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Chapter 333 Occupy Ryukyu

Feng Sanqiu stood on the deck of the battleship Han Wudi.

"Chief of Staff, how far is the fleet from Ryukyu?" Chief of Staff Dong Sheng replied:

"The navigation staff just reported to me the location of the fleet. At the speed of our fleet, we can reach Ryukyu in five days. If the fleet turns directly to Japan, we can reach Edo, the capital of Japan, by now." Feng Sanqiu

They also knew that Edo was closer to them, so of course there was a reason why they preferred the distance over the near.

Dong Sheng looked at the undulating sea and said:

"Of course I know the reason why I chose to occupy Ryukyu first. The sea is unpredictable and it is the season with fewer typhoons. But who knows whether there will be typhoons coming from the sea. In normal years, such extreme weather happens from time to time.

.Not to mention now, extreme weather occurs frequently. When the Yuan Dynasty proved Japan, the expedition fleet encountered typhoons many times. The Yuan Dynasty lost its troops and generals and gave up on conquering Japan. The Japanese country has always claimed that it was a divine wind protecting the country. We chose to capture Ryukyu, so

Ryukyu and Taiwan Province are connected through large and small islands. Even if there is a typhoon or other problems, the fleet will have a way out. Supplies from Guangdong and Fujian can also be transferred to Ryukyu through Taiwan. We don’t have to worry about logistics.

There is a problem." Feng Sanqiu listened to Dong Sheng's words and said with a smile:

"Chief of Staff, you don't see it clearly. Our navy has expanded outward for the first time. This is also China's first attempt to expand outward after the Ming Dynasty failed to expand outward. After the change of dynasties, the results we have achieved this time will be

It will determine the development direction of Dahua in the next few hundred years. It will also determine the development direction of our navy in the next few decades. This operation can only succeed, not fail. It must be foolproof." Feng Sanqiu did not say a word.

speak out.

This operation was successful, and as the commander-in-chief of the navy, he was expected to be crowned a duke, and he would be one step closer to becoming a king.

Feng Sanqiu most hopes that the East China Sea Fleet will be more stable and that it can perfectly achieve the goals set by His Majesty without suffering too much loss.

"Governor, look, Hu Zhushi is back with a whaling fleet." Feng Sanqiu saw behind the cruiser Guilin, dragging a fish as big as a destroyer.

He exclaimed:

"This is a whale. I have heard before that a whale weighs several tons. Now I finally see the real thing." Dong Sheng said happily:

"We have been sailing at sea for a month. In the first few days, we could still eat fresh vegetables and fresh meat. It was far away from the shore, and the vegetables on the ship were only various bean sprouts. The meat on the ship was only various fish. Soldiers

We had been eating fish for more than thirty days and were already tired of it. I heard that whale meat is similar to beef, so it must be two different flavors from fish. Hu Zhushi had hunted whales before and saw whales around the fleet. He volunteered.

Capture this whale for us and improve the fleet's food." Feng Sanqiu listened to Dong Sheng's words, and fluid began to flow from his mouth.

If I eat all kinds of fish every day, even if it is steamed and braised, the fish will no longer have the fragrance in my mouth.

Feng Sanqiu saw the Guilin dragging the whale to the large transport ship at the rear of the fleet. The steam crane on the transport ship lifted the whale carcass onto the transport ship.

The soldiers began to dissect the whale. The dissected whale meat was sent to various warships via small boats. Navy chefs began to prepare various whale dishes.

The navy is wealthy, but it does not eat meat every day. This time, whale meat can be eaten freely by the soldiers.

Everyone was very happy to eat meat. Hu Nanzhu brought a large bowl of whale vegetables.

"Whale meat is stewed with bean sprouts. The meat of whale is a bit hard. I don't know if you can get used to it. It was not easy for us Danhu to catch whales before. We often had ships destroyed and people died. Now the weapons are more advanced, including gunpowder-powered harpoons.

and large ships, which are the nemesis of whales. In the past, all the meat of the whales I caught was sold to improve my life, and only some of the internal organs were left for consumption. I have never eaten authentic whale meat in my entire life.

I've only heard other people say that whale meat is delicious. Let's eat whale together." Feng Sanqiu picked up a piece of whale meat. This piece of meat was not as delicious as beef, but it still had a unique taste.

It is a refreshing experience to have a fresh meat dish on the ship. December 7, 1636 AD, 4333.

Feng Sanqiu stood on the deck of the battleship Han Wudi and looked forward. He saw several islands of different sizes forming an island chain blocking the front.

