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Chapter 354

November 25, 4334 (1637 AD).

Twenty days have passed since the order for the general offensive was issued.

Ten days have passed since the main forces of the two armies officially collided.

Li Dazhuang, Duke of Cao State, listened to the reports of his staff and kept making marks on the sand table.

The overall situation on the battlefield has not changed much.

The Dahua army still maintained its offensive posture, while the Eight Banners soldiers who established slaves were on the defensive.

From time to time, the Eight Banners soldiers found opportunities to attack the weak points of the Dahua army.

They were ready to leave at the first touch and did not dare to stay in one position for a long time to avoid being covered by the artillery fire of the Dahua Artillery Regiment.

The New Korean Army and the Eight Banners of Korea, the two armies are pecking at each other.

The new North Korean army used flintlock rifles, and they couldn't even use the tactic of lining up to kill.

They actually used their own shortcomings and used bayonets to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

The Eight Banners of Korea are the Korean army. Even if they are named Eight Banners, they have not inherited the bravery of the Eight Banners.

The Korean Eight Banners also had no cotton-padded clothes to wear in winter, and they were shivering from the cold.

The food is not as good as that of the North Korean New Army. The food of the North Korean New Army is basically the same as that of the Dahua Army.

The Eight Banners of Korea have the weakest overall combat effectiveness.

The New Korean Army and the Eight Banners of Korea, under the supervision of Li Dazhuang and Duoduo, fought with all their strength.

Tan Fangyuan, commander of the 1st Division of the 7th Army of the Royal Chinese Army, walked into the camp.

He held the sheepskin hat in his hand, the top of his head still steaming.

"Commander, the white-haired wind is really strong. I suggest a truce. In such a windy and snowy day, this war cannot be fought."

Tan Fangyuan approached the tent and opened the door. The temperature in the tent dropped several degrees.

Li Dazhuang tightened his fox fur coat.

He frowned and said, "The temperature has dropped to this level."

He immediately walked out of the tent.

In order to study the strategy to break the situation, Li Dazhuang did not leave the camp for a day and a half.

After he walked out of the camp, the scene he saw was a violent storm and snow.

The huge wind blew the snow and roared through the mountains.

"This is the Baimaofeng. I heard Zhang Yuliang talk about the Baimaofeng in the Northeast before, but I didn't expect it to look like this."

Li Dazhuang looked at the thermometer outside the camp.

He found several thermometers, all pointing to the same temperature.

Li Dazhuang read the reading on the thermometer.

"Thirty-three degrees below zero.

The temperature has dropped to this level.

This temperature has reached the point where dripping water turns into ice.

Notify the troops to return to camp to rest and recuperate, and at the same time send troops to guard the camp to prevent the Eight Banners soldiers from attacking the camp.

The troops on duty rotate every two hours.

Be sure to ensure the supply of coal in the soldiers' tents.

The chimney in the tent must be set up properly, and always pay attention to whether there is any soot poisoning.”

Li Dazhuang immediately issued an order for a truce.

He looked at the current white-haired wind and realized that this snowstorm would definitely not end in a short time.

The soldiers of the Dahua Army began to enter tents to take shelter from the wind and snow.

The Dahua army had a truce on a snowy day, leaving the officers with nothing to do.

Li Dazhuang summoned the chief officers of each division to discuss the army's future action plan.

In the command tent of the Seventh Army, everyone sat around the sand table and discussed the current situation.

Li Dazhuang looked at Tan Fangyuan and Zhuang Renyi.

"Two division commanders, you are on the front line and know the situation best. Please tell me what you think."

Tan Fangyuan was the first to speak: "If we were in the plains, the Eight Banners soldiers wouldn't be able to stop us for long.

We also attacked a fortified city like Shenyang City overnight.

But this is a mountainous area, and the Eight Banners soldiers can use the favorable terrain to stop us.

They guard the narrow mountain road. Even with our powerful firepower, we can't blow through the entire mountain.

These mountains are endless, even if one can be blasted through, it won't be enough.

Facing these country roads, we can only send small groups of troops to operate.

When a small force faces a large enemy force, even if our army has advanced weapons, the difference in numbers is too big and our army cannot win.

If we want to win, I think there are only two ways.

Seize the position of the Eight Banners soldiers at any cost, or actively lure them out.

Both of these methods are difficult and will result in huge casualties if the position is captured at any cost.

We had the upper hand, but inflicted heavy casualties.

Not only is it impossible for His Majesty to explain, I also have no way to explain to the families of the soldiers who died.

As the old saying goes, one general can make a thousand bones wither.

But using my brothers to dye the military medals on my body red is something I, Tan Fangyuan, cannot do."

Zhuang Renyi became more and more excited when he saw Tan Fangyuan talking.

He immediately advised me: "Old Tan, don't get too excited.

No general in our Royal Army would choose this method.

Soldiers are not tools under our command. There are also military police in the army, keeping a close eye on the behavior of the generals.

The bottom line of our army's generals is still sufficiently guaranteed.

