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Chapter 373 The Military Intelligence Agency is in Action

4335 (1638 AD), May 8th.

The Port of Batavia welcomed warships supported by the Dutch East India Company, three huge battleships, anchored in the port.

As the most important colony and hub of the Dutch in the East.

The Dutch East India Company would never abandon Batavia.

They received a request for help from the Governor of Batavia, and despite the pressure from Spain, they transferred three battleships from America.

It's just that Batavia, which used to be a bit prosperous, has recently become a bit depressed.

The tavern owner Luck saw two senior officials of the Dutch East India Company coming to his tavern as usual.

He immediately came forward and said politely: "Lord Rust, Lord Balor, welcome to my tavern.

Steak and wine have been prepared for the adults.

This is the wine for you, the best wine brought from the kingdom.

I heard that it uses a distillation process to make spirits."

Rust and Balor walked into the private room.

The tavern owner Luck quickly brought the wine and food, and he respectfully exited and closed the door.

Balor looked at Rust and said enviously: "Rust, you made a lot of money for the company by going to the north this time.

The big shots above appreciate what you do even more.

You took the initiative to open up markets for the Dutch East India Company."

Rust took a sip of wine and said depressedly: "What I did is really insignificant.

The Dahua Dynasty is so powerful that I sold my artillery to Dahua’s rivals.

But those natives were so stupid that they didn't know how to use artillery.

The technology for manufacturing artillery was also very rubbish, causing them to be quickly eliminated by Dahua.

The Dahua army has taken control of the northern coastal areas.

There's no way I can get into the interior.

He could only return by boat. On the way back, he was chased by the Dahua Navy.

I have seen with my own eyes the power of the Great China Navy.

Unless all the battleships of the Kingdom of the Netherlands can be transferred to Batavia to resist the navy of the Chinese Dynasty.

Otherwise we have no hope of victory at all.

The gap between us and the Dahua Dynasty is really too big."

Balor chuckled and said, "Rust, we are friends.

You don’t need to exaggerate the threat of the Great China Dynasty.

People like you are generals who ask for military expenses from the Dutch East India Company by threatening the enemy's strength.

In the company, there are endless examples.

If you frequently use this method, the big shots in the Dutch East India Company will have a bad impression of you.

Dahua is just a slightly larger indigenous country.

They had just overthrown a decadent indigenous state.

Even this new indigenous nation is struggling to catch up.

But the time is too short, and it is simply wishful thinking to surpass our Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Army recruits can learn musketry after three months of training, allowing them to go directly to the battlefield.

Any new recruit in the navy who dares to train for three months will be allowed to board the ship.

The century-old navy is well-deserved.

Without long-term accumulation, there will be no strong navy at all.

We lost the naval battle before, it was just the weak Portuguese who were holding us back.

Aboriginal people like the Dahua Dynasty used imitation Portuguese battleships to attack our ordinary warships.

They are completely bullying the small ones, and when they really encounter our main fleet, the navy of the Great China Dynasty is vulnerable."

The Dutch East India Company was in great panic after its sudden failure.

They are also afraid that they will provoke a behemoth that they cannot afford to offend.

The Dutch East India Company initially decided to shrink its power and at the same time sent a large number of manpower to investigate the Great China Dynasty.

After a detailed investigation, the Dutch East India Company believed that this was just a false alarm and they were no longer afraid of the Great China Dynasty.

They discovered that the predecessor of the Dahua Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, was a larger indigenous dynasty.

The people of the Ming Dynasty were massacred by the Spaniards in Manila, but the Ming Dynasty showed no reaction.

Based on this alone, senior executives of the Dutch East India Company believed that the threat of this indigenous dynasty was very low.

Dahua Dynasty showed full aggression, but his foundation was too poor.

The Dutch East India Company already knew that the navy of the Great China Dynasty was still a fisherman a few years ago.

These fishermen who had just boarded the ship did not understand naval tactics at all.

If the navy of the Great China Dynasty really dares to attack them, it will be taught a lesson by the powerful fleet.

The Dutch East India Company had traversed the oceans for such a long time because it had a huge fleet at its disposal.

Rust said depressedly: "Balor, why didn't you persuade the Governor during my absence?

The Han people should not be expelled and slaughtered, these natives are too lazy.

The Han people were very industrious and would transport materials from various places to Batavia.

After all the Han people were slaughtered, the port of Batavia became somewhat depressed.

We slaughtered the Han people and gave the Chinese Dynasty ample excuses.

