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Chapter 257

4333 (the ninth year of Chongzhen), January 28th.

Guangzhou, Guangdong, Southeast Dudufu.

Su Xiong looked through the glass at the bustling crowd outside.

After Guangzhou Port opened for maritime trade, more and more businessmen came to Guangzhou to do business.

Guangzhou as a whole has now become extremely prosperous because of maritime trade.

Today's Guangzhou has completely shaken off the impact of the war.

On the streets of Guangzhou, you can see a few red-haired and yellow-haired Xiyi people from time to time.

In other places, these Westerners would attract the attention of the people.

Here in Guangzhou, people are used to it, they are too common.

Su Xiong saw Li Zhengfeng, Zhu Shi of the First Army, walking in.

Ask as a habit.

"Have any military orders arrived?"

This has become Su Xiong's mantra during this period.

Every time Li Zhengfeng, on behalf of the Southeast Governor's Mansion, went to receive military orders and official letters from Hanzhong.

He would ask this question out of habit.

Su Xiong read from the Yanhuang Daily that King Qin Su He was on his own expedition.

The Qin army and the Ming army are about to engage in a decisive battle.

If they win this war, they will overthrow the Ming Dynasty and establish a new dynasty.

If this war fails, their fate will be the same as that of Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong and other rebel generals.

Su Xiong didn't want to miss this war and become a bystander.

He felt that Qin King Su He would not let him become a bystander.

The Southeast Governor's Mansion has made all preparations for war and has been waiting for the order to send troops.

Su Xiong knows that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

Within three days of the military order being issued, the Southeast Governor's Mansion could prepare everything and formally dispatch the troops without wasting any time.

Lu Xiaoqiu's unit of the Ninth Army went through a thunderous offensive.

Completely eradicated the Tusi rebellion in Guangxi and helped Gu Qiandao, the governor of Guangxi, complete the work of reforming the land and returning it to the local people.

Qiongzhou Prefecture was also taken over, and they did not let go of any piece of land in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas.

The Guangdong and Guangxi regions are very stable. Even if there is no army left and only the garrison is relied on, the Guangdong and Guangxi regions can be defended.

When Li Zhengfeng heard Su Xiong's question, his answer today was different from usual.

"There is a military order from Hanzhong today."

Su Xiong said habitually: "There is still no military order, let's wait."

He suddenly stood up and said in surprise: "What did you say? There is a military order from Hanzhong.

It’s really a military order, not an official letter.”

Su Xiong confirmed again that military orders and official letters are different.

Military orders are orders from superiors to subordinates that must be executed.

An official letter is an official document sent between peers. At most, it is a request, and it is impossible to issue an order that absolutely needs to be executed.

At the level of the Southeast Governor's Mansion, military orders can only be issued with the nod of the King of Qin.

Li Zhengfeng took out the military order and said: "Look at this envelope, it is in the form of a military order.

I haven't unsealed it yet, so I don't know what the military order inside is.

I hope this military order is the one we have been waiting for."

Su Xiong held this light military order, and he felt that this military order was as heavy as Mount Tai.

He couldn't wait any longer and immediately opened the envelope and found the corresponding code book.

After translating the contents of the military order, he carefully read the military order inside the envelope.

After Su Xiong read the military order, he sat on the chair with a relaxed expression on his face.

"Send my order to summon all senior military officers near Guangzhou for a meeting."

After Li Zhengfeng read the translated military order, he immediately wrote the military order for the Southeast Governor's Office himself.

Summon all officers who can reach Guangzhou within two days and ask them to set off for the meeting in Guangzhou immediately.

The messengers from the Southeast Dudu Mansion conveyed military orders to all armies.

Li Qingmu was next door, and he was the first to get the news.

He read the original military order sent by King Su He of Qin.

"It's too slow, it's too slow.

From Henan to Guangdong, the messengers traveled for two months.

Give us two months and I can reach Fuzhou.

This was too time-consuming for the messengers. It was too slow to deliver the news by land.

If King Qin captures the northern ports, it will only take less than half a month to send military orders."

Su Xiong did not think that the messenger was moving too slowly.

Even if he could walk a section of the waterway, it would take him two months from Henan to pass through Hanzhong and deliver military orders to Guangzhou.

The messenger made a big circle, and this speed was already very impressive.

Su Xiong could imagine that the ordering soldiers were galloping on horses and making boats when they encountered rivers. He would not stop for a moment, just to deliver the military orders as soon as possible.

Only in this way can the military orders be sent here within two months.

"King Su He of Qin asked our southeastern governor's army to dispatch two armies to the north to attack the Ming Dynasty.

Whether the navy launches an attack depends on the form of the navy. Will your navy also launch an attack?"

When Li Qingmu heard Su Xiong's inquiry, he immediately replied: "Of course our navy will send troops. How can such a battle to unify the world be without our navy?"

