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Chapter 338 War in Liaodong

4334 (1637 AD), March 21st.

Inside Liaoyang City.

The main force of the Third Army and the Seventh Army, nearly 100,000 people, gathered in Liaoyang City.

As spring warms and flowers bloom, the army prepares for the winter.

Soldiers and supplies were replenished, and the soldiers polished their guns and were ready to attack at any time.

Dahua Liaodong Dudufu, Wei Guogong Su Hu and Cao Guogong Li Dazhuang.

The two stood in front of the sand table in the Northeast region, discussing the future direction of the battle.

Su Hu, the governor of the Liaodong Governor's Office and the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, focused his fingers on Shenyang City:

"The combat capabilities of the Eight Banners soldiers are obvious to all.

These people have a very strong will to fight, but for their inferior weapons.

The main weapons of the Eight Banners soldiers are still bows and arrows and long knives.

We can use the range of rifles and artillery to eliminate the Eight Banners soldiers from hundreds of meters away.

Our army will definitely suffer heavy casualties in fighting the Eight Banners soldiers.

Our army has conquered cities and territories along the way, and has now captured the city of Liaoyang.

The Zhenghuang Banner and Zhengbai Banner of Jiannu were wiped out, and tens of thousands of Eight Banners soldiers and coated slaves were wiped out.

The Eight Banners soldiers knew they could not fight us, so they voluntarily withdrew from Liaoyang City.

I have no worries at all about taking Shenyang City.

But there is one point that needs to be solved urgently. If the Eight Banners soldiers abandon Shenyang, they choose to escape.

We are all an army based on the army, and two legs cannot catch up with four legs.

Preventing slaves from escaping and annihilating most of the Eight Banners soldiers is our main purpose."

With the advancement of industry and technology, the combat effectiveness of Dahua's army continues to increase.

The richer the country is, the more resources it can devote to its military.

Every silver coin invested in the army will yield corresponding rewards.

Su Hu felt that he no longer felt threatened by Jiannu's Eight Banners cavalry.

As long as the army fights steadily and is not attacked by cavalry on its logistics routes, they will surely win.

The only difficulty is that the cavalry runs too fast.

They could only regain Liaoyang City, Shenyang City and other cities.

The Jiannu cavalry fled and ran into the deep mountains and old forests.

The Liaodong Dudu's army was dominated by the army, and there was no way to catch up with the Eight Banners cavalry.

Cao Guogong Li Dazhuang listened to Su Hu's analysis.

He suggested: "Commander Su, don't forget the three cavalry divisions near Tongliao.

The Eight Banners Cavalry cannot be contained by relying solely on the 4th Cavalry Division that follows us.

Most of the 4th Cavalry Division are new recruits, and their combat capabilities are not very strong.

They were able to take advantage of the rifles to hold back the Eight Banners Cavalry and protect the logistics troops. They had done their best.

We have all fought on the battlefield outside the Great Wall and seen the capabilities of the three major cavalry divisions.

These three cavalry divisions are the cavalry units that your Majesty invested heavily in establishing.

When we were engaged in the Unification War, they were the strongest cavalry in our army and had a very heavy task. Their main purpose was to contain the Eight Banners soldiers who established slaves.

Prevent the Ming Dynasty from cooperating with the Jiannu slaves and introducing the Jiannu slaves into the country, which would have an impact on our great cause of unification.

With three major cavalry divisions in check, the Jiannu Eight Banners cavalry dared not move at all.

Even if we attack Liaoyang now, Jiannu will still retain the main force in Shenyang City.

I predict that the purpose of establishing slaves is to guard against these three cavalry divisions."

Su Hu heard Li Dazhuang mention the three major cavalry divisions.

He could also see the capabilities of the cavalry division from Jiannu's performance.

The soldiers of the Eight Banners who established slaves all faced the crisis of national subjugation and genocide.

They have not dispatched all their main forces, and the three major cavalry divisions must have played a very strong role.

