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Chapter 307

4333 (AD 1636), June 15th.

Su He was preparing to hold a celebration banquet in the Qianqing Palace. Together with all the senior officers, he celebrated the Qin army's victory.

Qin Shanshui saw the chef of the guard regiment cooking in the imperial kitchen.

He suggested to Qin King Su He: "Your Majesty, our Ming Dynasty should bring back those imperial chefs.

If someone tests the poison specifically, nothing will happen."

Su He waved his hand and said: "The poison testing process is too troublesome, and the celebration banquet can't even have a bite of hot rice. This is not good.

The chefs in the army are also good at cooking. The food is not as delicious and delicious, but it is still much better than ordinary people.

At this celebration banquet, the food does not need to be so good. No one cares whether the taste of the food is memorable.

I have already informed Hanzhong Qin’s palace and relevant yamen to go north to the capital.

After everyone from the palace arrived, the palace became somewhat popular.

Now it’s very comfortable to use the palace as a military camp.”

Qin Shanshui went to be busy with the celebration banquet.

Senior officers from all armies received notification from the guard regiment, and they all rushed to Qianqing Palace to participate in the celebration banquet.

There are small tables placed in the Qianqing Palace.

Under the guidance of the guardsmen, they sat in their own seats behind the small table.

The soldiers of the guard regiment quickly brought the food.

Su He looked at the somewhat restrained crowd and said with a smile: "Our emperor and his ministers have already captured the capital.

Now is the time to be happy and celebrating, why don’t you even have a smile on your face?”

Su Hu has the highest status and is also the closest to Su He.

He saw others looking at him.

Su Hu looked at Su He and said: "The king is about to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. We must abide by the etiquette between monarch and ministers."

Su He looked at Su Hu and others' reserved expressions. These people were very different from their usual behavior.

They probably heard the advice of some rotten scholars and restrained their temper.

The Qin army has captured the capital, leaving only three provinces in the Ming Dynasty.

Su He was preparing to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor just to calm the hearts of his ministers.

When Wang Zhongce and others arrived in the capital from Hanzhong, it was the time when he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

Wu Cheng, the prefect of Shuntian Prefecture, was preparing for Su He's enthronement ceremony with some recruited Ming Dynasty officials.

It is estimated that there were some rotten scholars in the Hanlin who explained etiquette to Su Hu and others and warned them to abide by etiquette.

Su He looked at the strange expressions of these people and could roughly guess what happened.

He laughed and said: "No, even if I ascend the throne and proclaim myself emperor, it will not affect the relationship between our monarch and his ministers.

I will be crowned emperor, and you will also be crowned king.

I said before that after taking over the Ming Dynasty, I will grant you the title of princes and kings overseas. That is not an empty talk.

When we occupy large tracts of land overseas, you can all become princes and kings and the founders of the country."

While Su He was speaking, he immediately ordered the security team to remove a piece of cloth from the wall of Qianqing Palace, revealing a strange painting.

This is a world map specially drawn by Su He based on his memory.

This map is the most accurate world map currently available, and it is highly confidential.

It is of no use to individuals, but to a country, it is the lifting of the fog on the sea.

Through this map, you can accurately find ports on the sea and plan an excellent route.

On this map, there are many places in other countries that have not been discovered so far.

The dark red color on the map depicts the places currently occupied by the Qin army.

This seems a bit small on the entire map.

Light red marks other areas Suhe wants to capture.

The light red range reaches the Ryukyu Islands in the east and the Black Sea in the west.

From the Arctic Circle in the north to Australia in the south.

The entire area occupies a huge part of the world map.

Su He originally wanted to show this map after he ascended the throne.

Now seeing the performance of these people, he showed the map in advance.

"Look at this map. Except for the light red area, other places can entrust you with the country.

How much territory you can win and whether you can win a good position depends on how much merit you have made."

Su He pointed to the easternmost Japanese island and said: "This series of large islands can grant three to five princes and kings.

Everyone on the island is your property.

After you found the country, you can formulate policies and make laws as you like.

If you have enough meritorious service, you can also obtain two different fiefdoms, so that your descendants can also become princes and kings."

When all the officers in the Qianqing Palace heard the blueprint drawn by King Qin Su He, their eyes gradually brightened.

Su Hu looked at the Japanese island, thinking that he would become a vassal king on this big island.

One person is below and everyone is above.

The most important thing is to pass this country on to your children and grandchildren.

Seeing their happy faces, Su He smiled even more happily.

This is a huge carrot dangled in front of their eyes, making them work hard.