Su Xiong asked doubtfully: "Your navy's Guangzhou Shipyard is building three battleships and nine cruisers.

Now these ships should be built soon. Are you going to send troops before these ships are built?"

Su Xiong was very puzzled. If their army had a new recruit, come out of the recruit camp quickly.

He will definitely wait. There is a huge difference between fighting with one army and fighting with two armies.

Li Qingmu shook his head and said: "Our navy is not prepared to wait any longer.

It will take another year for these ships to be trained and formally commissioned into the navy.

The navy really has to wait for a year. I guess your army has already taken over the southern provinces.

More importantly, the people here in Guangdong who want to join the army have basically been recruited by our navy.

These warships were urgently commissioned into the navy, and there were not enough soldiers to pilot the warships.

Many of the navy are technical arms, and the training cycle is very long.

Our navy's ability to quickly form combat capabilities is based on years of training.

Recruits without foundation can only perform some low-tech jobs.

At that time, most of the veterans of each ship will definitely be mobilized and asked to cooperate with the new recruits to launch the new warship.

This will greatly reduce the overall strength of the navy.

It would be better for me to use these ships that have already formed combat effectiveness to directly attack the coast of Daming.

Now in the Chinese waters, no navy is our opponent."

Li Qingmu didn't say a word.

After the training of army recruits, they can be directly taken to the battlefield. After several rounds of training, they will soon become elite soldiers.

The navy is completely different. Recruit training is mostly about cultivating soldiers' habits.

A new recruit needs to work on the ship for at least one year.

Only then can he understand the content of his job, which requires higher technical positions and requires longer working hours.

Only the most outstanding people can master everything about a ship after just a few months of training on the ship.

Among the tens of thousands of people in the navy, Li Qingmu only saw such a person, Li Pinglang.

The naval training cycle is too long, and if you continue to wait, you will just be a bystander.

Su Xiong was even more happy when he heard that the navy did not wait.

With the assistance of the navy, it will be much easier for their southeastern governor's office to take over the coastal provinces.


Su Xiong saw that all senior officers from the Southeast Governor's Office who could come to Guangzhou would come to attend this meeting.

He passed Su He's military order to everyone to watch, so that they could understand the content of the military order.

After everyone read the military order, Su Xiong spoke directly.

"The king's order requires us to leave an army in the Southeast Governor's Mansion to guard the security of the Guangdong and Guangxi areas.

I did something that offended someone, and Lu Xiaoqiu of the Ninth Army stayed.

Responsible for guarding the security of the Guangdong and Guangxi regions."

Su Xiong directly made the choice that best served the interests of the Southeast Governor's Mansion.

He is not afraid of offending people, but instead gets along with all the officers. This is what a fool does.

He was not prepared to discuss it with everyone. This kind of matter was not negotiable.

There must be someone who can make the decision and bear all the responsibilities that come with this order.

Once the discussion is started, I don't know how long it will take and delay the military operation.

The First Army and the Eighth Army are both veteran units of the Qin Army, and their combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

In this unification war, Su Xiong must lead the strongest army and give the Ming army a thunderous blow.

When Lu Xiaoqiu heard this order, his face turned red and he wanted to stand up and argue.

However, he was grabbed by Mi Yu, Zhu Shi of the Ninth Army.

Mi Yu shook her head at him, saying that she couldn't argue with this matter and couldn't argue with it.

The Ninth Army lags behind the First Army and the Eighth Army in all aspects.

The First Army is the oldest unit of the Qin Army, and its combat capability is also the first among all units of the Qin Army.

The Eighth Army is the original artillery brigade, and it is also the original old unit of their Ninth Army.

If we don't fight now, the Ninth Army can still gain some good reputation.

If we really want to compete fiercely, the Ninth Army is the weakest, and they can't compete with the First Army and the Eighth Army.

By then, all my face and dignity have been lost, and my good reputation has not yet been lost.

All senior officers of the First Army and the Eighth Army looked towards the Ninth Army.

They all breathed a sigh of relief when they found that the Ninth Army had no objection.

This means that the First Army and the Eighth Army will definitely be sent out to fight.

No matter which direction you are sent, you can participate in the battle for unification and will not be a bystander.

Su Xiong saw that the Ninth Army did not refute. He was quite satisfied. The Ninth Army was still very common sense.

He immediately asked Chief of Staff Li Wenfang to arrange the combat missions of each army.

Chief of Staff Li Wenfang saw the look in Su Xiong's eyes.

He immediately took out a map of the Ming army in the south.

"The First Army went north to attack Jiangxi, captured Nanchang Prefecture in Jiangxi Province as soon as possible, and tried to join forces with other troops in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province.

The Eighth Army moves north to attack Fujian, and the navy will cooperate with the army to destroy the Ming Dynasty Navy in Fujian.

