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Chapter 401 Educating the Son

Su He was in Qianqing Palace, reviewing Wu Hongyi's memorial.

From the memorial, he learned about the general situation in the Nanyang region.

The large-scale war in the Nanyang region has ended, and the mountainous forest areas of the Nanyang region are slowly being eroded through immigration and village building.

The plain areas of the Nanyang region have all been controlled by the Nanyang Governor-General, and agricultural production has resumed.

A large number of indigenous people were conquered by the Nanyang Governor-General. These people were intimidated and unethical.

They have become accustomed to surrendering to the strong. As long as they show the posture of being strong, these indigenous tribes will behave very docilely.

Immigrants planting rice are expected to provide sufficient food for the mainland of Dahua starting next year.

Many businessmen purchased land in Nanyang and planted cash crops.

The four largest cash crops are spices, sugar cane, palm trees and rubber trees.

In particular, rubber trees have a huge demand in domestic industry, and now they can meet basic needs.

The Nanyang Governor-General led by Wu Hongyi provided various preferential policies to guide businessmen to plant large quantities of rubber trees.

The Nanyang Governor-General raised enough funds to build Nanyang by selling Dutch assets.

The imperial court did not need to allocate funds to Nanyang. It could only rely on the funds and taxes raised by the Nanyang Governor's Palace to maintain the development there.

Su He was very satisfied with Wu Hongyi's performance. He directly encouraged Wu Hongyi in the memorial and asked him to let go of his hands and feet to develop Nanyang.

"Father, my son is here to see you."

Su He put down the pen in his hand and followed the sound. Su Shu was standing at the door of Qianqing Palace.

He did not obtain Su He's permission and stood quietly at the door of Qianqing Palace without entering.

Daughter Su Rong walked directly into Qianqing Palace and said happily: "Father, my daughter misses you so much.

You haven’t visited us for several days.”

Su He said to Su Shu: "Come in! Don't stand outside the door. It's very cold now. Don't get cold."

He rubbed Su Rong's little head. The two little guys were already seven years old. They were well-nourished and grew very fast.

Only when the two of them were over seven years old did Su He feel completely at ease.

If you can live past the age of seven, you have passed the gate of hell and have a high chance of growing up.

Even with primary antibiotics now available, they are unable to cure many diseases, and infant and child mortality rates are extremely high.

Adults can only be hard-hearted, and many people treat children who have not grown up as if they do not exist.

"Father is very busy. When this time is over, he will be able to spare time to play with you for a day."

Su Rong was very happy when she heard Su He's promise.

Su He could tell that his daughter Su Rong looked carefree. She just came to Qianqing Palace to see herself.

The eldest son Su Shu looked very worried.

A child has something on his mind and can't hide it at all, but he forces himself to act mature and wants to hide what's on his mind.

Su He handed the music box on the table to Su Rong.

"Rong'er, this is a small object dedicated to my father by the Academy of Sciences."

Su He taught Su Rong how to use the music box.

This is one of the by-products developed by the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences in order to study the miniaturization of clocks.

This toy can be regarded as the most advanced product of Dahua Dynasty in terms of machining technology.

Su Rong opened the music box and found a small bronze figure inside.

She stood the little bronze figure on the copper plate of the music box and screwed the springs on the music box.

The melodious sound of music came from the music box, and the little bronze figures danced on the copper plate.

Su Rong said happily: "Okay, this is great, the music is wonderful, and the little bronze figure dances very well."

Su He saw his daughter Su Rong having fun. He looked at his eldest son Su Shu and asked, "Shu'er, if you have something on your mind, you can talk to your father."

Su Shu hesitated, his face turned red, and he gritted his teeth.

"Father, if I tell you, don't punish Teacher Zhou."

Su He smiled and said: "Shu'er, feel free to say it!

Even if Teacher Zhou said something treasonous and unethical, my father would not punish him with his words.

My father has always been open to the public and never punished anyone with his words."

Su He never punishes people with words, and officials and people will not punish people for this reason if they say something that goes too far.

Many people just complain and have no ability to take action at all.

Suhe was not ruled by an alien race, so there was no need to resort to bloody suppression to maintain the emperor's authority.

For people like Tian Wenheng whose governance policies clearly conflicted with Su He's, he didn't use his words to punish people. He gave Tian Wenheng a chance.

Tian Wenheng really has the ability to stand out, and Su He will use his talents.

When Su Shu heard his father's assurance, he revealed the reason for his confusion.

"My father, Zhou Yuanrang, a history teacher at Royal Primary School, tells us history lessons, often combining current affairs and history.

He strongly agreed with a sentence of Qin Lun, and later generations lamented it but ignored it.

Teacher Zhou mentioned the new policy of the imperial court today, saying that the imperial court would restore slavery.

