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Chapter 30 Strategic Talent Li Fengming

"Who is this person? He sounds so crazy and insists on seeing me." Su He asked in surprise.

He happened to be not busy today, so he went with Wu Donglin to meet this person.

Wu Donglin briefly introduced the situation on the road: "There are only more than thirty people left to be tried. I will judge the case quickly according to the method given by Commander Su.

It was discovered that there was an extra person in the prison, and there was no record in the file.

Most of the former cell leaders were shot, and ordinary guards did not know this person's condition.

He looked like a scholar, but he didn't answer my questions and only said he wanted to see the commander."

When Su He heard that he was a scholar, he wanted to meet him even more.

He can recruit the best, but there are too few literate people under him now.

Su He came to the northernmost cell. It was very clean, the bed was covered with thatch, and there was a toilet in the corner of the room.

Sitting on the bed was a young man in his thirties. He looked very clean and wore linen clothes issued by the prison.

When Su Yan transferred prisoners, he built a simple bathhouse for the prisoners to clean themselves.

Most of the prisoners simply washed their faces.

It is rare for this prisoner to wash his whole body. Usually only female prisoners do this.

This man was very thin, but his eyes were bright and lively, which was very different from the numb eyes Su He usually saw.

This man saw Su He and Wu Donglin walking into the house. He looked at Su He and said, "You are Commander Su He. I didn't expect to conquer a whole county at such a young age."

"You know me and what I do?"

Su He was very surprised that this man actually knew about him despite being locked up in a prison and cut off from the outside world.

"Some time ago, a man named Su Sanlu was imprisoned in the cell, and I chatted with him all night.

He died of a leg injury the next day, but I knew a very special rebel leader.

What you do is not like Huang Chao, who attracts crowds and gets the opposite.

It looks like you are following Emperor Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, but it is very different from him. I can't understand your method."

When Su He heard what this man said, he knew that his talent was extraordinary.

Su He used the dragon-slaying technique to cross the river by touching the rabbit.

Some methods have been modified to adapt to the environment.

His approach was different from that of the founding emperors in history, but some core elements were still in common.

"Sir, can you introduce yourself and why you were imprisoned?"

This man heard Su He's question and told about his life experience.

His name is Li Fengming, a native of Nanzhili. He was admitted as a scholar when he was a child. Later, he was attracted by Li Zhi's teachings and joined the Taishan School of Xinxue.

From then on, his official career did not go smoothly, and he was expelled from the family tree.

After Li Zhi's death, Xinxue became even more divided.

He planned to go to Hanzhong to look for Mr. Yangming’s descendants, find Mr. Yangming’s original thoughts, and revive his studies.

The county magistrate Chen Chengren knew him, but because he was a disciple of Xinxue, he was put in jail and refused to eat.

In the early stage, you can also bribe the prison boss and get some food.

In the later period, I can only tell stories to other prisoners and eat their leftover rotten food.

When Su He heard what he said, he was thinking: "As a disciple of Xin Xue, Xin Xue has always been suppressed by Zhu Chengxue.

Instead, Xinxue developed and expanded in Korea and Japan.

He thought that the core ideas of Xinxue, "to bring conscience" and "the unity of knowledge and action", were excellent ideas.

As long as you have the right to interpret your thoughts, you can completely change them into what you want in your mind.

He will definitely put forward his own ideas in the future, but he cannot come up with this doctrine or that doctrine.

This is too advanced, and no one understands what he is talking about.

Put his thoughts into the shell of mind science and solve these problems perfectly.

There are dozens of schools of thought in mind science, and some schools have completely contradictory ideas. It’s okay to have one more.”

"Mr. Li, all your efforts are in vain.

Your studies of mind are completely suppressed by the imperial court. Now the imperial examinations are all about Neo-Confucianism, and they will never let the study of mind become the mainstream."

Su He directly shattered Li Fengming's illusions and pointed to the essence of the problem.

Li Fengming patted his head with his hand, his eyes lost luster, and he said angrily: "My teacher Li Zhi should have wanted to understand this problem, so he committed suicide in prison."

Su He saw that the heat was almost there and immediately invited: "Mr. Li, you can join our rebel team and promote Xinxue thoughts.

