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Chapter 380 Java Naval Battle (1)

Lu Yuanshan stood on the deck of the battleship Qin Shihuang.

He looked at the blue sea, and the calm sea made people feel more comfortable.

For the safety of the fleet, Lu Yuanshan chose to sail close to the shore of the island.

Doing so increased their chances of being discovered by the Dutch.

But doing so can ensure the safety of the fleet.

The fleet encountered a typhoon passing through a few days ago.

Lu Yuanshan still remembers the scene of huge waves very clearly.

If the fleet is on the vast sea instead of staying close to the shore to take shelter from the wind.

Their southern expedition fleet may only give up halfway.

Lu Yuanshan looked at the somewhat depressed route.

On this originally busy route, when the war was about to begin, all merchant ships evacuated and did not dare to appear nearby.

"Commander Cao, what time is it now and how long until we get to Batavia?" Lu Yuanshan asked.

The Dutch are likely to know the whereabouts of the Royal Navy Fleet of Great China.

Lu Yuanshan predicted that the Dutch would not fight them in the open sea.

The Royal Navy's naval guns have a long range and are beneficial to the Royal Navy when operating in distant seas.

The Dutch would choose to fight offshore from Java.

The sea conditions offshore Java Island are complex, especially there are many small islands and reefs near the island.

These places were not just convenient for ambush by the Dutch who were familiar with the terrain.

They can also use terrain such as reefs to make evasive maneuvers to make up for the lack of artillery range.

The Dutch fought offshore, and they could more easily get support from Batavia.

The Royal Navy fleet of Dahua did not encounter the Dutch along the way, which also proved the accuracy of Lu Yuanshan's guess.

Lu Yuanshan knew that fighting near Java Island would put the First Fleet of the Royal Navy at a disadvantage.

But he had to do this, with the Royal Navy of Dahua as the offensive party.

He didn't want the war to drag on for a long time.

A long delay in the war would be more beneficial to the Dutch, who would receive strong support from the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The city of Batavia is isolated overseas, and its weakness of being too far away from the mainland is no longer a weakness.

The most critical point is that Lu Yuanshan has confidence in the soldiers of the Royal Navy of Dahua.

Before encountering the Portuguese fleet again, Lu Yuanshan was still a little worried.

After their battle with the Portuguese fleet was over, Lu Yuanshan no longer worried.

In the Battle of Malacca, the Third Fleet of the Royal Navy of China defeated the Portuguese fleet cleanly.

Their first fleet is stronger and may encounter some setbacks when encountering the Dutch fleet, but the final victory will definitely belong to them.

Cao Zhengyuan, deputy chief of staff of the First Fleet, is responsible for managing navigation charts, navigation clocks, and navigation diaries.

Hearing Governor Lu Yuanshan's question, he immediately replied: "Governor Lu, it is June 26th, 9:36 in the morning.

We have reached the waters near Java Island, and we can reach Java Island in one day, and Batavia City in two to three days."

Cao Zhengyuan sighed after finishing speaking: "The reconnaissance ship of the Third Fleet discovered that the typhoon was passing through.

We were delayed for some time to avoid the typhoon.

Otherwise, we would be able to reach Batavia by now. I hope we won't encounter a typhoon when we fight against the Dutch fleet.

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【Competing for the deer in the world at the end of Ming Dynasty】 【】

This kind of natural disaster cannot be resisted by humans."

When Lu Yuanshan heard what Cao Zhengyuan said, he also remembered the terrible scene before.

They hid in a port in the Xuanfu Division of the Old Port, and by the way cleaned up the Dutch on the island and the indigenous tribes who had taken refuge with the Dutch.

The port where the fleet is located is very far from the center of the typhoon, and they can all feel the powerful power of the typhoon.

The storm continued, and the waves reached two to three meters high.

Lu Yuanshan was grateful for his choice. The fleet did not drag out the fleet and took a shortcut directly across the vast sea.

No matter how powerful the fleet is, if it encounters such a natural disaster, it is likely that the entire fleet will be destroyed.

When the Yuan Dynasty conquered Japan, the fleet was directly destroyed by a typhoon because the generals who led the troops were not familiar with the sea.

Lu Yuanshan would never make such a mistake.

They fought against the Dutch, and if they suffered losses, it was due to lack of strength.

If the typhoon directly destroys the fleet, it means that the general is unqualified and failed to avoid the typhoon.

Lu Yuanshan said: "Normally, natural disasters such as typhoons will not occur continuously in the same place.

There is already a typhoon raging here, and we should not encounter another typhoon in a short time.

You see how normal the weather is now. It's a good weather and the view is very good.

Only in this way can we take advantage of the long range of our naval guns, which will be more conducive to our attack on the Dutch fleet."

Lu Yuanshan and Cao Zhengyuan were chatting about the hydrological conditions of the sea near Java Island.

They only know a little bit about the waters near Java Island from the Han people in Java Island.

The prisoner named Rust was interrogated and some things were asked from his mouth.

