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Chapter 272: The Destruction of Group Training

Gao Shizhong listened to the shouts of the thieves in yellow outside the city.

He stood on the top of the city and kept walking, and suddenly roared: "Artillery, fire for me.

Aim at the person yelling at the thief in yellow and shoot him to death with a cannon."

The Hongyi cannon on the top of the city fired. The accuracy of the artillery was quite good, and the firing direction was correct.

But the shells fired had absolutely no effect on the Qin soldiers hiding in the trenches.

Gao Shizhong was very happy when he saw the red cannon firing. The sound of the cannon could cover up the shouts of the thieves in yellow.

He looked at the top soldiers at the top of the city, listening carefully to the shouts of the thieves in yellow, and he became extremely angry.

He had just received news that most of the more than 100,000 acres of fertile land of the Gao family had been redivided by thieves in yellow.

That was their family, and it took several generations to accumulate wealth for more than a hundred years.

The most important wealth of the Gao family was directly distributed to the untouchables by the thieves in yellow.

These untouchables were so happy that they divided up the fertile land belonging to their Gao family.

When he kills Gao Shizhong, he must let these untouchables see why their home has stood in Zhending Mansion for more than a hundred years.

Gao Shizhong did not expect that all these fertile fields would be lost when he became the head of the family.

How could he have the dignity to show his loyalty and go to see his ancestors a hundred years later?

Gao Shizhong hit the ground hard with his cane and said angrily: "You guys, listen to me, you must guard the city seriously.

Now as long as you guard Zhending Fucheng for one day, I will give you fifty taels of silver.

I found who doesn't guard the city seriously?

Not only him, but also his wife and children will all be lit up by me."

Gao Shizhong dispatched a supervising team composed of his confidants to constantly patrol the city walls.

I found someone who dared not to guard the city seriously and dragged him out directly to light sky lanterns.

Through this kind of high-intensity control, he directly deterred these people and asked the regiment to seriously defend the city with armed forces.


The regiment-trained and armed soldiers all live in a room of twenty people and sleep in a large open hood.

Seeing that everyone was sleeping soundly, they quietly got up and went to the toilet.

Liu Daniu whispered in his younger brother's ear with an extremely fine voice: "The Qin army is too powerful.

You see, they fought from Henan to Zhending Mansion. Not to mention regiment training and armed forces, even the real bosses of the government and army could not stop the Qin army.

Looking at the gentry who manages us, he looks very angry today.

He continued to get angry, complaining that the land in his home was given to untouchables by thieves in yellow.

If the Qin army is outside, it will really divide the land for others.

Everything shouted outside is true.

At that time, we could have stayed in the village.

Now the gentry master is conducting strict inspections on the city.

There's nothing we can do if we die. If we don't die, we must show that we are working hard to defend the city.

If the Qin army really invades, we should not resist. We should immediately find a place to take off our clothes and become ordinary people in the city.

If you don't take it off in time, immediately put down your weapons and surrender, and don't resist."

When Liu Daniu spoke, he looked at his clothes. This was the clothes of the previous government officials, with some simple modifications.

He felt that wearing this outfit would be better than wearing ordinary clothes.

After the Qin army entered the city, they must keep a close eye on the people wearing these clothes and chase them fiercely.

At that time, this piece of clothing will become a life-threatening thing.

When Liu Erniu heard what his brother said, he nodded seriously.

When they came to join the regiment for armed training, they owed the gentry a large sum of usury.

Now after the Qin army arrived, all usurious loans were waived and land was distributed to them.

The gentry master asked them to work hard, and the Qin army distributed land to them and exempted them from the debt owed to the gentry.

Liu Erniu knew who was good and who was bad. The little military pay given by the gentry was not worth his life.

The gentry regiment's armed men, aware of the situation during the day, carefully considered their next choice in their hearts.


Qin army camp.

Su He had dinner with senior officers of the two armies.

They ate Wo Wo Tou, which consisted of salted fish and pork stewed with vermicelli.

Qi Gangyi ate the steamed buns and said happily: "The king's method is really effective.

Our main work today is to fill in the moat and calibrate the artillery.

These two tasks were completed very well, and we are well prepared for the attack on the city tomorrow.

At the same time, I also used binoculars to observe the reaction of the regiment's armed forces on the top of the city.

Some people have very special reactions, and they should listen to our advice.

I saw some armed gentry on the city wall looking very angry.

After we divided the land, we deliberately put some people into Zhendingfu City.

These people worked wonders. When the gentry heard that their land was being redistributed, they became furious.

Even the gentry in the city couldn't hide their expressions when encountering such a thing.

The performance of the gentry can prove from the side that what we say is true.

