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Chapter 263 Soldiers Enter Northern Zhili

4333 (the ninth year of Chongzhen), February 17th.

Su He stood in front of the Qin Army's camp and looked at the Qin Army soldiers with extremely high morale.

He waved the military flag, pointed to the north, and shouted:

"Go out and overthrow the Ming Dynasty."

The three armies of the Qin Army, consisting of 120,000 regular troops and 50,000 garrison troops, set out from Kaifeng City and marched into North Zhili.

The Qin army will fight the Ming army in the last decisive battle concerning the fate of the two groups in the North Zhili area.

The outcome of this decisive battle will determine the final ownership of the land of China.

Boom, boom, boom.

Huge drums sounded, and the soldiers of the Qin army marched towards North Zhili with their rifles on their backs and the drums beating.

The Seventh Army was at the forefront as the vanguard, and the Third Army followed closely behind the First Army.

The guard center of the Praetorian Guards is in the middle, with the garrison and logistics corps at the rear.

The logistics corps protects and recruits young men.

The young men pushed wheelbarrows to transport the Qin army's rations and ammunition.

The number of young men mobilized by the Qin army was more than twice the number of the Qin army.

It was a transport team composed of a huge number of young men.

By continuously transporting weapons and ammunition for the Qin army, the Qin army on the front line could use ammunition at will to defeat Ming army cities one after another.

Without a large number of young men, the Qin army could not quickly move from one place to another.

The war is all about logistics, and the Qin army's personnel and material mobilization capabilities far exceed those of the Ming army.

Su He rode a horse and followed the army.

He asked Yang Qianhe who was following him: "Your Military Intelligence Bureau has been paying attention to the movements of the Ming Army in Shuntian Prefecture.

How are the Ming army prepared now?"

Yang Qianhe immediately replied: "Your Majesty, the Ming army urgently summoned all the troops to serve the king in Shuntian Prefecture. All the northern prefectures, except Shandong and Beizhili, were attacked by our army and could not spare any troops to serve the king.

Only Zhu Dadian, the governor of Shandong, led 30,000 Shandong troops and horses, and was the first to arrive at Shuntian Mansion.

They were previously stationed in Tongzhou, but now they are moving towards Tianjin, preparing to defend the east gate of Shuntian Prefecture together with the Tianjin Three Guards.

Wu Xiang, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, led the remaining 40,000 Guanning troops from the Ningjin defense line and stationed them in Zhuzhou, guarding the south gate of Shuntian Prefecture with the three guards of Zhulu.

The Ming Dynasty dispatched Wang Pu, the commander-in-chief of Datong Town, to Xuanfu Town. He and Yang Guozhu, the commander-in-chief of Xuanfu Town, gathered the Ming troops from the two towns to defend the north gate of Shuntian Prefecture.

In recent years, the Ming army has produced an extremely large number of Hongyi cannons, which were previously distributed to various cities.

Now the Hongyi cannons are urgently transferred to several cities mainly guarded by the Ming army.

Mingjun has now given up on the weak city.

In addition to the capital, the defense is mainly focused on four places: Tianjin, Tongzhou, Xuanfu, and Zhuzhou.

Ming troops from Southern Zhili are coming to King Qin of Shuntian Prefecture one after another, but the specific arrangements of these troops have not been reported back yet."

Su He listened to Yang Qianhe's report, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

The Ming army's garrison at Shuntian Prefecture now seems to be around 200,000, so the number of troops will not be much different.

The strength of the Qin army and the Ming army was almost one to one.

Even if the Qin army attacks the city, the Ming army will defend it.

Su He is also confident that he can win Shuntian Mansion.

What he feared most was the generosity of the Ming civil servants and the mobilization of nobles, who actually recruited five to six million Ming troops to defend the city.

If there are enough troops to defend the city, it will be extremely difficult for the Qin army to attack.

Once Su He is in Shuntian Mansion, if the delay is too long, the world will inevitably change.

The strategic initiative now lies in the hands of the Qin army.

Suhe could choose to attack the weak points of the Ming army and gradually surround the capital.


Li Dazhuang was very happy. He patted Zhuang Renyi on the shoulder.

"Your Second Division fought very well. It only took ten days to capture Dongming County, Kaizhou, Qingfeng County, and Nanle County.

Ahead is Daming Prefecture. When our Qin army enters Northern Zhili, it is the first prefecture we encounter. You must give me a good fight.

Your Majesty, you are watching from behind. If we fight this battle well, our army will be able to win the main attack mission.

In order to attack the main mission, everyone showed me their strongest combat power.

If any unit fails to show its strength, when the war is over, personally write me a 5,000-word self-examination letter."

Li Dazhuang glanced at the military reporter who was writing something next to him.

The first important battle in Beizhili must be recorded in history.

Whether it's to compete for the main attack mission, or to leave a name in history.

He must show the best of the Seventh Army.

While saluting the military salute, Zhuang Renyi said firmly: "Commander, please rest assured, I will definitely show the strongest posture of the Seventh Army."

"I'm waiting for your good news, go attack! Don't save ammunition, our army has a lot of ammunition now.