The two parties already have a grudge, and this incident has become a trigger, and the Dahua Dynasty will definitely launch an attack on us."

Balor smiled indifferently, drank a glass of wine, elegantly cut a piece of steak, and chewed it slowly.

After he swallowed all the food in his mouth, he said: "The suggestion to slaughter the Han people was made by me to the Governor.

The Governor appreciated my suggestion very much and implemented it quickly."

Rust's eyes widened and he asked in confusion: "Balor, what are you doing? How could you do this?

Don’t you know that after doing this, we and the Dahua Dynasty will no longer have any room for maneuver."

Balor smiled and said: "Rust, you retired from the army and don't understand politics at all.

What is the Governor's greatest concern?

What he cares most about is profit, whether his position is stable, and whether he can complete the tasks of shareholders.

The board of directors of the Dutch East India Company can remove the governor at any time if he fails to fulfill his mission.

The losses of the fleet are acceptable, but these losses must bring more benefits.

Our fleet was annihilated by the Great China Dynasty and we were driven out of the long-established city of Relanja.

This is a huge loss. If you want to cover up this loss, you must obtain greater profits.

Only in this way will the Dutch East India Company not pursue the Governor-General.

We were already prepared before we started.

The Han people are good at accumulating wealth. They are big fat pigs with rich nutrition.

Swallowing their wealth will make up for our shortfalls.

The Han people are like leeks. After they are killed, as long as we relax our policies, they will soon grow back and we can harvest them again and again.

If it is true as you said, the Great China Dynasty will send a fleet to attack us.

I think you also know what price the fleet will pay if it wants to attack a place with enough coastal defense artillery.

We in Batavia are rock solid and don't need to worry.

What's more, three battleships have arrived in Batavia today, and we have received support from the Dutch East India Company.

Even the Governor went to meet the generals who came to support us."

Balor drank a glass of wine and looked at his friend's surprised face.

Balor is a smart man. When he made this suggestion, he had already thought of what might happen.

They will only do this if the benefits it brings outweigh the risks it brings.

After a comprehensive evaluation, Balor concluded that the Dahua Dynasty was most likely a bluff.

Just like the Ming Dynasty, they pretended that this matter never happened.

In these countries with large populations, they basically treat the people at the bottom as serfs and consumables.

As long as the bottom line of the nobles is not touched and too many of these low-level people die, the nobles will remain indifferent.

Tsarist Russia and Ottoman Türkiye were at war for a long time.

Every war results in tens of millions of casualties.

These two countries are both populous countries, and they just use the bottom army as consumables.

According to the information he collected, Daming's performance was similar.

The Dahua Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty. They are of the same strain, so the gap will not be too big.

Balor didn't quite believe what Rust said about the great navy of the Chinese Dynasty.

The Dahua Dynasty is just an indigenous country, and the information came back from before.

They acquired Portuguese shipbuilding technology.

The technology of Portuguese warships is still not as good as that of the Dutch.

If the Spaniards hadn't competed with them everywhere.

So much so that they couldn't spare any effort to eliminate these arrogant natives, so why did they make these natives even more arrogant?

Now support from the Dutch East India Company arrived.

If the Dahua Dynasty doesn't come over soon, they will avenge their shame.

After Rust heard this, he could only sigh.

These people have not seen the power of the Dahua Navy warships.

They would never admit that the Dutch warships were lagging behind.

This is their only pride, how can they admit that the indigenous people are superior to them.

Rust could only drink the wine. He felt that these wines were really strong and worthy of being a new type of wine.


The tavern owner Lark came to the hotel kitchen.

He nodded and bowed and said: "Sir, those two people have been knocked down by my medicine. Shouldn't my reward be terminated?"

Yuan Pingsheng looked at Boss Luck, who was the first informant he had developed in Batavia.

He now has blond hair that is very elegant.

Some of his men have blond hair, some have silver hair, and some have red hair.

This is due to the rapid development of the dye industry, which produces chemical preparations for long-term dyeing.

The Dutch did not understand these dyes, and they only regarded Yuan Pingsheng and others as mixed-race people.

The city of Batavia has a large number of mixed Dutch and local people.

The status of mixed-race children is very low and they can only do some odd jobs.

But the mixed-race children in the family are at least their own people and can take on some important tasks.

Lark is a gambler and greedy for money, and is easily controlled by them.

Yuan Pingsheng began to want to use Fu Shou Ointment to win by surprise.

