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Chapter 291: Capture Tianjin

Li Dazhuang issued the order for a general attack, and the sound of war drums immediately sounded in the Seventh Army camp.

The soldiers of the Seventh Army officially launched an attack on Tianjin.

Tan Fangyuan, commander of the First Division, watched Zhao Manggang and others board the hot air balloon flying towards Tianjin City.

Zhuang Renyi, commander of the Second Division, accompanied the artillery regiment and watched the artillery regiment attack the west wall of Tianjin City.

On the top of Tianjin City, Zhu Dadian saw the yellow bandit camp, and huge drums sounded.

The thieves in yellow attacked Tianjin City like a tide.

To his surprise, the thief in yellow did not choose to attack at night, but during the day.

He immediately issued an order, saying: "The Hongyi artillery fires immediately, and everyone must prepare to go up the city wall. Only a quarter of each army's casualties will be allowed to retreat down the city wall to rest."

The supervising team patrolled the city walls and found people who were running away or slacking off.

No need to ask for permission, just behead him in public.

Gentlemen, the time has come for you to serve your country with loyalty."

Zhu Dadian saw the thieves in yellow and used a hot air balloon to attack Tianjin City.

In the early stage, the hot air balloon was helpless to the Ming army and could also serve as a surprise attack.

In order to prevent major cities from being attacked by yellow-clad thieves with hot air balloons, the Ming army

Sun Yuanhua took the firearms expert with him and thought hard for a long time.

They finally found an inconspicuous victory in Mengjin County in the battle report of the yellow-robed thieves.

Sun Yuanhua and others have developed a firearm called Chuantian Monkey.

This kind of firearm is simple to make and is improved from an ordinary firework.

It is an enlarged version of Sky-piercing Monkey Fireworks.

The production method is extremely simple. As long as there are craftsmen in various places who can make fireworks, they can make such firearms.

This kind of firearm explodes in the sky and can directly tear apart the balloons of hot air balloons, allowing them to land in the city.

"When someone comes, let the Sky Monkey go immediately.

The thieves in yellow thought that their hot air balloon was now unstoppable.

Some time ago, we shot down three hot air balloons."

The hot-air balloon troops have flown over Tianjin City.

They also saw that the Ming army used sky-piercing monkey firearms, and hot air balloons could only fly at higher altitudes to avoid the attacks of such firearms.

This kind of firearm can fly much higher than ordinary crossbows and muskets.

They used hot air balloons to drop bombs this time just to harass the Ming army so that the Ming army in Tianjin could not concentrate on defending the city.

Without a target they must destroy, hot air balloons can fly high into the sky and drop bombs at random.

The hot air balloon Zhao Manggang rode has already flown over Tianjin City.

He blew the whistle in his mouth, and a company of one hundred and thirty people took twenty hot air balloons and concentrated on descending.

Zhao Manggang and everyone on the hot air balloon were ready for battle.

He held a revolver in both hands and the rifle on his back was loaded.

The hot air balloon dropped to half its height, and Zhao Manggang asked the bombardier to open the bombardier.

All the bombs on the hot air balloon were thrown below them.

Huge explosions continued to sound, and the air waves generated by the bomb explosion rocked the hot air balloon where Zhao Manggang was.

There were many hot air balloon balloons, and several small holes were blown out by the Ming Army's Monkey Firearms.

Special hot air balloon balloon material is fireproof and relatively strong.

The hot air balloon just descended a little faster and did not fall directly from the sky.

They quickly landed on the ruins. The ground was still extremely hot and the smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air.

After Zhao Manggang landed, he counted the people and found that twenty-eight people were missing.

He had already anticipated this situation, holding a musket in both hands and said: "Everyone, follow me, we will contact the secret guards.

As long as the granaries in the city can be burned down, the Ming army in Tianjin will be in chaos."

This place was destroyed by bombs. When the Ming army saw so many hot air balloons falling, they would definitely come here to check it out.

Zhao Manggang and his men carefully walked out of here.

Their footsteps were very light as they walked, and they often hid in the shadows as they walked.

They saw a group of Ming soldiers with little armor and worn-out weapons rushing towards them.

He didn't expect that this kind of troops, who were obviously not the elite of the Ming army, would dare to explore the landing hot air balloon. Could it be that they were cannon fodder troops.

Just as Zhao Man was about to take a few shots and shoot, he heard a rhythmic meow.

Zhao Manggang immediately made a similar meow.

This is the internal response within Tianjin City to respond to them.

If a lone army penetrates into an area heavily defended by the Ming army, and no one is there to respond, it will definitely be a dead end.

Zhao Manggang didn't expect that a Ming army would come to meet them.


