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Chapter 328 Huaxia University Genius

The carriage stopped in front of Hua Xia University.

The Qilin Guards are personally protecting Su He, and the commander of the Xuanwu Guards, Su Changsheng, has sent people to Hua Xia University.

Tian Jiapeng and Su He stepped out of the carriage together, and he suggested: "Your Majesty, why don't we go to the Capital University next door to take a look?"

Su He waved his hand and said: "I won't go, I have to go to Gongyuan later, there is no time to delay.

Kyungseong University mainly focuses on Confucianism, law and other studies.

Whenever I go to Beijing University, it’s always the same and there’s nothing to see.”

Su He and Tian Jiapeng walked into Hua Xia University.

He saw that the architectural style inside Huaxia University was very simple.

There are flowers, trees and pools here, but even now in winter, these scenery cannot be seen.

Only a few pines and cypresses stood proudly in the wind and snow.

Among the students at Huaxia University, some were holding books and frowning.

Some people are building snowmen together on campus.

Su He looked at these young people aged sixteen or seventeen.

If they can enter the university campus, they are all the pillars of the country.

Huaxia University upholds the rules of strict entry and strict exit.

Those who can enter Hua Xia University are the proud ones of heaven, and their IQs far exceed those of ordinary people.

Nowadays, university education resources are in short supply, and only the most top-notch people can be educated.

In accordance with Su He's philosophy, the university preaches, teaches, and resolves doubts.

There is no strict teacher-student relationship between university teachers and students.

University teachers give open classes to impart their knowledge and help students answer their questions.

Students mainly rely on self-study.

The main reason for the formation of this system is the extreme shortage of teachers in universities.

Most of the teachers at the university are students in the junior class of the Academy of Sciences under Professor Su He.

Their staff is sparse and they have important projects at the Academy of Sciences, so they can only spare time to teach one class.

Students are free to choose the courses they like. As long as they complete the credits, they can be promoted from freshman to sophomore.

College students contribute articles to the Huaxia University magazine "Science".

They come up with new knowledge or produce new results.

If their results are accepted by Science, they can graduate directly.

Tian Jiapeng introduced the layout of Huaxia University.

"Your Majesty, Huaxia University is a fusion of the previous Huaxia University and various vocational colleges.

Huaxia University is now mainly divided into two factions, the theoretical faction which focuses on theory.

They mainly explore cutting-edge theories and improve new scientific theories.

A pragmatic school that focuses on practicality.

They study various practical technologies based on existing theories or new theories.

These two factions are not distinct, but there is me among you, and you among me.

If these technologies can produce value, the owners of the technologies belong to the research teachers or students.

Huaxia University provides scientific research equipment and helps sell technology, charging 10% of the fee as a scholarship."

Su He praised: "The policy of Huaxia University is relatively good.

Don’t be ashamed to talk about money, use money to guide students.

College students use their knowledge to make a lot of money. This is something that needs to be encouraged.

Only when other people see the ability of college students to make money will they send their children to college.

Instead of letting them focus on taking the imperial examination."

The imperial examination was very important in Su He's heart. It was the cornerstone of maintaining the stability of the Dahua Dynasty.

The university is even more important. It is an important catalyst for the transformation of the Dahua Dynasty from a feudal dynasty.

The two of them chatted and walked outside the classroom of the School of Biology.

"I am your teacher Qin Yun. Today I will tell you about the causative factor of disease-bacteria.

The course has been completed. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you should read more.

This textbook was written by me, and most of the knowledge about bacteria is included in the textbook.

get out of class is over now and I want to get my credits.

Just look through the microscope yourself, find a new bacterium, and record their characteristics.

Whoever can do this, I will give him full marks."

Su He looked at the little girl who was talking eloquently. She was younger than the college students attending the class, but she had no stage fright at all.

Qin Yun left the classroom and she saw Su He outside the door.

She said in surprise: "Teacher!"

Qin Yun immediately ran to Su He and said happily: "Teacher, we haven't seen each other for a long time, and you don't even come to teach us new knowledge."

Su He wanted to touch Qin Yun's little head as usual.

He saw Qin Yun, who he hadn't seen for more than a year and had grown a lot taller.

Now that Qin Yun is a big girl, it would be inappropriate to be as usual.

Qin Yun is one of the few female students in Suhe and is very young.

Su He has always raised them as daughters.

He smiled and said: "Teacher is very busy. Now that I have a little free time, I will come and see you."

How does it feel to teach at a university?"

Qin Yun pouted and said aggrievedly: "Teacher, I feel like these students are so stupid!

