army went north to Shanxi, captured the entire territory of Shanxi, and eliminated the Ming army in Datong Town and Xuanfu Town.

Waiting for news of the main army in Xuanfu Town.

The Seventh Army moved south to occupy the remaining areas in Henan and met up with the main force in Kaifeng.

The Third Army and the Imperial Guard marched eastward to Kaifeng Mansion.

After capturing Kaifeng Mansion, we went north to Daming Mansion, went straight to Huanglong, and captured the capital of the Ming Dynasty."

After Su He arranged the tasks of each army, he said: "This is the arrangement of each army. The specific march plan will be adjusted by each army according to the actual situation.

Bring more ammunition and supplies before departure. The road ahead will be more difficult, and the speed of the logistics troops transporting supplies may not be able to keep up with your marching speed.

If you still have any questions, ask them now."

Su Hu asked: "Your Majesty, why don't we march eastward and capture Shandong directly?

After taking Shandong, we can go directly north to completely surround Shuntian Mansion, leaving Emperor Chongzhen with nowhere to escape."

Su He briefly explained why he did this.

"We must give Daming an escape route to prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

We can defeat the Ming army head-on and seize the country of the Ming Dynasty. If we send out an emperor and a few high-ranking officials, it will not have much impact.

We really need to completely block Daming's escape route.

They took the people of Shuntian Prefecture as hostages, or colluded with the Jian Nu to let the Jian Nu army enter the pass.

This will cause us great trouble.

With a way to escape, those officials in the Ming Dynasty would not become too extreme."

Su He answered some more questions from the officers.

The division of troops officially began in the northern battlefield.

From the main camp in Mengjin County, the armies began to rush to different places.

This chapter has been completed!
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