Su He will also fulfill his promise. If he really conquers these places, he will entrust them with enfeoffments based on their merits.

Even if he desperately occupied the sphere of influence he had defined, it would take hundreds of years to digest these lands and turn them into native lands.

The core is other territories outside the influence, which are really out of reach.

The most important thing is that in these territories, such as what is now the Americas, most of them have been occupied by Europeans.

As the Qin army's navy increases in strength, it will be easy to seize these territories.

For example, in the Americas, they are closer to Europe.

To continue to defend these territories requires a huge investment of energy.

There are very good sites near Huaxia, which can be easily occupied. The effort to seize these sites will affect the seizure of nearby sites.

After Suhe enfeoffed the princes and kings, this problem was solved perfectly. These territories belonged to the princes and kings.

For their own country, these people with outstanding achievements will definitely run it carefully.

The central court had many methods to deal with these vassal states, the most important of which was economic colonization.

Su He is not afraid that the rise of these vassal states will pose a great threat to the central court.

He will not divide a country that is too big.

For example, in the Americas, hundreds of countries will be entrusted.

With the resources and population they have, they cannot become a big country.

Hundreds of years later, there was a true hero who unified all countries, became a superpower, and finally invaded the Chinese region.

Then this country also belongs to the Han people, and the meat is still rotten in the pot.

This is something for future generations to worry about.

Su He's current goal is to let the Han people compete with the Europeans for territory and expand the living space of the Han people as much as possible.

As long as there are enough resources, a huge industrial system can be cultivated.

After becoming an industrial country, it will be invincible.

A superpower like China has become an industrial country. With its huge size advantage, it is not afraid of challenges from any country.

Su He looked at these people. While eating, he kept looking at the world map on the wall of Qianqing Palace.

"You can discuss which territory you plan to occupy.

If there are many people interested in a certain place, then only those with higher titles and more meritorious deeds will be given priority."

When Su Hu heard this, he had his own little idea.

They don't know these places. Which piece of land is better?

When he had the opportunity, he went to ask Qin King Su He privately, so that the good place would not be competed by many people.

Fu Xiucheng and Wang Zhixin winked at Wu Jie frequently.

Wu Jie understood what these two people meant, there were so many officers in Qianqing Palace.

Su Hu of the Third Army and Li Dazhuang of the Seventh Army were blood relatives and cousins.

Qi Gangyi of the Imperial Guard was a close official, and only Wu Jie himself had a slightly estranged relationship with King Su He of Qin.

If they don't take this opportunity to ask clearly, they will definitely suffer a loss.

Wu Jie picked up the Erguotou on the table and took a swig.

He asked under the influence of wine: "Your Majesty, the general looked at this map and his eyes darkened.

If your Majesty has time, can you briefly introduce the world map to us?"

Su He watched Wu Jie speak, and he was even more happy.

Only by knowing how wealthy these places are, these people will be more tempted.

He took a sip of wine and gave a brief introduction to everyone:

"Scholars from the Academy of Sciences have proven that we live on a sphere.

This sphere moves around the sun in the sky.

The earth is tilted towards the sun, so the amount of sunlight shining on the earth is divided, which forms the temperate zone and the tropics.

Our place belongs to the temperate zone, which is characterized by four distinct seasons.

In the middle of the map, those places belong to the tropics.

There are only rainy season and dry season every year, and the temperature is hot all year round.

In the coldest season, you can stay outside without wearing clothes.

The land in these places is so fertile that if you scatter a few handfuls of seeds, crops will grow.

There are fruit plants everywhere that can satisfy your hunger.

In addition, in these places, the temperature is too high at noon, and even the slightest movement will make people very uncomfortable.

In tropical areas, there are also many diseases such as plague.

This makes the people in this place very lazy and do not want to work as long as they have a bite to eat.

With the equator as the dividing line, the seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres are exactly opposite.

For example, it is summer here here, and it is winter in Australia in the southern hemisphere.

Apart from the forces I have drawn, the most outstanding places are the European continent, the American continent and the African continent.

Let’s not talk about Europe here, it is too far away from us, and the countries in Europe are also relatively powerful.

Who would bother to go on an expedition when a place can be captured easily?

Among them, many places in America are now occupied by Europeans.

Among them, South America is rich in silver.

The Spanish used a large amount of silver produced in the Americas and shipped it to Luzon.

Trade with us and buy large quantities of silk and porcelain.

The silk and porcelain we produce are very valuable in Europe.

For good places, you must compete with others.

If we want to occupy places like America, we must have a huge navy.