He looked at the islands in front of him, which were very similar to the Ryukyu Islands in the description. Dong Sheng walked over and said in surprise:

"Governor, we have verified it many times with sextants and compared the charts. We have also found an old merchant from the Zheng family who is familiar with this sea route for confirmation. Now we can confirm that the islands in front of us are the Ryukyu Islands." Feng Sanqiu said happily:

"Dahua's luck is so good, and our East China Sea Fleet's luck is so good. We did not encounter typhoons or bad sea conditions along the way. The East China Sea Fleet arrived safely at the Ryukyu Islands, and we occupied the islands in front. To the east of China, our navy had shelter

An excellent harbor for typhoons, the Ryukyu Islands are also like a huge shield, protecting most of China's coastline." Feng Sanqiu said solemnly:

"His Imperial Majesty's imperial edict requires our East China Sea Fleet to destroy the remnants of the former Ming Dynasty. According to our military orders, the three fleets of the East China Sea Fleet will operate separately. The first fleet will attack the island where the Ryukyu royal family is located. The second fleet will attack the south of the Ryukyu Islands until it comes into contact with Taiwan Island.

"The Third Fleet attacks the north of the Ryukyu Islands and directly reaches the border of Japan." The battleship Han Wudi raised the battle flag and conveyed military orders in flag language.

The East China Sea Fleet, which formed a tight formation, immediately split into three parts. Wang Doudou stood on the deck of the battleship Yue Fei.

He made great achievements in the great naval battle between the navy and the Western Yi. He was promoted to the rank of admiral of the Second Fleet of the East China Sea Fleet.

He saw the semaphore on the battleship Han Wudi and immediately commanded the second fleet to turn around and sail south.

Li Pinglang stood on the deck of the battleship Li Jing. He was the second-highest-ranking person in the navy.

Hu Nanzhu has a higher level of military service. After making meritorious service, he chose to go to a military academy for further study. Li Pinglang's military merit is higher than that of Hu Nanzhu.

However, the two routes of captain and Zhushi have different promotion difficulties. This time the navy is facing another war. If he performs well this time, he will be able to command a huge fleet in the future.

Li Pinglang saw the semaphore on the battleship Han Wudi. He shouted loudly:

"Raise the battle flag and send out the semaphore. Order all ships to attack with me. Anyone who dares to block our attack will be sent into the sea to feed the fish." Niu Lu, Captain of the Battleship Han Wudi and Admiral of the First Fleet

, immediately commanded the first fleet and went straight to the island where the Ryukyu Wang family was located.

On the main mast of the battleship Han Wudi, three flags were raised high, fluttering in the sea breeze. They were the national flags of Dahua, a red flag with a five-clawed golden dragon embroidered on it.

The Great Wall flag of the Royal Army of Great China. The flag of the Navy of Great China. On the blue flag, there is a warship fluttering in the wind. It is a miniature of the battleship Qin Shihuang.

The East China Sea Fleet officially launched an attack on the Ryukyu Islands. The old Ryukyu King Shangfeng was lying on the bed and being fed by his maid.

He is now incapable of handling the government affairs of the Ryukyu Kingdom. Now, he has left all the government affairs of the Ryukyu Kingdom to his crown prince, Naonobu.

A panicked cry came from outside the palace.

"Father, the navy of the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived at the port, what should we do?" Shangxian was too young to encounter such a major thing.

He had no choice but to come to the palace to find his father. When Shang Feng heard the news, he coughed violently.

When I saw Shangxian running in, one of his shoes was missing. The crown on his head was also crooked.

Shang Feng said calmly:

"Xian'er, you don't need to worry. In the early years when I came to the throne, the navy of the Kingdom of Heaven also often came to Ryukyu for supplies. We must receive the navy of the Kingdom of Heaven well." Shangxian said in an anxious tone:

"Father, today's situation is completely different from before. There are also veterans in the court who have seen the navy of the Kingdom of Heaven. The naval generals of the Kingdom of Heaven are just a little domineering. We gave some money to them, and they supplied food and water.

The water will leave. Now this navy of the Kingdom of Heaven is doing something completely different. All their ships are very large and blocked directly in the port. All ships are ordered to surrender. If anyone dares to resist, the water of the Kingdom of Heaven will

The division opened fire. There were more than a thousand soldiers who got off the naval warship directly. They used very sharp muskets to attack us." Ryukyu King Shangfeng asked with some doubts:

"Xian'er, we are definitely from the army of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are not Japanese pirates or pirates pretending to be." Shang Xian said:

"Father, this army is flying the dragon flag of the Kingdom of Heaven. Japanese pirates and pirates dare not use it. Once they use the dragon flag, they will definitely be chased to death by the navy of the Kingdom of Heaven. The warships are very huge, and the warships they use are very huge.

The musket is also a kind of extremely sharp musket that has never been seen before. The team is well-organized and the combat effectiveness is extremely strong. Our army collapsed as soon as it came into contact with the army of the Kingdom of Heaven. Pirates and Japanese pirates will never be so rich. They really have

With so many warships and sophisticated soldiers, why would they plunder our poor Ryukyu Kingdom? The profits gained from occupying our country cannot even cover the military expenses of launching a war. This army is definitely not attacking us for the purpose of plundering." Shang Xian.

