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Chapter 419

Li Yuanzheng, censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, finished attending the imperial meeting.

He returned to the Metropolitan Procuratorate and immediately called a meeting of all the censors.

Li Yuanzheng saw that all the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate who were not on duty came to the meeting.

He said with a solemn expression: "Everyone understands the situation at the meeting that the implementation of the examination law is unstoppable.

Our Procuratorate has always been a thorn in the side of civil servants.

They just waited for the Metropolitan Procuratorate to make a mistake.

These civil servants gave us a fatal blow. Just like before the Ming Dynasty, the Metropolitan Procuratorate became a puppet in the hands of the civil servants.

In order to guarantee the Metropolitan Procuratorate, it is the Metropolitan Procuratorate that belongs to our censor.

I will never give any excuse to the civil servants.

If you have not completed the assessment tasks stipulated in the Entrance Examination Law, there is nothing I can do to retain you.

The examination method is not only a restriction for you, but also a ladder to help you advance.

As long as he achieves excellent results for three consecutive years, no matter who he is, he will be promoted to the next level immediately.

I can't guarantee the other yamen, as long as I am still the censor of Zuodu and manage the Duchayuan.

If you are evaluated as excellent for three consecutive years, you will be promoted to the first level."

When all the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate heard what Li Yuanzheng said, their eyes lit up.

Now that the court situation has stabilized, it is very difficult for a censor without a backing to be promoted.

Now that there is a way to pass the examination, they finally have hope for promotion.

After Li Yuanzheng finished speaking, he handed out the relevant provisions of the Examination Law and asked these people to focus on reading the provisions related to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Zhang Shengbei, the imperial censor of the Imperial Procuratorate, frowned after briefly reading the contents of the imperial examination.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate has officially begun to implement the examination method, which will increase the workload of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

For a censor like him, he must solve cases involving third- and fourth-grade officials every year in order to obtain a good evaluation.

Censors at all levels of the Metropolitan Procuratorate have different assessment tasks.

If you want to make life easier, then act as a deputy and help others deal with the minor details of the case.

As long as he brushes enough pieces, he is very likely to get a good rating.

If you work as someone else's second-in-command for a long time, there is basically no hope of promotion.

Most ambitious censors would not choose to do this.

Zhang Qinian, the censor of Qiandu, looked at Li Yuanzheng and asked with a solemn expression: "Master Li, are the requirements related to passing the law examination unreasonable?

Some cases are so complex that they cannot be investigated in a year.

The requirements for censors in the imperial examination are also somewhat strict.

There are only a limited number of officials in the capital, and they will conduct continuous investigations. There will always be a day when all investigations are completed.

When that time comes, we can't take advantage of law enforcement and deliberately create relevant incidents."

When Li Yuanzheng heard what Zhang Qinian said, he said in a cold tone: "You raised this question without carefully reading the examination method.

For major matters involving important personnel, the maximum time to complete the examination is six years.

As long as the relevant cases can be cracked, you will directly receive six evaluations and be promoted to two levels at once, and you can be promoted from the third grade to the second grade.

Your other question is completely nonsense.

There are so many officials in the capital, how can we complete the investigation?

Besides, if you are an upright official this year, you may not be an upright official next year.

The Duke of Zhou was afraid of leaving a message, but when Wang Mang was humble and did not usurp it, people's hearts were unpredictable.

The mobility of officials in the capital is also high, and new officials are constantly being added, making it impossible to complete the investigation in advance.

We must overcome all difficulties and complete the assessment tasks stipulated in the examination law, and we are not allowed to find excuses to shirk.

Those who are judged to be the best will be promoted, and those who fail continuously will be demoted.

Your future is in your own hands.

That’s all I’m going to say, let’s break up the meeting.”

Li Yuanzheng didn't say much. He had already told everyone the pros and cons of passing the law test.

How much these people can understand depends on their own abilities.

Zhang Shengbei and Zhang Qinian looked at each other. They held the examination method and felt that the thin paper was as heavy as Mount Tai.

Zhang Shengbei was the first to say: "The situation has changed, we can only take care of ourselves first."

Zhang Qinian nodded and said: "For our own future, we will be merciless in our affairs from now on."

Both of them realized that the officialdom of the capital was about to usher in a bloody storm.

Even the censors like them want to restrain themselves.

The middle and lower-level censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate will also frantically investigate relevant cases for the sake of their own future.

Pull out the radish and bring out the mud. No piece of eucalyptus can withstand close inspection.

Fortunately, the Kao Cheng Law stipulates the punishment for unjust, false, and wrongful convictions, so Emperor Su He had no intention of setting off large-scale prisons.

Zhang Shengbei looked at the other censors, their eyes were shining and they were ready to fight.

Other officials still need to think hard if they want to evaluate the outstanding ones.

If the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate wants to evaluate the merits, he only needs to investigate and find out the key points.

