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Chapter 424 Gold Mine

Chapter 424 Gold Mine

Wang Qiyuan listened to the sound of the paddle wheel lapping the sea.

This sound, which I have grown tired of hearing, is particularly pleasant now.

He stood on the deck and looked at the outline of Temasek City, the capital of Nanyang Province.

Wang Qiyuan has been recording the time. It is now May 2nd, 4336 (1639 AD).

The passenger ship has been sailing on the sea for more than two months, and they are about to reach their destination.

The passenger ship enters the port and docks under the guidance of the ship.

The port of Temasek City is very prosperous.

Nanyang is a region composed of multiple islands, with more than 300 named islands.

The transportation here is basically based on sea transportation.

Wang Qiyuan stepped off the deck and went straight to the Nanyang Governor's Mansion.

At this time of year in Beijing, you should still be wearing sweaters.

On the streets of Temasek City, many people were wearing only a single piece of clothing and looked like they were sweating profusely.

The current temperature here is hotter than in midsummer in the north.

When Nanyang Governor Wu Hongyi heard that Wang Qiyuan was back, he immediately ordered his master to bring Wang Qiyuan to see him.

Lu Guangming took the workers back to Nanyang first.

Wu Hongyi knew the general situation in the capital.

Wang Qiyuan was a great hero and accomplished the main goal they had envisioned.

The gold mining license has been issued, and the gold mine mined secretly can finally be made public to the world.

Gold mines accumulated previously can also be formally smelted into gold bricks.

Wu Hongyi had already made two preparations before.

If they can obtain a mining license, the Nanyang Governor-General will control the entire industrial chain of gold mines from mining to smelting.

If you cannot obtain a mining license, gold mining can be given away, and gold smelting must be in your own hands.

The Nanyang Governor-General is trying his best to gain a piece of meat from the gold mining industry chain.

Now things are developing on the bright side. Nanyang has obtained the mining rights of this large gold mine and will have a steady stream of gold coin income.

Wu Hongyi has enough money in his hands, plus the geographical advantages here in Nanyang.

He is confident that he can develop several pillar industries in Nanyang during his term of office.

This will serve as his indelible achievement and send him straight to the center.

Wang Qiyuan sat opposite Wu Hongyi, the governor of Nanyang, and reported in detail his experience of going to the capital.

Wu Hongyi listened carefully to Wang Qiyuan's report. He only understood the results before, but did not understand the detailed process.

After listening, he said with satisfaction: "Wang Zhixian, you have done a very good job.

He handled the matter very well and was appreciated by His Majesty this time.

The gold mine is under your rule, and the tasks assigned by His Majesty will be entrusted to you.

Many of those gold diggers are not law-abiding citizens, and they must be governed well."

Wu Hongyi was very happy. Wang Qiyuan was a seventh-rank official and it would not affect his status.

The presence of a capable person under his command proved that he knew how to use people. In the eyes of Emperor Su He, this was also a plus.

Wang Qiyuan was very happy when he heard that Wu Hongyi had given him all the tasks.

If he does this thing that Emperor Su He pays attention to, he will have a chance to rise to the top.

Wang Qiyuan responded seriously: "Governor Wu, these people mainly seek wealth.

But without control, many vicious incidents will occur.

I have a detailed plan to control these gold diggers and never let them cause trouble.

I have a request for my humble position, and I hope Governor Wu can agree to it."

Wu Hongyi looked at Wang Qiyuan's calm and composed look, and he was very satisfied.

Wang Qiyuan can handle this matter well, which can be regarded as an important achievement of the Nanyang Governor's Office.

Wu Hongyi asked in a calm tone: "What are the requirements of Wangzhi County?

The Nanyang Governor-General has the ability to do it, and I will try my best to handle this matter well."

Wang Qiyuan, as a veteran official, could certainly hear what Governor Wu Hongyi meant.

For some easier matters, the Nanyang Governor's Mansion can grant him permission.

For more difficult things, such as asking for funds, the answer is either delay or rejection.

Wang Qiyuan said: "Governor Wu, the gold mine is very close to Hexi Village.

Hexi Village is close to the gold mine, and miners and gold prospectors flow there in large numbers. This small village will definitely develop in the future.

The focus of my future attention is Hexi Village and the gold mine. These two places are far away from the county government and it is not convenient to go to the office.

At the humble request, the county government was moved to Hexi Village.

The indigenous tribes around Hexi Village have been wiped out, and the security of the county government is guaranteed."

When Wu Hongyi heard Wang Qiyuan's request, he smiled relaxedly.

He can do this easily.

The power of local officials in the Dahua Dynasty was very great.

He can make the final decision on the relocation of county government offices in the area.

Wu Hongyi smiled and replied: "Hexi Village will soon usher in great development, and the county government will move to Hexi Village. This is a good choice.