If we can separate one party from another, the ideas of Xinxue will spread.

Even if it fails in the end, the reputation of Xinxue Thought will be established and many people will definitely study it."

After listening to Su He's words, Li Fengming's eyes became bright again.

His teacher died in prison, and he was imprisoned again. He was completely disappointed with the court.

He couldn't understand the style of this group of thieves in yellow clothes, but he could also tell that they had great ambitions.

Since he could not serve in the imperial court, he could only join the thieves in yellow and show off what he had learned.

"Commander Su, I am willing to join you."

When Su He heard that Li Fengming was willing to join, he was very happy and asked quickly: "Mr. Li, what are you good at? I can arrange your position."

"Commander Su, I have liked reading military books since I was a child. I also admire Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang and other ancestors, and I know a little bit about military strategy.

I am not good at government affairs, nor am I good at commanding troops to march and fight.

I can barely be a strategist and help plan strategic directions."

Li Fengming said it very modestly, but compared with Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang, he showed that he was extremely confident in his abilities.

Su He also heard that Li Fengming was extremely confident and was ready to test Li Fengming.

He told Li Fengming his current situation and listened to his opinions.

Suhe has already made a rough strategic plan to capture Dashan Pass, then occupy Hanzhong, and then move north or east according to the situation.

After Li Fengming listened to Su He's story, he didn't make any fuss about the top, middle and bottom strategies, and said in simple language:

"Commander Su, I think the primary goal now is to capture Dashan Pass and prevent being attacked from both sides.

After that, he went south to Hanzhong, occupied a land, and tried his best to develop and strengthen himself.

We have enough troops to move south to Sichuan and Chongqing, occupy the southwest, and wait for the situation to develop.

At that time, whether it is moving north or east, there will be enough room for mediation."

Su He listened to Li Fengming's strategic plan. In the early stage, he had the same goal as him, but later there were differences.

"Mr. Li, occupying Hanzhong is the best choice now.

There is a severe drought in northern Shaanxi, and grain harvests are generally cut off. Only in Hanzhong this year it has rained, and the grain output is still abundant.

But then why not go east to Huguang? This is the country's largest granary. If you occupy this place, you won't have to worry about food."

"Not in the Huguang area." Li Fengming waved his hand, "I have read about hydrological and weather changes from the late Yuan Dynasty to the Wanli Period.

During certain periods of time, the temperature changes drastically and natural disasters occur frequently.

In recent years, it has been another era of sudden changes in weather.

At this time, there will be drought in the north and floods in the south. Floods in the Yangtze River in the south will occur frequently, and Huguang will become a swampy country.

On the contrary, the Sichuan and Chongqing areas are located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and the floods are much less severe than those in Hu Guang.

And because Dujiangyan was built in the Qin Dynasty, local people also paid attention to water conservancy construction, and the water conservancy facilities were advanced, so the impact of floods was not great.

Huguang is also in a battleground with no danger to defend, so the defenders must be exhausted.

The Sichuan and Chongqing areas are suitable for food storage and even better for defense.

Commander Su doesn't believe it, so he can send people to observe the weather in the north.

This year is the starting point of drastic changes.

During this period, heavy snowfalls in the north are coming in advance, especially in the Mongolia region outside China this year. There will be heavy snowfalls in September and October.

This can be easily verified, and if this happens, it is enough to prove that my guess is correct.

We must prepare cold protection measures in advance."

After listening to this, Su He was sure that Li Fengming was a rare talent.

From the late Yuan Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, the world was in the Little Ice Age.

The temperature was originally lower than other periods. During a certain period of time, the temperature dropped sharply, and natural disasters occurred frequently, leading to continuous peasant uprisings.

Emperor Zhu, King Li Chuang, and Master Hong all rose up at this time.

Suhe previously only considered grain production during the Little Ice Age and did not consider local water conservancy facilities.

"Mr. Li is really a great talent. He is my son-in-law. I now appoint you as the brigade staff officer to help me with military affairs."

Su He added: "This position is equivalent to that of a military advisor, equivalent to the status of Mr. Zhang Liang and Mr. Zhuge Liang."

Li Fengming was quite satisfied when he heard about this position. It was a position equivalent to that of a military advisor and it was very suitable for him.

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