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Chapter 383 Java Naval Battle (4)

The Dutch fleet was brightly lit, waiting for the Great China Navy to take the initiative to attack them.

The Dutch waited from dusk until midnight, but the Chinese navy just blocked the island's natural harbor and did not take the initiative to attack them.

Admiral Magron has been expecting the Great China Navy to take the initiative to attack.

In this way, they can effectively take advantage of the geographical location and the dense reefs near the island to weaken the strength of the Chinese navy.

The navy of the Great China Dynasty was not fooled, so there were not many options left for them.

Magron wanted to discuss the future of the war with Anthony Van Diemen.

Anthony Van Diemen was already in a coma due to previous injuries.

After treatment by priests and doctors, he has not improved yet.

Admiral Magron has been waiting.

When he received the news that Governor Anthony van Diemen was getting better, he immediately approached the room.

Governor Anthony van Diemen receives bloodletting from doctors and prayers from priests.

His body, which was seriously ill and dying, has improved somewhat.

Admiral Maglon came to Governor Anthony van Diemen's bedside.

He said in a dull tone: "Mr. Anthony Van Diemen, your plan has failed.

The navy of the Great China Dynasty was not fooled. Our time is limited and it is already midnight.

If we delay any longer, it will get darker and we will not be able to win by night."

Governor Anthony van Diemen knew what happened after he passed out.

He sighed and said: "This shouldn't be the case. Our methods of dealing with generals from other feudal countries didn't work this time.

I learned about the Dahua Dynasty’s beliefs, which were relatively primitive ancestor worship.

The Great China Dynasty was also an imperial country, and the current emperor was the founding emperor and had great prestige.

The reason why they attacked us was to avenge their own people.

My strategy is very targeted. Under normal circumstances, the general leading the team would not be able to bear it.

He will become extremely angry and attack us.

During the night battle, the navy of the Great China Dynasty was extremely angry. They were in a strange environment.

The combination of these three unfavorable factors will give us the confidence to win."

After Governor Anthony Van Diemen finished speaking, he coughed twice and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief and said firmly: "Mr. Magron, we can't wait any longer.

The current tactics of the Great China Navy are obviously to delay until dawn.

After daybreak, even if they are not familiar with the sea conditions, they can use artillery with extremely long range to win.

We should take the initiative and use the cover of night to prevent the enemy from seeing any trace of our troops.

As long as we can close the distance and rely on the excellence of our artillery, it will not be difficult to win."

Admiral Magron nodded and said: "Mr. Anthony Van Diemen thinks the same as me, we must take the initiative and cannot delay it until dawn.

Our only chance to make a comeback is to use the night battle to close the distance between the two parties.

As long as we can destroy half of the enemy ships, we can hold Batavia."

Admiral Maglon and Governor Anthony van Diemen came to an agreement.

They summoned the officers of the Dutch fleet and issued the order for a night attack.

Admiral Magron solemnly ordered: "No fire is allowed on the decks of all warships.

If there is fire in the house, it must be blocked tightly with something.

To prevent us from being discovered in advance by the navy of the Great China Dynasty.

There are dense reefs near the island, so all ships must follow the instructions of the guide.

Once you deviate from the course, stop nearby immediately and do not drive around to prevent the ship from hitting the rocks.

The sound of cannon is an order. Once the flagship fires its cannon, all warships immediately launch a charge.

The ship that received the kamikaze mission was filled with gunpowder and collided with the enemy. You hit the battleship first.

We are fighting to the death this time, we can only attack, not retreat."

Admiral Magron has already prepared the fleet.

They loaded the ammunition and extinguished all the fires on the ship.

Under the bright moonlight, all the warships of the Dutch fleet launched an attack on the Great China Navy fleet at the exit of the natural harbor.


Zhan Tie inspects on the deck of the brightly lit battleship Qin Shihuang.

The officers and soldiers were divided into two groups, responsible for the first half of the night and the second half of the night.

The battleship Qin Shihuang aimed its broadside at the small island harbor, and only half of its artillery could be used.

Half of the manpower on the warship is left on duty, which is more than enough.

Zhan Tie saw that Artillery Staff Lin Bingyang was still on the deck. He walked over and asked, "Staff Lin, I remember that you were on duty in the middle of the night.

It's already past midnight, why hasn't Staff Lin taken a break?"

Lin Bingyang said: "Captain, when the war comes, I can't sleep at all.

The war will definitely break out tonight or during the day tomorrow.

The artillerymen were engaged in night battles, but I was not too sure about them and wanted to stay in command.

During the daytime operations, I did not need to take command, and the artillery performed very well."

Zhan Tie heard what Staff Lin said and knew that he was worried about the upcoming war.

He asked: "Staff Lin, how are our warships prepared?

I just went to take a rest, and before I took a rest, I saw you playing with rocket launchers on the deck."