Su Hu said with some confusion: "The First Cavalry Division, the Second Cavalry Division, and the Third Cavalry Division are not under the jurisdiction of our Liaodong Governor's Mansion.

When commanding them to fight, they must also seek instructions from His Majesty.

It is already the beginning of spring, and the water route is faster than the land route.

It will also take nearly a month to obtain His Majesty's permission.

Without His Majesty's decree, I would not be able to command these three cavalry divisions."

Li Dazhuang laughed when he heard what Su Hu said.

"You! You actually got into trouble and thought about commanding the three cavalry divisions in battle.

Our two armies are too far apart, and the battlefield is unpredictable.

Obtaining command of the three major cavalry divisions also allows them to fight independently.

I think we should send a letter to invite the three major cavalry divisions to join the Liaodong war.

The three cavalry divisions have been fighting abroad for a long time. Your Majesty must have given them considerable autonomy. They can choose their own combat targets and only need to report afterwards.

The three major cavalry divisions have been fighting the Eight Banners soldiers for such a long time, so they must be able to seize the opportunity.

Under our attack, the Eight Banners soldiers will definitely shrink their defense line.

The three major cavalry divisions will take advantage of the situation and attack the Eight Banners soldiers, who will definitely be able to kill them."

Su Hu agreed: "Our two armies are united, and we are responsible for capturing the city and defeating the Eight Banners of Jiannu on the frontal battlefield.

The 1st Cavalry Division, 2nd Cavalry Division, and 3rd Cavalry Division were responsible for flanking the Jiannu Eight Banners soldiers.

After the military failure of establishing slaves, they were responsible for the pursuit.

After the two armies cooperate, the strengths of infantry and cavalry can be brought into full play.

The Eighth Army can cooperate with the Navy across services.

We are both armies, so it is easier for the two militaries to cooperate.

For the Fourth Cavalry Division, let them guard the logistics supply line.

As long as logistics is maintained, our army can continuously obtain supplies and ammunition shipped by the Logistics Department from Jinzhou Port.

We will be invincible."

Su Hu and Li Dazhuang discussed the Liaodong strategy with each other and reached an agreement.

They summoned officers from both armies to discuss the plan for attacking the slave establishment.

As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Su Hu was the first to speak: "We have decided to contact the first cavalry division, the second cavalry division, and the third cavalry division.

We are responsible for the frontal battlefield, seizing major cities and compressing the living space of the slave-building Eight Banners soldiers.

After we win on the frontal battlefield, Jiannu will definitely flee, and the cavalry division will be responsible for chasing the remnants of Jiannu's army.

We are about to launch a general offensive and attack Shenyang City from Liaoyang.

All of you must fight this battle seriously.

This will be our last large-scale war in Liaodong.

In this war, we have artillery and sufficient artillery shells, so it will not be difficult to capture the city.

Everyone, think carefully about which direction they would run if the slaves abandoned the city and fled."

Li Dazhuang smiled and analyzed: "The escape routes of the slaves are all in the four directions: southeast, northwest and northwest.

They will definitely not flee south, and the Jian slaves will never be so stupid as to crash directly into our front lines and fight with us.

I don’t think the Jian slaves would have fled to the west. There were three major cavalry divisions in the west.

That was the sphere of influence of the Mongolian tribes.

Large areas of Mongolian tribes have surrendered to us.

Even if there are tribes that have not surrendered to us, they will not accept the Eight Banners forces.

On the grassland, there is no concept of loyalty.

When a force weakens, they lose everything on the grassland and will be divided by powerful forces."

Qin Xiangkun, Chief of Staff of the Third Army, analyzed: "I think the Jiannu slaves will flee to the north, to the primitive jungles such as the Greater Khingan Mountains in the north.

This is the lair of Jiannu.

They are unable to defend Shenyang City and will definitely flee to their lair.

