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Chapter 430

Li Fengming soon returned to the Governor's Mansion.

Su Xiong, Wen Jingming, Jiang Zhiyu and others immediately gathered around.

King Zhao Su Xiong had the highest status. He asked directly: "Chief of Staff Li, what arrangements does your Majesty have for the future development of the military."

Su Xiong has been crowned king, which is the highest title a noble can obtain.

He had no title and could only wait for Emperor Su He to open the curtain of overseas titles.

He became the founding monarch of a vassal state.

During this time, Su Xiong consulted scholars on how to govern the country, and at the same time recruited some people to lay a good team for him to found the country.

He also had to control the scale of his power and not let Emperor Su He think that he had other ideas.

But his brother Su Hu, friends Su Zhuang, Li Dazhuang and others kept urging him in various ways.

As the governor of the Metropolitan Governor's Office, Su Xiong is the person with the highest status in the Dahua military.

These people asked him to push the imperial court to expand outward so that they could gain military honors and promote their own titles.

Li Fengming briefly described Emperor Su He's attitude.

The eyes of Su Xiong and others were a little lonely, but they still shone with hope.

They can all feel Emperor Su He's attitude that there will be no large-scale expansion in the near future, but Dahua will not give up expansion.

Su Xiong only hopes that Dahua will not actively expand, but can expand passively.

Dahua was provoked by other forces. Based on his understanding of Emperor Su He, he would definitely send heavy troops to eliminate this force.

Su Xiong believes that the Spaniards on Luzon Island have this potential.

Li Fengming said loudly: "A large amount of gold has been shipped from Nanyang, and the bank is about to turn it into gold coins.

Your Majesty's idea is to spend these gold coins as soon as possible.

Our military must take advantage of this opportunity to secure a large amount of military spending.

We must ensure that the Royal Army of Dahua has no shortcomings. Once a fighter plane appears, the army can be mobilized immediately and rush to the battlefield quickly.

The military is developing too slowly now. We must find ways to speed up the development of the military.

Your Majesty's restriction on Dahua's expansion may be due to the fact that the military's strength has not yet reached His Majesty's ideal state.

Our military must take the initiative to eliminate His Majesty's worries and prove to His Majesty that we can win the war."

When Su Xiong heard what Li Fengming said, his eyes lit up and he said, "Two hundred and one thousand taels of gold coins.

Now the bank announces the exchange price of gold coins and silver coins, which has been maintained for a long time. One tael of gold coins can be exchanged for 10 taels of silver coins.

This is 2,100,000 taels of silver coins. If we can fully absorb this money, the army will surely usher in great development and make up for the main shortcomings of the army."

Navy Minister Li Qingmu listened to their conversation.

He originally thought it was an Army matter and didn't pay much attention to it.

When Li Qingmu heard Su Xiong mention this huge amount of money, he couldn't help but come over immediately.

"With this kind of money, five battleships can be built.

This is the gold turned over by Nanyang. Our navy has made enough achievements in Nanyang, so some military expenditure must be allocated to the navy."

Su Xiong saw Li Qingmu coming to fight for military expenses, and others wanted to quarrel with Li Qingmu.

He immediately stood up and said: "Why fight now? The money hasn't been in our hands yet, so there is nothing to fight about.

Our most important task now is to find ways to obtain more military spending.

The military expenditures obtained are enough, and both the army and navy can share a lot of military expenditures...

If you only get tens of thousands of taels of silver coins, what can you use them for?"

Su Xiong suppressed the differences between the army and navy.

After he appeased everyone, they reached a consensus.

The army and navy cannot hold each other back and must rely on their own projects to compete for military spending.

Which project can be approved by Emperor Su He depends on each person's ability.


The bright moon is high, and the lights are still brightly lit in the home of Prime Minister Wang Zhongce.

The huge whale oil candle burned, illuminating the entire study, but there was no trace of it.


Wang Zhongce looked at the cabinet ministers and six ministers who came over.

He said: "That's the thing. The imperial court has received an unexpected income. He can put it to practical use and solve many problems that the imperial court is facing now."

Wang Zhongce didn't explain clearly, but everyone understood what he was talking about.

As the highest-ranking civil servants in the Great China court, they were all extremely well-informed.

Emperor Su He had no intention of hiding this matter.

After Zhou Yunxu came out of the palace, news spread in the capital that the gold mines in Nanyang were extremely productive and he turned over a large amount of gold and transported it to the capital to prepare gold coins.

Honeysuckle, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, lamented: "Governor Wu of Nanyang sent someone to the Ministry of Industry to apply for a gold mining license.

At that time, the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry were in turmoil.

This is a matter assigned by His Majesty, and the corresponding procedures will be completed quickly.