The original name of Qinmen County was not very nice. It was a place name named by the indigenous people.

With the discovery of gold mines, the county will surely become famous.

I think it would be better to take this opportunity and change the name to Hexi County."

When Wang Qiyuan heard that Governor Wu Hongyi agreed to this matter, he relaxed.

The small matter of changing the name of the county seat is at the discretion of Governor Wu.

After he reported his work, he was ready to say goodbye and leave.

When Wu Hongyi saw Wang Qiyuan was about to leave, he immediately waved to Wang Qiyuan to stop him.

"Wang Zhixian, wait a minute, I have something else to tell you.

The Nanyang gold mine mining work is ready, and the ribbon will be officially cut and workers will go down to the mine soon.

Sufficient local support must be provided, especially when it comes to the supply of materials and case trials involving gold mines."

"This is what we should do. The gold mine can provide us with a large number of local jobs and promote the development of Hexi County.

In this humble position, I will definitely serve the gold mine well and ensure that the gold mine mines safely and will not be disturbed by trivial matters."

Wang Qiyuan reacted conditionedly and said this.

As soon as he finished speaking, he reacted and asked in surprise: "Governor Wu, I just brought the mining license. Why is it that the gold mine has already entered the stage of preparation for mining?"

Wang Qiyuan was very puzzled. If you want to mine a gold mine, you need to find the location of the veins.

Building roads to connect to the outside world, digging mines and other preliminary preparations will take a long time.

For a mine as large as a gold mine, it would take at least half a year just to dig the mine tunnel.

Lu Guangming came back early and brought the news of obtaining the mining license. The Nanyang Governor's Office immediately started preparations, and there was not enough time.

According to the progress of the project, he had just left Nanyang by boat, and the gold mine had already begun preparations for mining.

Governor Wu was not afraid of doing this. He did not get the mining rights of the gold mine, and everything he did was in vain.

Seeing Wang Qiyuan's surprised expression, Wu Hongyi said with a smile: "I sent you to the capital because you are prudent in your work. I believe you will definitely get the mining license."

He didn't tell the real reason.

In order to race against time, get the gold produced by the gold mine as soon as possible.

Get on the bus first and then pay for the ticket. This is a normal operation.

Local officials do not have this adventurous spirit and follow the rules in everything they do. How can they be promoted quickly?

The Nanyang Governor's Palace really did not obtain a mining license.

Their advance preparations will never go to waste.

Any company that acquires mining rights must pay for these facilities.

Without a good relationship with the local area, it will be difficult for them to maintain mining operations.

Wang Qiyuan said goodbye again and left. He went to various yamen of the Governor's Mansion to complete the procedures for the relocation of the county yamen.

He immediately took a boat back to the county government office and mobilized all county officials to carry out the relocation work.

The new county government office is close to the gold mine, which means that the future is unlimited and the money is rich.

All county government officials worked together to quickly complete the relocation work.


4336 (1639 AD), May 15th.

Wang Qiyuan looked at the new county government office and the crowds of people outside, and he smiled.

The place where they live now is a row of brick houses.

This is Hexi Village, where the militiamen lived before.

The new county government office is under construction.

Outside Hexi Village, a cement road has been paved.

Hexi Village is located between the gold mine and the dock, making it the best transit place.

Wang Qiyuan walked out of the county government office. He took the county officials with him to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the gold mine.

All the procedures for the gold mine have been completed, and the Nanyang Governor's Office has good communication with the tax bureau and the bank.

This huge gold mine can officially mine gold.

He looked at the shiny Wu Zheng. Hexi Village had undergone tremendous changes due to the nearby gold mines.

"Village Chief Wu, I saw that the villagers outside have filled the paddy fields with soil.

Is your village not going to farm from now on?"

Wu Zhengcun said excitedly: "Sir Wang, the county government has moved to our village, and we will become city residents from now on.

There is no reason why city dwellers should continue farming.

With the emergence of this gold mine, a large number of factories were built around this gold mine.

Many factories choose to build factories in Hexi Village so they can recruit workers nearby.

Not to mention the young people in the village, even the old men in their fifties have found a job as a gatekeeper.

There are also some people who are lively and ready to start some small businesses.

No matter what business you do now, you can make more money than farming.

Now, no one in the village is farming."

Wang Qiyuan just made a routine inquiry. He knew that with the relocation of the county government, Hexi Village became the center of the county.

Sooner or later these cultivated lands will be bulldozed and turned into residential houses and factories.

He did not expect that without the supervision of the government, the people themselves would give up farming because of their own interests.

He was previously worried that these refugees who immigrated for land would not be willing to give up the land in their hands.

Their thoughts change very quickly, and their benefits can really move people's hearts.

Wang Qiyuan and his party took a carriage and rushed to the gold mine.

