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Chapter 403 Tour (1)

4335 years (1638 AD), December 7th.

At the imperial meeting in Qianqing Palace, Su He had just heard Su Que, director of the State Administration of Taxation, report on this year's taxation situation.

It is estimated that the total tax revenue this year will exceed 50 million taels of silver coins, with industrial and commercial taxes accounting for more than 70%.

Su He and the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs were very happy to hear the total tax revenue expected this year.

Dahua Dynasty's second-year budget will be determined based on this year's total tax revenue.

The tax revenue can reach 50 million taels of silver coins, which means that next year's total budget will have 50 million taels of silver coins.

This is the budget that the state treasury can use.

If the internal funds turned over by the Shaofu are included, the Dahua Dynasty can use more than 50 million taels of silver coins a year.

Su He asked Wang Zhongce and Su Xiong to report the budget needed by the cabinet and the military for next year before the end of the month.

After the imperial court has determined it, and with the approval of Emperor Su He and the review of the parliament, the money will be distributed to various yamen in batches.

The imperial court has a limited annual budget. Civil servants and the military will compete for relevant budgets. Various yamen within the civil servants and military will also compete with each other for the budgets of their own departments.

Su He saw civil and military officials calculating next year's budget.

He looked at Li Qingmu and said: "The Third Fleet has finished the Nanyang War and will return to Port Arthur.

I decided to go to Port Arthur to greet the officers and soldiers of the Navy, personally award them with medals, and at the same time inspect the development of the Northeast region."

Su He has long wanted to go on tour. He is an emperor on horseback, not an emperor who lives in a deep palace.

He is well aware of the sufferings of the people and that the more remote the area, the more unscrupulous the bureaucrats will be.

The capital was at the feet of the emperor, and from time to time some daring officials could be investigated and punished.

Su He also had some expectations of what the place far away from the capital would look like now.

It is impossible to accurately understand all aspects of the country's situation through only the ministers' memorials.

Reporting good news but not bad news is what every official is best at.

Su He must take a look for himself to know how the country is developing now and have a clear idea of ​​it.

Only in this way can he decide the future development direction of the Great China Dynasty.

If most people live in dire straits.

As an emperor, Su He didn't know the sufferings of the people. Instead of recuperating at this moment, he resorted to militarism and continued to expand outward.

Doing this is a waste of national power, and sooner or later war will break out.

If there is a large backlog of industrial products, we are on the eve of an economic crisis.

The country is still developing steadily and is not rapidly expanding its power.

In the early stages of this industry, overproduction really broke out, causing an economic crisis.

This crisis will destroy the vast majority of companies.

The industrial system that Su He has painstakingly guided and established will completely collapse.

In order to avoid this situation, he must understand the situation at the grassroots level.

If you can't understand everything, you still need to take a closer look to understand the general situation.

When Chief of General Staff Li Fengming heard Su He's thoughts, he immediately stood up and stopped him: "Your Majesty, I do not recommend that you go to the Northeast.

The Northeastern region had just been conquered not long ago, and there were still many remaining bannermen and Korean restorationists there.

These people were encircled and suppressed by the local garrison. They were not organized and acted like lone wolves, attacking local people and officials.

In just one year, three prefects and five county magistrates were attacked.

There are still very big hidden dangers in the Northeast region.

If your majesty is in any danger there, I will die."

Li Fengming was the first to stand up and dissuade him, followed closely by Su Xiong, who spoke more directly.

"Your Majesty, this is not the cold weapon era of the past. Wearing a good pair of armor and being protected by soldiers around you will be foolproof.

Today's sniper rifles can kill people from a thousand meters away.

Each sniper rifle is numbered, and the army takes extremely tight precautions.

But no one can guarantee that it will be foolproof and that not a single sniper rifle will be lost.

Your Majesty is in a safe zone, and both the Qilin Guard and the Xuanwu Guard need to pay a huge price to ensure His Majesty's safety.

What's more, the chaotic Northeast region.

Once someone with a grudge against His Majesty is allowed to get hold of firearms, it will directly threaten His Majesty's life."

Navy Minister Li Qingmu suggested: "Your Majesty really needs to welcome the navy soldiers and learn from them about the navy's external expansion.

Wei Chen suggested that Tianjin Port should be the place to receive the navy.

Tianjin Port is also one of the home ports of the Third Fleet. There is a railway connection between Tianjin and Beijing, so you can reach it in a short time.

If anything happens here in the capital, Your Majesty can return as soon as possible."

When Su He heard the military generals' strong objections, he also fell into deep thought.

Was his choice a bit too hasty?

The Northeast region has just been conquered and is indeed not very stable.

From ancient times to the present, countless princes have been assassinated by assassins.

If Su He is really assassinated, even if the Great China Dynasty does not fall apart, leaving orphans and widows, the throne may be usurped by powerful ministers.

Wang Zhongce waited until the military general finished speaking, then he began to persuade: "Your Majesty wants to patrol the place to inspect the development of the country.