Who knew that the output of this gold mine could be so high.

There are about ten tons of gold every month, which far exceeds the output of gold mines in Shandong and other places."

Qian Fuwen, the Minister of Household Affairs, said: "The Minister of Finance only knows the size of the gold mine, but does not know how many people work in the gold mine.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Household Affairs, in just two months, 400,000 young people poured into Nanyang to seek gold.

As far as I know about Nanyang Gold Mine, apart from the main vein, a large number of gold mines are contracted by private parties.

Private small gold mines all choose to mine as quickly as possible.

The output of gold mines is extremely high in a short period of time. When the privately contracted gold veins are exhausted, the output in the future will definitely not be as high.

Unless there are more gold mines to be found in Nanyang."

Wang Zhongce saw these ministers and discussed the situation related to gold mines.

He coughed lightly and said, "We don't need the output of the gold mine.

At least in the short term, gold mine output will not fluctuate much.

The most critical thing is where the court will use this unexpected income.

Everyone has received the order, and your Majesty will convene a royal meeting tomorrow to discuss the distribution of this income.

The cabinet and the six ministries must first reach an agreement, and it is best for the cabinet to allocate this revenue."

Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng said: "We must be consistent in dealing with the outside world, at least not letting the military share too much money.

Those war madmen, let them act as they please, sooner or later they will drag Dahua into the quagmire."

When it comes to the distribution of money, everyone is no longer modest.

In the study room of the palace, a fierce quarrel broke out.

Even if Wang Zhongce uses his identity to suppress everyone.

Jin Yinhua, the Minister of Industry, and Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, could not control their anger and started fighting in the study.

Han Cuibai and Honeysuckle worked together in Sichuan.

Han Cuibai is the prefect, but Honeysuckle is the governor, his immediate superior...

Honeysuckle is an old Confucian reformist represented by Li Zhisheng.

Han Cuibai joined Wang Zhongce’s Neo-Confucian school of thought.

There is absolutely no way to reconcile these two factions.

The two of them have deep conflicts, and they are newly appointed ministers of the six departments, so they are eager to make political achievements.

When Wang Zhongce saw the two of them fighting each other, he immediately ordered his guards to pull them apart.

The meeting also broke up unhappily. Only general opinions were reached, but no specific distribution plan was reached.


Su He held an imperial meeting in Qianqing Palace.

Before starting, bank president Zhou Yunxu would like to introduce the relevant situation to everyone.

Su He saw that all the ministers knew about this matter.

"This is a large amount of unplanned income. The court was having a very difficult time during this period.

With this income now, many problems can be solved.

Among them, 30,000 taels of gold coins were allocated to Qian Mingyi for the construction of tributaries of the Yellow River Project.

The expenses required for the Yellow River Project will be allocated according to the progress of the project.

The total amount of project funds is large, but not

With one-time disbursement and disbursement in batches, there is still so much money left.

The cabinet and the military will share one share and use this money to solve your urgent problems."

As soon as Su He finished speaking, Navy Minister Li Qingmu immediately stood up.

"Your Majesty, the navy has built a lot of battleships and cruisers during this period, and its military strength is fully capable of protecting the sea.

The Ordnance Research Institute has developed extremely useful mines.

The navy is in great demand for minelayers and other auxiliary ships.

I hope that the imperial court can allocate fifty thousand taels of gold coins to improve the navy's ship configuration."

Su Xiong, the governor of the Metropolitan Governor's Office, then made a suggestion: "Your Majesty, the annual military expenditures allocated for the development of the Royal Army of Great China are sufficient.

However, these military expenditures can only meet the needs of weapons replacement, military expenditures for war and the payment of military pay.

The Royal Army of Great China possesses the most powerful weapons. No army of the same size can block our army's artillery fire.

The only limitation on the development of the Royal Army of China now is the marching speed of the army.

Most of the army's supplies must be carried on the shoulders of soldiers.

I request your Majesty to allocate fifty thousand taels of gold coins for the purchase of mules and horses.

The future goal of the Royal Army of China is to become a mule-like army and make up for the shortcoming of slow marching speed."

Chief of General Staff Li Fengming stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the imperial court has wiped out Monan Mongolia, the Jurchen tribe, and Transkarkha Mongolia have surrendered to us.

Commander Wu Jie is attacking Eastern Chagatai Mongolia and Erut Mongolia.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, we will rule the grasslands far beyond the Central Plains.

In your Majesty's opinion, this time Dahua will not hand over the grassland areas to the rule of other grassland forces like other Central Plains dynasties.

Instead, the Dahua military directly controls these areas.

To control the vast steppes, at least thirty cavalry divisions need to be established.

