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Chapter 367

The emperor had announced that he would go to court, and the officials were all curious about who was beating the drum of grievance. They did not leave, but stayed in the Huangji Hall.

Officials do not need to be arranged according to rank.

They formed small circles according to their closeness and distance.

Officials who are qualified to participate in the imperial meeting of Qianqing Palace naturally form a small circle.

Wang Zhongce looked at Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu.

"Li Yushi, what's going on? What's the problem? The Metropolitan Procuratorate still can't solve it.

This is the first time that the grievance drum system has been sounded since it was established.

You all, the Procuratorate, are the first to bear the brunt.”

The system of the Dahua Dynasty allowed people to sue officials.

If you have an grievance, you can report it directly from the county-level Metropolitan Procuratorate to the highest-level Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Due to the existence of the anti-settle system for false accusations.

Few people would make false accusations; they cannot afford to make false accusations.

It has been extremely difficult for people to sue an official since ancient times.

Dahua rushed to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to file a complaint, and he had certain evidence.

After the Metropolitan Procuratorate receives the case, it must give a precise explanation.

Determine whether it is a false accusation or whether it is true.

One of the informant and the defendant must be sent to prison.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate has great power, and they are also being watched by the Xuanwu Guards.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate's abuse of power or inaction will become a tool for Xuanwu Guard's promotion.

The Xuanwu Guards of the Dahua Dynasty were different from the Jinyi Guards of the Ming Dynasty.

The Jin Yiwei of the Ming Dynasty cast a wide net and stared at everyone in the officialdom.

There are too few members of Jinyiwei and it is impossible to keep an eye on everyone.

Dahua's Xuanwu Guards mainly focus on keeping an eye on the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but they also accept reports from the private sector.

If the Metropolitan Procuratorate can play its role, there will be no problem in governing the Qingming Festival.

Corruption in the administration of officials basically means that the Metropolitan Procuratorate has lost its effectiveness and has even become a tool for party struggle.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate system in the Dahua Dynasty strengthened the role of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate is independent of the officialdom. Officials of the Metropolitan Procuratorate are promoted only within the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the speed of promotion is only related to the work they do.

The process of running the Metropolitan Procuratorate is independent, and even cabinet officials cannot interfere.

Li Yuanzheng heard Wang Zhongce's inquiry. After thinking carefully, he said: "Prime Minister Wang, don't worry, I have already guessed which case this case is, and it will not affect the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The number of cases that cannot be resolved by the Metropolitan Procuratorate is very rare.

If I really encounter a difficult situation, I will just ask His Majesty for instructions first instead of pushing the envelope out.

During this period, there was only one incident that the Procuratorate failed to resolve.

The Procuratorate has no responsibility to manage this matter, and even now there is no yamen to manage it."

Wang Zhongce asked curiously: "Li Yushi, what is this matter that even the cabinet cannot intervene in?"

Wang Bonuo arranged for Su He to tell the matter, and he did a good job of keeping it secret. He didn't even tell his brother.

Wang Zhongce did not know anything related to Tang Defeng.

Nearby officials heard Wang Zhongce asking questions.

They all made a listening gesture, waiting for Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu, to tell the story.

Li Yuanzheng saw their curious looks, and he briefly described what he learned.

After the Dutch were defeated, they expelled Dahua merchants and Han Chinese from Java Island. They gathered the Han people together and ordered the local indigenous people of Java Island to massacre these Han people.

Among them was a Han Chinese named Tang Defeng, who took the opportunity to escape. He was the only one who survived in a family of more than 300 people.

He came to the capital on a merchant ship and went to the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Shuntian Prefecture, asking for justice. After returning without success, he settled down to do business.

When leaving the Metropolitan Procuratorate, I also asked some officials if there was any yamen to manage this matter.

After Li Yuanzheng finished speaking, he sighed and said: "This kind of case should not be dealt with by our Procuratorate.

Unless His Majesty appoints the Metropolitan Procuratorate to manage it.

I thought Tang Defeng would accept his fate, but I didn't expect that he would sound the drum of injustice.

After all, the thirty-first year of Wanli was not that far away.

There is no law or precedent for this kind of thing, and we, the Procuratorate, can't do anything about it."

Wu Cheng, the governor of Shuntian County, said: "I also have an impression of Tang Defeng.

The magistrate's office of Shuntian Prefecture under my command has no way to deal with this matter.

Tang Defeng also asked where he should go to deal with it."

Bank president Zhou Yunxu asked curiously: "What happened in the 31st year of Wanli?"

Li Yuanzheng said simply: "What happened back then is similar to what is happening now.

Spain also massacred Han Chinese in Manila.

At that time, the former Ming court only wrote a letter to the Spanish and had no other response.

How this matter is resolved will also show how long our friendship with the Spaniards can last."

