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Chapter 392 Reclamation and Farming (1)

Many simple thatched houses have been built on the originally desolate tidal flats of Java Island.

Wu Zheng, a big man from northern Shaanxi, touched his daughter's forehead. It was no longer hot.

He solemnly explained: "The weather here in Java Island is very warm, so you can lie down on the ground.

But we must also pay attention to the wind and cold. If it hadn't been for Dr. Zhou this time, Wen'er wouldn't have been able to survive it.

You take care of the children here, and I'll ask Mr. Wang Qiyuan how long it will take before we can leave the camp.

I heard that if we leave the immigration camp, we will have enough to eat."

When Wu Zheng walked out of the room, he saw Lu Guangming who lived next to him.

He led a group of young men and was fighting with a group of young men who spoke Korean.

"You Korean gangsters, how dare you touch our nests.

You are so mean-spirited, you are so itchy.

Everyone, fight with me and beat me hard."

Wu Zheng saw Lu Guangming leading a group of young men to beat up these immigrants from Jinghai Mansion.

He listened to the conflict between the two sides and learned the general situation.

The Nanyang Governor-General's Palace was poorly prepared and they were not prepared to deal with a large number of immigrants.

As a result, there was a food shortage in the immigrant camp, with only one meal of steamed buns every day.

They, the Han people, could talk to the officials in the immigrant camps.

Occasionally I would get some leftovers and salted fish, barely enough to eat.

These people from Jinghai Mansion don't speak the same language and can't understand adults' orders, and sometimes they miss the time for food distribution.

These people don't have enough to eat, and they don't dare to offend the stewards and soldiers guarding the immigration camps.

He set his sights on his neighbors who were also immigrants and stole the cornbread saved by the Han people.

In order to feed their families who are sick or raising children, many of these men save their share of food.

As a small steward appointed by Mr. Wang Qiyun, Wu Zheng can get a few extra slices of cornbread.

Occasionally, I would be hungry and leave the cornbread to my children and mother.

Wu Zheng immediately stepped forward and shouted: "Don't fight, Mr. Wang will arrive later and see you fighting.

You will all be locked up and possibly assigned to remote areas."

Wu Zheng has a lot of strength, and he is very popular in the camp.

In addition, he is also the junior steward appointed by Mr. Wang Qiyun.

After his persuasion, the two fighting parties stopped.

Wang Qiyun, who was wearing official uniform, saw the two parties stopped.

"Fight! Why don't you fight?"

Wu Zheng turned around and saw that it was their direct superior, Mr. Wang Qiyun.

He immediately came to Mr. Wang's side and said somewhat slickly: "Mr. Wang, we just have some minor conflicts and we usually have a good relationship."

Wang Qiyun snorted coldly and ordered: "Since you have a good relationship, then we will be assigned to the same village."

When Wu Zheng heard this, cold sweat immediately broke out on his face.

Does he know some unspoken rules that these Korean sticks will be arranged in the hinterland of the Southeast Asian islands?

This place is far away from the coastline, and there are many indigenous tribes in the forest, which is very dangerous.

If they are with these people, it does not mean that they will also be assigned to inland areas.

Wu Zheng immediately begged: "Master Wang, please be merciful."

Wang Qiyun snorted coldly and said indifferently: "Why, I arrange who goes to which place, and I still have to listen to your instructions."

He tossed his sleeves and robe and left the camp.

The Governor-General asked these former Koreans to be placed in dangerous places if they were disobedient.

Be obedient and actively Sinicize, and live together with Han people, who account for 70% of the population.

The villages with former Koreans are located in relatively desolate and dangerous locations.

He was worried about how to arrange it before, but now he has a basic idea.

Arrange the thorns in the camp to relatively dangerous positions.

These thorns, after equipping them with weapons, will have a higher chance of survival.

Some submissive farmers want them to fight with the indigenous tribes, and the casualties will be very high.

Wu Zheng watched Master Wang Qiyun leave the camp directly, and he was in a very low mood.

He had worked hard before and wanted to be assigned to a wealthy place.

All the efforts during this period were in vain.

Mr. Wang Qiyun, that is a seventh-grade official, the county magistrate they will directly report to from now on.

There is no way to change the arrangements given.

He angrily shouted at the people fighting: "Mud can't hold up a wall. I've told you many times that you people should be more stable.

Many of you committed crimes and were exiled here.

In this life, it will be difficult to return to the homeland.

Go to a wealthy place and you will have a chance to marry a wife.

If you are assigned to a desolate place, you will be a bachelor for the rest of your life."

Carpenter Zhang straightened his neck and said, "I don't want to be a coward.

We committed crimes and were exiled to Nanyang. We are already like this. There is no need to swallow our anger.

We are upright men, more like men than those Korean stick men.

If you don't have a mother-in-law, just grab those Korean wives, those losers.

I don’t believe they can rob us.”

As soon as Carpenter Zhang said this, many people burst into laughter.

Looking at these Korean immigrants, there is no longer rejection in their eyes, but something else.