When they went out, the sky was clear. Halfway through, it began to rain heavily, and raindrops kept hitting the carriage.

The carriage travels quickly on the cement road without worrying about rain.

The weather here in Nanyang is changeable. After entering the rainy season, it rains almost every day.

Wang Qiyuan and the main officials of the county government came to the gold mine.

They wore raincoats and walked in the heavy rain.

Zhao Baojin, general manager of Nanyang Gold Mine, led people to wait in the gatehouse of the gold mine.

When Wang Qiyuan arrived at the gold mine, Zhao Baojin immediately sent someone to welcome Wang Qiyuan and his party to the gatehouse.

As a local official, Wang Qiyuan has to deal with gold mines frequently and maintain a good relationship, which will make his work easier in the future.

Zhao Baojin and Wang Qiyuan exchanged a few words.

Wang Qiyuan learned from this that the gold mine absorbed the militia from Hexi Village.

Lu Guangming has become the captain of the gold mine protection team and is responsible for the safety of the gold mine.

They were chatting enthusiastically when they heard the sound of horse hooves coming from the heavy rain.

Wu Hongyi brought officials from the Nanyang Governor's Palace to cut the ribbon on the gold mine.

Everyone in the concierge immediately put on their raincoats and lined up to greet him despite the heavy rain.

Wu Hongyi was wearing a raincoat and greeted people standing in the heavy rain.

He said loudly: "We are all wearing raincoats, and it is uncomfortable to stand in the rainstorm.

Because of the weather, there is no need for me to go into a lengthy discussion.

I declare that the Nanyang Gold Mine has officially started construction."

After Wu Hongyi finished speaking, the audience burst into warm applause.

No one wants to listen to official talk for an hour or two in a heavy rainstorm.

Wu Hongyi took the scissors handed over by his master and cut the red silk directly.

A gun salute was fired at the Nanyang Gold Mine, the miners officially started work, and a large amount of gold ore was transported out of the mine tunnel by mining trucks.

Wu Hongyi praised: "Explosives are conducive to mining. This is really a rich mine. I didn't expect that so many gold mines could be mined in the early trial production."

Everyone present heard what Governor Wu Hongyi said, and no one refuted it.

But they all know in their hearts that gold mines have been mined secretly for a long time.

The people from the tax bureau didn't say anything. As long as the gold mine didn't hide its output and paid taxes on time, they wouldn't dig into it.

Zhao Baojin took Wu Hongyi and his party to the gold smelting plant not far from the mine.

He introduced: "Governor Wu, the ore mined from the gold mine is turned into gold bricks after smelting and processing.

We directly use these gold bricks to exchange gold coins with the bank."

Wu Hongyi asked Zhao Baojin about the situation of the gold mine, while he was waiting for the first batch of gold ore to be smelted.

The liquid gold water was poured out of the furnace, solidified quickly, and was shaped into gold bricks.

Workers use steel stamps to mark gold bricks.

Zhao Baojin took out a steaming gold brick from the worker's hand and handed it to Nanyang Governor Wu Hongyi.

Wu Hongyi observed that the gold brick in his hand weighed ten kilograms, or two hundred taels.

The gold brick is stamped with the date of May 15, 4336, made in Nanyang Gold Mine.

Wu Hongyi looked at this gold brick and thought, this is money.

It is difficult to move without money. Many heroes in ancient and modern times have sacrificed their lives for these yellow and white things.

He turned to look at Liu Zongwen, the president of the bank's Nanyang Branch.

"President Liu, how many gold coins can this gold brick exchange for?"

Liu Zongwen took the gold brick, weighed it with his hands, and replied: "Governor Wu, the court has relevant regulations. Pure gold and pure silver can be exchanged for gold and silver coins in full, and the bank will charge a one percent fire fee."

When Wu Hongyi heard this exchange standard, he felt a little sad.

"President Liu, our gold mine still needs to pay taxes and share it with the country.

Less than 40% of the gold mines fell into our hands.

The pure gold and pure silver in gold and silver coins is only about 90%.

We are all relevant departments of the state, so don’t accept the expense.”

Liu Zongwen said firmly: "Governor Wu, please don't make things difficult for me.

I can decide to reduce the interest on the loan.

The cost of gold and silver exchange is a fixed amount set by the imperial court, and no one can change it."

Wu Hongyi listened to Governor Liu and tried to find a way to get him a loan.

He doesn't want to take out a loan, which carries interest.

Local officials make the final decision on loans. Once the loan defaults, it will affect their performance. If the loan is not repaid, they will never be promoted in this life.

Wu Hongyi watched gold bricks being made one after another.

This is the confidence of the Nanyang Governor's Mansion. It has a large amount of gold and does not need a loan.

Money can communicate with the gods, and a remote place like Nanyang can develop rapidly with enough money.

(End of chapter)

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