The Northeast region is now extremely poor, and most of the people have just been divided into land.

Except for a few mines, the area is full of people who are reclaiming wasteland and farming.

There isn't much to see in the Northeast.

After our conquest, many Koreans and Mongols immigrated to the Northeast.

The risks and dangers there are also quite high, so I do not recommend that Your Majesty go there."

Cabinet Minister Wei Shiming said: "Your Majesty, I also recommend that you go to Tianjin.

As the largest port in the north, Tianjin is also the port that received grain from grain after it was converted into sea transportation, which is very representative.

Tianjin is the development center of light industry. It is the textile capital and porcelain capital in the north.

Next to Tianjin is Tangshan Prefecture, the national center of heavy industry.

Agriculture is the same everywhere.

Industry is different in every place. It is just right for Your Majesty to go to Tianjin to inspect industry."

Su He heard Wang Zhongce and Wei Shiming's suggestions.

He thought carefully and was indeed a little impulsive.

The current situation in the Northeast region.

Su He went there, which would only cause trouble to the local area, so he decided to change his destination to the surrounding areas of Tianjin.

It can be seen from this year's tax revenue that the output value of industry has far exceeded that of agriculture.

If he wants to understand the country's heritage, he can't avoid industry.

Su He said: "All the dear friends are unanimously opposed, and I am not an ignorant person.

The arrangement of the tour remains unchanged, and the destination is changed to areas around Tianjin."

When the ministers saw that Su He had made up his mind and chose Tianjin, which was a very safe destination, they no longer objected.

The emperor went on a patrol in Tianjin, which was near Chichi, and all the ministers objected, so he violated the taboo. No one would be so unwise if he could come to Qianqing Palace.

Su He decided on this matter after the imperial meeting.

He asked Qilin Guard Commander Qin Shanshui to make preparations for the trip.

Su He walked from Qianqing Palace to Kunning Palace. He summoned all the concubines in the harem and explained the matter to them.

Queen Wang Wenjun said worriedly: "My husband is on a tour of Tianjin, will there be any accidents?"

Su He said confidently: "Don't worry! Tianjin is very safe. If there is an accident, it is not safe in the Forbidden City.

As the emperor and the master of this country, I must understand my own country.

Now that I am in my prime, I want to take this opportunity to travel more.

When I am old, I want to leave, but I will be unable to do so."

Concubine Li Huixin said worriedly: "Your Majesty, the Qilin Guards responsible for guarding must be carefully selected.

The most important thing is loyalty, and it cannot be used if it has any flaws.”

When the second son Su Lei saw his mother finish speaking, he shouted: "Father, I also want to go with you."

Su He looked at Su Lei who was dancing happily. A child of five or six years old is the time to be naughty.

When Li Huixin saw her son making trouble, she glared hard.

When Su Lei saw his mother getting angry, he immediately became very quiet.

Qu Qingyi said weakly: "Husband, I can accompany you."

Qu Qingyi put forward this suggestion, and except for Wang Wenjun, the other women were tempted and wanted to go on tour with Su He.

Su He waved his hand and said, "I will go to Tianjin alone this time, and you will stay in the palace to take care of the children."

He directly rejected the wife's request. He wanted to inspect the place, not travel around the mountains and rivers. It was not appropriate to bring the family papers.


4335 years (AD 1638), December 12th.

The Beijing Railway Station has been blocked by the officers and soldiers of the White Tiger Guard.

Su He took a carriage to the Beijing Railway Station and prepared to take the train to Tianjin.

Before he left, he had made relevant arrangements.

The work related to the court was handed over to Prime Minister Wang Zhongce.

The Dahua Dynasty had no major war preparations during this period.

Military affairs were handed over to Chief of General Staff Li Fengming.

Suhe is right in Tianjin and can be reached by train within one day.

If there was an emergency in the capital, he would be able to rush back immediately.

Wang Wenjun was put in charge of the harem and clan.

Su He took Cabinet Minister Wei Shiming, Navy Minister Li Qingmu, Shaofu Ling Li Tiankui and other ministers, as well as some parliamentarians, to Tianjin.

Everyone boarded the specially arranged train and waited for the train to depart.

In order to ensure the absolute safety of the special train, Qilinwei only sets out this batch of trains at this time.

Armed trains are arranged to protect the front and rear of the special train.

The new Shaofu Ling Li Tiankui looked nervous. He sat on the train compartment seat and looked at the sky outside.

He kept recalling the situation of Tianjin and Tangshan Prefecture, and the companies under the Shaofu Prefecture.

Lin Wenjing, the former Shaofu Ling, did outstanding work and has been transferred to the post of governor of Jiangsu.

The rank of Shaofu Ling and the governor of Jiangsu are the same, but their status is completely different.

The governor is a high-ranking official in a feudal territory. This position can be promoted step by step. It may seem like a level job, but it is actually a promotion.

