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Chapter 289

Li Qingmu convened a meeting of South China Sea Fleet officers on the battleship Qin Shihuang.

He pointed to the chart hanging on the wall and said: "The Eighth Army has occupied Fuzhou City, and our navy has completed most of the tasks in the Fujian Campaign.

Our next task is to ensure the safety of the transport ship and transport the materials to Fuzhou.

The process of the Eighth Army's capture of Fujian will not have too many twists and turns.

Other prefectures and counties in Fujian have lost unified command.

The mountainous areas of Fujian lacked weapons and food, so the Ming army there could not hold out for long.

After the Eighth Army completely captured Fujian, it continued to use leapfrog tactics to occupy Zhejiang.

Our navy must look forward, not just to assist the Eighth Army.

We also need to open up the main artery of shipping.

Only when maritime transport is developed can our navy have the opportunity to show off its capabilities.

Without a prosperous shipping market, King Qin wanted to spend a lot of money and continue to invest in the navy.

Those civilian officials and the army will not agree that our navy occupies huge military expenditures but has little effect."

Li Qingmu is prepared for danger in times of peace, and all his interests are firmly tied to the navy.

He devoted all his energy to the development and growth of the navy.

The navy develops and grows, apart from its own reasons.

The internal struggle between the military services and the struggle between civil and military forces are also very important.

The Navy must demonstrate irreplaceable capabilities.

If the navy can only waste military expenditures every year, it will not be able to bring corresponding benefits.

Within a year or two, King Qin Su He was able to suppress other internal forces.

As time progresses, these forces will definitely attack the navy and want to usurp the navy's military expenditures.

Li Qingmu will never allow this to happen.

What he can do now is to improve the status of the navy.

The high status of the army means that they can protect the people and protect major cities from being invaded by other forces.

The role of the navy is to protect maritime borders, and improving the role of the navy is to enhance the status of the ocean.

The biggest use of the ocean now is cheap and convenient shipping.

The Ming Navy was in a situation where the south was strong and the north was weak.

The strongest navy in the north cannot even control the Bohai Sea and is very weak.

Lu Yuanshan stood up and asked: "Governor Li wants our navy to open up the route from Guangzhou to the north."

Li Qingmu nodded and said: "Yes, I am going to send the third fleet, with a large number of transport ships and merchant ships, to destroy the Ming Navy and occupy important ports along the way.

News came from the north that the king has led troops to occupy Henan.

It is expected that the king will attack Shandong and North Zhili areas.

Our navy brings transport ships and merchant ships to directly open the ports from the south to Shandong and North Zhili.

If this thing is really done, even if the goods are transported from Guangzhou to Shandong and Beizhili, the distance is very long.

But this is sea transportation, and the transport ship sails with the wind and only takes about a month.

The quantity and time of transporting weapons, food and grass far exceed the quantity and time of transporting materials from Xi'an to the front line."

Li Qingmu looked at Zhang Wanfeng, the captain of the Third Fleet, and ordered: "The Third Fleet's ships are in the best condition, and this matter will be left to the Third Fleet.

I hope you can open up the north-south route and transport huge quantities of supplies to the northern frontline."

Zhang Wanfeng stood up and issued a military order while saluting the military salute.

"Governor Li, please rest assured that I will be able to safely escort the fleet to the northern port."

The South China Sea Fleet moves very quickly, and there are already a large number of transport ships and merchant ships in Fuzhou.

The Eighth Army's attack speed was too fast, and a large amount of supplies and munitions were not consumed.

Good luck is coming to the north now.

The transport ship directly obeyed the orders of South China Sea Fleet Governor Li Qingmu and set off with the Third Fleet.

Merchant ships need to post notices to inform merchants of the news.

They voluntarily signed up to operate with the Third Fleet.

It is risky to follow the Third Fleet, but you can transport the southern specialties on board to the north for sale.

The profits gained were enough for these ship owners to make up their minds.

They had not had the opportunity before and did not dare to sail to the north alone.

Now that the navy is protecting them, these merchants have nothing to fear.

The Third Fleet immediately went to sea with a large number of transport ships and merchant ships.

Following them, there were also armed merchant ships and some ship owners who surrendered from the Zheng family.

Zhang Wanfeng summoned all the shipowners of the Zheng family to surrender on the battleship Huo Qubing.

He issued an order: "The soldiers of the Zheng family who are in the inspection period, protect these transport ships and merchant ships.

The warships of our Third Fleet are not heavily loaded ships and are faster at sea.

We are opening a path ahead. If we encounter the Ming Dynasty Navy, we will destroy these Ming Dynasty Navy troops immediately.