When you taught us bacteriology, even the stupidest Liu Dongliang could understand it even after several times.

I originally thought Liu Dongliang was the stupidest, but I didn't expect there to be anyone stupider than him.

I've told you several times that they can't even operate a microscope well, let alone mutant bacteria.

I dare not take them to do experiments, for fear that they will not perform well and be infected by pathogenic bacteria."

"Liu Dongliang is not stupid at all, he just doesn't like germs."

Su He taught the last group of teenagers at the Academy of Sciences in Hanzhong.

Among them, the two smartest people and the two youngest ones are Qin Yun and Liu Dongliang.

Because Qin Yun was frail and sickly as a child, she preferred studying bacteria and antibiotics.

As a boy, Liu Dongliang prefers physics and mechanics.

Qin Yun accompanied Su He to visit Huaxia University.

She explained to Su He the internal situation of Huaxia University.

Su He had a clearer understanding of Huaxia University.

Qin Yun said hesitantly: "Teacher, I want to go back to the Academy of Sciences.

I have promised Senior Niu Niu to help him test whether various methods of purifying water are effective.

The Academy of Sciences has already designed the equipment related to the water supply project, but the only thing missing is water source purification."

Su He heard Qin Yun's news about the water supply project.

This is one of the major projects that he arranged for the Academy of Sciences to overcome.

In addition to being convenient, tap water can also centrally disinfect water sources.

The three major plagues now, smallpox, have been suppressed by the cowpox vaccine.

With a large number of cats and a strict isolation system, it is possible to control the plague.

The most difficult thing to control is cholera, which spreads through polluted water bodies.

Previously, tens of thousands of people died from cholera every year only in the southwest and northwest regions.

Nowadays, whether in cities or villages, drinking water mainly depends on rivers and wells, and there is no way to prevent cholera, a fecal-oral borne disease.

Various places promote drinking boiled water as much as possible, but it is impossible for ordinary people to use boiled water to wash their hands and vegetables.

In many places, even drinking hot water is not possible. It would be great to have a relatively clear water source.

"Qin Yun, I also want to go to the Academy of Sciences. It just so happens that we can go together."

The Academy of Sciences is not far from Huaxia University, and they arrived quickly by carriage.

At the gate of the Academy of Sciences, there are soldiers from the White Tiger Guard standing guard.

They looked around cautiously.

When he saw Su He arriving, he immediately stood up straight and saluted the military salute.

Su He nodded and smiled at them and approached the Academy of Sciences.

Qin Yun said happily: "Teacher, the current backbone of the Academy of Sciences are all teachers' students.

As the research deepens, those old craftsmen are increasingly unable to keep up with our pace."

As soon as they entered the Academy of Sciences, they heard a loud laugh.

"I, Liu Dongliang, am really a genius, I kept the light."

Qin Yun covered his face and said: "Teacher, Liu Dongliang is going crazy again.

Some time ago, on the way to the capital, he went crazy and said he could create lightning."

Su He smiled and said: "Science allows anyone to question it.

True gold is not afraid of fire. Liu Dongliang is so confident that he can't help but feel happy. Let's go and take a look at the situation."

Su He saw Liu Dongliang holding a white film in his hand with some alternating light and dark lines on it.

Liu Dongliang said excitedly: "Have you seen it? What is this? This is the big bell tower outside Chengtian Gate."

Qin Yun stepped forward and snatched the things from Liu Dongliang's hands.

She looked carefully at the white film, which had white light and dark lines on it, outlining the reduced reflection of the bell tower.

The images on the film look very messy.

Qin Yun said in surprise: "Liu Dongliang, you really succeeded."

Su He glanced at the film in Qin Yun's hand. This kind of thing is white. If you change it to black.

It is very similar to film. Did Liu Dongliang create the most primitive camera?

Su He remembered that the principle of a camera was very simple, and he taught it to his students when he was teaching an optics course.

Nowadays, the Academy of Sciences is very proficient in using lens groups.

The performance of telescopes and microscopes has almost reached the limits of optical equipment.

As for the photosensitive material used in camera films, Su He couldn't remember at all what kind of material it was.

He Mohu remembered that it was a relatively common chemical material. Now that Liu Dongliang could solve it, it was not shocking.

When Liu Dongliang saw Su He, he came over and said excitedly: "Teacher, I succeeded. I used optical and chemical means to leave light on the object."

Su He patted Liu Dongliang's shoulder and encouraged: "Work hard and you will be rewarded. I told you that as long as you keep exploring, you will definitely succeed.

