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Chapter 434 Settling Herdsmen

Mobei Mongolia and Lincheng.

Guo Dalei, the general of the army, led the army and arrived here after a long journey.

He formally completed the handover procedures with Cao Guogong Li Dazhuang in Helin City, and the garrison army officially entered Helin City.

Guo Dalei said respectfully: "I would like to thank Cao Guogong for not suppressing the Mongolian tribes and allowing the great Khans of the four major Mongolian tribes in Outer Khalkha to gather in Helin City.

My next job will be very difficult to do.

The field army has just arrived in Mongolia, and its prestige is definitely not as good as Cao Guogong, so it will be difficult to gather everyone together."

Guo Dalei thanked Cao Guogong Li Dazhuang from the bottom of his heart.

Li Dazhuang, Duke of Cao State, summoned the great Khan of the Mongolian tribe thousands of miles away to Helin City with just one word.

Li Dazhuang said with a smile: "For me, this is just a piece of cake."

Guo Dalei said gratefully: "Cao Guogong's effort has allowed our field army to control Mongolia faster. This is the greatest help to us.

Duke Cao Guo will lead his troops back to the capital this time, and your Majesty will probably promote you to King Cao."

Li Dazhuang said humbly: "My current achievements are still a little short of being crowned king.

We fought a happy war with Transkarkha Mongolia.

Just like the wars Wu Jie fought in the northwest.

Wu Jie led the troops to defeat hundreds of thousands of Mongolian cavalry from the Junggar tribe.

If I had such merit, I should be crowned king.

The Mongolians in Transkarkha are all soft and have no backbone of their ancestors at all.

My current achievements are still a little short of that.

If you haven't fought a single battle, how can you get military glory?"

When Li Dazhuang said this, his tone was a little low.

If I had known that this was the case in Transkarkha Mongolia, I would not have fought for it at that time.

We spent a lot of favors to get this opportunity to send troops, but the opponent we thought was very powerful surrendered.

Li Dazhuang had a large army, but he had no use for it.

Guo Dalei complimented: "Gong Cao Guo is so humble.

After the Han Dynasty champion Hou Huo Qubing Yan Ran Shi Le, the number of generals who can achieve such feats can be counted on one hand.

As the general of Dahua who achieved this feat, Cao Guogong, His Majesty will definitely not be stingy with the reward."

When Li Dazhuang heard this, he was very happy.

He saw that Guo Dalei, the general of the field army, was very good at talking.

He stepped forward and patted Guo Dalei on the shoulder, and said: "These Mongolian tribes on the grassland change their faces very quickly.

What our ancestors said is right, these people are just afraid of power and not moral.

If you have a good attitude towards them, these people will treat you as a bully.

Slap them hard, and these people will accompany you with a smiling face and take the initiative to send another face over.

When your field army comes here, the most important step is to show the strength of the field army.

As long as you can show great strength and subdue these Mongolian tribes, anything you can do from now on will be easy."

Before Li Dazhuang left, he told Guo Dalei about his experience.

Guo Dalei's attitude was very good, and he explained the situation clearly.

He did not make it clear that Guo Dalei only learned about this situation after he hit a wall, and missed the first opportunity for development.

During his time in Helin City, Li Dazhuang witnessed many Mongolian tribes falling out of favor instantly...

He was also afraid that second-line troops like the garrison army would not be as strong as the regular army.

Guo Dalei behaved too kindly and could easily be interpreted by the Mongolian tribes as Dahua's weakening strength.

Li Dazhuang knew very well that the reason why Transkarkha Mongolia surrendered so quickly was because of the impressive performance of the Royal Army of Great China.

These Mongolian tribes were still nominally surrendering, with the small idea that Mongolia would continue to be ruled by them.

The arrival of the field army meant that their wishful thinking was completely shattered.

These Mongolian tribes had resentment in their hearts.

Once the garrison army is discovered,

If you act too weak, you may be attacked by a group of people.

This is not good news for Li Dazhuang and Guo Dalei.

As soon as Cao Guogong withdrew from Mongolia, these tribes rebelled, which shows that his method of governing Mongolia was poor.

Guo Dalei said with a solemn expression: "Please rest assured, Mr. Cao Guo, I, Guo Dalei, seem to be a rough man, but I can be sent here by the imperial court.

I also know how to advance and retreat, what to do and what not to do.

I will definitely implement Duke Cao Guogong’s golden words seriously.”

When Li Dazhuang heard Guo Dalei's words, he obviously listened to his warning.

After he handed over all military and political affairs, he led his troops to leave Helin City.

Li Dazhuang had long wanted to leave Helin City. There was no military exploits to be made here and the living environment was harsh.