The Yellow River is about to open up, and more ammunition can be brought in by then."

Zhuang Renyi came to the front line, and the Second Division of the Seventh Army was ready and ready to attack at any time.

"Zhao Walnut, let me storm the city wall of Daming Mansion. Your artillery regiment doesn't need to save ammunition.

Don't worry about the loss of artillery. Show the strongest side of the artillery regiment.

The sound of artillery was an order. When other troops heard the artillery regiment firing, they immediately rushed to the city wall of Daming Mansion.

We are going to take down Daming Mansion with thunderous force. The Ming army heading north to Zhili will tremble in their legs when they hear the name of our First Army."

The officers of the Second Division of the Seventh Army received the order from the division commander Zhuang Renyi and immediately began to prepare for the attack.

Zhao Walao commanded the artillery regiment and immediately began to attack.

He looked at the artillery newly assigned to the artillery regiment above, a heavy artillery with a caliber of 150 mm.

The heavy gun was made of steel and weighed two tons. The gun carriage was equipped with springs and four rollers.

It required three horses to drag it in order to keep up with the marching speed of the troops in the plain area.

There is basically no way to keep up with the marching speed of the troops on the mountain road, so we can only drag slowly.

The North Zhili area is flat and has a large number of fortified cities, so the King of Qin equipped their Seventh Army with such heavy artillery.

The 150 artillery roared first, and the thick shells directly hit the city wall of Daming Mansion.

The city walls of Damingfu were in disrepair for a long time, and cannonballs were directly embedded in the walls.

Then there was a violent explosion, and a heavy artillery shell blew a big hole in the wall of Damingfu.

Zhao Walnut was extremely happy when he saw this situation.

It only takes a while to attack, and the Damingfu city wall will definitely collapse.

The Qin Army's Second Division had just reached the halfway mark when soldiers pushed ladder trucks and prepared to set up ladders to attack the city.

They saw that the city wall of Damingfu had collapsed.

The Qin army looked excited. The city wall had collapsed and it would be very easy to capture the city.

All the Qin troops threw down the ladders, and with grenades in hand, they launched a fierce attack from where the city wall collapsed.

The Ming army's defenders of the Ming Dynasty turned around and fled when they saw the city wall collapse.

Instead, the newly formed gentry regiment practiced armed training.

In order to protect their land and property from being robbed by thieves in yellow.

The gentry immediately organized a group to practice armed force, armed with simple matchlock guns, blocking the gaps in the city wall to resist the attack of the yellow-robed thieves.

When the Ming army garrison in the city saw the gentry regiments practicing their weapons to block the gap, he immediately sent a large number of reinforcements and began to reinforce the gentry regiments practicing their weapons.

The Qin army and the Ming army fought fiercely at the gap where the city wall collapsed.

"Machine gun company, call the machine gun company over quickly."

The soldiers of the machine gun company quickly arrived at the gap in the city wall pushing their machine guns.

The machine gunner quickly deployed his machine gun and shouted to the front: "Get out of the way, everyone, get out of the way quickly."

When the Qin army heard the news, they immediately moved out of the way of the collapsed city wall.

The two machine guns were aimed crosswise at the gap, and the machine gunner pulled the trigger.

The rattling sound continued, and the two fire snakes formed a cross shape and kept swinging left and right in the gap in the city wall.

The Ming troops inside the city wall kept screaming.

Both machine guns fired a chain of ammunition, and the Qin army officers and soldiers continued to rush into the gap in the city wall.

The Qin army tore open the Ming army's defense line and continued to expand its results, quickly defeating the Ming army near the city wall.

The Ming army's defense lines continued to lose, and the Qin army compressed its living space.

Most of the Ming army surrendered directly, but the gentry organized groups to practice armed forces. Relying on their familiarity with the city, they resisted and never surrendered.

Zhuang Renyi approached Damingfu City and looked at the soldiers of the garrison collecting the bodies of the fallen soldiers of the Qin Army and the Ming Army.

The Qin soldiers who were still alive were immediately carried by their companions and sent to a field hospital outside the city.

Whether they survive depends on luck.

But the soldiers of the Qin army were already much stronger than the soldiers of the Ming army. They at least had hope of survival.


The Qin army marched very fast, captured all the prefectures and counties of Daming Prefecture, and immediately continued to attack Guangping Prefecture to the north.

In Handan County, Quang Binh Prefecture, Su He summoned all senior military officers.

He specially called Li Dazhuang, commander of the Seventh Army.

"Dazhuang, your Seventh Army encountered relatively strong resistance in Daming Mansion. Have the Ming armies from various places begun to support it?"

Su He looked at the battle reports from the front line and felt that the performance of the Ming army in Daming Prefecture was unusual.

Along the way, as long as the Qin army broke through the city wall, the Ming army basically put down their weapons, and no Ming army was found to resist desperately.

Neither the Tianxiong Army nor the Guan Ning Army tried their best to resist in Mengjin County.

Li Dazhuang said with a serious expression: "No Ming army came to support. The Ming court ordered the gentry from all over the country to recruit regiments to assist the Ming army in defending the city.

