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Chapter 335 Edo Treaty

Feng Sanqiu and Hu Nanzhu were on their way to Edo Castle.

Feng Sanqiu said with some worry: "We only have five thousand people, and we still have to resist the Japanese counterattack.

It is simply impossible to effectively control a place as large as Edo.

The current military strength is too small, so we should send naval soldiers to Edo Castle."

Hu Nanzhu was not worried at all and said: "We attack the Ming Dynasty.

That's a civil war, and fighting for people's hearts and minds is sometimes more important than winning the war.

Some methods are too harsh and cannot be used at all.

This is in an enemy country, and many means that cannot be used at home can be arranged.

If anyone dares to resist us, no matter who it is, his whole family will be shot directly.

After the high-pressure rule, I believe no one dares to resist us.

This high-pressure policy cannot be sustained, but there is no problem if it can be maintained for a year or two.

We don't need a year or two at all, we only need to hold on for a month or two.

At that time, the Tokugawa shogunate would not agree to peace talks with us.

We can still achieve our goal by looking for opponents of the Tokugawa shogunate and provoking a war with Japan.

In addition to being stationed in important places, our army only controls the noble areas of Edo Castle.

There is no need for us to control the rest of Edo Castle personally.

When fighting in a foreign country, you must make good use of prisoners.

I found some translators and personally went to instigate the Japanese prisoners to rebel.

Let Japanese people rule Japanese civilians in civilian areas.

I have briefly understood these Japanese civilians.

Their living conditions are worse than those living under the Ming Dynasty.

Many people did not even have enough to eat, and the Japanese civilians had no oil or water at all.

There is no need for us to target these Japanese civilians.

It is appropriate to hand it over to the surrendered Japanese people."

Feng Sanqiu nodded with satisfaction, he quite agreed with Hu Nanzhu's method.

He suggested: "Since the common people of the Japanese country don't have enough to eat, then we should open warehouses to stockpile grain.

Let these Japanese civilians not seek refuge with us or cause us any trouble."

Feng Sanqiu and Hu Nanzhu acted separately.

Hu Nanzhu went to instigate Japanese soldiers captured by the Marine Corps to rebel and ask them to maintain order in Edo Castle.

When Feng Sanqiu arrived at the gate of the General's Mansion, Zhen Kun, commander of the First Marine Regiment, immediately came over to greet him.

"Governor, our army has completely taken control of Edo Castle.

This is the shogunate of Tokugawa Shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu.

Tokugawa Iemitsu, along with the Japanese Emperor and many Japanese nobles, have withdrawn from the city."

Feng Sanqiu looked at the empty general's palace and said: "If the war is not going well, these nobles will definitely rub their feet and be the first to withdraw from Edo Castle.

The entire Edo Castle is a spoil of war for our army.

After interrogating the prisoners and searching carefully, we found the place where the Japanese nobles hid their silver.

His Majesty has said before that 70% of the loot obtained from Edo Castle this time will be turned over to the national treasury, 20% will be used as funds for the East China Sea Fleet, and 10% will be rewarded to the meritorious officers of the East China Sea Fleet.

Every time you find a place to hide silver, you will get an extra income."

Feng Sanqiu approached the extremely luxurious General's Mansion.

The doors and windows of the General's Mansion are all framed in silver, which looks very luxurious.

He saw soldiers carrying the bowls used by the general's palace from the kitchen.

These are bowls and tachyons made of silver.

Feng Sanqiu approached a newly discovered silver vault in the General's Mansion.

Densely packed silver bricks filled the entire cellar.

There are at least two million taels of silver in this cellar.

Your Majesty told him that there is a large silver mountain in Japan, which is rich in silver.

I didn't expect there to be so much hidden silver here in the General's Mansion.

The money in this cellar can build five Qin Shihuang battleships, warships of this level.


A large number of Japanese laborers were under the management of Japanese surrendered warriors.

They transported large amounts of gold, silver, copper precious metals and Japanese cultural relics collected by the army.

Company commander Sun Wei looked at regiment leader Zhen Kun and asked: "Commander, in the Japanese country, we have turned into what we deeply hated before.

What is the difference between our current approach and the army before the Ming Dynasty?

When our troops arrived in Edo, they were like locusts and moved away everything of slight value.

Not to mention the Buddha statue, even the silver chamber pot is not spared.

Almost all the aristocratic courtyards of the Japanese country, including the Shogun's Mansion and the Emperor's Palace, were evacuated by us."

Zhen Kun smiled and said: "Why do I feel that my conscience is a little uncomfortable?

Conscience is left to the people at home. When dealing with enemy countries, there is no need to have conscience, just retain some humanity.

You have compassion now, this is just charity from a strong person.

We are now strong and can evacuate Edo Castle.

If we are weak and the city is emptied, that is our city.

Not long after the Japanese pirates started their rebellion, everyone knew how cruel the Japanese pirates were.