Zhang Shengbei coughed, attracting the attention of all the censors.

He solemnly explained: "It is okay to investigate, but try not to make any unjust or false accusations.

The examination law imposes severe penalties for unjust, false, and wrongful convictions.”

Zhang Qinian added: “Haste makes waste, you must understand the chain of evidence before arresting people.

As long as we, the Procuratorate, have evidence in our hands, we are not afraid of anyone.

You have been caught by others, and we want to help you, but there is no excuse to help."

The meeting of the Metropolitan Procuratorate ended, and the censors formed gangs to find their own goals.

In the past, the only way for the Metropolitan Procuratorate to get promotions quickly was to apply for a major that reached Tianting.

Many censors are not of sufficient level, and they suffer from lack of opportunities.

Catching corrupt officials is an offending matter, and some censors lack initiative.

Usually they will go out to handle the case after receiving reports from the people and encountering such a last resort situation.

They are now governed by the Entrance Examination Law, which stipulates in detail the rules for conducting and evaluating students.

No matter how big or small you are, as long as you handle the paperwork well and get evaluated by completing the paperwork, you will definitely be promoted.

If you continue to live leisurely like before, you may be demoted.

As the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, all officials gave them three points of respect.

Once demoted, there is a huge status gap that many people cannot accept.

Whether they want it or not, they are going to get involved.

There is a censor who is reading the letters sent by the people.

Only a small number of people would read these letters sent to the Metropolitan Procuratorate under real names or anonymously.

A censor looked through the files they had previously handled.

These files usually involve several officials.

At that time, due to various reasons, it was cured.

At this time, we can re-investigate the old ones in the name of discovering new clues.


Village chief Wu Zheng and Lu Guangming live in the Hongyan Inn in the capital.

Wu Zheng was just the village chief, and Lu Guangming was just the militia captain.

They were not even considered officials, so they had no way to go to official residences and could only stay in ordinary inns.

Lu Guangming looked anxious, but uncharacteristically, he said in a mosquito-like voice: "Master Wang Qiyuan hasn't completed the formalities yet, and those things are not far from our village.

I’m worried that the indigenous people will unite to rob us, and I’m even more worried that the surrounding villages will be jealous and destroy our village.”

Wu Zheng was also very worried about the safety of the village, so he put his mouth next to Lu Guangming's ear.

He persuaded softly: "We reported to Nanyang Governor Wu Hongyi, but he had no way to make the decision. Mr. Wang took us and came to the capital to report the relevant situation.

I believe Governor Wu will send troops to protect us. Our village is not far from the mine.

Sending troops to protect the mine will definitely protect the safety of the village.

I believe in the credibility of the Royal Army."

When Lu Guangming heard what he said, he patted his chest and assured: "The credibility of our Royal Army is absolutely guaranteed."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the people around him. They didn't attract anyone else's attention.

Lu Guangming lowered his voice and said: "Master Wang Qiyuan hasn't obtained the mining license yet.

Stop talking about the mine, we can't let it slip, it will ruin our big plan."

Wu Zheng nodded and kept silent about the affairs in the village.

He sighed, and his voice returned to normal and he said: "We went through great hardships to get to the capital from Nanyang, and Mr. Wang went to the Hubu Yamen to handle matters.

For unknown reasons, the head of the Nanyang Department of the Ministry of Revenue was imprisoned, and Yuan Wailang was also taken away by the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

As a result, Mr. Wang's work has been stuck, and he is now preparing to find Nanyang Doctor to handle the matter.

Those senior officials are even busier and don’t know when things will be handled, and we don’t know how long we will have to wait.”

Wu Zheng's words attracted the attention of two young officials who were drinking at the next table, Qi Gaofeng and Ouou Hu. They were officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Qi Gaofeng took advantage of his drunkenness and said: "Don't wait, don't wait.

Now that the Ministry of Revenue is in trouble, it has no time to receive untouchables like you.

I think officialdom is coming to an end, really coming to an end.

The test law is a bad law.

After the implementation of the examination law, a lot of things accumulated in the yamen.

Many people are in a hurry. Not only do I have to do my own thing, I also have to help Shangguan handle things.

It seems that all officials are doing corresponding things according to their respective grades.

In fact, most things are put down layer by layer and placed on us, the small officials who do the work."

Euro Tiger drunkenly picked up Erguotou, tilted his neck and drank half a bottle of Erguotou.

He said drunkenly: "If you do more things, spend more time.

We, the junior officials who have just passed the imperial examination, need to gain seniority in the officialdom, and we can also train ourselves by doing more things.

The most disgusting thing about Kao Chengfa is that he released the evil spirit of cruel officials.

I think the imperial court has forgotten the dangers of cruel officials in the Han and Tang dynasties.

It makes sense that officials who perform normal duties need to be evaluated.

He actually conducted an assessment on an anti-corruption yamen like the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Doing this does not mean that we, the officials, are completely denied a way out.