The tenants are thinking about their future, and they will definitely not be the same as before."

Su Hu also saw the behavior of the gentry and tenants in Zhendingfu City.

He took a big mouthful of vermicelli, turned to look at Su He and asked, "Your Majesty, when will we launch a general attack on Zhending Fucheng?"

Su He swallowed the dough and replied: "Starting from tomorrow, we will launch a general offensive.

These gentlemen cannot be given time to think.

Time dragged on for too long, and the gentry found that none of the people training in the regiment had the will to fight.

They will definitely kill the chickens to scare the monkeys, find some examples, eliminate the big soldiers who are interested in us, and use various methods to reactivate their fighting spirit.

If we launch an attack tomorrow, the gentry will definitely not have time to react.

They also knew everything the tenants should know.

This allows us to launch a general offensive to achieve the greatest results."

When Su Hu heard Su He's words, he laughed happily, his appetite became much better, and he ate two pieces of steamed buns in a row.


Gao Shizhong was still standing on the wall of Zhendingfu City.

He saw a cannonball fired by a thief in yellow falling on the city wall not far from him.

After the sudden explosion, a huge cloud of gunpowder smoke filled the air.

When the smoke cleared, the hell-like scene made Gao Shizhong truly realize the cruelty of war.

He is also an extremely small person on the battlefield and could be taken away by a cannonball at any time.

Gao Shizhong did not dare to stay on the wall. He stayed in a private house in the center of the city and was responsible for commanding the city defense battle.

"Keep an eye on everyone, and let them behave themselves while guarding the city.

The thieves in yellow are just testing in the early stage, and their attack power will not be too strong.

We must gradually adapt and find the best way to defend the city.

We still have so many red barbarian cannons left behind by the government troops in Zhendingfu City.

Let the artillery and other defensive equipment cooperate more, and we will definitely be able to block the attack of the thieves in yellow.

Let me know. If you perform well in this battle, I will reward you with five hundred taels of silver.

Anyone who performs poorly, he and his family will be lit by me."

Gao Shizhong asked his confidants to supervise the battle.

On the table in front of him was a defense map of Zhendingfu City.

Gao Shizhong held a feather fan and looked like he was strategizing.

He kept pointing fingers and asked his confidants to hand over the strategies he came up with to the regiment training and armed forces guarding the city for implementation.


Gao Shizhong saw one of his confidants running towards him from the south gate in a panic.

"Sir, let's run! The thieves in yellow have entered the city from the south gate."

Gao Shizhong's expression changed greatly, and he asked in disbelief: "How could the thieves in yellow break through the city gate so quickly?

Have you implemented my strategy well and defended the city with such a clever plan?

How could this city be captured so easily by thieves in yellow clothes?"

Gao Shizhong originally thought that he could defend Zhending Fucheng for a month with the help of regiment training and armed forces, and there would be no problem at all.

Let alone a month, even if it is a year, he is confident that he can hold on to it.

Unexpectedly, only two or three days later, Zhending Fucheng would be captured by thieves in yellow clothes.

Gao Shizhong looked with the telescope in his hand and saw that the thieves in yellow had blown down the city wall.

A large number of thieves in yellow rushed into the city. His regiment-trained soldiers showed little resistance and squatted on the ground with their heads in hand and surrendered.

Gao Shizhong knew the reason for his failure and lamented: "These untouchables misled me."

He immediately took his confidants, opened the north city gate, and prepared to flee to Dingzhou.

When the yellow-robed thieves attacked the city, there were not many yellow-robed thieves in Beicheng.

He can run out of Zhending Fucheng with his men, but he can't stay here any longer.


Su He saw that Zhendingfu City had been completely occupied by the Qin army.

“To deal with the gentry group’s armed training, we still need to focus on the mind.

This team has no honor and no faith.

It was tied together by relying on the authority and interests of the gentry.

Just defeat the authority of the gentry and win over them with greater benefits.

These gentry were well armed and defeated very quickly."

Su He could see very clearly that during the Third Army's attack on the city just now, the gentry's resistance mood had dropped a lot.

The engineering soldiers of the Third Army, carrying explosive packs, easily arrived at the gate of Zhendingfu City.

After the explosive charges exploded, the walls of Zhendingfu City collapsed.

The Qin army entered Zhendingfu City, but the armed resistance of the gentry group was very weak.

Like the Ming army before, most people immediately began to lay down their weapons and surrender after seeing the Qin army enter the city.

Wang Shiyuan came over with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Guards were ambushing outside Beicheng. They caught the gentry who wanted to escape.

These gentry don't even understand the tactics of surrounding three palaces.

Seeing that there were not many soldiers at the North City Gate, they opened the North City Gate in a swarm and fled, but we all caught them.