Wu Zheng originally wanted to ask Mr. Wang Qiyun when they could leave the immigration camp, but now it seems that they will have to wait for a while.

He was also very impatient. He originally thought that when he arrived in Nanyang, he would be able to allocate land to them and get a piece of their own land with peace of mind.

No one expected that after disembarking from the ship, they would be locked up in a huge camp like prisoners.

Everyone is a family unit and is confined to a very small place.

Because of the lack of food, he could only eat one meal a day.

Someone will be there every few days to explain to them some basic conditions in the Nanyang region.

In the first few days, many people were very happy.

As time went by, I was trapped in this camp for a long time.

The patience of many people has been worn away, and their hostility has gradually increased. This is also the reason for the large-scale conflict between the two parties today.

While Wu was maintaining his own order, he also came into contact with those Koreans and had a pleasant conversation with several other old Koreans who could speak Chinese.

Mr. Wang Qiyun hinted that Wu Zheng would become a village chief after leaving the immigration camp.

He knew that these people around the camp would belong to the same village in the future.

If the village wants to gain a foothold in Nanyang, it must unite closely and give full play to everyone's abilities.

Wu Zheng contacted people everywhere, and time passed quickly.

He was waiting for Master Wang Qiyun to come to the camp again.

Wu Zheng received an order from Master Wang and asked him to bring everyone to the camp square.

He was very happy after receiving this order.

According to his own speculation, they will soon leave the immigration camp and be allocated their own piece of land.

Wang Qiyun was very happy to see Wu Zheng moving quickly.

Wang Qiyun said loudly: "I came here today to inform everyone of good news.

Everyone has been in the camp for a month.

Basically adapted to the situation in Nanyang region.

We also confirm that you do not carry the plague with you.

Tomorrow everyone can follow me to Gangni to open up wasteland and farm, and officially settle in Nanyang."

As soon as Wang Qiyun finished speaking, cheers immediately erupted in the camp.

"I'm out, I can finally go out."

"It's great, it's finally time to divide the fields."

Wang Qiyun called Wu Zheng over, appointed him as the village chief, and told him many things.


Wu Zheng led the immigrants and got off the ship.

This is a place beside a big river, which they named Hexi Village.

According to Lord Wang Qiyun's instructions, he led the immigrants under his management and boarded the ship with Lord Wang.

From Java Island, they headed to a large island in the northeast.

This should be what Mr. Wang Qiyun was talking about.

After they arrived at Fanni, many people disembarked.

The group of them continued to walk inland along the river and came to the depths of the mud.

When Wu Zheng saw everyone getting off the boat, he called a few people in charge.

As the village chief, he immediately made arrangements for these people.

"Brother Lu, you have been a soldier.

There are muskets in the boat issued by the Nanyang Governor's Palace, and Brother Lu should be able to use them.

Lead the young men in the village to defend with guns.

Mr. Wang said that there are activities of indigenous tribes near our village."

Lu Guangming said confidently: "Leave the defense work to me, I will definitely protect the safety of the village.

It's just an indigenous tribe. To me, it's a piece of cake."

Lu Guangming led a group of people and took down more than thirty muskets from the ship.

He looked at this old breech-loading gun, which used paper shells to hold the gunpowder.

This kind of musket seems to have been eliminated by the frontline troops, and the garrison army does not use this old-fashioned musket.

Lu Guangming estimated that the Nanyang Governor's Office issued such muskets to the militiamen.

In order to allow them to crush the natives in terms of weapons, the secrets of the muskets would not be revealed.

Lu Guangming found the best-maintained musket among the muskets.

He loaded the musket skillfully.

Wu Zheng saw Lu Guangming's skillful appearance, with this exiled officer leading the villagers.

The militia in Hexi Village can be established quickly.

He also knew that this officer's family was bullied by the local magistrate's brother-in-law, causing the family to be destroyed.

Lu Guangming went home on vacation and directly wiped out the whole family of the magistrate.

I heard that if he hadn't made great achievements, he would have been shot long ago.

Here in Nanyang, especially in the hinterland of Gangni, there are many indigenous tribes that have not been completely wiped out.

If they want to gain a foothold in Hexi Village, they must have sufficient force.

Lu Guangming commanded Qing Zhuang and stood guard outside the crowd.

Of the twenty-strong young team, only two had experience in using muskets.

He also had to teach others how to use muskets.

Wu Zheng led other men in the village to carry all the supplies from the ship.

Of these thirteen boats, there are only two small boats, which belong to their Hexi Village.

After all the cargo has been moved, these ships have to go to other places.

Wu Zheng wiped the sweat from his head and placed the rice carried off the boat on a higher place on the shore.

He shouted to the crowd: "Young and old gentlemen, it rains a lot here in Nanyang.

Our Hexi Village has nothing, so we have to build it up bit by bit.

Our first priority is to level the land so that we can have a place to pitch our tents.

Set up the tent first, and then build a few thatched houses if you have time.

When our family has money, we can buy cement and build a big house of our own."

After Wu Zheng finished arranging some chores, he asked: "If we want to build a village, our first step is to cut down trees and open up space for building the village.