Those eagle dogs are very picky in order to get promoted.

Brother Yang, Brother Li, and Brother Zhao were all taken away by the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The already arduous work fell directly on the few of us left.

We were still in fear that we might be taken away by the Metropolitan Procuratorate at any time, so we couldn't be in the mood to do anything.

Officials don’t have time to make a living, officials have no time to live!

Since when did being an official become so difficult?"

When Lu Guangming saw two scholars who were helpless, he directly called them untouchables.

As a refugee before, he almost starved to death, so he was very sensitive to this kind of address.

He slammed the table angrily and shouted loudly: "You officials are just pretentious. You can't make a living by being an official.

Whenever a major disaster occurs, ordinary people are the hardest hit.

The people fled with their families and even their children, and even sold their sons and daughters to exchange their children for food.

You officials eat big fish and meat, and even go to brothels for fun.

If you really feel that being an official is not a life, then choose to resign instead of working.

If you don't have the ability to adapt to officialdom, you won't even have the courage to resign."

Lu Guangming said this, and the other drinkers at the Hongyan Inn, who were watching the excitement and did not mind the trouble, loudly shouted: "If you don't want to be an official, just resign, resign..."

Qi Gaofeng and Euro Hu heard the news of resignations one after another, and most of their drunkenness immediately dissipated.

Han Chuang studied hard for ten years before he crossed the single-plank bridge with thousands of troops, passed the Jinshi examination, and became an official in the Ministry of Household Affairs, becoming a noble official in the capital.

How could they resign just because they said they were going to resign? What's more, they were not prepared to resign.

If the two of them really dare to resign, everyone in the family will blame them for the rest of their lives.

Qi Gaofeng and Euro Tiger ran out of Hongyan Restaurant in a panic.

When Lu Guangming saw this situation, he spat and said, "You bitch is just hypocritical."

Wu Zheng smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Lu, you are too impulsive.

You don't have any grudges, it's just a disparaging remark that offended two officials with unlimited futures.

That’s not asking for trouble for yourself.”

Lu Guangming said honestly: "I can't bear it, and I don't want to.

I think they are officials from the Ministry of Revenue, and there is nothing these petty officials in the capital can do against us.

There is no need to be afraid of offending them."

When Wu Zheng looked at Lu Guangming, he just smiled bitterly.


Su He held another imperial meeting in Qianqing Palace.

He did not wait for the official's report and began to ask questions: "It has been a month since the implementation of the law, how is the situation?"

Li Yuanzheng, the imperial censor of Zuodu, stood up confidently and replied: "Your Majesty, the implementation of the imperial examination law in the Metropolitan Procuratorate is very good.

Since the implementation of the examination law, the detection rate of cases in the Metropolitan Procuratorate has increased by 300%, and unjust and false cases have decreased by 50%.

This increase and decrease will greatly improve the efficiency of the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

After Su He listened to Li Yuanzheng's introduction, he said with a smile: "The Metropolitan Procuratorate has done a very good job."

Prime Minister Wang Zhongce saw that the six ministers were not prepared to report the situation.

Some departments in the Sixth Department have done relatively well, and some have done extremely poorly.

Wang Zhongcehui reported: "Your Majesty, I have been paying attention to the implementation of the Kao Cheng Law during this period.

For yamen like the Sanfa Division, which have a track record of doing things, it is better for them to implement the examination method.

Among the six departments, the Ministry of Medicine and the Ministry of Industry have relatively good implementation of the examination method.

The other three departments are a bit confusing, even if the examination law stipulates in detail what officials at all levels should do.

There are always some officials who are clever and do not follow the examination method, which leads to some chaos in these yamen.

I have summarized the shortcomings shown in the implementation of the law and made corrections in a timely manner.

It was a bit chaotic at the beginning, but now it's on track.

There are some fluctuations in the officialdom and they will calm down soon."

Prime Minister Wang Zhongce did not hide anything. He detailed the problems encountered by officials after the promulgation of the examination law.

After Su He listened, he said: "The method of examination is still too soft, and the period of examination for officials is as long as three years.

Some officials have shown within a short period of time that they are not qualified officials.

For example, leave the work you are doing to your subordinates to complete.

One layer after another is piled on top of one another, causing subordinate officials to cry out that it is hard to make a living in office.

The penalties for these officials must be increased."

Qian Fuwen, the Minister of Household Affairs, heard what Su He said. He immediately knelt down and apologized: "I failed to manage my subordinates well. Please forgive me."

Su He waved his hands and said: "When we find a problem, we have to solve it instead of shirking responsibility.

This situation occurs not only in the household department, but also in other yamen.

When the law is implemented in places where it is tested, this phenomenon will become more common."

When Qian Fuwen heard what Emperor Su He said, he stood up tremblingly.

Su He and other monarchs and ministers focused on the problems encountered after the implementation of the examination law.

They arrange solutions according to different situations.

This chapter has been completed!
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