What we are doing now are just trivial things.

I just took some money, and I didn't seek wealth or death.

I really feel bad about it, so I’ll give more food to the people of Edo.”

At this moment, the messenger ran over.

"Report to the captain that our army has discovered that a large number of Japanese troops are attacking Edo Castle.

The Governor-General asked us to go to the west wall immediately to provide support, and we must guard the west wall of Edo Castle."

When Zhen Kun heard the news from the messenger, he immediately led his troops to the west city wall to provide support.

The west city wall is now defended by the second regiment, and Governor Feng sent their first regiment to support it.

This must be because the second regiment encountered so many enemies that the second regiment alone could no longer bear it.

Zhen Kun led his troops and dragged the cannon, and soon arrived at the west wall of Edo Castle.

When Hao Liang, leader of the second regiment, saw Zhen Kun arriving, he excitedly patted Zhen Kun on the shoulder.

"You are here, the Japanese army has not launched an siege yet, but I was very worried before.

It seems that the number of Japanese soldiers is over 100,000.

I'm really afraid that they will launch an attack and use the human wave tactic to attack.

Our group of more than a thousand people cannot defend this section of the city wall.

Now with your first regiment assisting in defending the city, the artillery of the two regiments can suppress these Japanese troops attacking the city.

For this traditional feudal army, as long as the first three waves of sieges failed, they would suffer too many casualties.

Morale will definitely collapse, and then we can defend Edo Castle."

Zhen Kun looked at the large number of Japanese troops in front, and he chuckled: "We can easily capture Edo Castle because our army's artillery is so powerful.

One shell from the main gun of the battleship Hanwu Emperor blasted open the gate of Edo Castle.

The castle gate near Edo Port is now open directly.

The Japanese army did not dare to attack because our naval guns were too powerful and the Japanese army was frightened out of their wits.

The Japanese army could only hide in Xicheng to avoid naval gunfire."

While Zhen Kun was talking, he saw a large Japanese army in front carrying ladders and starting to attack the city.

The cannons on the Edo Castle wall immediately began to attack, forming a wall of cannonballs.


Sakai Tadakatsu saw the rock-solid Edo Castle.

He never expected that Edo City could withstand the attack of their 100,000-strong army.

Although not all of these 100,000 troops were elite troops, at least half of them were led by warriors.

This army is already the strongest army the Tokugawa Shogunate can produce.

In Edo Castle, Dahua's army only had two to three thousand men.

With only two to three thousand men, they were able to block the attack of their 100,000-strong army.

Dahua's artillery is very sharp, as well as firearms called machine guns. They have been attacking the city for five consecutive days.

There were more than 30,000 casualties, and the Edo Castle Wall was not even scaled.

As long as it is three to five hundred meters close to the city wall, no army can cross it due to the hail of bullets and shotguns.

Sakai Tadakatsu immediately came to Tokugawa Iemitsu.

"General, we can't continue fighting like this.

The warriors have begun to complain.

If the fighting continues, the army will inevitably collapse.

These armies are all direct descendants of the Tokugawa family.

With the current casualty situation, we can even capture Edo Castle.

There will definitely be very heavy casualties.

Our direct line troops of the Tokugawa family have been wiped out.

When the time comes, the Satsuma and Choshu clans will inevitably fall.

We will all be doomed then, think of what will happen to the Toyotomi clan."

Tokugawa Iemitsu sighed: "My grandfather unified the Tokugawa family during the Warring States Period, and the Tokugawa family business was passed to me. I cannot let the Tokugawa family decline."

Sakai Tadakatsu saw Tokugawa Iemitsu's tone softened.

He was afraid that Tokugawa Iemitsu was too young and would not compromise, but would act on his own initiative.

"Sir General, there must be something fishy going on when the Dahua army suddenly attacks Edo Castle.

They only came with a few large ships and a few thousand warriors.

Dahua has a large population and hundreds of thousands of troops.

Their goal is not to occupy our country for a long time.

We should send envoys to test why the Dahua army came.

Even if we have to pay some price, we must invite them out of Edo Castle."

Tokugawa Iemitsu glanced at the generals and saw that these people had no intention of fighting.

He knew there was no way to continue fighting now.

"Tadatoshi Aoyama, it's up to you to go to Edo Castle, contact the Dahua army, and find out what they think. We are willing to live in peace with Dahua."


Hu Nanzhu saw Feng Sanqiu who had just returned from the dock and asked, "Governor, what have you been busy with during this time?"

Feng Sanqiu said: "The domestic businessmen have a very keen sense of smell.

After hearing the news, many merchants came to Edo Port to sell their goods to Japan.

I'm going to contact these businessmen."

Feng Sanqiu mainly went to see Yang Wencai, and other businessmen could just attend to official business.

Yang Wencai is his wife's elder, and he has a very good relationship with his wife.

He wanted to understand Yang Wencai's purpose first and remind Yang Wencai not to do anything.

