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Chapter 285 Xiyi's Provocation

In Jelanje City, Taiwan Island, Marche, the Governor-General of the Dutch East India Company in Taiwan, welcomed the Portuguese envoy Viscount Orit.

As the main militant faction of the Dutch East India Company, the situation in the Far East has undergone tremendous changes.

He was then sent from Batavia to Relandia to replace the original person and become the governor of Taiwan Island.

He must guarantee the interests of the Dutch East India Company in the Far East.

Only then can he report to the board of directors of the Dutch East India Company, and then Machel can be promoted.

Macher speaks multiple languages. He communicated directly with Viscount Olite in Portuguese and his attitude was very gentle.

Their Dutch interests everywhere were invaded by the Spanish.

The Netherlands has the title of sea coachman, mainly occupying major ports and focusing on trade.

The Spanish mainly fought for colonies and expelled the Dutch in various regions.

The population of the Netherlands was too small and there was no way to compete with Spain, the populous country, for colonies.

Portugal and Spain had a feud, and they were natural allies of the Netherlands.

Coupled with Viscount Orite, he is a real nobleman and represents the Kingdom of Portugal.

Machel was just a businessman, representing the Dutch East Indies, a Dutch private company, and their identities were not equal at all.

Even though the Dutch are slightly stronger here, Macher's attitude is not too sharp.

When Orit saw that Machel had a good attitude, he smiled and said: "Those yellow-skinned monkeys in Ming Dynasty want to buy your artillery.

I saw that these artillery pieces had been shipped and shipped away. It would be more beneficial to us to let these yellow-skinned monkeys fight among themselves.

It’s just that the yellow-skinned monkeys who hold state power in the Ming Dynasty are too stupid.

This indigenous country is too useless and completely unable to withstand the attack of the rebels."

Orit is a white man. He believes that only white Europeans are human beings.

All people are not human beings, they are just slaves.

These indigenous rebels dared to seize the colonies of the Kingdom of Portugal. They must learn a lesson.

When he brought five battleships and an expeditionary force composed of more than ten battleships.

Prepare to capture Guangzhou and teach these yellow-skinned monkeys a profound lesson.

Off the coast of Guangzhou, he saw a warship comparable to the largest first-class battleship in Europe.

Orit is just a little arrogant, he is not a fool.

He did not take the initiative to attack Guangzhou, but collected intelligence about the Qin army.

They looked very different from the people of the Ming Dynasty, and they did not dare to approach places patrolled by the Qin army.

He sent troops to observe carefully and bribed a pirate to learn about the Qin army.

It was found that the Qin Navy only had one such battleship, and two battleships similar to their Portuguese battleship.

There are also four or five warships that are slightly smaller than their battleships.

Orit felt that he couldn't eat this Qin army's navy.

Choose to join forces with the Dutch to defeat the Qin navy.

I didn't expect this native to be so strong and have such advanced shipbuilding technology.

He saw that these battleships were all new warships, and they must be able to manufacture battleships themselves.

Orit observed that they only had one battleship.

He must eliminate this indigenous people as soon as possible and seize their shipbuilding technology.

Once this indigenous people are given enough time to develop, their Portuguese interests in the Far East will be affected.

He worked hard on an expedition and returned in disgrace, which had a great impact on their family.

The news he learned in Batavia was that the Qin army allowed the Spaniards to do business in Guangzhou, but prevented the Dutch from doing business in Guangzhou.

The forces belonging to the Qin army ordered all merchants not to go to Batavia to do business, nor to sell goods to the Dutch.

This force believed that Taiwan Island was their place, and the Dutch and Spanish had to leave Taiwan Island before they were allowed to do business with them.

The Spanish were originally squeezed out by the Dutch on Taiwan Island. They competed with the Dutch and always failed.

Without the request of the Qin army, Spain would be expelled from Taiwan Island by the Dutch after some time.

The Spanish happily agreed to the Qin army's request and left Taiwan Island in exchange for the Qin army opening the port to normal trade with them.

The Dutch did not agree to this request, and they were blocked from trade by the Qin army.

Orit found the Dutch and told them about the threat from the Qin army.

Once this native land is allowed to develop, not only Taiwan Island, but also Batavia will likely be lost.

They must be eliminated in the bud.

The Qin army's shipbuilding technology will be shared by the two families.

Viscount Orit persuaded the Governor of Batavia, and the two families decided to unite to deal with the Qin army.

Together, their two families have a total of eleven battleships and more than thirty other warships.

There was no problem at all against the Qin Navy's three battleships.

Machel and Orit were in the city of Relanja, discussing how to deal with the Qin army.

Macher suggested: "I do not recommend attacking coastal areas such as Guangzhou.

This is the home ground of the Qin army, and they also have powerful artillery. These people are different from the indigenous people in Africa.

They also have guns and cannons and can resist us with strength.