Wang Zhongce read in a low voice on the side: "I have seen this matter in the classics, and also recorded the reply sent by the former Ming officials to the Spaniards after asking for instructions from the former Ming Emperor Wanli.

"The emperor thought that the merchants of Lu Song had been favored for a long time, and he did not treat our people differently, so he could not bear to punish them.

There are also fights overseas, and the culprit is unknown; and among the four Chinese people, merchants are the lowest, so how can we start a military revolution because of the untouchables?

Also, merchants abandoned their homes and traveled to the sea, never to return through the winter. Their fathers, brothers, and relatives all looked down upon them, so there was no regret in abandoning them. Instead, they served as soldiers for the sake of their troops.

Finally, he refused to listen to the words of the chief minister, and sent an envoy to tell you and other chief tribes to repent and fear heaven and protect their good deeds.

You should think about the great kindness of the emperor and the great benevolence and righteousness of China."

At that time, the Ming Dynasty only regarded these overseas people as abandoned people and untouchables.

Even if they were massacred, their plight was ignored.

I think it's all the untouchables' fault.

The attitude of the former Ming Dynasty also made the living environment of overseas Han people very harsh.

Based on my understanding of Your Majesty, Your Majesty will never treat these people as untouchables and should give them an explanation."

Li Zhisheng's expression was solemn, and he thought in his mind: "In the former Ming Dynasty, Confucianism controlled the mainstream of the court, and their mainstream thought was "How can we start a military revolution based on untouchables?"

Your Majesty is very fond of military revolution. Now is a troubled time, and the country is about to be in turmoil again.

The Korean War has just ended, and the Northeast has expanded by more than a thousand miles.

The northwest governor's office is in Jiayuguan and the southeast governor's office is in Zhennanguan, which is also very troublesome. The army has strengthened its training, which means something.

Now the Dutch have given His Majesty ample reason.

Is there any other force in the imperial court that can stop His Majesty from launching a war?"


Tang Defeng held up a heavy drumstick and beat the injustice drum outside Chengtian Gate.

He gritted his teeth and struck hard. Every time the drum sounded, he thought of his family members lying in a pool of blood.

He thought of his brother who fought tooth and nail with the natives to create an opportunity for him to escape.

"Father, mother, brother, sister, uncles and uncles, I will definitely lead the heavenly soldiers back to take revenge.

If I don’t take revenge for this, I swear I won’t do anything to others.”

As a young master from a wealthy family, Tang Defeng suddenly experienced such a big change.

He began to place his hopes on the Dahua Dynasty.

After the change of dynasties, the vigorous dynasty was always more ambitious than the lifeless Ming dynasty.

Tang Defeng was rejected by many yamen and realized that he was powerless.

He was depressed for a while, until his savior found him a few days ago.

Ask him if he wants revenge. If he wants revenge, he must find a way to sound the drum of injustice.

It was very easy for the local people of the Great China Dynasty to beat the drum of grievance.

Tang Defeng wanted to sound the drum of injustice, but the early preparations were very troublesome.

Tang Defeng is not afraid of difficulties and is willing to do anything as long as he can get revenge.

Through his benefactor, he learned the conditions needed to sound the drum of injustice.

The grievance drum is set up outside Chengtian Gate. Anyone with a waist badge issued by the ancestral temple is qualified to beat the grievance drum.

Tang Defeng first had to find a way to prove that he was Han Chinese.

Without circumstantial evidence, one can only pass the very difficult naturalization test.

Fortunately, Tang Defeng knew Chinese culture very well and the naturalization test did not trouble him.

After the drum of grievance was sounded, the Emperor of China personally took charge of hearing the case.

If the case is true, His Majesty the Emperor will personally redress his injustice.

If the evidence is not true, all three tribes will be exiled.

If the drum of grievance is sounded, his family will also be thoroughly investigated by the Xuanwu Guards.

This means that only those with a clean financial background dare to sound the drum of grievance.

Tang Defeng is sounding the drum of grievance today. He does not need to sue an official who has violated the law.

Follow the method taught by your benefactor.

He wants to sue the Great China Dynasty for ignoring their people overseas and being massacred by barbarians.

Tang Defeng beat the grievance drum, and the sound of the drum spread from Chengtianmen to the palace.

In order to ensure that the emperor could hear clearly the sound of the drum of injustice.

At the location of the Parliament and the Meridian Gate, two large drums are set up to transmit sound.

With the relay of these two big drums, the sound of the grievance drum can clearly be heard in Huangji Hall and Qianqing Palace.

Tang Defeng kept banging for a long time, his arms were numb, and the sound of the drum of injustice gradually decreased.

He tried his best to beat the drum of injustice louder.

Seeing his hard work, Qin Shanshui said: "All you need to do is beat the drum of grievance. When you hear the drum in the palace, you don't need to beat it anymore.

Your Majesty is in the Huangji Hall for trial. I will take you to see Your Majesty.