We now only have six cavalry divisions, which is far from the expected strength.

I ask your Majesty to first spend 80,000 taels of gold coins to establish sixteen cavalry divisions to control the huge Mongolian grassland."

After Li Zhisheng heard what the military said, he couldn't help but stand up and said: "Your military is too presumptuous, you actually want to monopolize 180,000 taels of gold coins..."

Your Majesty, the cabinet has more important things to do."

After Li Zhisheng finished speaking, he signaled the six ministers to talk about their respective projects as soon as possible.

If we don't unite as one, all the money will be taken away by the military.

He signaled Jin Yinhua, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, to tell him about his project immediately, but Han Cuibai, the minister of the Ministry of Etiquette, took the lead.

Han Cuibai stood up. He stood up quickly and almost fell to the ground because of the wound under his right rib.

After standing firm, he saluted Emperor Su He to express his apology.

"Your Majesty, now all major counties and primary schools across the country have been covered.

But in some poor towns, children there can only attend private schools.

They may walk thirty or forty miles to go to primary school in the county town.

Primary school tuition is also a big problem.

I would like to request your Majesty to allocate a sum of money to cover primary schools in key towns and villages.

The government has also stepped forward to allow children in poor areas to be exempted from tuition fees while attending school, and then repay the tuition fees after working.

[A book-chasing book recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, @

Honeysuckle, Minister of Industry, saw Han Cuibai's provocative gaze.

He immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the four heavy industry centers in the country are developing extremely rapidly.

These four heavy industry centers have driven the development of several surrounding cities.

The high concentration of talents in these cities is also conducive to the development of technology.

The light industry center did not meet the corresponding requirements, but instead restricted the development of related cities. Other cities wanted to develop but did not have the support of the government.

The minister proposes that light industrial centers be abolished and private businessmen decide for themselves where and what kind of companies they want to establish."

Su He heard this suggestion from the Minister of Industry, Jin Yinhua.

He immediately said: "I have approved this request. It was the early stage of domestic industrial development at that time, and we could only concentrate our efforts on major things.

Only then a dozen light industry centers were established. Now with more and more domestic companies, there is no need to set up light industry centers.

Jin Shangshu’s suggestion is better and saves money.

I thought you all came to ask me for money today."

Honeysuckle bowed and said, "I thank your Majesty for your support, but I haven't finished speaking yet.

This suggestion was made after I spent several months inspecting industries in various places and collecting corresponding data.

The Ministry of Industry is a big money burner and has many projects waiting to be started.

There are always people in newspapers calling for people to build roads first if they want to be rich.

This is a wise saying, and it has been verified in many places that this sentence is correct.

The cement roads built by the imperial court in the early days were extremely expensive and of poor quality.

The minister received a report that when the oil factory produced fire oil, there was a by-product called asphalt...

After it is heated and mixed with pebbles, the road paved is smooth and tough.

Compared with the roads that have been tested in the early stage, compared with cement roads, the quality far exceeds that of cement roads.

There are very few petroleum minerals in China, but there are a lot of petroleum minerals in Nanyang Old Port Government.

Menghuo oil is used as fuel for steam engine boilers and is cheaper than coal.

The Nanyang Governor's Mansion exploited a large amount of oil and produced Menghuo oil, which was supplied to the industrial cities in the south.

Asphalt, a by-product, is now a waste product and its price is extremely cheap.

Even if it is transported from Nanyang to China, the cost of building asphalt roads is less than one-third of that of cement roads.

Please build a large number of asphalt roads nationwide."

Su He listened to the report from Jinyinhua, Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

There are many situations here that he understands for the first time.

Nanyang is one of the main oil producing areas.

The processing technology required for internal combustion engines is too high and is simply impossible now.

In the past, petroleum was only initially refined to produce fuel oil, a mixture of various oils such as gasoline and diesel, which was mainly used as fuel.

The most commonly used places in the past were ancestral temples in various places, used to incinerate corpses.

There are also some by-products such as paraffin wax and asphalt, but only paraffin wax is more expensive.

Su He had never thought that oil was being mined in large quantities in Nanyang and was cheaper than coal, and could be used as fuel for boilers.

Oil plants produce large amounts of asphalt at the same time.

Asphalt roads are cheaper and more durable than cement roads, which really requires strong support.

Su He watched as the Governor's Office and the Cabinet used various projects to fight for money.

These projects were extremely important and he wanted to support them all.

But with only this little money, it can only support a small number of projects.

He couldn't decide for a moment which party should allocate more money.

Prime Minister Wang Zhongce saw that Emperor Su He was hesitant.

He immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think the military is not short of money."

wind howling wood


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