Especially the powerful coastal defense guns. If we want to use warships to attack the coastal defense guns, it would be too dangerous.

It is best to attract the Qin army and navy.

According to the information I heard from the Spanish, the battleship of the Qin Navy has a lot of firepower.

But the ants killed the elephant, and our eleven battleships were lined up in a row, firing thousands of cannons, and the Qin navy could not withstand our attack.

As long as we lead the Qin army and navy to the sea, we will be sure of victory.

If the Qin army and navy take the initiative to attack Penghu, which we occupy, and with the assistance of the shore defense artillery here, we will have a greater chance of winning."

Viscount Orit frowned and said: "This is really difficult, considering the news I heard.

The Qin army is attacking Fujian on the opposite side of Taiwan Island.

The Ming army and the rebels were fighting fiercely. How could they give up attacking the Ming Dynasty and instead attack Penghu, which was heavily defended by us?"

Viscount Olett thinks that Machel's idea is difficult to implement.

Suddenly he had an idea and came up with a good idea.

"The Qin Army, a group of rebels, is attacking Fujian, the Ming Dynasty.

They attacked Fujian from Guangdong and needed sea ships to transport supplies.

By attacking their transport fleet, we can also seize the weapons and ammunition of the Qin army and make a clear estimate of their strength."

Machel listened to Viscount Orit's suggestion and thought it was a good idea.

"Viscount Orit's method is great." Machel highly praised it.

But he had his own ideas in his mind, and they collected information from all aspects.

The Qin army's artillery was more advanced than European artillery.

According to scholars' records, black gunpowder was invented by these Han people.

They will definitely become more skilled in using these black powders.

Machel was not surprised at all.

If he succeeds in plundering the Qin Army's transport ship, he can decipher the secret of the Qin Army's powerful artillery.

Then he would be able to become a top executive of the Dutch East India Company.

He was even awarded a noble title by the king for this achievement.

In this way, even if he couldn't destroy the marching navy and seize the shipbuilding technology, he could still stay away from the center of the storm because of his early meritorious service.

When Macher thought of this, he became very motivated.

"Viscount Orit, transportation routes are the lifeblood of a force.

If we attack the Qin army's transportation routes, they will inevitably launch a massive counterattack against us.

Our battleships are waiting for work, and we only need to send some ordinary warships to easily capture the Qin army's transport ships.

We use Penghu as our base, and the army is waiting in Penghu.

In order to ensure the safety of transportation routes, the Qin army would inevitably attack Penghu.

The Qin army did not have many battleships, but there were many warships common to the Han people.

Our Dutch East India Company failed in its previous attacks on Penghu.

That was to be defeated by the indigenous people here, the Ming Dynasty Navy, with a large number of small boats.

But with the large number of coastal defense guns we have deployed in Penghu, these small boats cannot rush into the port at all.

Penghu is our main battlefield, and we have a greater chance of winning."

Viscount Orit agreed with Machel's suggestion.

Machel discussed the battle plan with Viscount Orit, and he immediately called a man named Guo Qi.

This is the big pirate they took in from the Netherlands.

Guo Qi, who had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, immediately knelt on the ground respectfully when he walked in.

He said in half-baked Dutch: "Hello, Mr. Governor, what do you want from me?"

"I want you to monitor the movements of the Qin army's navy and investigate the location of the Qin army's navy's transport ships. How are you doing?"

Guo Qi knelt on the ground, lowered his head and said, "Mr. Governor, we disguised ourselves as ordinary fishing boats and secretly observed the movements of the Qin army and navy.

We were afraid of being discovered and didn't dare to get too close, so we could only see Mohu from a distance."

Guo Qi introduced to Machel in detail what he had observed about the Qin army.

He heard that the main force of the Qin army was three battleship-sized warships, one large and two small.

Only then did they feel completely reassured, as the intelligence they had detected was the same.

Machel didn't care when he heard this.

He believed that this was a battleship built by the Qin army itself and two imitation Portuguese battleships.

After Machel and Viscount Orit discussed it.

Heavy troops were deployed in Penghu, and all eleven battleships of the two families were docked at Penghu port, preparing to ambush the Qin navy.

At the same time, warships were dispatched to prepare to capture a group of Qin army transport ships based on the information provided by Guo Qi.


Zhang Wanfeng safely escorted the Eighth Army to land at the Jinjiang estuary.

He returned to Kinmen Island with the Third Fleet and escort fleet.

When he was about to arrive at Kinmen Island, when he looked at the sea with a telescope, he saw a ship with big holes in its masts and sails and craters all over its body, running for its life on the sea.

When Zhang Wanfeng saw the Qin army flag hanging on the mast of the ship.

His expression immediately changed and he immediately sent a warship to rescue the ship.

This ship belongs to the Qin army.

Seeing the appearance of this ship now, they must be in danger.