After occupying the Ming Dynasty Navy's port, the Zheng family's ships will control the port.

If the Ming Dynasty sends heavy troops to attack you, you will be allowed to abandon the port and escape."

Shi Daxuan, the leader of the Zheng family fleet, immediately assured: "Admiral Zhang, please rest assured that we will be able to protect the transport ships and merchant ships and control the ports captured by our army."

After they ended the meeting, Shi Daxuan walked up to Zhang Wanfeng with a young man.

"Admiral Zhang, this is my son Shi Lang. He grew up on a ship and loves naval battles.

Can you arrange a temporary job for him on the ship so that he can stay with you for a long time?"

Zhang Wanfeng looked at Shi Lang, who was somewhat shrewd, and he liked smart people.

Shi Daxuan's approach was not surprising to him at all.

The Zheng family's ship owners who surrendered all had this action.

They have surrendered and must be looking for a way out for their families.

"Let him be a staff officer and learn how to draw sea charts first."

Zhang Wanfeng turned to Wang Qijiang, Chief of Staff of the Third Fleet, and said: "Shi Lang, I'll leave it to you to lead the area."

Wang Qijiang immediately nodded in agreement. He had so many staff officers, so it would not be troublesome to bring one more.

Seeing this situation, Shi Daxuan thanked him excitedly: "Thank you, Admiral Zhang and Chief of Staff Wang."

He turned around and specifically told his son Shi Lang that he must listen to Chief of Staff Wang and learn the true skills.

When Shi Daxuan saw that Zhang Wanfeng had accepted his son, he would regard him as one of his own, and he would also sacrifice his life for the Qin army.

They took the boat and returned to their ship.


The battleship Huo Qubing, led by its cruisers, pursued a dozen warships of the Ming Navy.

Zhang Wanfeng took a sip of water and chuckled: "These Ming naval forces do not understand the strength of our army, and they take the initiative to attack us.

Our army fired three volleys and destroyed half of the warships of the Ming Dynasty, which were dumbfounded."

Li Ran, commander of the Third Fleet, asked: "They ran into Hangzhou Bay. Do our troops want to pursue them?"

Zhang Wanfeng waved his hand and said: "Ignore them, the main purpose of our fleet is to open up the north-south route.

As long as the Ming Navy does not take the initiative to attack us, do not delay our army's voyage.

They were beaten like this by our army and will not dare to take the initiative in the future.

If we rush to the north in time, we may participate in the battle on the northern battlefield.

After we have accomplished some great feats, your Majesty will remember us.

After the Ming Dynasty was conquered, the maritime territory was so vast, could a South China Sea Fleet defend it?

Let’s talk about the South China Sea Fleet. The name already indicates the positioning of this fleet.

Who will establish the East China Sea Fleet and the Yellow Sea Fleet at that time?

If we try our best to show our best in front of the king, the chances will be greater than others."

Zhang Wanfeng worked so hard because he was eyeing the position of governor of the second fleet.

The one who is near the water and the tower first gets the moon, and he is by the side of Su He, King of Qin.

When the King of Qin inquires about building a navy, he must be given priority.

Zhang Wanfeng also believed that his level could pass the test of King Qin.

He continues to stay in the South China Sea Fleet, with far lower qualifications than Lu Yuanshan and Feng Sanqiu.

How long does it take for him to wait for the opportunity to be promoted?

Now the opportunity is directly delivered to him. If he doesn't seize it, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

The battleships in Guangzhou Prefecture have not been assigned to the South China Sea Fleet due to war reasons.

When the time comes, if we can really promote the establishment of a second fleet, we will be able to compete for these battleships.

Zhang Wanfeng walked on the deck and saw Shi Lang learning to use a sextant.

"How was Shi Lang's study?"

Shi Lang was operating the sextant to determine their location.

When he heard Zhang Wanfeng's question, he immediately carefully put away the sextant and put it safely in the box he carried with him.

Then he responded: "Admiral Zhang, I have learned to use the sextant.

The sextant combined with the latitude and longitude is really a great invention that can determine our position on the sea at any time.

Now I have recorded on the chart the coordinate points along the way that our army passed during its march."

After Shi Lang finished speaking, he showed the chart he marked to Zhang Wanfeng.

After Zhang Wanfeng read it, he found that Shi Lang learned very quickly.

There was a certain error in the first few points, but later it became very accurate.

Zhang Wanfeng praised: "You have done a very good job. I want to become a qualified captain in the future.

Then you must learn to use a sextant, and it is best to memorize the longitude and latitude map.

In this way, no matter where you are, you can determine your location and won't get lost on the sea.