If you have any grievances, you can tell His Majesty directly."

Qin Shanshui was very polite, and ordinary cases could be solved at the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

If the case cannot be solved even by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, it must be encountering huge obstacles.

This man had the courage to sound the drum of grievance, and he admired him as a man.

Tang Defeng lost some strength and collapsed on the ground.

He had forgotten the details of beating the grievance drum just now, and only thought about beating the drum with all his strength.

Tang Defeng was lifted up by the officers and soldiers of the Qilin Guard and brought to the Huangji Hall.


Tang Defeng came to the Huangji Palace, the most solemn palace in the Dahua Dynasty.

The policies here determine the fate of the Great China Dynasty.

He had regained some strength, and with the corner of his eye, he saw the Emperor of China sitting on the dragon throne.

Tang Defeng immediately knelt down and shouted long live.

"Tang Defeng, a common man, comes to pay homage to Your Majesty."

Su He sat on the dragon chair and looked at Tang Defeng.

Su He learned about this man's deeds from Wang Bonuo's mouth.

Su He used his deeds to push Dahua's direction.

"Tang Defeng, tell me carefully who you want to sue and what grievances you have, and I will make the decision for you."

Tang Defeng lowered his head, not daring to look at the emperor sitting on the dragon throne.

He stumbled a bit and said: "You, grassroots people, you want to sue, you want to sue Dahua, the Dahua Dynasty."

As soon as Tang Defeng said these words, the officials who stayed in Huangji Palace looked at each other in confusion.

They wouldn't be surprised if this man beat the drum of grievance, even if he sued the current Prime Minister.

This person did not sue any official, but directly sued the Dahua Dynasty.

Officials have never seen this kind of complaint method.

It was not uncommon for ordinary people to sue officials in the Great China Dynasty.

There are also some people who will sue the county government, but these are extremely rare, and only two cases have occurred.

Chen County, Hanzhong County, and Yangwu County, Kaifeng Prefecture, these two counties immediately became famous in official circles because people sued the county government.

Let officials across the country remember their shameful performance.

It will be very difficult for officials in these two counties to advance further in official circles in the future.

Some people sued the county government, which shocked the official circles.

Where did this person come from? He directly sued the Dahua Dynasty.

Some officials wanted to beat this man dozens of times.

In the previous dynasty, people had to be punished before they sued officials. This policy effectively curbed the emergence of unruly people.

Nowadays, the unscrupulous people dare to make fun of them by complaining about injustice. If they don't kill them, the people will not be angry.

Su He was not surprised. He asked calmly: "Tang Defeng, what are your grievances and why are you suing the Dahua Dynasty?"

Tang Defeng lay on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, telling the cause and effect with a tearful voice.

"The Caomin family was originally from Quanzhou, and they offended local officials in the fifth year of Jiajing.

The whole family can only cross the sea and go to Java Island to make a living.

The Dutch captured the island of Java and built the city of Batavia.

Some time ago, the Dutch instigated the natives to kill the Han Chinese on Java Island.

My whole family was slaughtered, and my brother fought tooth and nail to fight a bloody path for me. In the end, he was betrayed by merchants and followed them to the capital.

More than 10,000 Han Chinese in Java were massacred by the natives under the instructions of the Dutch.

I want to sue the Great China Dynasty for ignoring our overseas subjects, which resulted in the massacre of a large number of Han people.

I came to the capital to seek help, but there was nowhere to turn."

When King Zhao Su Xiong heard the news, he said angrily: "How dare the Dutch do this?

They must be taught a lesson to make these Dutch people realize that Dahua must not be insulted lightly.

If you dare to indulge the Dutch today, tomorrow the Spanish and Spanish will dare to lead their troops to the capital."

Li Fengming calmly analyzed: "Your Majesty, I think this is a test by the Dutch against our Dahua.

After the combined fleet composed of the Dutch and Portuguese was destroyed by us in Penghu.

It took the Dutch to massacre the Han Chinese in Java.

During this time, Weichen studied Western civilization.

These countries are mainly island countries with small land areas and scarce resources.

In order to compete for scarce resources, these Westerners have a cruel character. They are even more cruel than the nomads in the north.

Their style is very much like pirates. Once they become the opponent's enemy, they will destroy the enemy at all costs.

They will never take prisoners, even if they are civilians, they will kill them without mercy.

The local Han people in Java were angered by the Dutch because of our Great China Dynasty.

We must take responsibility to the end and avenge these victims."

Minister of the Navy Li Qingmu immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, our navy can fight, if we dare to fight, we will win.

All the navy's battleships have been commissioned.

All we need to do is dispatch the South China Sea Fleet to destroy the Dutch entrenched in Java."

Su He watched the military express their positions one after another. The military's attitude towards war was very obvious.

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Chapter 367: The Drum of Injustice is free to read.

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