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Chapter 314 Surrounding Nanjing

4333 (AD 1636), July 9th.

Su Xiong, the commander-in-chief of the southern battlefield, looked at the huge naval warships on the Yangtze River.

The guns on the cruisers Foshan and Guilin have been raised.

The firepower intensity of warships exceeds that of artillery regiments.

Daming is located in the west of Nanjing City, in a place formerly known as Jiangning Town Inspection Department.

The Ming army built the fortress city of Jiangning in order to block the Qin army's attack. They are now under fire from naval warships.

Roads of fire continued to explode on the walls of Jiangning City.

The artillery regiment of the First Army has been bombarding Jiangning City continuously for five days. Two days ago, warships also joined the bombardment sequence.

Even reinforced concrete buildings cannot withstand continuous bombardment by heavy artillery.

Very large cracks have appeared on the walls of Jiangning City.

The Qin army's current logistics supply line is very smooth, and it is completely overwhelming the Ming army with a huge number of artillery shells.

The navy's warships have completely controlled the Yangtze River.

The Ming Dynasty navy along the Yangtze River has been completely wiped out by the navy and the Yangtze River Fleet.

The city gates of Nanjing were tightly closed, and the Ming troops inside did not dare to come out.

Su Xiong left Chief of Staff Li Wenfang behind to command the First Army to attack the city.

He and Master Zhu Li Zhengfeng took a navy warship and headed for Jiangpu County.

The Qin Army's First Army, Second Army, Fourth Army, Fifth Army, and Eighth Army rushed to the vicinity of Nanjing City one after another.

Su Xiong discussed with everyone and held a military meeting in Jiangpu County to discuss ways to attack Nanjing City.

Officers from all armies will arrive in Jiangpu County one after another this morning.

Currently, only the First Army is still blocked by Jiangning City and west of Nanjing City.

The Second Army and the Fourth Army have occupied the entire area on the north bank of the Yangtze River.

They were stationed on the north bank of the Yangtze River, facing Nanjing across the Yangtze River.

Su Li led the Fifth Army with ample ammunition.

They quickly captured Moling Pass and fought near the south gate of Nanjing City.

Zhang Yuliang led the Third Division of the Eighth Army, with the assistance of the navy, to attack outside the East Gate of Nanjing City.

Su Xiong took a boat and came to Jiangpu County on the other side of Nanjing.

The Second Army has already set up camp near Jiangpu County.

The entire camp is so densely packed that you can't see the edge at a glance.

When Su Xiong came to the camp, he saw that Su Li, who was farthest away, had arrived here earlier than him.

He entered the house and said: "The war in Jiangning is not over yet, so we came a little late."

When Su Zhuang saw Su Xiong come in, he smiled and said: "We will wait for Commander Su Xiong to arrive so that Commander Wu Jie can talk about the situation on the northern battlefield."

Su Xiong looked at Wu Jie and said with a smile: "Commander Wu Jie, we are curious about the king's experience in attacking the capital.

You pick out a major battle and tell us about it.

Maybe we can also learn from your king's experience when we attack Nanjing City."

Su Xiong did not enter the camp and immediately discussed with everyone the plan to attack Nanjing City.

They first livened up the atmosphere and became familiar with the situation of each army.

Only by knowing ourselves and our enemies can we better capture the city of Nanjing.

The city of Nanjing is already in their possession, and now the armies are studying the siege plan in order to reduce the casualties of each army and capture the city of Nanjing faster.

After Jiangning City was captured, the First Army also arrived at Nanjing City.

They directly surrounded Nanjing City and brought flowers to Nanjing City on all sides.

There are no feint attacks on the four walls of Nanjing, they are all main attacks.

Coupled with the assistance of navy warships, Su Xiong did not believe that the Ming army could defend Nanjing with its strength.

Let him lead the First Army to face the dilemma of Nanjing.

Apart from killing the defenders and withdrawing from the battlefield, Su Xiong could not think of any way to defeat the enemy.

Wu Jie saw the expectant looks of these people, and he immediately told everyone about the classic battle in the northern battlefield.

While everyone was listening to Wu Jie's story, they also kept commenting on the gains and losses of each army.

Time passed as they discussed, and Wu Jie soon talked about the Qianqing Palace banquet.

Qin King Su He’s promise to be crowned king.

When everyone present, including Su Xiong, heard the news, they immediately concentrated all their attention, not wanting to miss a word.

After Su Xiong heard this, he slammed the table excitedly and said, "We soldiers will get our fame and fortune right away.

We must earn an inheritance for future generations.

Now only Nanjing is the only city left in the Ming Dynasty. We must perform well and completely eliminate the remaining forces of the Ming Dynasty.

When the time comes, the overseas kingship will not be too far away from us."

Su Xiong took advantage of the current heated atmosphere and the moment when everyone was in urgent need of military glory.

He first guided everyone and introduced the current situation of each army.

Su Xiong then discussed with everyone the plan to attack Nanjing City.

They finally reached an agreement.