The compass, sextant, and navigational clock are three essential instruments on a ship."

Shi Lang listened carefully to Zhang Wanfeng's words. It was his blessing that the admiral was willing to teach him.


Zhang Wanfeng led the third fleet to capture the Zhoushan Islands.

He immediately asked Shi Daxuan to dispatch men to occupy the Zhoushan Islands.

Holding the mouth of the Yangtze River will be of great help to the Qin army in the next battle.

The Third Fleet is stationed in the Zhoushan Islands and can directly radiate Ningbo Prefecture, Hangzhou Prefecture, and Songjiang Prefecture, the three richest prefectures in the southeast region.

Especially Ningbo Prefecture, this is the dock where many gentry on the southeast coast are involved in smuggling and sending goods out to sea.

The Zhoushan Islands were occupied by the Qin army. If they wanted to go to sea, they had to weigh their goods.

Li Ranzhu said happily: "Songjiang Mansion is very rich, but Zhoushan Daming Navy's combat effectiveness is very weak.

Seeing the look of the Zhoushan Navy, I knew they had no fighting ability.

The generals who were as big as pigs had fat heads and big ears, but the ordinary soldiers were as skinny as wood and looked malnourished.

If any soldier sees that the general is very fat and cannot even eat enough to eat, how can they have a fighting spirit and how can the army have combat effectiveness?"

Zhang Wanfeng also agreed with Li Ran's statement. The gap between the generals and soldiers of the Zhoushan Navy was really too big.

When he attacked other Ming naval forces, those generals were at least strong soldiers, and the ordinary soldiers were not that hungry.

"We have arrived at Songjiang Prefecture, and if we walk a little further, we will reach Shandong.

I hope we can meet other friendly forces in Shandong.

Let the fleet move on."


The Third Fleet captured Fushan Qianhusuo.

Zhang Wanfeng saw this good harbor guarding Jiaozhou Bay.

"A part of the army is left here to garrison. This small place called Qingdao is really a good port with an excellent location.

It is suitable as a naval base and is no less suitable than the Guangzhou Military Port and the Kowloon Military Port."

Zhang Wanfeng has secretly decided that if he can become the governor of the second fleet, Qingdao must be the military port of a squadron.

He turned to Li Ran and asked: "Master Li Zhu, did you interrogate those Ming soldiers and learn about the king's movements?

I think they dare to ask us to attack.

Although our navy is not good at land warfare, it is not the Ming army with only a few matchlock guns that can defeat us.

They must not have been severely beaten by friendly forces."

Li Ran said: "I have interrogated many people and have a clear understanding of the situation in the north.

After the king captured Henan, he did not go east to attack Shandong, but went north to attack Beizhili.

Zhu Dadian, the governor of Shandong, removed many local military households from Shandong and went to King Qin of Beizhili.

It is not these people who can understand the specific combat situation in the North Zhili region."

Zhang Wanfeng nodded: "Then let's set off as soon as possible, bypass the Shandong Peninsula, and land directly in Beizhili from the Bohai Sea."

The Third Fleet left part of its troops stationed in Qingdao.

They took transport ships and merchant ships around the Shandong Peninsula and prepared to land in Beizhili.

When passing by the Denglai area, the Huo Qubing's huge ship scared the Ming Dynasty Denglai navy, and they immediately fled back to the port and hid.


Chief of Staff Wang Qijiang looked at the distant shore and said excitedly: "We have been sailing for such a long time, and the fleet has basically not been disturbed by the Ming Navy.

Only in some important ports, the Danshui was replenished, and the fleet moved forward at full speed with full sail.

Finally, we arrived at the North Zhili area. According to the instructions on the chart, the road ahead is Dagukou, and we can reach Tianjin directly by waterway."

Zhang Wanfeng ordered: "Every army is ready for battle. We will capture Dagukou and interrogate the local Ming army.

Understand the movements of friendly forces in the Northern Zhili area."

After the Third Fleet attacked, it was discovered that all the Ming troops here at Dagukou were old, weak, sick and disabled.

After asking, they got the exact information.

Li Dazhuang's troops of the Seventh Army of the Qin Army have already reached Tianjin City.

Zhu Dadian, the governor of Shandong, served as the defender of Tianjin. He mobilized military households from all surrounding guard posts to resist the Qin army's offensive.

When Zhang Wanfeng received this news, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had completed his mission and opened up the north-south route.

He sent Zhu Shi Li Ran to command the armed merchant ships and the Zheng family's small warships, as well as smaller transport ships and merchant ships.

They contacted the Seventh Army by water.

This chapter has been completed!
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