Staff officer Lin Bingyang nodded and said: "Captain Zhan, I did lead the artillery to deploy rocket launchers on the deck.

This is also my suggestion to the Governor.

Our lights can only shine one kilometer away from the warships, and they are easily attacked by the Dutch fleet.

Once the Dutch fleet approaches our army.

In this case, the two armies shelled each other, and the long range of the naval guns would not have much effect.

It is necessary to provide sufficient firepower for the fleet in a short period of time, and only rocket launchers can undertake this task."

Zhan Tie's eyes lit up and he said happily: "Consultant Lin, your suggestion is very good.

I have also seen the power of new rocket launchers.

After replacing the propellant, the accuracy and range of the rocket launcher have been greatly improved.

Compared with naval guns, their accuracy and range are still far behind.

But rocket launchers can fire hundreds of rockets in a short period of time and can hit targets 800 meters away.

The performance of the rocket launcher is just right for the Dutch fleet that attacks us at night."

Zhan Tie looked at the rocket launchers that had been deployed on the deck, and he felt very excited.

Rocket launchers were relatively useless in previous wars.

Artillery can do everything a rocket launcher can do.

With the development of artillery technology, the power and range of artillery have long eclipsed rocket launchers.

Neither the Army nor the Navy is willing to spend too much military spending on purchasing rocket launchers.

The rocket launchers on their ship were gifts that were forcibly bought and sold by the arsenal when purchasing new artillery shells.

In a normal war, no military officer is willing to use rocket launchers that have short range, low power, and cannot accurately control the impact point.

Especially after a few incidents in which one's own people were inflicted with damage, this weapon was shelved by many officers.

But rocket launchers are very suitable for use in this situation.

Some special ships of the Dutch fleet, such as fire ships, charged against the fleet.

This kind of special ship that perished with them did not have enough fire rate to attack with naval guns.

There is no way to destroy a large number of warships in a short time, so rocket launchers are just right.

The Dahua Royal Navy warship is also a warship with a wooden structure.

As long as they were hit by Dutch warship artillery or approached by fireships, they would definitely suffer considerable casualties.

If the casualties were too great, the First Fleet would not be able to attack Batavia and would have to hand over the military glory to the Third Fleet.

When rocket launchers are used in this situation, their shortcomings of short range and imprecision are not a big problem at all.

Zhan Tie was looking at the rocket launchers composed of rows of slender steel tubes.

He saw Governor Lu Yuanshan walking to the rocket launcher and stopping there.

Zhan Tie immediately walked over and asked, "Sir Governor, do you think the Dutch fleet can attack us at night?"

Governor Lu Yuanshan said categorically: "All soldiers must brace themselves tonight, if what I predict is correct.

The Dutch fleet will definitely attack us tonight.

This is their only chance to turn defeat into victory.

No one will give up in this situation, but choose to fight to the death."

"My Lord Governor, I also believe that the Dutch will attack at night, so I will urge the soldiers to be more vigilant."

Lu Yuanshan began to inspect the battleship Qin Shihuang.

He asked Zhu Shi Li Guofeng to inspect other warships, and sent military police to strictly enforce military laws on each ship.


Admiral Magrone rode in his flagship, under the cover of darkness, and guided by guides from the Dutch East India Company.

The fleet carefully avoided the reef area and was almost approaching the Royal Navy Fleet of Great China.

He stood on the deck of the warship and saw the brightly lit Royal Navy warship.

Dahua's lamps are very special, emitting bright light and illuminating the sea area around the warship very clearly.

From time to time, there is a beam of light on the warship, which continuously shoots into the surrounding sea area.

When Admiral Magron saw this situation, he smiled.

They have now entered the artillery range of the Dahua warship.

But thanks to the cover of night, they are very safe now.

"Fire, hit me hard."

Admiral Magron gave the order, and the flagship of the Dutch fleet immediately opened fire.

The black powder burned fiercely in the barrel of the gun, and the huge kinetic energy generated pushed the solid iron ball to fly towards the battleship ahead.

The iron ball hit the hull of the warship, and the wooden hull was immediately penetrated, with wooden spikes flying everywhere.

After the Dutch warships heard the sound of cannon fire, they immediately opened fire one after another.

The Dutch warships took advantage of the wind and quickly approached the navy of the Great China Dynasty.

The Dutch cruisers mainly used naval guns to attack.

The Dutch destroyer, loaded with a load of gunpowder, fully loaded its sails and charged directly towards the Great China fleet.

Their bows have collision angles, so as long as they hit the warship with the force of the wind, the two ships will be tightly together.

After the gunpowder explodes, both ships can be destroyed.

Admiral Magron knew that the results obtained by the battleships would not be too great. The outcome of this war depended on the performance of the fireships.

After firing, the Dutch warship also lit torches to facilitate the artillerymen to operate the cannons.

The Dutch soldiers moved a coal stove hidden in the room and loaded red-hot bullets into the cannon chamber.