I think we should find a way to lure the snake out of its hole.

We are the one with the advantage, even if we use the artillery regiment to grind it down slowly.

Killing and injuring a large number of real Tatars, the Eight Banners soldiers' casualties will reach their limit, and they will not be able to bear it anymore.

The Jiannu experienced a disastrous defeat in Shenyang, and a large number of real Tatars were thrown into the city of Shenyang.

Let Duke Su Hu of Wei castrate him with one blow.

The number of real Tatars is very small, and every real Tatar is precious.

As long as our army continues to be depleted and the Tatars' casualties reach a certain level, they will definitely fight tooth and nail.

There is another way, which is to make Jiannu think there is an opportunity."

Li Dazhuang listened to the suggestions of the two teachers.

He thought about it for a long time and had much the same idea as them.

It is really difficult to break the situation now.

In local battles, troops can be quickly replenished after casualties.

They are fighting in Korea, and their military casualties cannot be replenished for the time being.

Li Dazhuang certainly could not choose to attack by force or cause the army to pay casualties that should not have been suffered.

In the battle for the unification of Great China, there was no case where all the organized troops were wiped out.

Li Dazhuang really wanted to take down Jiannu's defenders at all costs, resulting in too many casualties.

His name, Cao Guogong, would become famous throughout the country.

He didn't want to become famous because of something like this.

They returned to camp to rest at night and continued to discuss the march plan during the day.

At the same time, we are waiting for the white-haired wind to subside.

There were loud footsteps outside the camp, and the guard opened the door of the camp.

"Sirs, something big has happened.

The heavy snow collapsed many tents."

When Li Dazhuang heard the news, he immediately stood up, put on his dog-skin hat, and rushed outside.

He walked out of the camp and found that the white-haired wind had weakened and small snowflakes were floating in the sky.

Li Dazhuang asked the guard carefully: "Which camp was crushed and what were the casualties of the soldiers?"

The guard immediately replied: "Commander, this is the camp of the Second Division located next to the valley.

There was already a strong wind there, causing heavy snow to pile on one side of the tent.

The tent could not withstand the heavy snow and was crushed directly.

Many soldiers were buried under heavy snow and are now being rescued.

The weight of snow is limited and will not cause much consequences.

Just notify my officer and ask me to notify the commander as soon as possible.

He was afraid that the soldiers would suffer frostbite if they were buried in the snow for a long time."

When Zhuang Renyi heard the news, he immediately ran quickly to the camp.

Li Dazhuang came near the collapsed camp.

He saw many camps collapsed and many soldiers buried in the snow.

A large number of soldiers are digging in the snow for soldiers who may be buried.

He saw soldiers buried in the snow, and most of them had no major problems.

When Li Dazhuang saw this, he had an idea and ordered: "Quick, blow the mourning horn and everyone put up white sails.

The atmosphere of Zhuang Renyi's sacrifice for his country was immediately created.

Make this matter bigger, the bigger the fuss, the better.”

When others heard Li Dazhuang's instructions, they immediately realized what Li Dazhuang wanted to do?

Li Dazhuang was showing his weakness to the enemy, artificially creating chaos in the barracks of the Seventh Army of the Royal Army of China, and actively luring the Eight Banners soldiers to attack them.

Only a well-disciplined army would dare to do this.

Ordinary armies want to use this kind of strategy.

The orderly army suddenly became chaotic.

They cannot return to their original state. If they really become like this, they are just trapped in a cocoon.

Unless they have confidence in the discipline of their own army, ordinary generals would not dare to implement this strategy.

Chief of Staff Duan Ruide walked to Li Dazhuang, frowned and said: "Commander, this situation is not easy to disguise.

Disguising a large number of casualties in our army, at least a large number of corpses are required to deceive the Eight Banners soldiers.

We couldn't even find a normal corpse, and the signs we gave were too false.

Our opponent Duduo, during this period of fighting, we can also find that he is a very cautious person.

This strategy is difficult to implement."

Li Dazhuang was also confused. He could not let the army kill good people and take credit for their success.

This method is not feasible at all. Freeze to death and then freeze again after being killed.

The difference between these two ways of dying is huge and easy to see.

The army cannot break through the bottom line. Once the bottom line is broken, it becomes a beast army.

Pan Hongcai came over and said: "Commander's strategy is very feasible.

The king of Korea, Li Hao, asked us for help, and the new Korean army roared."

Li Dazhuang asked in surprise: "What's going on? The North Korean new army has been trained by our army.

Their combat effectiveness is not very good, but our army has some outstanding experiences, and the North Korean New Army has also learned a lot.

Among them are ways to deal with camp roars.

The reason why the camp roar happened is that the soldiers at the bottom were already in danger, and they had no goals and beliefs in life.

As long as the soldiers are educated and some entertainment activities such as storytelling and opera are carried out, the probability of camp roars is low."


Pan Hongcai briefly introduced: "I already understand the general situation.