The environment in the deep mountains and old forests is harsh, and we are very unfamiliar with this place.

But Jiannu was very familiar with this place.

This is conducive to the survival of the remaining slaves.

They will definitely choose a familiar place to escape."

The Chief of Staff of the Seventh Army expressed his opinion to Rhett.

"I have a different view. There is no problem in supporting some small-scale fishing and hunting tribes in the deep mountains and old forests of the Greater Khingan Mountains.

For example, the tribal era in the early days of slavery.

But now that the population of slaves has expanded, even for food, they can no longer rely on fishing and hunting to sustain their lives.

They must farm and rely on large cities to maintain their power.

Jiannu is already a very mature feudal force, and they cannot be regarded as a large nomadic tribe.

The system of establishing slaves relied on slavery, which provided them with huge resources.

When Jiannuo no longer has the servants who cover it, their entire system will inevitably disintegrate, and the power of Jiannuo will also perish.

This is definitely not a situation that smart people want to see among the slaves.

The Jian slaves chose to flee north, which was their own destruction.

There is no way to withstand our army's encirclement and suppression.

I think the slave builders will choose to attack North Korea eastward at all costs.

North Korea has been occupied by them, and there are still a certain number of slave-building troops stationed there.

The most critical point is that North Korea has a huge population, which can provide enough slaves to cover the slaves and ensure that the slave system does not collapse."

Su Hu listened to the guesses of Qin Xiangkun and Duan Ruide. Both of their guesses had certain possibilities.

"Jiannu has only two choices now. They probably won't choose to stick to Shenyang. That would be a complete courtship of death.

Our army has already made preparations and set off immediately to launch a general attack on Shenyang.

I will write to the three major cavalry divisions and ask them to pay more attention to the movements in the north of Shenyang.

At the same time, a brigade was sent to defend Andong Mansion.

Even if there is no way to resist Jiannu's eastward advance, we must defend the city of Anton.

Protect the hundreds of thousands of people in the city and never let them fall into the hands of the slaves again."

Su Hu discussed the plan with the generals. After they made the plan, they decided to launch a general attack on Jiannu.

Cui Xiuzhu, commander of the Third Division of the Seventh Army, served as the vanguard, with more than 100,000 Chinese troops in Liaoyang City.

They packed their bags and officially launched a general attack on Shenyang, preparing to regain Shenyang City.

Su Hu also took the name of the Governor of Liaodong Governor's Mansion.

He wrote to Zhang Wansi, commander of the 1st Cavalry Division, Hong Han, commander of the 2nd Cavalry Division, and Han Mingtong, commander of the 3rd Cavalry Division.

Let the three major cavalry divisions cooperate with the main operations of the Liaodong Governor's Office.

Su Hu said with a solemn expression: "We are launching a general offensive. We must eliminate Jiannu. Even if we hit Nuergan, we must completely eliminate Jiannu.

Neither the cold weather nor the deep mountains and old forests can stop us."

Su Hu gave the order and everyone returned to the army and began to mobilize the army.

The Royal Army's Third Army and Seventh Army camps became busy.

The soldiers shouted slogans and rushed toward Shenyang City with rifles on their backs.

Cui Xiuzhu, commander of the Third Division of the Seventh Army, rode on a white horse and looked at the troops heading towards Shenyang City.

In the battle to attack the capital, he was responsible for defending the enemy forces in the direction of Shanhaiguan and did not participate.

This is his lifelong regret, and he has made fewer achievements than others.

In this attack on Liaodong, he fought the hardest.

It was he who led the troops to attack Jinzhou City.

This time, as a vanguard, we attacked Shenyang City.

If he could take down Shenyang City, it would be a great achievement.

Choi Soo-joo will also make up for the difference in military exploits between him and others.

He saw a child soldier, struggling to follow the team.

Cui Xiuzhu jumped off the horse and led the horse to the child soldier.

"Young man, you are a little weak. Please ride on my horse for a while."