After he came to Batavia, he discovered that there was no shortage of longevity ointment here.

These Dutch people traveled all over the world by boat, and they also collected things from all over the world.

Some people mix longevity paste into cigars, some eat colorful mushrooms, and some chew unknown leaves.

Yuan Pingsheng thought he could take shortcuts. After seeing the situation in Batavia, he could only use the most common espionage methods.

He and his men searched for the target and finally locked in on Boss Luck.

Yuan Pingsheng caught this man's money-grubbing nature.

As a down-and-out nobleman, Lark was still on good terms with officials in the Governor's Palace.

Yuan Pingsheng carefully selected Luck as the best target.

He set up a trap to seduce and pretended to be from a different faction than the Governor's Mansion, hoping to make the Governor's confidants look embarrassed.

Boss Lack was afraid of Yuan Pingsheng's fictitious background and his greed for money, so he agreed to cooperate with them.

Yuan Pingsheng counted the time, and the fleet of the Dahua Army would arrive in Batavia soon.

As a pretended half-breed, he has no way of contacting the Governor. Balor and others are already big fish.

Yuan Pingsheng was ready to close the net. There were two big fish in the net, so he was ready to stop.

He took what he collected and rendezvoused with the naval fleet.

Only information that is delivered in a timely manner is valuable information.

Yuan Pingsheng took out several gold bars and waved them in front of Luck's eyes. He caught all the man's attention.

Lark stared at the gold bars in Yuan Pingsheng's hands, and he was ready to squeeze the gold bars out of these people's hands.

Go to the Governor's Mansion immediately to arrest these people and exchange for a reward.

Who would really believe what these mixed-race brats say?

When the military intelligence agent saw Yuan Pingsheng's gesture, he immediately rushed out from the side, covered Luck's mouth, and slashed his neck open with a knife.

The entire operation was clean and tidy, and Lark didn't make a sound.

"Take care of the body so that no one else finds it.

A group took Rust to the port, ready to pick us up.

I took Balor to the Governor's Mansion to collect intelligence."

Yuan Pingsheng led people to the private room. He first asked his subordinates to pretend to be Rust's servants.

They drove the carriage and brought Rust to the port.

Yuan Pingsheng supported Balor and rode Balor's carriage to the Governor's Mansion.

"Barol is going to his office and waiting for the Governor's summons."

A military intelligence officer who could speak Dutch shouted angrily, and the guard guarding the door immediately moved out of the way.

Yuan Pingsheng came outside Balor's room and brushed his face with Balor, making the journey smooth.

These guards regarded them as mixed-race children of the Balor family.

Yuan Pingsheng used the key found from Balor to open the door to the room.

The governor's room was heavily guarded and there was no way they could get in.

No matter how you try to sneak in, there is no way to escape.

As a big shot in the Governor's Mansion, Balor is one of the Governor's think tanks.

There are a lot of confidential things in his office.

Yuan Pingsheng whispered: "We can only take away a small amount of things, so hurry up and find the right things."

Yuan Pingsheng tore up the tablecloth next to him, tied Balor, who had passed out from the drug, to a chair using a special technique.

Pretend he is lying on a chair and sleeping.

He dragged Balor's head, and with a sound, he broke Balor's neck.

Yuan Pingsheng's technique was extremely professional, and Balor died directly in his sleep without suffering any pain.

He watched his men rummaging through the office.

"Map, important correspondence, Batavia's military deployment.

These things are the most important things.”

Yuan Pingsheng didn't know Dutch characters, so he was looking for things related to maps.

There are many clues that can be collected on the map.

They searched carefully inside the house, not missing any detail.

"Sir, the Governor of Batavia is back."

When Yuan Pingsheng heard the news, his expression changed.

"We can't look for it anymore, let's evacuate immediately.

If the Governor meets with Balor, the matter will be exposed."

A red-haired guard who looked fat was actually a thin man whose clothes were stuffed with cotton.

He took out the cotton and fixed the found documents in the hidden pocket of his clothes.

The extremely large number of documents made him a big fat man again, and filled the blank spaces with cotton, making him look like a normal fat man.

Yuan Pingsheng led his men and walked out from the side door of the Governor's Mansion.

When he walked out of the Governor's Palace, he even said hello to the guards, looking relaxed and contented.

They immediately rushed to the dock in a carriage and boarded the boat that had been prepared in advance.

They quickly took a boat out of the port under the flag of the Dutch East India Company.

This chapter has been completed!
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