It is completely impossible to rely on these messages alone.

Lu Yuanshan chose to send the third fleet to investigate the sea conditions and ensure the safe passage of the main fleet.

Five warships of the Third Fleet have been seriously damaged, and they all hit underwater reefs.

Only the efforts of the Third Fleet can allow the First Fleet to safely pass through unfamiliar waters.

The route chosen by Lu Yuanshan was also a route traveled by Han caravans for a long time.

This kind of route that caravans travel for a long time has less overall risk and there will be no large reefs.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

A shrill whistle sounded.

Governor Lu Yuanshan was shocked when he heard this voice.

This is the signal that the Third Fleet reconnaissance ship has discovered enemy traces.

Lu Yuanshan immediately ordered: "Raise the battle flag, and all ships will follow the flagship and form a battle line."

The Third Fleet, led by the battleship Qin Shihuang, immediately lined up to prepare to face the fleet of the Dutch East India Company.

The battleship Qin Shihuang quickly passed the Third Fleet.

Lu Yuanshan stood on the deck and saw the neatly arranged fleet of the Dutch East India Company in front of him.

The Dutch fleet has been waiting here for a long time.

When Lu Yuanshan saw this situation, his expression immediately became solemn.

The fact that the Dutch fleet can wait here proves that they have mastered the whereabouts of the Royal Navy of Great China.

The Dutch fleet was waiting for work and even laid a dragnet here.

Lu Yuanshan chose the fleet to sail ashore, knowing that this would happen.

The lesser of two evils, even if the fleet's whereabouts were exposed, he was confident of defeating the Dutch East India Company's fleet.

If the huge fleet built by the Great China Dynasty with all its efforts cannot defeat the fleet controlled by a group of Dutch businessmen, then they will look like waste.

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【Competing for the deer in the world at the end of Ming Dynasty】 【】

The First Fleet was ready and had to launch.

Lu Yuanshan had confidence in the fleet he commanded. Even if he was defeated, the battleship Guangwu Emperor would be there to support him.

Lu Yuanshan issued an order: "Prepare to attack, the fleet slows down, the battleship artillery aims at the enemy, uses new ammunition, and the battleship prepares to fire a salvo."

Lu Yuanshan saw the Dutch fleet lined up, with the ships lying across the water and the fleet forming a diagonal line.

The Dutch fleet was very neat, like a javelin, charging directly towards the First Fleet of the Royal Navy of China.

Lu Yuanshan calmly issued military orders, and various flags and signals continued to be played on the battleship Qin Shihuang.

The First Fleet of the Royal Navy of China also formed a diagonal line, and the warships aimed their broadside guns at the Dutch fleet.

They were heading towards the Dutch fleet.

Lu Yuanshan said calmly: "The current naval formations are basically battle lines.

This kind of naval formation is the strongest formation that has been explored through many years of naval battles.

This formation of battle line can defeat the enemy with a large number of artillery on the sides of the warship.

We have the same tactics as the Dutch fleet. What we compete with is the power of artillery and the accuracy of artillery.

Seeing the Dutch warships makes me more confident in winning this naval battle."

Lu Yuanshan felt even more relieved when he saw the Dutch warships.

The artillery on the Dutch warships is obviously not as dense as that of the Royal Navy warships.

He interrogated the prisoners and found that the performance of the Dutch warships was about the same as that of the Portuguese.

The performance of the front-loading artillery used by the Dutch warships is far behind the breech-loading artillery used by the Royal Navy warships.

In the Battle of Malacca, the Third Fleet has verified this situation with its beautiful results.

The last time the Third Fleet fought against the Portuguese, it carried too few new artillery shells.

This time, the Logistics Department has supplied them with 10,000 rounds of new artillery shells, which is enough for the First Fleet to fight several naval battles happily.

Lu Yuanshan can eliminate the need for battleship guns to save ammunition and use advanced artillery to destroy the Dutch fleet.

The Chief of Staff of the First Fleet traveled around and saw the situation of the Dutch fleet.

He frowned and said: "The situation is wrong, the number of warships in the Dutch fleet is wrong.

By military intelligence and interrogating prisoners, we have determined the strength of the Dutch fleet.

The warships in the current Dutch fleet are all warships of the Dutch East India Company.

The battleship Amsterdam and the battleship Tulip, these two battleships can also match the battleship.

But the fleet of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to support Batavia was nowhere to be seen.

I believe even more in the intelligence Director Yuan took the risk to bring us.

The Dutch warships were missing three main battleships.

Will these three battleships ambush us somewhere?

We must be careful not to fall into an ambush by the Dutch."

Governor Lu Yuanshan said cheerfully: "I had some predictions before the war started.

There is a high probability that our marching route will be controlled by the Dutch, and they will definitely find a way to ambush our army on the road our army must pass.

The current strength of the Dutch fleet is obviously inferior to ours.

The sentinels who were conducting reconnaissance have also seen that there is no fleet hiding in the vast sea.