We can't build houses by the river. It rains a lot here in Nanyang, and the village will be washed away by the flood."

Carpenter Zhang volunteered and said: “I also led people to build the houses in the immigration camp.

Leave it to me to build a house, as the wood left over from felling can be used to build a house."

The villagers of Hexi Village immediately took action.

Some older people look after the children and cook for everyone.

Women cleared the weeds by the river and carried some lighter branches.

In addition to the militia, the men were divided into two groups. One group was responsible for felling and transporting wood.

Another group was responsible for digging tree roots and leveling the land.

Wu Zheng arranged the manpower well and acted fairly. He did not assign more work to the North Koreans just because they were weak.

These people are all from Hexi Village. Now we can only survive if we unite.

After the village chief Wu Zheng finished arranging the work, he and Lu Guangming walked around the river and woods, centered on the place where the supplies were stored.

Wu was in the immigration camp and learned a lot of novel knowledge.

Precisely because he learned knowledge quickly, he was selected by Mr. Wang Qiyun to become the village head of Hexi Village.

In the immigration camp, relevant knowledge about village layout and prevention of indigenous immigrants was explained.

"Brother Lu, the village is built along the river.

The north side was built as a village, and the south side near the forest was reclaimed into rice fields.

When there is no more farmland in the village, we can burn down the forest and open up new farmland to grow food.

Or plant some rubber trees and spices.

No matter what crops we grow, we have to cut down the forest first."

Lu Guangming listened to Wu Zheng's explanation of the layout of the village.

He knew that Wu Zheng asked for his opinion mainly because he wanted to hear his opinion on the safety of the village.

Lu Guangming nodded and said, "This arrangement is better.

The indigenous people here in Nanyang all hid in the woods.

It is best not to build a village near the forest.

In this way, we can set up warning posts near the rice fields and detect the indigenous people rushing out of the forest in time."

When Wu Zheng heard Lu Guangming's words, he smiled and said: "The heroes have the same idea. Let's decide on the location of the village."

He introduced the layout of the village to Lu Guangming.

After Lu Guangming read it, he nodded in agreement and said, "Village Chief Wu's arrangement is very good. I'll go take a look in the woods first.

To prevent indigenous people or ferocious beasts from attacking the logging team."

After Lu Guangming finished speaking, he walked towards the forest with his musket in hand.

Wu Zheng immediately rushed back to the settlement and ordered Carpenter Zhang to build a rough outline of the village with fences.

It will be convenient to build thatched houses later.

Wu Zheng looked at the people who were working. These people moved very quickly and had already cleared a large area of ​​open space.

The tree roots were dug out, and there were a lot of earthworms and small insects in the soil.

He shouted loudly: "Spread quicklime on the soil where our houses are located to disinfect it. Don't spread it on the wrong rice fields."

Everyone paid attention and all the small puddles near the village were filled in.

The mosquito coils distributed to us by the Nanyang Governor-General must be used by every household.

We are near a forest and there are a lot of mosquitoes, making it easy to get malaria.

Our village has not yet been built, but no doctor has arrived.

If you really get sick, you may not be able to make it to the county.

We cannot prevent other diseases.

Everyone must pay attention to malaria, a disease caused by mosquito bites."

The village chief, Wu Zheng, constantly directs the villagers' work.

He was not idle either. He and others built several thatched houses in the village to store supplies.

Grain and rice seeds should not be exposed to rain.

The sky gradually darkened, as the young people in the village worked hard all day.

The small village of Hexi Village has gradually taken shape.

The foundations of the warehouse and living areas have been taken care of.

The village chief Wu Zheng shouted loudly: "Everyone has been tired for a long day, so come here to eat.

After eating, we set up the tent in the open space to avoid feeding mosquitoes at night."

Wu Zheng first let the elderly, children and women eat first, and he gathered the young people in the village to guard him.

The villagers in Hexi Village began to eat one after another.

After a tiring day, this is the happiest time.

At this moment, a crisp gunshot was heard from the direction of the woods.

The sudden gunfire made everyone nervous.

Village head Wu Zheng glanced at the river. The county's large ship carrying supplies had already left.

The two small boats belonging to their Hexi Village are still docked by the river.

If there were an indigenous attack, they would not be able to withstand it.

Children in the village must be sent away in advance.

Wu Zheng was relieved when he saw Lu Guangming returning with the militiamen.

Lu Guangming led someone to carry back a big black wild boar.

The two tusks of the wild boar are exposed and look very penetrating.

Lu Guangming said happily: "There are wild boars in the forest.

I led the militiamen to test the guns, and they happened to stop a big wild boar, adding some meatiness to everyone."

When Wu Zheng saw the big wild boar that was still bleeding, his eyes shone.

The immigrants present had not eaten meat for a long time.

This big wild boar can satisfy everyone's cravings.

Wu Zheng immediately led the villagers to kill pigs. On the first night they came to Hexi Village, each family was given a piece of wild boar meat so that every family could eat the meat.
This chapter has been completed!
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