In Africa, black people live.

The land there is fertile and the mineral resources are very rich.

Europeans were transporting slaves from this place and developing America.

The southernmost tip of Africa contains the largest gold mine in the known world."

Su He also used words to guide these people to become interested in lands outside of China.

As long as they gained huge benefits through colonization.

Only then will everyone be driven to join the Age of Discovery.

When Su Hu and others heard the introduction from Qin King Su He, they were very excited.

I wish I could lead my troops now and seize these places.

They saw that King Su He of Qin was about to divide their area.

These are areas that are difficult to walk from the road but very easy to walk from the sea.

It seems that only by vigorously developing the navy can they have the opportunity to establish countries in these places.

Li Dazhuang couldn't help but said: "I talked with Admiral Zhang Wanfeng, and the warships of the Xiyi people are not too powerful.

As long as our navy builds more battleships, we will surely be able to seize these lands across the sea.

It would be a waste to let the Westerners occupy these lands where virtuous people live.

We are the virtuous people.”

Su Hu said excitedly: "I think the territory in southern Africa is very good, so no one should compete with me."

Qi Gangyi snorted coldly and said: "It's not yet time to entrust the enfeoffment. If Commander Su Hu wants to take advantage of the trap, it's too early!"

Qi Gangyi also took a fancy to this land, which contained a huge amount of gold. If he captured this land, and his descendants would have prodigal sons, they would be able to live a good life.

Su Hu slapped the table and said, "Other than my eldest brother Su Xiong, who has more meritorious deeds than me.

The king has made it clear that the territory will be divided according to merit from high to low.

When I see it, who can compete with me?"

Wu Jie clenched his fists and said: "The war is far from over. It is too early to talk about who is higher and who is lower."

Su He saw that these people were making a lot of money.

He smiled.

During the time when the Qin army captured the capital, some middle-level officers and grassroots soldiers entered the colorful world of the capital.

They think the war is over and it's time to enjoy themselves.

Many people's fighting spirit is not that high.

Now that these officers are whipping them from behind, it is no longer possible for middle-level officers and grassroots soldiers to slack off.

Su He saw that these people were arguing fiercely.

He then said: "There is no need to quarrel. I will divide the enfeoffments in the future. It will not depend on who has the loudest voice or who is close.

Just give him a better fiefdom.

When the time comes, the enfeoffments will be divided based on merit. If you have done enough merit, you will definitely win the land you want.

There is a lot of land rich in resources, so you don't need to argue at all."

When Su Hu and others heard what Qin King Su He said, they stopped quarreling openly, but secretly they were still arguing.

Su Hu put down his bowl and chopsticks, looked at Su He and asked, "Your Majesty, I'm full.

Our third army has been established in the capital for many days.

There are still large areas in China that have not been captured.

If there are any tasks now, let us, the Third Army, take charge."

As soon as Su Hu finished speaking, Li Dazhuang also said: "Your Majesty, the soldiers have had enough.

They all want to earn a title so that their wives and children can live a better life.

There are also Liaodong and Shandong in the north, which were not captured by our army.

I think now is the time to send troops to Liaodong and Shandong."

Su He heard about Su Hu and Li Dazhuang and took the initiative to attack Liaodong and Shandong.

When these officers saw the prospect of going overseas to become princes and kings, they all began to compete for meritorious service.

"We really want to win Liaodong and Shandong.

Now the logistics supply line is very smooth.

Materials can be transported directly to Shandong through the Yellow River, a major artery.

Now it is very convenient to transfer supplies from Kaifeng to the capital.

I plan to send troops from the Third Army and the Seventh Army to Liaodong.

After occupying Shanhaiguan, the Seventh Army took over the Ningjin area and waited for an opportunity to recover other areas in Liaodong.

With the assistance of the navy, the Third Army landed from Jinzhouwei in Liaodong and captured the Liaodong Peninsula.

The Fourth Army sent troops to Shandong, captured all of Shandong, and then attacked South Zhili. Together with Su Xiong and others, they captured the South Zhili area.

The Imperial Guard guards the Forbidden City and the capital area.

I have asked Chief of Staff Wang Shiyuan to prepare the relevant march plan."

Su Hu, Wu Jie, and Li Dazhuang were all very happy when they heard the news.

They planned to go to the staff headquarters immediately after the luncheon to get the battle plan.

Su He had already finished the dishes in front of him. Seeing that no one was interested in eating, he announced that the celebration was over.

Many officers walked out of Qianqing Palace with happy smiles on their faces.

This chapter has been completed!
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