To deal with wooden battleships, igniting them with fiery bombs is a very good way.

Admiral Megroun watched as the Dutch fleet fired thousands of guns, and more than 40 fireships rushed into the vicinity of the Dahua fleet.

He smiled, and soon the smile on his face solidified.

The naval fleet of the Great China Dynasty counterattacked very quickly, and the artillery fire was extremely fast. From time to time, warships in their fleet were hit by artillery.

Soon a rain of fire appeared over the warships of the Great China Navy, and a huge rain of fire fell over the fireship fleet. Most of the fireships were detonated in advance.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how is this possible.

How could the artillery of the Great China Dynasty fire so fast? What kind of artillery was this rain of fire? How could it be so dense?

I must have seen it wrong, this is a trick of the Chinese people."


A huge fire flashed in the direction of Governor Lu Yuanshan's island.

He immediately realized that this was the Dutch fleet attacking them.

"Fire, fire back immediately."

Staff officer Lin Bingyang reacted quickly and directed the artillery to fire at the fire.

Governor Lu Yuanshan saw dense flashes of light lighting up along with this flash of light.

He could use the flash of artillery to see the outline of the Dutch fleet.

"The Dutch fleet came out in full force and immediately fired artillery to counterattack. They must not be allowed to get close."

The searchlights on the warship scan the surroundings of the warship with a higher frequency.

They soon discovered that the Dutch had sent a large number of clippers to approach the fleet.

Governor Lu Yuanshan immediately ordered: "Send out the rocket launchers and destroy the clippers approaching the fleet."

Staff Officer Lin Bingyang saw that everything was normal here at the naval gun, and he immediately came to the rocket camp.

He quickly locked onto the Dutch Clippers and adjusted the launch angle of the rocket in time.


Staff Officer Lin Bingyang showed a confident smile. Based on his experience, he was sure that at least one tenth of these rockets could hit the target.

Not only the battleship Qin Shihuang, but other warships used naval guns to fight back and also fired rockets at the Dutch clipper.

Governor Lu Yuanshan stood on the deck, staring at the Dutch fleet through binoculars.

Most warships in the Dutch fleet would be fired upon by the cannons of several warships as long as they dared to fire cannons to expose their position.

Governor Lu Yuanshan also achieved great results after seeing the rocket launch.

The destroyers of the Dutch fleet did not tilt the warships and aim their broadside guns at them, but rushed straight towards them.

Rockets fell on these warships that were rushing over quickly.

Fireballs continued to explode on the sea.

Lu Yuanshan could tell at a glance that this was a fire ship filled with gunpowder by the Dutch, preparing to perish with them.

Most of these fireships loaded with large amounts of gunpowder were ignited in advance by rockets, and a few rushed to the side of the warships, including the battleship Zheng He.

The battleship Qin Shihuang was also set on fire by the Dutch fleet.

A shell directly hit the mast of Qin Shihuang's battleship.

The wooden mast couldn't bear it and collapsed immediately.

Zhan Tie saw the mast falling towards Governor Lu Yuanshan. With quick eyesight and quick hands, he immediately pulled away from Lu Yuanshan.

"My Lord Governor, please go into the war room and take command. Leave it to me to take command on the deck."

Governor Lu Yuanshan looked at the collapsed mast and said in a deep voice: "I can't leave now.

His Majesty said that when we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win.

In this moment of close combat, whichever side has stronger morale will win the final victory."

Governor Lu Yuanshan did not evacuate. He personally came to the naval guns to encourage the artillery.

The battle lasted until dawn.

The Royal Navy of Dahua suffered heavy losses, and the hulls of many warships were penetrated by artillery shells.

A warship was penetrated below the waterline and could not be rescued. The warship slowly sank into the sea.

A warship was ignited by fire ships and hot bombs. There was no way to extinguish the fire, and the warship burned on the sea.

The Dutch fleet withstood a larger bombardment by the Royal Navy of China, and they were basically wiped out.

Governor Lu Yuanshan's eyes were bloodshot as he looked at the battlefield that had ended.

The Royal Navy's First Fleet suffered heavy losses, and eleven warships, including the battleship Zheng He, were completely destroyed.

Every warship in the First Fleet has been damaged.

But it was all worth it, they destroyed the Dutch fleet.

Governor Lu Yuanshan held on to the railing and said happily: "We have won, we have won."

The Southern Expedition Fleet annihilated the Dutch fleet, and no one in front could stop them.

They will achieve final victory.

Governor Lu Yuanshan arranged for the Third Fleet to clean up the battlefield and clear up the remaining Dutch warships near the island.

He ordered the severely damaged warships to return to Danmasi Shipyard for repairs.

He asked someone to notify Governor Zhang Wanfeng and send warships to escort the army to Batavia.

There are too many people on Batavia and Java.

They were about to attack Batavia. Without the assistance of the army, the navy alone could not capture the island of Java.

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