Transport ships usually travel along the shore, and there are more than a dozen old-fashioned cannons on board.

Most pirates don't have the strength to take down a transport fleet.

After confirming the identity of the other party.

The battleship Huo Qubing is close to this transport ship.

With red eyes, You Daxia boarded the battleship Huo Qubing.

Zhang Wanfeng knew You Daxia, a captain in their naval logistics department who was responsible for managing twenty transport ships.

This tough guy now looks like his eyes are a little red and swollen from crying.

"Prawn, what's wrong with you?"

"Admiral Zhang, I wish I could be buried under the sea with my brothers now, but I can't die.

My brothers fought tooth and nail to give me hope of escaping.

I just want to tell the navy the complete news."

You Daxia suppressed his grief and introduced the situation they encountered to Zhang Wanfeng.

He set off from Guangzhou when the ship was about ten miles away from Nan'ao Island.

Suddenly a fleet of more than 20 warships rushed out and ambush their transport fleet.

You Daxia led the fleet to resist desperately.

But the transport ship will definitely not be able to defeat the warship.

They were divided and surrounded, and many transport ships were sunk or captured.

Other ships took the initiative to ram these warships, giving Yu Xia a chance to escape.

The boat You Da Xia is a new ship. It is the fastest ship and has the best chance of escaping.

The transport ship dropped all the cargo and fled towards Kinmen with its full sail and the wind.

You Daxia can clearly see the enemy's face, with eyes of various colors, few black pores, white skin, and red or blond hair.

These features were so conspicuous that the warships attacking them were the warships of the Xiyi people.

After Zhang Wanfeng heard what You Daxia said, his lips were trembling with anger.

"Beasts, we don't even want to destroy the city of Relanja, how dare they do this? How dare they take the initiative to provoke our army.

Just those eleven useless battleships.

These Western Yi people are too courageous to use this method to provoke our army, and they want to fight our army to the death."

Zhang Wanfeng quickly arrived at Kinmen Island with his fleet and docked at the port.

He took You Daxia and immediately reported the situation to his superior, the Governor of the South China Sea Fleet Li Qingmu.

When Li Qingmu got the news, he said angrily: "Zheng Zhilong's son Zheng Sen returned from Nanjing.

He is the apprentice of Donglin Party leader Qian Qianyi.

The Donglin Party has already contacted these Xiyi people, and the Xiyi people sold hundreds of red Yi cannons to the Donglin Party at a high price.

They used this method to intervene in the war between the Qin army and our army.

I originally wanted to find an opportunity to teach them a lesson and expel them from Taiwan Island.

We have captured Fujian, and this large island near Chichi must not be allowed to be occupied by the Westerners.

At that time, the Japanese pirates occupied Taiwan Island and used it as a base to invade the Ming Dynasty.

It caused great losses to the southeastern coast of Ming Dynasty.

Now that our Qin army and navy are powerful, we must never let this phenomenon happen again.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

How can we allow others to sleep soundly in the place where they lie down?"

Li Qingmu immediately held a combat meeting and explained what happened.

After the other officers of the South China Sea Fleet heard this, they were all filled with indignation and wished they could sail away immediately and kill all the Westerners.

Li Qingmu was not impulsive. A momentary impulse could not help the navy win.

The major warships of the Qin Army made preparations before the war, carefully inspected the warships, inspected the naval guns and other important weapons, and the ammunition stores were all filled.

Li Qingmu also found Zheng Zhilong and asked him for someone who was very familiar with Taiwan and Penghu.

Zheng Zhilong sent his second brother Zheng Zhihu to lead the Qin army.

He is the person most familiar with the sea conditions around Penghu and Taiwan.

During this period, Li Qingmu selected the elites of the Zheng family and asked them to take their own ships and move with the Qin army.

He dispatched the Third Fleet to escort the transport fleet to prevent this situation from happening again.

The navy dispatched reconnaissance ships to search and attack the Qin army's Xiyi fleet on the sea.

And collect information on the Penghu Islands and Taiwan Island.

The general cannot be angry and raise an army. Li Qingmu must find out the information clearly before the navy can be dispatched.

Time passed slowly, and the intelligence was quickly gathered on Kinmen Island.

The Dutch and Portuguese joined forces to attack the Qin army's transport fleet.

After seeing the naval escort, they did not dare to attack again.

Dutch and Portuguese warships were docked in Penghu's harbor.

They were ready to attack again at any time to attack the Qin army's transportation and supply lines.

The reconnaissance ship also found out that the Dutch and Portuguese still had eleven battleships and no reinforcements to reinforce them.

The intelligence investigation made it clear, the Qin Army and Navy were also prepared, and Qin Shihuang's battleship sailed out of the port of Kinmen.

It took most of the navy's warships and headed straight for Penghu.

This chapter has been completed!
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