Please tell the teacher what method you used to achieve this."

Liu Dongliang danced and said excitedly: "Teacher, we use lenses to make telescopes and microscopes.

When we made a simple telescope, I discovered the appropriate position for adjustment.

On the white cardboard behind the lens, a reduced real image of the object can be displayed.

I was thinking that if light could draw pictures, it would be like drawing images of light on cardboard.

This will keep the light.

The teacher said that the objects we see with our eyes are images of light.

By keeping the light, you can keep the memory of the times.

It is extremely difficult to achieve this step, I have no idea at all.

When I was helping senior Niuniu, the senior was working on chlorine gas.

Senior Niu Niu also used hydrochloric acid to create various compounds.

Senior Niu Niu discovered a material called silver chloride.

When silver reacts with hydrochloric acid, the reaction is always incomplete.

Finally, after various investigations, we found out.

In the sun, silver will quickly precipitate from the silver chloride solution, but in the absence of light, the silver chloride can be stored for a long time.

I have conducted experiments and found that when silver chloride is applied to an object, silver will precipitate after exposure to light.

I glued the silver chloride on the glue board and placed it in the box.

A small hole is left and a lens group is installed to allow the real image of the lens to fall on the offset plate.

Sure enough, as I thought, the silver on the plastic plate precipitated with the change of lighting."

Su He understood what Liu Dongliang said. This is the principle of the camera.

Liu Dongliang said silver chloride, and then he remembered that the photosensitive material for camera films is silver chloride or silver odor.

"Liu Dongliang, you did a good job. This device can be named a camera.

Black absorbs light and white reflects light.

The rubber plate coated with silver chloride is preferably made black.

The idea of ​​using the optical properties of chemical materials to leave light on objects is a good one.

You can then try to wash off the excess silver chloride in a dark environment.

And turn this inverted image into a direct image, and be able to map this picture on other things, and you will succeed."

Liu Dongliang laughed happily and said: "Teacher, if I continue to study, I will definitely be able to make a qualified camera."

Su He asked again: "You said you can create lightning, can you let the teacher take a look?"

He remembered very clearly that he had never explained the knowledge of electromagnetism.

Su He has an understanding of electromagnetism, which was the main topic of physics in the previous life.

What he did not teach his students was that electromagnetic technology was too far away from this era.

Even if you talk about some theory, nothing can be done with current technology.

Nowadays, even a single high-purity copper wire cannot be made. The material smelting and processing technology are too primitive.

Su He could only choose to talk about something that was useful at the time.

Liu Dongliang said excitedly: "Teacher, come to my laboratory and I will demonstrate it to you."

Su He and his party followed Liu Dongliang to the laboratory.

Liu Dongliang picked up two sticks made of different materials, called his assistant over, and quickly rubbed the two sticks with different cloths.

"Teacher, one of them is a glass rod and the other is a rubber rod.

I rubbed the glass rod with silk and the rubber rod with fur.

Strange phenomena will occur with them.”

Su He looked at this experiment. It was a very simple frictional electrification experiment.

Su He asked people to buy rubber from the Spaniards and let the Academy of Sciences study the properties of rubber.

Liu Dongliang discovered triboelectric electrification technology without anyone's guidance. He is already very good.

Liu Dongliang held the glass rod and rubber rod with his hands respectively, and slowly brought them closer together.

Between the two rods, an electric arc flashed several times quickly.

Liu Dongliang said excitedly: "Teacher, have you seen that the behavior of this arc is similar to lightning.

People can also control lightning."

Su He patted Liu Dongliang's shoulder and said happily: "Liu Dongliang, you are really outstanding in researching triboelectricity on your own.

The teacher is also prepared to wait for you to master further knowledge before teaching you electromagnetic knowledge.

If you like electromagnetism, you can try to make coils of copper wire and let them move in the magnetic field."

Su He directly taught Liu Dongliang the principle of electromagnetic induction.

The foundation work of electromagnetism was left to Liu Dongliang.

Su He predicted that until the day he dies, electromagnetism will not be able to produce a practical technology.

The current foundation is too poor and many things cannot be accomplished.

But it can lay a theoretical foundation for the future development of electromagnetics.

When the technical level is reached, electromagnetism will usher in great development.

The most important technology for the Dahua Dynasty now is the steam engine technology that has been put into practical use.

Liu Dongliang immediately did the experiment, and Qin Yun went to help Niu Niu.

Accompanied by Tian Jiapeng, Su He went to the Machinery Institute to check out steam engine projects.

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