For example, selling steam engine-related products and technologies to the Japanese country was a major crime against the three tribes.

This is one of the few crimes still preserved in the Great China Dynasty that affects innocent family members. It is on the same level as the crime of rebellion.

"Master Hu Zhu, how are we collecting the gold and silver from Edo City?"

Hu Nanzhu said with a smile: "Edo Castle is indeed the capital of Japan and the largest city in Japan.

There are nobles here who have been passed down for hundreds of years and have accumulated a lot of wealth.

Most of their wealth consists of fixed assets such as land and shops, but some of the gold and silver they hide is very large in quantity.

The total value of the gold and silver we have found now is as high as 30 million taels of silver coins.

This amount is very close to the silver coins confiscated from corrupt officials of the Ming Dynasty in the capital."

Feng Sanqiu said in surprise: "The Japanese country is so rich, I didn't expect to collect so much money."

He and Hu Nanzhu were discussing how to collect more money.

The messengers rode fast horses and arrived at the general's mansion.

"Master Feng, Master Hu, and Captain Zhen Kun asked me to inform that Tokugawa Iemitsu has sent a representative to negotiate with us."

When Feng Sanqiu heard the news, he smiled and ordered: "Bring the representative here immediately, and find a translator at the same time. I will negotiate with this person personally."

When Hu Nanzhu heard the news, he said happily: "This is good news. We worked hard to collect 30 million taels of silver.

The only way to get Japan to provide more money is through war reparations."

Feng Sanqiu and Hu Nanzhu were at the General's Mansion, waiting for representatives of the Japanese state.

Before the East China Sea Fleet conquered Japan, His Majesty the Emperor had already explained the general framework of negotiations with Japan.

Feng Sanqiu could only temporarily adjust some terms based on the actual situation, but the main framework could not be changed.

Zhen Kun soon brought a Japanese man.

He walked into the room and bowed respectfully to everyone.

The translator was standing by, translating what this man said.

"I am Tadatoshi Aoyama, the representative sent by General Tokugawa Iemitsu.

Dear nobles of Dahua, why are you so aggressive and directly attacking Edo Castle?

Is there any misunderstanding between the two of us?

We can resolve misunderstandings and not destroy the friendly relations between the two countries that have lasted for generations."

Feng Sanqiu slapped the table with his hand and said angrily: "The Japanese country is so courageous that they dared to take in the former Ming Dynasty Emperor Hongguang Emperor Zhu Cihong.

You don’t take Dahua seriously at all, and you must be taught the lesson you deserve.”

After Qingshan Zhongjun heard what the translator said, he immediately knelt on the ground and said aggrievedly: "You nobleman of the Celestial Dynasty, we definitely did not take in Hongguang Emperor Zhu Cihong.

This is a private matter within the Celestial Empire. We, a small country with few people, dare not participate in the internal struggle of the Celestial Empire.

Please forgive us, noble people in heaven."

Qingshan Zhongjun secretly cursed Hongguang Emperor Zhu Cixiang in his heart, he is really a loser.

When the emperor is incompetent, he loses his country.

Now he has gone to the Japanese country to harm their country.

If I could find this person, I would want to cut him into pieces.

Feng Sanqiu smiled when he saw the Japanese surrendered.

"Our Dahua army has sacrificed its troops for an expedition, and your Japanese country must compensate us.

The Japanese country took in Zhu Cixiang, Emperor Hongguang, which was a treasonous act and must be punished."

While Feng Sanqiu was speaking, he handed a treaty written in Chinese and Japanese characters to Aoyama Tadjun.

"This is the Edo Treaty. If you agree to the Edo Treaty, we will withdraw our troops.

If we do not agree to the Edo Treaty, we will seize not only Edo Castle but also Nagasaki and all other important Japanese cities."

After Aoyama Tadatoshi read the Edo Treaty, he was trembling all over.

As a direct descendant of the old general, he has been marginalized since the new general took over.

Letting him take charge of the negotiations this time would be abandonment.

He was already prepared to sign a harsh treaty, but he did not expect that this treaty would be far harsher than he thought.

After signing this treaty, he became a national traitor of the Japanese country and was nailed to the pillar of shame for the rest of his life.

Article 1 of the Treaty of Edo stipulates that the title of emperor is overriding, and the king of Japan can only be called the king of Japan.

Article 2: The Japanese state opened the two ports of Edo and Nagasaki to allow merchants of the Great China Dynasty to trade freely.

Businessmen from the Dahua Dynasty who violated the law could only be dealt with by the Dahua envoys in Japan.

In order to ensure the safety of the people of Dahua, concessions were established in Edo and Nagasaki, and the laws of Dahua were implemented in the concessions.

Article 3: The Japanese country spent 200 million taels of silver to redeem Edo City and compensate the Dahua Dynasty for the cost of sending troops.

This chapter has been completed!
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