While saying this, intensive gunshots were heard outside the palace.

After hearing the gunfire, his face changed drastically and he said in horror:

"Father, the troops from the Kingdom of Heaven have invaded, what should we do?" King Shangfeng of Ryukyu struggled to sit up.

After Shangxian saw it, he immediately stood up and helped his father sit up.

"Xian'er, please carry me out. Our small Ryukyu country has few people and we have no ability to resist the army of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is based on benevolence and righteousness, and will never attack a vassal country without any reason. There must be a misunderstanding in this.

Let's go out and explain clearly." Shangxian saw his father's physical condition and said anxiously:

"Father, with your current physical condition, can you go out?" Ryukyu King Shangfeng scolded:

"Now the country will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed. If it's too late. If the rebels rush in, there is still a way for us to survive. Follow my instructions and start taking action immediately." Shangxian called the guards to carry Ryukyu King Shangfeng and went out to meet with the army of the Heavenly Kingdom.

commander in chief.

Feng Sanqiu commanded the First Fleet to rush into the port and quickly took control of the situation in the port. The warships did not even fire a few cannons, but the Ryukyu Navy, which had only sixteen ships, collapsed.

He sent a regiment of Marines ashore to launch an attack. The Marines encountered no decent resistance at all.

The fighting ability of the Ryukyu Kingdom's army is not as good as that of the peasant army who just picked up the hoe. At least the peasant army is very large in number.

The Ryukyu Kingdom's army was weak in strength and small in number. The Marine Corps launched a wave of charges and rushed directly to the Ryukyu Royal Palace.

The situation was quickly brought under control. Feng Sanqiu asked Chief of Staff Dong Scale to take command of the naval warship. He went ashore to check the performance of the Marine Corps.

Feng Sanqiu quickly received a report that the Ryukyu Palace gave up resistance. Ryukyu King Shangfeng wanted to see him. Feng Sanqiu saw that the Marine Corps had taken control of the Ryukyu Palace, and the navy's initial goal had been completed.

Under the protection of guards, he went to meet Ryukyu King Shangfeng. In front of the Ryukyu Royal Palace, Ryukyu King Shangfeng and Crown Prince Shangxian were already surrounded by marines.

The guards of the Ryukyu Royal Palace were all disarmed by the Marine Corps. The Ryukyu King was surrounded by only a small number of ministers loyal to the royal family.

Feng Sanqiu stepped forward and saw the seriously ill Ryukyu King Shangfeng, and said:

"I am the commander-in-chief of this army. Do you have anything to say to me?" Ryukyu King Shangfeng heard Feng Sanqiu's slightly accented Mandarin.

He replied in Ming Dynasty Mandarin:

"The little king would like to ask, is the army under your command the army of the Kingdom of Heaven?" King Shangfeng of Ryukyu saw Feng Sanqiu nodding, and he said excitedly:

"Our Ryukyu Kingdom is a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty. We have paid tribute to the Ming Emperor for generations. What is wrong with our small vassal state? We were actually attacked by the army of the higher country." Feng Sanqiu said condescendingly:

"I have been ordered by His Majesty the Emperor Dahua to conquer the remnants of the previous Ming Dynasty. From today on, there is no Ryukyu Kingdom in the world, only Ryukyu Prefecture in Taiwan Province." Shang Feng heard Feng Sanqiu's words, his eyes widened and he wailed.


"The Ming Dynasty is over? The Ming Dynasty is over!" Ryukyu King Shangfeng was already ill in bed. When he heard the news, he couldn't bear it and stopped breathing.

Feng Sanqiu had people take the Ryukyu royal family into custody, and prepare to take them to the capital when the navy returns.

The level of resistance from the Ryukyu Kingdom was extremely low, and the navy quickly took control of the entire Ryukyu Kingdom. Feng Sanqiu read the news reported by the Second Fleet and the Third Fleet.

The Second Fleet has opened the connection between Ryukyu and Taiwan Province. Supplies from Guangdong and Fujian, as well as maritime merchants from the southeastern region, will soon arrive at Ryukyu Port.

The Third Fleet did not encounter much resistance and easily captured the northern border of the Ryukyu Kingdom. However, as they approached the Japanese Kingdom, they were harassed by the Japanese navy of the Satsuma Domain.

The battleship Li Jing fired two salvos, and it defeated the Satsuma Navy. The Ryukyu Kingdom was already controlled by the East China Sea Fleet.

Feng Sanqiu left behind enough troops to maintain order in Ryukyu. He led the main force of the East China Sea Fleet and set sail from Ryukyu Port and headed straight for the Japanese country.

This chapter has been completed!
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