There is no need to use any strategy to attack the city, just use strong strength to crush the Ming army in Nanjing City.

Su Zhuang led the Second Army to attack the North City Gate, Wu Jie led the Fourth Army to attack the East City Gate, and Su Li led the Fifth Army to attack the South City Gate.

Only one division of the Eighth Army came, and the First Division of the First Army suffered serious losses and lost the ability to attack difficult positions.

The Eighth Army and the First Army joined forces to attack the west gate.

After Su Xiong assigned the tasks to each army, he said in an excited tone: "The naval transport ship has opened the Yangtze River route and can replenish us with ammunition and various supplies.

The Yangtze River route is now also unobstructed, and materials shipped from Sichuan are continuously transported to the army.

Our army has no worries about supplies and can spend as much ammunition as we want.

Next, attack Nanjing City. The armies should not save ammunition.

All armies tried their best to send all ammunition to Nanjing City.

I would rather blow Nanjing into rubble than capture Nanjing."

In the evening, after they finished dinner, they continued to discuss the details of the attack on Nanjing City.

Perfect all plans, and prepare corresponding plans for all emergencies to prevent you from being in a hurry.

The guard regiment of the First Army came to the camp and called out the First Army Zhu Shi Li Zhengfeng, who had gone out to discuss with everyone.

He walked into the camp again and said with a smile:

"I have good news to report to you. Jiangning City was jointly attacked by naval warships and artillery regiments. Now the First Army has captured Jiangning City.

The First Army can move all the way unimpeded and reach the gates of Nanjing."

When Su Xiong heard the news, he laughed twice happily.

He slapped his right hand heavily on the table and said excitedly:

"Jianning City has been captured by us, and all prerequisites for the general attack on Nanjing have been met. We have officially launched the siege plan.

Everyone, give our First Army some time to march.

At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, we will launch a general attack on Nanjing City at the same time."

Su Xiong is the commander-in-chief of the southern battlefield, and everyone accepts his request.

Su Xiong asked each army to bring over their own clocks.

They began to set all the clocks to the same time.

Today's clocks are all manually installed, and there are certain errors in the clocks.

However, the error of these clocks within a day is very small, only one or two minutes off.

By setting the clocks to the same time, all armies can prepare in advance and launch an attack on Nanjing at the same time.

After confirming the general offensive plan, Su Xiong issued orders one after another to the Qin army.

The Qin army took advantage of the cover of night and began to move towards Nanjing.

The First Army continued to advance eastward and approached the city of Nanjing.

The Eighth Army and the Fourth Army switched defenses and rushed from the east to the west of the city.

The Second Army and the Fourth Army crossed the river with the assistance of the navy.

The Second Army established a siege position at the North City Gate Pier in Nanjing.

The Fourth Army took over the area east of the city controlled by the Eighth Army.

Early tomorrow morning, the Ming army in Nanjing will find that they have been surrounded by the Qin army.


At 5:30 in the morning on July 10, the Qin army blew the wake-up call.

At midnight last night, after an emergency march at night, the First Army arrived and set up camp near the west gate of Nanjing City.

The soldiers got up one after another, got dressed, and went to the military canteen to get food.

After breakfast, they will line up neatly under the leadership of their respective officers and prepare to attack the city.

Zhang Yuliang and Su Xiong were walking in the camp. They saw the soldiers of the First Army and the Eighth Army getting along very harmoniously.

Zhang Yuliang lamented: "It has been almost half a year since we dispatched troops from Guangdong, but we did not expect to meet up in Nanjing in this way."

When Su Xiong heard Zhang Yuliang's words, he said proudly: "It only took half a year for our army to capture half of the Ming Dynasty.

In the early stage, we accumulated strength, stored talents, weapons and ammunition.

Now our army's strength has ushered in a general explosion, but the strength of the Ming army has remained unchanged.

I used to think that it would take a year or two to reach Nanjing.

Unexpectedly, the Ming army was vulnerable, and the reason that slowed down our march the most was the difficulty of traveling on the road, not the desperate resistance of the Ming army."

Su Xiong attacked the Ming army all the way, and he felt that it was unreasonable for the Ming Dynasty to survive.

The Ming army was a disorganized army with no combat effectiveness.

They can only bully others by relying on their numbers. Once they encounter a strong army, they will quickly fall apart.

Zhang Yuliang nodded and said: "Your Majesty has laid the foundation for our army.

We were only slightly stronger than the Ming army at the beginning.

With the development of industry and progress of agriculture.

Soldiers can eat well and use more advanced weapons.

We will become an invincible and powerful army."

Su Xiong and Zhang Yuliang walked around the Qin army's camp.

They had just returned to the gate of the command camp.

Li Wenfang, chief of staff of the First Army, trotted towards them.

"Commander Su Xiong, it's almost nine o'clock in the morning. We should launch a general attack on Nanjing City."

Su Xiong glanced at the big clock next to him. It was already eight-fifty.

"How prepared is the army?"

Li Wenfang said confidently: "The artillery regiment has set up artillery positions.