Gao Shiliang, a Jinshi of Daming Prefecture, gathered the gentry of Daming Prefecture and set up a regiment of 10,000 people to train armed forces and assist the Ming army in defending the city.

The Ming army in the city has collapsed, but these gentry soldiers are still resisting tenaciously.

We used machine guns and 75mm artillery to carve out a bloody path, and then we completely eliminated this gentry regiment."

"The Ming Dynasty court has reached this point and released monsters like Tuan Lian Armed Forces.

Fortunately, the gentry in the Northern Zhili region are not too strong."

Su He knew the reason for the change in the war situation in Daming Mansion.

The armed gentry regiment will definitely be stronger than the Ming army.

The gentry were part of the civil service group, and the regiment training and armed forces they organized would be supported by the civil service group.

It will not be hampered by the civilian clique like the Ming army.

The quality of the military households of the Ming army cannot be compared with that of the gentry's servants.

Most of the Ming army was neglected in training, and their strongest point could not make them better than the gentry regiment training.

The discipline, organization and freedom of the gentry regiment training arm were stronger than those of the Ming army.

The most important point is that the gentry are rich. If they really spend money, they can greatly enhance the strength of the regiment training and armed forces.

All the officers arrived at the governor's camp one after another.

Su He held a military meeting to arrange the Qin army's next troop dispatch plan.

He stood in front of a small sand table. He took out a few small flags, looked at Su Hu, Li Dazhuang and others and said:

"We formally divided our forces in Guangping Prefecture and sent out two troops to surround the capital.

The Seventh Army encircled the capital from the east, starting from Guangping Prefecture, heading northeast to Yizhou and Cangzhou, and captured Tianjin Guards.

Then go north from Tianjin and capture Jizhou northeast of the capital.

Cut off the road from Shanhaiguan direction to support Shuntian Prefecture of Ming Dynasty.

After capturing Jizhou, they attacked Tongzhou to the west.

Lock the east gate of the capital.

The Third Army and the Imperial Guard, as the main force, attacked the place where the heavy troops were gathered in North Zhili.

After we captured Shunde Prefecture and Zhending Prefecture, we launched an attack on Baoding Prefecture, a stronghold of the Ming Army.

After Baoding is captured, the capital will be in the north.

Starting from Baoding, we captured Zhuzhou and locked the southern gate of the capital.

The mission of the Fourth Army was to attack Xia Xuanfu Town from Shanxi.

Starting from Xuanfu, we captured Changping Prefecture and blocked the north of the capital.

The Third Army, the Fourth Army, the Seventh Army, the Imperial Guard, and the other four armies sealed off all sides of the capital and completely captured the capital of the Ming Dynasty."

After Su He handed over the combat mission, he asked the officers: "Do you have any other questions to ask?"

When he spoke, he mainly looked at Li Dazhuang.

Because Su Hu and Qi Gangyi walked with him, any problems between the two armies could be solved at any time.

Li Dazhuang knew that at this time, he must ask all the questions clearly.

Otherwise, it would take a very long time for the two armies to send messages to each other in the east and west directions of Beizhili.

"Your Majesty, when is the final deadline to capture Tongzhou?"

Li Dazhuang must ask this question clearly.

There are two difficulties in fighting with a limited time limit and without a limited time limit.

If the deadline is very tight, the Seventh Army will inevitably have to pay more casualties to improve combat efficiency.

Su He took out a small yellow flag and planted it directly above Tongzhou City.

"War is not a child's play, and we don't know what will happen on the battlefield.

I don't set deadlines that are too tight.

Before this year, the Seventh Army will capture Tongzhou City.

The Chinese army here also wants to capture Zhuzhou before this year.

This time we made a surprise attack on Ming Dynasty.

If the Ming Dynasty is not solved this year, no matter how slow the reaction of the Ming Dynasty's civil servants and nobles is, they will still save themselves.

The gentry in the south also had the opportunity to join forces and concentrate all their efforts against us.

What's more, the Ming Dynasty has now allowed the gentry to organize regiments to train armed forces.

Every day that passes, the strength of the gentry group training will become stronger.

It took too long for us to conquer Beizhili, and then it will become very troublesome to attack the southeastern region."

Su He set a very loose time, this was already the longest time he had expected.

He didn't set a time limit too short. No one can tell what surprises may arise in the war.

The time for setting up Suhe was too short, and the Qin army became impatient and underestimated the enemy and advanced rashly.

This will expose too many flaws. If the Ming army seizes the flaw, it will give the Qin army a fatal blow.

All Su He's early efforts were in vain.

When Li Dazhuang heard this time, he showed a relaxed expression.

It's the end of February now, and there are still ten months to go.

The Seventh Army doesn't need ten months, but given five months, the Seventh Army can capture the capital.

This time was very generous, so generous that Li Dazhuang couldn't believe it.

He looked at King Qin Su He and said honestly: "Your Majesty, if you give our Seventh Army ten months, then other problems will no longer be a problem."

This brief military meeting ended quickly, and the respective goals of the Qin army were determined.

The Seventh Army once again separated from the main force from Handan County and attacked the Ming Army in the northeast direction.

This chapter has been completed!
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