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Chapter 361 New Calendar New Technology

Su He left the parliament with civil and military officials.

Today's imperial meeting officially ended and the officials left the Forbidden City.

If there are no major emergencies, the cabinet and other central offices will not resume normal work until after the Lantern Festival.

During holidays, only officials on duty are left to deal with important matters.

Su He and Tian Jiapeng, the president of the Academy of Sciences, took a carriage to the Royal Academy of Sciences of Dahua.

He praised with joy: "Tian Aiqing, a new calendar will be implemented next year.

The calendar you started compiling since Hanzhong has finally been compiled."

The calendar currently used is still the calendar compiled in the early Ming Dynasty.

The biggest role of the calendar is to guide agricultural production.

The twenty-four solar terms that have the greatest impact on agriculture are not reflected in the calendar.

Every year, old farmers need to determine the accurate dates of the twenty-four solar terms based on experience.

If an experienced farmer makes a wrong estimate, he will miss the farming season and reduce grain production.

This is because the old calendar mainly depends on the phases of the moon.

The farming season mainly depends on the position of the sun on the ecliptic.

For example, the autumnal equinox is when the sun reaches 180 degrees of ecliptic longitude, the sun shines directly on the equator, and day and night are of equal length across the globe.

The Old Calendar was limited by the level of knowledge at the time, and there were still many errors in its dates.

After Su He made preparations at the Academy of Sciences, he asked them to write a suitable calendar based on the new astronomical knowledge.

Tian Jiapeng introduced the situation of the new calendar.

"Your Majesty, in this era, the old calendar often makes mistakes.

Your Majesty and Emperor Chongzhen of the former Ming Dynasty all discovered this problem and sent officials to compile the new calendar.

I am at the Hanzhong Observatory, recording the cycles of the earth, the sun, and the moon.

Determine the sun's position on the ecliptic and its specific impact on the earth.

And based on previous records, find the laws of the movement of these three celestial bodies.

After arriving in the capital, we obtained information on the new calendar compiled by Xu Guangqi and others of the Ming Dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty preserved more comprehensive information, and they even preserved the information recorded in previous dynasties.

This information is extremely precious and provides us with reference data.

The Dahua Academy of Sciences and the Dahua Observatory cooperated to analyze these data and make a summary.

We have summarized the laws of the earth's rotation around the sun.

In the previous calendar, we mainly looked at the phases of the moon.

The twenty-four solar terms, which are closely related to the agricultural season, are based on the position of the earth on the ecliptic.

We combine the ecliptic coordinates passed down through the ages with current astronomical knowledge.

It was found that the twenty-four solar terms are closely related to the direct point of the sun on the earth.

The Observatory will calculate the specific times of the twenty-four solar terms every year and publish them through the new calendar.

The new calendar absorbs the advantages of the old calendar and is dominated by the solar calendar.

The time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun is very stable.

Using this time as the standard for the calendar, the calendar will not make too many errors due to the extension of time.

According to the observatory's measurement, the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun.

Between 365 days, 5 hours and 48 minutes to 365 days, 5 hours and 48 minutes.

The new calendar is based on a year of 365 days.

In order to balance time, the new calendar decided that every four years, there would be an extra day in February.

In order to cooperate with the national rest days.

The new calendar stipulates that a week is seven days, and the seventh day is a rest day, called Sunday."

Su He listened to Tian Jiapeng's introduction to the new calendar.

This new legislation is based on the astronomical information observed by the observatory, combined with the astronomical information passed down by China since ancient times.

The new calendar takes into account both practicality and tradition.

The calendar is extremely important to the country. The new calendar is the founding calendar and no problems are allowed.

Nowadays, people do not have high requirements for dates and calendars.

However, with the development of industrialization, the circulation of people and materials in society has accelerated.

Everyone needs to know the accurate date, which places extremely high demands on the calendar.

After people become familiar with the new calendar, the calendar can only be slightly modified and cannot be completely overturned like this time.

Su He had asked this many times, and he asked again: "Tian Aiqing, have you checked the accuracy of the new calendar in detail?

The imperial court is not in a hurry to issue a new calendar. You don't have to be too impatient. You have plenty of time to revise it.

The new calendar must be guaranteed to be error-free."

Tian Jiapeng said confidently: "Your Majesty, we all know the importance of the new calendar, and I can guarantee the accuracy of the new calendar.

Your Majesty raised this issue last time in order to ensure the absolute accuracy of the new calendar.

We infer from the dates that the new calendar has been written a thousand years later.

If there is no major change in the time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun, there will be absolutely no problem with the new calendar."

When Su He heard Tian Jiapeng do this, he was completely relieved.

The new calendar has no problems with the date cycle, so it is an excellent calendar.