The largest regiment training force in Zhending Mansion was destroyed."

Su He said happily: "Not only the Tuanlian armed forces in Zhending Mansion were destroyed, but also the largest Tuanlian armed force in North Zhili was destroyed after Gao Shizhong was eliminated.

Our policy will also allow the regiment to train and arm itself and completely lose its soil."

Su He approached the city, and the fighting in the city had completely subsided.

All the gentry who participated in the regiment training and armed training were tied to the square in front of the Yamen of Zhending Mansion.

There were also many curious people. After seeing that the Qin army did not disturb the people, they bravely walked out of their homes to see the situation.

Su Hu and Qi Gangyi led the troops to maintain order here.

When Qi Gangyi saw Su He approaching, he asked: "Your Majesty, how should we deal with these gentry?

How to deal with people who participate in group training and armed forces?"

Su He glanced at the faces of these gentry, and their faces were extremely panicked.

"Gao Shizhong doesn't like to light sky lanterns for others, but lets him taste the feeling of having sky lanterns lit for himself."

Su He rarely used this kind of torture, but he did not abolish torture completely.

There are some unscrupulous people, and it would be too easy for them to shoot them.

Gao Shizhong kept listening with his ears pricked up, and he heard his fate.

He shouted in horror: "Spare my life, spare me!"

I am familiar with the commander of the Shenwu right guard in Baoding City, Commander Pang Yong, and I can persuade him to join the Qin army.

I still have a great role, please let me go! Spare my life! Spare my life!"

Su He waved his hand, and Qin Shanshui, the leader of the guard regiment, commanded the guard regiment to start taking action immediately.

They hung up Gao Shizhong with chains and poured kerosene on him.

The fire was burning, and Gao Shizhong screamed a few times before dying.

When other gentry saw Gao Shizhong's fate, they trembled with fear.

Many people regretted it very much. They mobilized troops to fight against the Qin army, and the end was too tragic.

If we had known this, we might as well have surrendered early, but our property would have been lost.

"Those gentry who follow Gao Shizhong, bully men, dominate women, and continue to do evil will be shot directly.

The remaining people were all exiled to the border areas. These people were also literate and were allowed to go to the border areas to teach others to learn Chinese characters.

After entering the city, those who resist us will be dealt with according to the procedures related to prisoners of war and let them go mining.

There are many coal mines in Shanxi and we need enough manpower to mine them.

Those who obey our orders surrender without resistance, fulfill our promise and allocate land to them."

Following Su He's instructions, the Qin army immediately began to deal with these gentry and regiment trainers.

Su He asked Su Hu: "What is the current status of the Third Army?

The strongest resistance force in Zhending Mansion has been eliminated by us.

The third army can capture Dingzhou, leaving other places to the garrison.

If the Third Army is in good condition, we will march directly to Baoding Prefecture without giving the Ming army a chance to breathe."

When Su Hu heard this question, he puffed up his chest and answered confidently: "Your Majesty, this battle of Zhending Mansion was fought very easily. The soldiers of the Third Army are in good spirits and physical strength.

The victories one after another gave the soldiers high morale.

I have full confidence to continue the attack on Baoding Prefecture."

Su He saw that Su Hu was extremely confident, so he followed Su Hu and went to the Third Army in person to see the mental outlook of the soldiers of the Third Army.

Then he ordered:

"Su Hu, rest for the night in Zhending Fucheng today. Tomorrow the third army will set off to capture Dingzhou and launch a probing attack on the Bao government."

Su Hu took the order and made marching arrangements overnight.


Liu Daniu and Liu Erniu, a group of more than 500 people, were led by the Qin army to the outside of the city.

Liu Erniu asked fearfully: "Brother, what is going on?"

"Wait, it's not a bad thing anyway.

You see, those scoundrels of the gentry are still locked up in the camp. It’s a good thing that we can come out.”

They came to a village outside the city.

The Qin army officer announced loudly: "The King of Qin will fulfill his promise.

We promised to allocate land to you, and we will allocate land to you in this village."

The officers of the Qin Army explained the policy of dividing the territory to the surrendered regiment trainers.

The moment Liu Daniu got the land deed, he knelt on the ground and cried loudly. He never thought that he would have the opportunity to own his own land in this life.

The news of the Qin army's division of territory immediately spread to the surrounding areas of Zhending Mansion.

The garrison troops attacked from all sides and captured the remaining areas of Zhending Mansion.

Everywhere they went, the gentry would immediately tie up the gentry and surrender to the Qin army.

People have always longed to have their own land.

They welcomed the Qin army in their own way.

In the North Zhili region, the foundation for the existence of regiment training armed forces has been completely destroyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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