Zhuang Renyi watched the artillery regiment attack, and the cannons no longer fired directly.

The artillery barrel was slightly raised. After firing, most of the shells flew directly over the city wall and exploded within the city wall.

Zhao Walao, the commander of the artillery regiment, kept calculating formulas on paper based on the impact point of the artillery shells.

Based on the performance of these cannons and artillery shells, he began to adjust the parameters of cannon firing.

Each batch of black powder has slightly different properties.

Zhuang Renyi spent a lot of effort to find cannonballs using the same batch of black powder for the artillery regiment.

The codes on these shells are all consecutive numbers, so it is not easy to find them all.

Zhao Walnut showed a confident look and said happily: "I have calculated all the parameters. In this attack, we will definitely be able to hit the city wall."

The artillery regiment opened fire again.

Zhuang Renyi stared at the west wall of Tianjin with a telescope.

He saw twenty cannonballs, eight of which landed on the city wall.

The heavy artillery shells were so powerful that they directly destroyed several Hongyi cannons on the city wall.

Most of the Ming troops on this section of the city wall were killed and injured by them, and they directly lost their fighting ability.

Zhuang Renyi waved his arms excitedly, and there were no empty cigarettes in the two hundred boxes of Tiger cigarettes.

The artillery regiment can now hit the city wall of Tianjin City, so there is a lot of room for them to perform.

Zhuang Renyi asked Zhao Walao to continue to suppress the Tianjin city wall.

He ordered the siege troops of the Second Division to immediately attack the city wall.

The troops who had been waiting for a long time pushed the ladder, bit the grenade ring with their teeth, and launched an attack on the Tianjin city wall.

The moat of Tianjin City had been filled in by them when they attacked the city some time ago.

Under the supervision of the Ming Army Supervisory Team, the military households of Tianjin Zuowei bravely climbed onto the west city wall.

They had just climbed onto the city wall and saw the tragic situation on the city wall before they had time to express emotion.

Suddenly someone screamed.

"The shells are coming, run!"

They saw the screaming cannonballs flying towards the city.

The Ming army turned around and ran away, fearing that they would be killed by artillery shells.

But some people reacted too slowly and did not run out of the bomb's explosion range.

All the Ming troops were frightened by the shells and did not dare to climb the city wall.

The Ming army supervisor drew his sword and forced the military households to climb the city wall.

These military households slowly climbed up the city wall.

But it was too late. The Qin army rode on ladders and had already climbed onto the city wall without Hongyi cannons and defenders.

The soldiers who had just climbed onto the city wall saw Ming troops preparing to come to the city wall to support them.

They pulled the grenade in their mouths hard and threw it directly into the crowd.

At the same time, he aimed the rifle in his hand and subconsciously fired at the enemy in front.

More and more Qin troops climbed onto the city wall. The Qin army quickly occupied this section of the city wall and opened the gate to the west city wall.


The Ming army at the west city gate fled in panic and fled to other places.

"The city is broken, run away!"

"The thieves in yellow are charging into the city, and we can't stop them."

Zhu Dadian arranged for Shandong King Qin's army to support the West City Gate, but they had not yet arrived at the West City Gate.

They were attacked by the defeated troops, and knowing that the west city gate had been breached, they immediately fled in the direction they came from.

When the Ming army in the city learned that the west city gate had been breached by the Qin army, they all became confused.

The walls on all four sides of Tianjin City were blocked by the Qin army, and there was no chance of escaping from the city.

Many Ming soldiers simply took off their clothes and threw their swords and matchlocks to the street.

Put on common people's clothes and hide in an empty house.

Nowadays, it is very common for ordinary people to be single. It is not surprising at all that several men live in a house but not a single woman.

The Ming army in the city was in chaos, and a Qin army that had just sneaked into the city was also preparing to take action.

"I am Tianjin Wei Qianhu Zhang Fangde, and I am also the head of Tianjin Station of Tianjin Wei.

You follow my command next, I have arranged all the plans, you pretend to be young men transporting grain.

Enter the hidden granary in the city and burn the stored grain in the city with a fire

Now that food cannot be transported in, without food, the Ming army will definitely have no fighting capacity.

They have no other way out except surrendering in Kaicheng, and I will be able to mobilize several generals to surrender when the time comes."

Zhang Fangde took out an identity plate that only the Qin army could forge out of fine steel.

He proved his identity, discussed with the troops entering the city, and made a plan.

Zhao Manggang led his people in the military camp, listening to Zhang Fangde's plan.

They lacked understanding of the city of Tianjin and could only follow the plans of the secret guards.

The purpose of entering the city was to cause trouble for the Ming army in the city. He didn't care at all what method he could use to cause trouble.

Zhang Fangde was explaining the detailed plan to burn down the granary to Zhao Manggang and others.