He believed that this policy was a sign of national destruction.

During the Warring States Period, the Legalist Reform was to turn slavery into a feudal system.

Transform the slavery of the Chinese and savages into a farming and warfare system, turn the slaves into common people, and open up a large number of fertile fields.

There were hundreds of countries during the Spring and Autumn Period, but in the end only the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period were left who had completed the transformation of their systems. The Qin State, which had the most complete feudal system and the most thorough reforms, unified the world.

Teacher Zhou said that if the court is doing this now, it is completely reversing the course of history.

If you can turn foreigners into slaves today, you can turn your own people into slaves tomorrow.”

Su He looked at Su Shu, who looked nervous, and asked in a soft tone: "Do you understand what Teacher Zhou means when he talks about it?"

Su Shu's face tightened and he said: "Father, I seem to understand but I don't think I understand the common people."

When Su He heard Su Shu's words, he happily picked up Su Shu and let him sit on his lap.

Su He looked at him and said: "Shu'er, you can recognize this clearly, my father is very happy."

Su He looked at Su Shu's performance and realized that his son didn't need to be an eternal wise king, he just needed to be a steadfast master and not a faint king.

As long as Su Shu remembers today's words, it will be difficult for him to become a foolish king.

"Shu'er, what you said is very good. The common people are the cornerstone of the Great China Dynasty. They should be treated as human beings, not slaves.

But you must also remember that rulers can have love, but they cannot have the heart of the Holy Mother.

We must do our best to protect the people of our country and protect their interests.

Foreigners do not need to treat them as human beings, they only need to be regarded as the fuel that drives Dahua forward.

We can only save our own citizens, foreigners need their own monarchs to save them.

You must also remember the fate of these slaves. There was nothing wrong with them, the only fault was that they were weak.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is a wise saying."

Su He thought of his past life, when Chinese people were sold like piglets, and every inch of railroad track in the United States had the flesh and blood of Chinese laborers underneath.

A large number of Chinese workers fell under the railway tracks and did not see the completion of the project.

What the remaining Chinese workers are waiting for in the end is not wages, but bullets from American capitalists.

Su He developed the national power of the Great China Dynasty in order to enhance the national power and protect the people of his country to prevent them from facing this fate again.

Su Shu's face tightened, and he nodded seriously and said: "Father, I understand that you cannot let the people in the country be slaves.

But some places need to use slaves, which can only make other people slaves.

Father, please don’t blame Teacher Zhou for what happened today.”

Su He rubbed Su Shu's head and said, "Shu'er, don't worry, my father will not do this.

No theory is completely correct.

We cannot be biased and accept a doctrine as a wise saying.

Allow different voices.”

When Su Shu heard what Su He said, his expression relaxed.

"Father still needs to work, you go find your mother."

Su He looked aside, there were still more than thirty memorials that needed to be approved.

This memorial has been selected by the Secretary of General Affairs, and a large number of miscellaneous matters have been assigned to the cabinet.

Su Rong held the music box and left Qianqing Palace with her younger brother Su Shu.

Su He immediately called Su Changsheng, the commander of the Xuanwu Guards, and asked him to investigate the history teacher Zhou Yuanrang.

He can allow the history teacher to express his own opinions when teaching the subject.

Su He does not allow anyone to interfere with the government through Su Shu, or to make bets in advance to change the prince's mind.

Su Changsheng received Su He's order and immediately went to retrieve the files.

The Xuanwu Guards kept detailed records of the teachers who taught the prince.

Su He continued to be in the Qianqing Palace, approving the ministers' memorials.

After he finished approving the memorial, he was drinking tea and thinking about army expansion.

Su Changsheng, commander of the Xuanwu Guards, walked into the Qianqing Palace, and he also brought detailed information about Zhou Yuanrang.

Zhou Yuanrang was a disciple of Lu Yuan, and they were relatively enlightened traditional Confucians.

The Great China Dynasty is now full of flowers, and some corrupt scholars who are not suitable for officialdom have been kicked out of the officialdom by Su He.

Confucian psychology is still the mainstream thought in the officialdom, but with the development of hundreds of schools of thought, it only accounts for less than 50%.

But traditional Confucianism, Su He did not exterminate them all.

Many traditional Confucians are hypocrites, but there are also some true gentlemen.

Their thoughts are like stones in a latrine, smelly and hard, but their character is very good.

Even if his pretended character remains the same for decades, Su He believes that such a person is a true gentleman.

Zhou Yuanrang's behavior in class has always been like this, basically unchanged.

He did not deliberately guide Su Shu, and Su He would not specifically target a history teacher.

The word slave really touches the nerves of many people.

Su He found out Qian Mingyi's memorial, and with a stroke of his pen, he changed the word "slave" to "laborer".

In many cases, beautification is also an important thing.