In coastal areas, provide artillery support for army sieges.

The Southeast Governor's Office does not propose combat plans, and it is up to each army to adjust their combat plans in a timely manner based on the battlefield situation."

This meeting of the Southeast Governor's Office conveyed the military orders of Qin King Su He, made simple combat arrangements, and officially ended.

Zhang Yuliang and Li Qingmu are both targeting Fujian.

Li Qingmu called Zhang Yuliang to the Navy Department to discuss the plan to send troops.

Su Xiong asked Li Wenfang to arrange for the First Army to go out, and asked Li Zhengfeng to coordinate with the garrison and arrange for the garrison to go north.

These tasks have corresponding plans, and they can just carry them out according to the plans.

Su Xiong personally went to see Honeysuckle, the governor of Guangdong.

The troops from the Southeast Dudufu are about to move north to attack the Ming Dynasty.

Logistics-related matters still require the cooperation of the Guangdong Governor’s Yamen.

The Southeast Metropolitan Government has a dedicated logistics department responsible for purchasing all materials and managing the transportation of all materials.

But some things cannot be accomplished with just money and require sufficient cooperation from the local government.


When Honeysuckle heard Su Xiong's arrival, he immediately went to greet him.

As a local governor, he was also very concerned about the movements of King Qin.

The King of Qin has mobilized supplies from various provinces to attack the Ming Dynasty with all his strength.

As a rising star in industry, Guangdong certainly does not want to stay out of the matter.

If Su Xiong can come here, it must be because the military has made a big move.

Honeysuckle knows that if he does this well, he is expected to be promoted to the cabinet in the future.

Honeysuckle and Su Xiong hugged each other, and he invited Su Xiong to sit next to him and drink tea.

"Captain Su is here at my humble residence. What can I do for you?"

When Honeysuckle saw Su Xiong's eager face, he stopped chatting with Su Xiong and asked directly.

Su Xiong was not polite either. He didn't like civil servants to talk in roundabout ways, but he liked to tell the truth directly.

"Governor Jin, our Southeast Governor's Mansion received an order from the king.

The army is preparing to attack Jiangxi and Fujian.

There are some supplies that need to be purchased in Guangdong.

Deploying some young men as transport teams also requires the cooperation of the Guangdong governor's office.

The Foshan Arsenal needs to be transferred to wartime status, and it also needs certain support from the Guangdong Governor's Yamen.

I’m here to ask for Governor Jin’s help this time.”

Honeysuckle said politely: "Now everything is in the service of the war, and the cabinet has also issued a special order to let the governors in various places cooperate with the military.

We at the Guangdong Governor’s Office will definitely strongly support the Southeast Dudu’s war effort.

When an official is slacking off, our Guangdong Governor's Yamen and the Metropolitan Procuratorate will not let this person go.

Please rest assured, Governor Su Xiong, if there is anything going on, send someone to inform me, and I will try my best to solve it."

After Su Xiong finished communicating with Honeysuckle, he left the Guangzhou Governor's Yamen.

Their top military and civilian leaders reached an agreement that the specific work would be handled by the people below.

Su Xiong quickly arrived at the First Army's camp outside the city.

Su Xiong led the First Army gathered in Guangzhou from all over Guangdong and headed north.

He also ordered the Chen Zhongwen Division of the Third Division located in Nanxiong Prefecture to immediately launch an attack on Ganzhou, Jiangxi.


Zhang Yuliang is sitting on the navy battleship Qin Shihuang.

Before boarding the ship, he had sent out messengers to order all units of the Eighth Army to assemble in Chaozhou Prefecture.

Zhang Yuliang looked at the 205mm cannon on the battleship Qin Shihuang.

This is the artillery with the thickest caliber that the Qin Army can produce now.

The production of artillery pieces with thicker caliber is limited by the wooden structure of current warships, which cannot withstand the huge recoil of those artillery pieces.

Zhang Yuliang heard that the Logistics Department was organizing tests to build shore defense artillery guns with a caliber exceeding 300 mm on the seashore.

He couldn't even imagine the huge power of this kind of artillery.

Zhang Yuliang has already discussed the battle plan with Li Qingmu.

Their navy and army advanced together to take over the Fujian area.

If the march goes well, we can continue to march north and capture Zhejiang.

The warship sent him near Chenghai County, and Zhang Yuliang took a river boat to Chaozhou Prefecture to join the Eighth Army.

They came out from the southeastern governor's office by land and sea.

Zhang Yuliang believed that the Ming army in Jiangxi and Fujian would definitely not be able to stop the Qin army's offensive.

Even the naval power controlled by Zheng Zhilong of Fujian Province surpassed that of the Ming Dynasty.

They had no way to resist the Qin navy with battleships.

The Qin army will definitely be unstoppable in this battle and win great victories one after another.

This chapter has been completed!
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