A graceful woman opened the door directly.

"Stationmaster Zhang, the west city gate has been breached by our army. General Zhuang Renyi has entered the city. We have to change our plan."

Zhang Fangde was extremely happy when he heard this.

"You also heard the news and now the plans have changed.

If our army captures the city of Tianjin, we won't have to burn down the granaries. The food will soon belong to our army.

Our current goal is to capture Zhu Dadian.

As long as Zhu Dadian is captured, the Ming army in Tianjin City will have no chance of making a comeback.

Come with me quickly, put on the clothes of the Ming army, and attack Zhu Dadian."

Zhao Manggang and others followed Zhang Fangde's instructions and put on Ming army uniforms.

Zhang Fangde took his troops and horses to hide the Qin soldiers.

He inquired about Zhu Dadian's location and immediately led people to approach Zhu Dadian's location.

Zhang Fangde's unusual behavior was because the Ming army in Tianjin was in chaos and no one stepped forward to stop him.

The group of them soon arrived at the center of the city.

Zhu Dadian sent messengers and troops constantly to prepare to drive the yellow-robed thieves out of the city.

There is little hope for this matter, but he will try his best to complete it. If he succeeds, he will make a great contribution.

Zhang Fangde looked at Zhao Manggang and said: "The next step will be to see how Captain Zhao performs.

As you can see, these soldiers under my command are very weak.

They were just farmers who had just picked up weapons, and they could not defeat the elite Ming army around Zhu Dadian.

I am responsible for stopping some other generals who want to rescue Zhu Dadian outside."

Zhao Manggang nodded, and he led a hundred men under his command to charge towards the place where Zhu Dadian was.

Zhu Dadian was guarded by more than 200 soldiers.

As long as he is taken down, Tianjin City will lose its unified command, and the Qin army can occupy Tianjin City faster.

Zhao Manggang led his men and fired directly at the Ming army in front with their rifles.

These men under him all have excellent shooting skills.

Shooting at close range, one shot out of two is no problem.

They all had grenades in their mouths. When they got close to these Ming soldiers, they violently pulled the grenades off with their right hands.

The grenade was thrown out and directly blew up these Ming soldiers.

When the distance was even closer, they took out their revolvers.

Most people only have one revolver, and officers such as Zhao Manggang have two revolvers.

Continuous gunfire sounded continuously, killing all the Ming soldiers beside Zhu Dadian.

Zhao Manggang had finished emptying his revolver of bullets. He put the gun on his waist, raised the rifle and prepared to fight with the bayonet.

They had rushed to a place less than three meters away from Zhu Dadian.

Zhu Dadian's confidant held a knife to protect Zhu Dadian.

Zhao Manggang shouted: "Kill!"

He led his men with bayonets and directly killed the Ming army protecting Zhu Dadian.

Zhao Manggang saw a civil servant wearing official uniform, shivering but pretending to be calm.

"You are Zhu Dadian, the governor of Shandong."

Zhu Dadian stared and said, "I am the governor of Shandong Province, Zhu Dadian. Don't have any wishful thinking.

I will never betray the imperial court and surrender to you thieves in yellow."

Zhao Manggang ordered: "Take Zhu Dadian into custody and never let him go."

Zhang Fangde saw that Zhu Dadian had been caught, and he came up and suggested:

"Zhu Dadian's usual orders are written by these masters, and the orders are also delivered by these masters.

Let them write a surrender order and notify the Ming army in the city to surrender.

If the Ming army surrenders, these people will live.

Even if they tell the Ming army the truth and know that Zhu Dadian has been captured, these Ming soldiers will have no fighting spirit."

After Zhang Fangde and Zhao Manggang discussed it, he immediately started arranging the matter.

Zhu Dadian's master was sent to inform all the armies in the city to surrender to the Qin army.

In order to survive, these masters also knew that the Ming Dynasty was over, and they could only survive by performing well.

In order to keep an eye on these masters, Zhang Fangde also sent his own soldiers to accompany the masters to deliver orders.

Most of the masters worked very hard to convey the news of the surrender to every Ming army general.

Some people in the Ming army in Tianjin City were aware of current affairs and received orders from Zhu Dadian.

They had no intention of fighting, so they used this reason to convince themselves and immediately surrendered to the nearby Qin army.

Zhu Dadian's confidants did not believe that Zhu Dadian would surrender and immediately asked the masters for the specific reasons.

They learned that Zhu Dadian had been captured by the Qin army, and they also understood that Tianjin City was in doom.

But these Ming troops had reasons why they could never surrender.

They still resisted desperately, but their number was too small and they were quickly divided and surrounded by the Qin army.

This chapter has been completed!
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