The word laborer sounds more pleasant than slave.


Zhou Yuanrang walked out of the Forbidden City and rode his bicycle to his teacher Lu Yuan's home.

Every month during school holidays, he would go to the teacher's home to exchange knowledge.

He saw many female teachers riding lighter bicycles.

This is a women's bicycle produced by Wang's Bicycle Shop and is specially equipped with pneumatic tires.

This kind of bicycle is very labor-saving, but the price is higher, thirty taels of silver coins more than a normal bicycle.

Among them, pneumatic tires cost ten taels of silver coins, which is really too expensive.

Zhou Yuanrang saw that there were many teachers around, riding carriages or riding horses.

Raising horses in the capital was something only wealthy families could do, and Zhou Yuanrang envied them very much.

He was riding on the street and saw many pedestrians walking on their legs.

When these people saw themselves riding bicycles, they looked envious.

He was very satisfied with his job, at least he didn't have to walk.

When Zhou Yuanrang arrived at the door of his teacher's house, he heard a quarrel in the courtyard.

Bad thoughts came to his mind.

If the teacher directly questioned Mr. Qian Ge's policies during the court meeting, would he be retaliated by Mr. Qian Ge?

Otherwise, the teacher has such a good temper, why would he suddenly start quarreling with others?

"You treacherous son, you treacherous son has made me so angry."

Zhou Yuanrang walked into Lu's house with his cart and saw Lu Yuan scolding his third son.

The left side of Lu Ming's face was swollen and there was a deep slap mark.

Hearing Lu Yuan's scolding, he immediately retorted: "I did nothing wrong. I just opened a company with my friends. Why did my father expel me from the family?"

Lu Yuan said angrily: "Get out of here, get out of the house.

What did the Yang family do to start their business? They started selling slaves.

This time the Yang family used Japanese slaves as workers, and you actually participated in it.

How do other people see me, the Lu family, and how do they see me, Lu Yuan?

I, a descendant of the Lu family, actually use slaves."

Lu Ming frowned and said, "Ours is a serious textile factory, and my father is too picky.

Could it be that opening a textile factory and recruiting some Japanese workers would be related to the slave trade?"

Lu Yuan immediately took out a newspaper and said with a flushed face: "This is the emperor's reply to Qian Mingyi.

The emperor believed that the slave trade was harmful to the peace of the world, so he introduced labor instead.

This is a cover-up. Who doesn’t know now that workers are equal to slaves?

Your textile factory is full of slaves."

While Lu Yuan was speaking, he slapped Lu Ming on the face again.

Lu Ming was slapped several times in succession, which immediately aroused his anger.

He said angrily: "Old stubborn, have you seen any textile factory that pays wages to slaves and also helps them solve life-long problems?"

"I'll beat you to death, you traitor."

Lu Yuan was furious. Seeing that his son dared to contradict him, he was so angry that he wanted to beat his son with a stick.

Lu Ming said angrily: "Old stubborn, if you dare to hit me again, I will report it to the official.

Now it is not like the previous dynasty, where a father beat his son to death, and a husband beat his wife to death, and he had to pay with his life."

When Lu Ming said this, he immediately took a few steps back.

"You are a traitor, you are a traitor."

Lu Yuan said, and was about to rush over and beat his son.

When Zhou Yuanrang saw this situation, he immediately stepped forward to stop the teacher.

Only now did he know what happened at the teacher's house.

It's not Mr. Qiange's revenge, it's an internal conflict within the teacher's family.

He had long heard that the third son in the teacher's family did not want to read poetry and books, but liked doing business.

He teamed up with a group of bad friends and went in and out of the Huaxia Chamber of Commerce, causing chaos in the family.

The teacher has taken a clear stand against the use of slaves, but his son's factory uses a large number of slave workers. This is completely giving his opponents an advantage.

No wonder the teacher was so angry and expelled his own son from the family.

"Teacher, don't be impulsive. If you really take action, it will give other people a chance to talk.

Once you really violate the criminal law, you will be dismissed from office by the court.

It doesn't matter if you are dismissed from office, you are the backbone of the Hanlin Academy.

If you are dismissed from office, those officials will modify historical facts at will, but for the sake of a fair Ming history, you must not be impulsive."

Zhou Yuanrang's words immediately made Lu Yuan stop.

He shouted at his third son Lu Ming: "Get out, get out of here, I will treat you as if I don't have a son."

Zhou Yuanrang said to the housekeeper: "Why don't you take the third young master out of the house quickly? Can you bear to see father and son fighting each other?"

Only then did the housekeeper react and pulled Lu Ming away from Lu's house.

The new dynasty and new atmosphere will inevitably bring some new ideas, which will impact the old ideas.

Zhou Yuanrang did not expect that the ideological conflict would break out in the teacher's home.

This chapter has been completed!
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