The generals of the new North Korean army were very corrupt. All the cotton-padded clothes purchased by North Korean monarch Li Hao were resold by the generals.

The linen and cotton-padded clothes worn by the soldiers looked bulging and filled with crushed straw, which had no ability to withstand the cold at all.

The temperature is so cold and there are no cotton-padded clothes to wear, it is simply unbearable.

Even cotton-padded clothes were stolen, not to mention coal stoves and fuel.

The North Korean New Army cannot keep up with their cotton-padded clothes and warmth in this severe cold weather.

A large number of North Korean new troops were frozen to death, and the soldiers were extremely panicked, causing camp roars."

When Li Dazhuang heard the news, he was extremely surprised.

If North Korea's new army camp roars, the strength of this army will become extremely weak.

They also have a large number of frozen corpses, which allows Li Dazhuang to carry out his plan.

"Tan Fangyuan, you lead the troops to quell the North Korean new army camp Xiao.

The new North Korean troops who froze to death should be put into the uniforms of our army.

Once the storm is over, a large-scale funeral will be held immediately."

Tan Fangyuan immediately led his troops and headed for the camp of the North Korean New Army in the wind and snow.

Now the wind and snow have weakened a lot, but the freezing temperatures have not risen.

The snow on the ground has reached up to my knees.

Tan Fangyuan led his troops to shovel the snow. They cleared a road and slowly approached the North Korean New Army camp.

When they arrived at the North Korean New Army camp, the shouts of killing could not be heard in the camp.

Tan Fangyuan shouted: "Pull the gun, and anyone who dares to resist will be shot to death."

Tan Fangyuan led the troops into the North Korean New Army camp.

The Chinese Army will show no mercy to anyone who dares to show hostility and will send them to see the King of Hell with a single bullet.

Tan Fangyuan obtained a large number of frozen corpses, and he transported these corpses to the military camp.


Duduo couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes as he listened to the soldier's report.

"You read that right, after the White Hair Wind, a large number of soldiers in the Dahua Army died.

It was the Chinese army that died, not the Koreans."

When Dodo heard this report, he immediately had doubts.

A large number of soldiers of the Eight Banners of Korea froze to death in the white-haired wind.

When Dodo received the exact news, he immediately picked up a telescope and went to the top of the mountain with a wide view.

This telescope was captured from the Dahua Army and can see very clearly.

He saw a large number of corpses being buried in the Dahua camp.

A grand funeral was also held in the Dahua camp.

When Dodo saw this situation, he still didn't quite believe the authenticity of this matter.

He immediately sent a small force to the vicinity of Dahua Camp to investigate the situation.

Of the more than 200 people sent by Duduo, only 13 came back.

Duduo was very heartbroken when he saw this huge loss.

The population of their Eight Banners brothers is getting smaller and smaller.

This time, more than a hundred Eight Banners disciples were lost.

Duduo asked Baril: "Do you know the Chinese characters?

Tell me carefully what you saw."

Barrier described in detail what he discovered when he sneaked into the vicinity of Dahua Camp.

"Flag Master, we captured several soldiers of the Dahua Army. After detailed interrogation, we learned about the situation in the Dahua camp.

The generals of the Dahua army are basically from the south, and they are unprepared for the white-haired wind here.

A large number of soldiers froze to death, and some of their tents collapsed.

Zhuang Renyi, a general of the Dahua army, was buried in the snow and froze to death after heavy snow fell on his camp.

In order to confirm the authenticity of the matter, we dug up the place where the soldiers were buried in Dahua.

It was precisely because of our actions that Dahua discovered our traces.

I led my men to escape, but Dahua's artillery and machine guns were too powerful.

Many brothers died on the road.

Of the ten corpses we recaptured, we only brought back two."

Duduo immediately checked the body he brought back.

After detailed inspection, he found that both men were soldiers.

From the scars on their bodies and the calluses on their hands.

Duduo could tell that these people were not doing farm work for a long time, but they were holding knives in their hands.

One of the veterans is the most obvious, and the situation with the new recruits is less obvious.

These two men were indeed soldiers who froze to death.

He saw that the clothes on these two men were indeed Dahua military uniforms.

Military uniforms are made of several layers of thickened cotton with a thin layer of cotton inside.

The military uniforms were brand new, and at first glance they were not those of Korean soldiers or civilians.

Duduo has been able to summarize it through various clues.

Dahua's army was inexperienced, so they suddenly encountered Baimaofeng and suffered heavy casualties.

Duduo planned to take advantage of this good opportunity to send troops to capture the Dahua army's camp in one fell swoop.

This stalemate cannot continue.

The number of disciples of the Eight Banners was originally small, and they lost dozens of people every day.

In one year, how many people from the Eight Banners will be killed in battle.

Dodo immediately slaughtered the cattle and sheep in the camp.

Let the flag soldiers of Zhengbai Banner eat a big meal, and each person can only eat eight cents full.

Duduo waited until night, took up the main force with a white flag, and launched an attack under the cover of darkness.

This chapter has been completed!
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