Li Tiankui didn't even think that he was just criticizing the bloated Shaofu system in the newspaper, and the prominent behavior of Shaofu officials who harmed the public and enriched themselves.

However, he was summoned by the emperor, and after the emperor and his ministers discussed it.

He rose to the top in one step and was promoted by the emperor to the rank of Shaofu Order.

After serving as the Shaofu Order for more than half a year, Li Tiankui has been working diligently to complete every task assigned by the emperor.

At the same time, he also took ruthless measures to rectify the companies under the Shaofu.

The most important policy he introduced was to allow Shaofu's companies to compete internally.

Unable to survive in the market, the relevant companies closed down and were taken over by brother companies.

He continued to reorganize Shaofu's companies by raising Gu.

Determined to eliminate a number of companies that were dawdling.

A company under Shaofu that can survive must be a strong one.

Li Tiankui looked at Yang Wencai, the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce who was sitting next to him, the newly added member of Parliament.

He is also a capable person, and every position on this train is extremely precious.

Yang Wencai got a seat, and he had the opportunity to perform in front of the emperor.

Qin Shanshui approached the box where Su He was.

He said respectfully: "Your Majesty, everyone has boarded the train.

The train is also ready to leave, should we leave now?"

Su He nodded and ordered: "Let's start now."

When the order to start was given, the train driver immediately started the steam train.

The loud whistle sounded, and the train gradually increased its speed and drove out of the capital.


Su He looked through the car window and looked at the scene outside the window.

Rows of thick chimneys can be seen from time to time along the railway line, and they emit huge plumes of black smoke.

As the train passed through farmland, Su He saw many villagers driving their cattle through the train window to plow the fields.

People who don't have cattle still use hoes and shovels to plow their own land.

It’s not the mid-winter season yet, and Tianjin is not a winter wheat growing area.

Farmers choose to plow their fields during this season before the ground freezes.

When there is severe cold, the cold will freeze the eggs in the soil and reduce the number of pests in the fields next spring.

Wei Shiming looked at the busy figures in the fields.

He sighed: "Your Majesty, who would have thought that the steam engine would bring earth-shaking changes to the country.

As steam engines replaced manpower, a large number of products were put into the market.

Not to mention other products, driven by the machinery industry, steel production continues to increase.

Nowadays, every farmer in our country has at least one hoe and one sickle.

Iron farm tools have an immediate impact on improving agricultural production."

When Su He heard what Wei Shiming said, he also fell into memories.

Thinking of the time when he led the villagers to rebel, they, the poor villagers, had dozens of people who couldn't get together ten hatchets, so they had to use wooden spears as weapons.

Now farmers have enough money to afford iron farm tools.

Without the exploitation of landlords, farmers can save some spare money and improve their lives even if it is 30% of the agricultural tax.

After Wei Shiming finished talking about steam engines, he thought of something he saw in the newspaper a few days ago.

"Your Majesty, I saw in the newspaper that the Spanish church preached to the workers. They brainwashed the workers and stole steam engine technology.

Local authorities have arrested those who broke the law.

Wei Chen believes that in order to protect the secret of the steam engine, we should sever ties with Spain."

Su He heard Wei Shiming talk about this matter, and he knew something about it.

As long as the Spanish are not stupid, they will definitely steal the secret of the steam engine.

The Spaniards took so long to take action. Su He looked down on them because they reacted too slowly.

When Su He heard Wei Shiming's suggestion, he waved his hand and said, "Wei Aiqing, the principle of the steam engine is very simple.

Even if Westerners could not obtain physical objects, it would not be difficult for them to develop steam engines by relying on their own strength.

It is impossible for us not to use the steam engine.

There is a possibility of leakage during use, so you should never give up eating due to choking.

As long as we ensure technological iteration and build a complete industrial chain, we are not afraid of challenges from any country.

Steam engine technology needs to be protected, but it cannot be closed to the outside world.

We have developed steam engines now, but who knows whether those Westerners will come up with better machines.

Only by communicating with each other can we maintain technological leadership."

Suhe was not worried about the Spanish developing industry.

This country controls a large number of colonies, and the nobles are too wealthy and live a superior life.

The development of industry will subvert the entire business environment and affect the interests of these nobles.

The Spanish aristocracy lived a very good life, but they had no motivation to develop industry.

Later industrial powers such as Britain, France, and Germany noticed the steam engine and developed their own industrial systems.

By that time, the industrial system of the Dahua Dynasty had matured and was no longer afraid of any challenges.

Wei Shiming listened to Emperor Su He's words and realized that there was really no way to prevent technology outflow, he could only delay it.

There are hundreds of thousands of steam engines across the country, and there are still many private craftsmen who can make steam engines. It is simply impossible to prevent the outflow of technology.

The piercing sound of the whistle woke up Wei Shiming, who was thinking about something. The train had arrived at the terminal.
This chapter has been completed!
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