The hidden fleet of the Dutch is still some distance away from the fleet of the Dutch East India Company.

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【Competing for the deer in the world at the end of Ming Dynasty】 【】

I can lead the fleet to defeat them in a short time, and there is no need to be afraid even if there is an ambush."

Governor Lu Yuanshan was extremely confident that he would be able to defeat the Dutch East India Company's fleet before dark.

There is no place for the fleet to ambush around.

He could anticipate the Dutch's thoughts and let this fleet become entangled with them.

Finally, let the main fleet come from the side and destroy them.

Lu Yuanshan chuckled. He would never give the Dutch this chance. The Dutch were too confident.

Zhou You listened to Lu Yuanshan's choice, and he planned to use the powerful firepower of the First Fleet to defeat the Dutch fleet in front of him first.

As long as the Dutch fleet in front is defeated and the hidden main fleet of the Dutch is coming over, it will be a refueling tactic, which is more beneficial to them.

Chief of Staff Zhou You felt that this approach would involve too much risk.

"Governor Lu, I suggest that two battleships be deployed to cooperate with the battleship Wei Qing of the Third Fleet to protect the rear of the fleet.

We have to consider the worst possible consequences.

Based on the current strength of our army, and without any unexpected circumstances, the transfer of two battleships will not affect the final battle situation."

Seeing Chief of Staff Zhou You's insistence, Lu Yuanshan thought for a while and agreed: "Then send the battleships Wen Tianxiang and Zheng He to stay behind the battle line.

Let them keep an eye out for enemies in other directions.

Once the enemy is discovered, we will work closely with the Third Fleet to block the enemy's attack and buy time for the main fleet."

Governor Lu Yuanshan notified the semaphore troops to pass on his orders to the two battleships.

The battleship Wen Tianxiang and the battleship Zheng He saw the order typed by the flagship.

They immediately obeyed the order, slowed down the warship, and stayed behind the fleet.

This small change did not affect the fleet's overall operations.

Lu Yuanshan saw that the Dutch fleet had moved within the range of the battleship Qin Shihuang.

He immediately gave the order.


He wanted to use the sound of cannons to announce that Nanyang still belonged to China.


Governor-General Anthony van Diemen led the Dutch East India Company fleet to the designated location.

He asked Admiral Megroen to lead the Kingdom of the Netherlands fleet, which consisted of three battleships, to ambush on the hidden island.

They had been waiting for two days, but they had not yet received the navy of the Great China Dynasty.

Governor Anthony van Diemen paced the deck of the Tulip.

Could it be that his guess was wrong and the navy of the Great China Dynasty did not take this route that the Han people were most familiar with, but chose an unfamiliar route to attack.

Governor Anthony van Diemen felt this was unlikely.

When the navy of the Great China Dynasty came to an unfamiliar sea area, they would definitely choose a route they thought was safe and familiar.

Governor Anthony van Diemen sent scout ships to various places.

When the navy of the Great China Dynasty changed its direction, he was able to make arrangements in time.

He had prepared twelve preparations beforehand. If the Great China Navy reacted, he would have the means to deal with it.

Anthony van Diemen as an experienced admiral of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

He is best at making all preparations before the war begins.

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【Competing for the deer in the world at the end of Ming Dynasty】 【】

A fast ship rushed from the direction of Batavia to the fleet.

The courier soon boarded the deck of the battleship Tulip.

He looked at Governor Anthony Van Diemen and said respectfully: "Your Majesty Governor, the intelligence sent back by the scout ship ahead using carrier pigeons.

The navy of the Great China Dynasty encountered a hurricane, and they took a temporary rest.

After the hurricane passed, they set sail again, taking the Preparatory Route No. 9."

After the messenger finished speaking, he handed the information to Governor Anthony Van Diemen.

He opened the intelligence, which recorded detailed information about the naval fleet of the Great China Dynasty.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen had a smile on his face after reading it.

The course of the Great China Dynasty's naval operations was exactly as he expected.

The Dutch East India Company has established a complete homing pigeon intelligence network in the Southeast Asia region for nearly a hundred years.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen relied on this complete intelligence network.

Only then did he have the confidence to grasp the trends of the Great China Navy.

He immediately arranged his fleet and prepared to meet the enemy.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen waited for two days before he finally arrived with the Chinese navy fleet.

He used a telescope to look at the menacing naval fleet of the Great China Dynasty.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen lamented that the Portuguese were not unjustly defeated.

The flagship of the naval fleet of the Great China Dynasty, placed in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, is a top-notch sailing battleship.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen was confident.

The key to naval battles is the quality of the soldiers, and a rising star like the Dahua Dynasty.

They may have strong national power and be able to build advanced warships.

But the quality of the navy is definitely better than the Dutch.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen gave the order for the warships to form a battle line and rush over with full sail.

He learned from the Portuguese and would rather pay some casualties than let the Chinese navy use kite tactics to gradually destroy their warships at long distances.
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