As long as the earth's revolution speed remains unchanged, even changes in the world will not affect the time recorded in the new calendar.

Su He praised: "Tian Aiqing, if you can do this, that's already very good.

I’ll take a look if there’s a finished new calendar.”

Tian Jiapeng took out two small palm-sized notebooks from his pocket.

"Your Majesty, we have commissioned the calendar from the Shaofu's printing house.

We print two types of calendars.

One of them is made of copper cardboard and is beautifully made.

The other one is made of recycled paper, its workmanship is rough, but it only sells for three copper coins."

Su He looked at the two calendars and picked up the one that looked shoddy.

Peasants are highly dependent on calendars, and they cannot afford expensive calendars.

This kind of calendar made of recycled paper is the cheapest and will definitely be the most popular calendar.

Su He took a quick look at the date on the calendar.

The new calendar uses the solar calendar, and the time is relatively fixed.

The switch between the old and new calendars was also cleverly arranged.

The observatory has already observed the Earth's revolution and arranged the dates for the twenty-four solar terms.

Su He watched the new calendar carefully. He was quite satisfied with the new calendar.

"Tian Aiqing, if the new calendar is available, I will arrange the cabinet to implement the new calendar next year."

Their monarchs and ministers chatted about the situation of the new calendar.

The carriage has arrived at the Academy of Sciences.

Su He came to the Academy of Sciences today, and it was here that Niu Niu and Liu Dongliang made a major breakthrough in their project.

In order to show how much he values ​​these two projects, Su He decided to pay a visit in person.

The students of Suhe, after several years of exploration.

They mastered what they learned and their results began to surge.

He just walked to the gate of the Academy of Sciences and saw Liu Dongliang.

The head is hidden in a wooden box.

Qin Shanshui, the commander of the Qilin Guard, immediately became nervous when he saw this situation.

Qin Shanshui knew this boy. He abducted his daughter.

This guy is so unreliable that he actually fiddled with this big box at the entrance of the Academy of Sciences in front of His Majesty.

I'm really not afraid that the Qilin Guards will regard him as an assassin and shoot him directly.

Su He saw the device in front of Liu Dongliang, and it seemed that he had already made a prototype of the camera.

When Liu Dongliang saw Su He arriving, he said in a panic: "Teacher, I am just relaxing during the break and working on some small inventions of my own."

Liu Dongliang discovered light-sensitive materials such as silver chloride.

Using these materials, he began to build a prototype of the camera.

Now that the machine is basically successful, he is simplifying the machine in order to popularize it.

Liu Dongliang saw Su He smiling at him without scolding him.

"Teacher, I have solved all the problems with the camera.

He can now take clearer black and white photos."

Su He was very happy when he heard what Liu Dongliang said.

With the existence of a camera, his voice, appearance, and smile can be completely preserved.

Even realist painters are not as good as cameras in terms of reality.

"I also want to experience the camera, take a photo of me!"

Qin Shanshui saw Su He and asked to take pictures.

He said with some worry: "Your Majesty, this machine looks very strange.

We have checked that there are no weapons loaded on the machine.

But if this strange machine is pointed at Your Majesty, will there be any accidents?"

When Su He heard what Qin Shanshui said, he waved his hand to ask Qin Shanshui to retreat.

People who are new to new things are wary.

In the last life, when cameras first entered China.

Many people also believe that cameras can capture people's souls.

Su He wanted to push the Dahua Dynasty to quickly enter industrialization.

He must take the lead and accept new things.

Su He also knew that cameras had no effect on the human body.

Liu Dongliang heard that the teacher allowed him to take pictures.

He was in a great mood and immediately started operating the camera.

The camera has been manufactured, and many difficulties need to be overcome to promote it.

But with the photo of the teacher, promoting the camera becomes much easier.

If teachers dare to use cameras, it means there is nothing wrong with the cameras.

He is about to get married, and as a great scientist, the wedding cannot be too shabby.

Su He obeyed Liu Dongliang's request and stood in front of the gate of the Academy of Sciences facing the sunshine.

There are no electric lights now, and the candlelight brightness is too low.

Primitive cameras could only use sunlight to take pictures.

When Su He saw Liu Dongliang finishing taking the photo, he smiled and said: "You said that your experiment has made a major breakthrough.

I am very interested in this project. Go back to the lab and wait. The teacher will inspect your lab soon.

If the results dissatisfy the teacher, your future research funding will be halved."

When Liu Dongliang heard this, he quickly returned to the laboratory with his camera.

The camera was his recent invention that made him a lot of money.

Things in the laboratory have unlimited future.

Once he gets those things right, he can start a discipline and become famous throughout the ages.