When Lu Miejin saw it was the teacher, he shook his head and said, "Thank you for your concern, teacher. I can leave on my own."

He took difficult steps and continued to move with the large army.

Cui Xiuzhu saw this young man's performance and he was very satisfied.

There are many child soldiers in the army. Most of them are those who have recovered the cities of Liaodong and have chosen to sign up to join the army.

They undergo winter boot camp training and are sent to various units.

Most of these people are local Han people in Liaodong or Han people who were taken as slaves during the establishment of the Han Dynasty.

They worked as slaves for the slaves and lived a very difficult life. Their relatives had died at the hands of the slaves, and they were full of hatred for the slaves.

"Invincibility starts with sacrificing the ancestor"

These people's military skills were not as strong as those of the veterans, but they had a strong perseverance and fought very bravely against the slaves.


Zhang Wansi, commander of the 1st Cavalry Division, was riding a horse on the Great Wall on the west side of Shenyang City to observe the situation on the Great Wall.

Zhang Wansi looked at the Han Eight Banners defenders above the Great Wall.

He lamented: “I didn’t expect that the Ming Great Wall built by the Ming Dynasty was used to defend against Mongolian and Jiannu invasions.

Now they have become a powerful weapon in defending our cavalry division."

Hong Han, commander of the Second Cavalry Division, looked at the Eight Han Banners above the Great Wall.

He took a sip and said: "These guys who have taken refuge with the foreign race are the most hateful. My soldiers will kill them more ruthlessly than Jian Nu."

Han Mingtong, commander of the 3rd Cavalry Division, looked at the tall Great Wall and said:

"The Great Wall here in Liaodong is not as strong as the Nine-Side Great Wall.

Our cavalry division is cavalry when mounted, but it can also act as artillery when dismounted.

The Logistics Department shipped us a large amount of baggage from Zhangjiakou, including 120-caliber cannons, so we would have no problem capturing the Great Wall.

We found that the Eight Banners soldiers were insufficient, so we immediately launched an aggressive attack and had wiped out all the Eight Banners soldiers outside the Great Wall.

Before winter, we had received news that His Majesty sent the Third Army and the Seventh Army to attack Liaodong.

It should be that they have already achieved victory there, which is why the Eight Banners soldiers are short of strength."

Zhang Wansi sighed: "I don't know why? The Third Army and the Seventh Army have not established effective contact with us.

In order to save horse power and contain the Eight Banners soldiers in Shenyang, our cavalry division is not suitable for long-distance attacks.

There are also Eight Banners troops heavily stationed near the Great Wall, so it is not suitable to send communications troops.

The Third Army and the Seventh Army have laid down the Great Wall and should take the initiative to contact us.

Only by knowing the specific information can we effectively cooperate with their actions.

Could it be that their communications troops were intercepted by the slave cavalry?"

Han Mingtong looked at the Eight Han Banners flaunting their might on the Great Wall.

He said angrily: "I can't bear it anymore. I want to send out artillery to take down the Great Wall."

Hong Han immediately stopped him and said, "You can't do this. If we do this, we will definitely alert the enemy.

It would not be good if it causes major changes on the battlefield and affects the action plans of the Third Army and the Seventh Army."

Zhang Wansi suggested: "Let's wait for another ten days. If there is no news after ten days, then we will attack with all our strength and fight to the gates of Shenyang City.

Even if we can’t defeat Shenyang City, we still need to scare the Eight Banners soldiers.”

The three of them were discussing the future plans of the cavalry division.

Three horses, with the Great Wall military flag in front, ran towards them.

Zhang Wansi immediately sent someone to contact them and only received them after confirming their identities.

Zhang Wansi and others heard the report from the communications corps and read the letter written by Su Hu.

They laughed, the Third Army and the Seventh Army were dispatched, and their cavalry division was also going to launch a full-scale attack.

This chapter has been completed!
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