The hot air balloon troops are also deployed in the southwest. They will follow the wind to detect the movements of the Ming army in the city, and at the same time drop bombs to bomb some high-value targets.

The soldiers have also arranged siege equipment and can seize the walls of Nanjing at any time."

"Blow the trumpet and prepare the army to attack."

In the Qin army camp, a huge horn sound soon sounded.

This was a signal for the Qin army to make a temporary decision and prepare to attack.

This is mainly to prevent mechanical failure of the clock.

Su Xiong heard the horn sound from his own camp and concentrated on listening to the sounds from other directions.

Soon, the sound of horns was heard from both the north and south directions of Nanjing City.

Zhang Yuliang looked at the soldiers of the Eighth Army. They were already pushing the ladders and getting ready to go.

They discussed many ways to attack Nanjing City, but in the end they were not as effective as using artillery to attack the city.

Flooding Nanjing City with water is the fastest way to capture Nanjing City, but this method is too harmful to Tianhe.

Nanjing Prefecture and its downstream areas are the most elite areas in the southern Zhili region.

There are many fertile fields and the population is very dense.

If the Yangtze River is really blocked and Nanjing is flooded, millions of people will be displaced.

The most important thing is that due to war and other reasons, rice planting here in Nanjing was delayed this year.

Now is the time when rice is ripe. In the countryside near Nanjing, some people are already harvesting rice in the fields despite the impact of the war.

These rice plants were destroyed by floods, resulting in countless indirect casualties.

The area around Nanjing was already under the rule of King Qin. There were other ways to capture Nanjing. No one would choose to flood Nanjing.

Following the example of King Su He of Qin in attacking the capital, it was not feasible to attack Nanjing by digging tunnels.

The city of Nanjing is located on the edge of the Yangtze River, and the water content of the soil is extremely high, making it very difficult to dig tunnels.

They listed many plans to attack Nanjing, but none of them were as simple and effective as directly attacking Nanjing.

"Beat the drum, attack."

Su Xiong's loud shout brought Zhang Yuliang back from his thoughts.

Zhang Yuliang saw the heavy artillery of three artillery regiments and began to attack the west wall of Nanjing.

He used his binoculars to look at the river. The two cruisers Foshan and Guilin were constantly attacking the northern wall of Nanjing with their naval guns.

Swishing sounds could be heard from time to time in the Qin army's camp.

A huge number of rockets drew an arc in the sky, flew over the walls of Nanjing City, and landed in the city.

After the rocket landed, a huge explosion sounded, destroying everything nearby.

The Qin army began to use a large number of artillery to bombard the city of Nanjing indiscriminately.

The Ming army on the walls of Nanjing saw the Qin army launching an attack.

They also fired back, and a large number of solid artillery shells flew to the Qin army's position.

Among them, the Second Army at the North City Gate was hit hardest by Nanjing City.

After the Second Army crossed the river, the camp was closest to Nanjing City.

As the commander-in-chief of this war, Su Xiong not only has to direct the First Army's attack.

He also coordinates the attack of all armies on the battlefield.

In Su Xiong's military tent, staff officers were constantly coming in and out, reporting on new developments on the battlefield.

The First Army Guard Company serves as the signal corps.

They kept running among the armies and accurately conveyed Su He's orders to the generals of each army.

July 15th.

The Qin army carried out heavy artillery siege for five days, and the reinforced concrete structure of the outer city wall of Nanjing was built.

The shells have shattered the concrete walls, exposing the steel bars inside.

The gentry who built the city wall wanted to ensure the safety of their property and life.

When they built the city wall outside Nanjing, they didn't cut corners at all.

But these city walls could not continue to block the bombardment of heavy artillery.

Zhang Yuliang approached Su Xiong's military tent and asked Su Xiong: "Commander Su Xiong, after five days of our heavy artillery attack.

Especially the naval guns on naval warships are extremely accurate.

Most of the more than 200 Hongyi cannons on the walls of Nanjing City have been destroyed.

The Ming army soldiers on the walls of Nanjing City have changed several times.

According to my observation, most of the Ming troops on the city walls of Nanjing are young and untrained men.

The Ming army suffered heavy casualties, but our army also suffered some heavy casualties.

After five consecutive days of attacking, the soldiers were very tired.

We are now going all out to capture Nanjing City.

It’s better to let the army rest for a while.”

Su Xiong has also been observing the situation in Nanjing City.

"The Ming army really can't hold on anymore. Our army has been changing the troops attacking the city. Each army will attack for a period of time and then fall to the rear to rest.

We must work together to capture the city of Nanjing."

Li Zhengfeng ran over happily.

"Commander Su Xiong, the latest news is that the Second Army, with the assistance of the navy, has seized the northern wall of Nanjing."

When Su Xiong heard the news, he was extremely surprised and immediately ordered: "Send a signal and let all the troops launch a general attack.

We must expand our victory and conquer Nanjing City."

When the Qin army received this news, their morale skyrocketed and they launched the largest offensive against Nanjing.

This chapter has been completed!
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