Su He and Tian Jiapeng approached the Royal Academy of Sciences of Dahua, and he was the first to come to the Institute of Chemistry.

Niu Niu, director of the Institute of Chemistry, was waiting outside the door for Su He's arrival.

"Teacher, our Institute of Chemistry has finally developed what you have been thinking about."

Su He approached the Institute of Chemistry, where there were many bottles and jars.

He was very careful when walking around the Institute of Chemistry.

Many things here have certain dangers.

The Qilin Guard beside him became even more nervous, watching everyone.

Niu Niu took out a small glass bottle and handed it to Su He.

"Teacher, you have always said that the performance of black powder is not good.

Due to its own properties, yellow gunpowder cannot be used as a propellant.

We have been developing propellants with better performance.

We have developed a variety of products and finally found one - nitrocellulose.

It is a very excellent gunpowder that produces almost no smoke during firing, so it is named smokeless gunpowder.

In the beginning, nitrocellulose could only be produced in small quantities in the laboratory.

After long-term exploration in our laboratory, we have now found a technology for stable industrial production of smokeless gunpowder."

Su He listened to Niu Niu's introduction, and the content in this glass bottle was smokeless gunpowder, which is the most suitable propellant now.

The production technology of smokeless gunpowder is simple, and the raw materials only require absorbent cotton and nitric acid, both of which can now be produced on a large scale.

Bullets and artillery shells made with smokeless gunpowder are ammunition with normal power.

With the industrial production of smokeless gunpowder, the military strength of the Great China Dynasty will take a big step forward.

Su He asked Qilin Guard to personally demonstrate the performance of the firearm after using smokeless powder bullets.

Smokeless gunpowder has conquered everyone with its powerful power.

Su He praised: "Niu Niu, you did not disappoint the teacher.

The invention of smokeless gunpowder is so important that the teacher will reward you heavily.

The smokeless gunpowder project team will be awarded three million taels of silver coins. This is not project funding, but a reward you have received.

I will award this project team one earl, three viscounts, and ten lords.

You need to sort out the details of the project."

Niu Niu's eyes widened when he heard the teacher's reward.

He didn't even expect that the rewards would be so great.

The people in their chemical institute are not short of money.

If they successfully develop a dye or drug, they will receive a huge patent share.

The most precious thing in this reward is the title of nobility.

As the Great China Dynasty stabilized, the number of noble titles increased.

This is a symbol of status. With the title of nobility, one enters the circle of nobility.

As long as a nobleman doesn't produce a prodigal son, he can guarantee wealth for at least five or six generations.

After Su He read the smokeless gunpowder, he rushed to Liu Dongliang's laboratory.

Niu Niu's research results can now enhance the strength of the Dahua Dynasty.

Liu Dongliang’s research results represent the future.

When they arrived at Liu Dongliang's laboratory, they saw many rotating copper wires producing arcs.

When Liu Dongliang saw Su He come in, he said happily: "Teacher, after I discovered that friction caused electricity, I was thinking about how to retain the electricity.

I and others also used lightning rods to draw down the lightning from the sky.

And use the coil to store it briefly.

It was discovered that the properties of lightning are similar to those of electric charges produced by frictional electrification.

The amount of electricity generated by frictional electrification was too small, so I wondered if I could create lightning.

I have tried various methods without success.

Until a magnet fell from the coil where I was studying the properties of lightning.

Electric arcs flashed at both ends of the coil.

I thought I was dazzled at first, but then I tried it again and again.

As long as the magnet moves in the coil, or the coil moves around the magnet.

Arcs will be generated at both ends of the coil."

While Liu Dongliang was talking, he was also shaking the coil between the two magnets.

Electric sparks are released at both ends of the coil.

When Su He saw this situation, he knew that Liu Dongliang had found an important entry point into the study of electromagnetism.

He didn't know much about electromagnetism, and he didn't teach his students the knowledge he still had a little knowledge of.

Su He was afraid that using wrong knowledge would lead students astray and delay the development of electromagnetism.

But he knows that the coming era will be an era of electrification.

If Liu Dongliang has this talent, Su He will always support him.

Su He patted Liu Dongliang's shoulder and said in surprise: "This project of yours is really gratifying, and the teacher is very happy.

The teacher thinks this project has a future.

We can rely on the power of science to control the power of thunder and lightning. You have to study it in depth.

You figure out the principle of this phenomenon.

The funds required for experiments do not need to be approved and are directly allocated from internal funds."

When Liu Dongliang heard what the teacher said, his worries completely dissipated.

He has spent more than 100,000 taels of silver on researching this project before he came up with this result.

I thought the teacher would cancel this project or reduce funding.

I didn't expect to get such a big surprise.

Now he can devote more energy to this project.

This chapter has been completed!
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