After Guo Dalei bid farewell to Li Dazhuang, he immediately convened a meeting of the garrison army.

The Mongolian field army's defense area is very large, extending from the Junggar tribe in the west to Heilongjiang in the east.

It extends to Chahar in the south, to the north of Beihai in the north, and to the north is no man's land.

A vast area larger than the Central Plains region falls within the scope of the garrison army's management.

The garrison army manages such a large area, and their number is much larger than that of the regular army.

There is no upper limit on the size of the field army. The imperial court will send as many field troops as Mongolia can bear.

The first batch of field troops to enter Mongolia numbered as many as 140,000.

The Mongolian field army is not a pure army.

It is more like a combination of the army and the government, and has a lot to do.

Maintain local security, farm fields, and develop the economy.

The garrison army is divided into divisions, and each division is responsible for an area.


Guo Dalei saw various division commanders entering the city one after another, and they all came to attend the meeting.

He saw that Commander Liu Wensheng, who came in last, had all the buttons on his uniform wrong.

Guo Dalei reprimanded loudly: "Liu Wensheng, why are you not wearing your clothes properly? You must always pay attention to your image. You must not be arrogant in your image of representing the army to the outside world."

You are the last one to enter the city, and you are looking for a woman again.

Because of the crotch issue, the regular army persuaded you to withdraw.

If you ever affect the important policies of the imperial court because of your crotch thing, I will kill you directly."

Liu Wensheng looked scared. He was most afraid of this kind of highly principled Shangguan.

If this kind of person keeps his word, he will probably be shot if he does what he did before.

Liu Wensheng was born in a rebel army. He didn't do any other evil things, he just couldn't keep his pants down.

Especially after he came to power, he was afraid of violating military discipline and would not touch women from good families.

But as long as he reveals his voice a little bit, a large number of women will come to him...

As soon as he arrived at Helin City, a leader of the Mongolian tribe visited him with a beautiful woman.

Liu Wensheng immediately apologized and said: "General, I don't dare to do it anymore.

Lao Liu, I also have a strong balance in my heart and know what not to do.

I don’t have enough lives to explain why I delayed His Majesty.”

Guo Dalei touched the pistol on his waist with his right hand and asked in a stern tone: "Liu Wensheng, what is the most important policy that our field army needs to implement when we come to Mongolia?"

He kept a close eye on Liu Wensheng's performance. The imperial court asked the Tuntian Army to complete the most important policy, even if Liu Wensheng couldn't answer it.

There is no need for this person to continue to stay in the garrison.

Liu Wensheng saw Guo Dalei's tone and actions.

Beads of sweat immediately rolled down his face.

His answer did not satisfy General Guo Dalei.

Killing him with one shot would not be a big deal, but it would be impossible for him to serve as the commander of the army and manage an army.

Liu Wensheng was more fortunate because besides fighting, he dared to fight fiercely.

There is another advantage: Emperor Su He firmly supports the policies of Emperor Su He and will never compromise on their implementation.

This kind of attitude, coupled with the help of relatives and friends, allowed him to stay in the second-line army even after making mistakes.

Liu Wensheng looked at everyone and said very quickly: "The imperial court has given us the most important task of the field army.

It is to establish a foothold in Mongolia and rely on its own strength to maintain the security and stability of Mongolia.

It is best to achieve the goal without spending a penny.

If we can provide some benefits to the court, we will be promoted very quickly."

Liu Wensheng saw that General Guo Dalei's face was still gloomy.

He did not continue to ramble and went straight to the topic.

"The most important policy that the imperial court has entrusted us to implement is the settlement of herders.

Chief of Staff Zhang once preached to us that the reason why nomads are so terrifying is that they have become a serious problem for the Central Plains dynasty.

The most difficult thing for them to check and balance is that they live on the grassland chasing grass.

Even as the leader of many tribes in the grassland, the Great Khan's tent will not be fixed in one place.

We Han people live in cities. When the Central Plains dynasty was weak, foreign enemies only needed to break through the city and the defense line would be lost.

Nomadic forces are different.

When the Central Plains Dynasty was strong, it wanted to send a large army to destroy these Mongolian tribes.

Even with a guide, it is impossible to find the specific location of these tribes in the vast grasslands and deserts.

It is because of this situation that it is difficult for us to completely eliminate the nomadic tribes.

The policy of settling herdsmen is a plan to exterminate nomadic tribes.

After the nomadic tribes settled down, they also lived in relatively fixed places.

They will be easier to deal with and will no longer be a serious nuisance to the imperial court."

After Guo Dalei listened, he took the initiative to applaud and praised loudly: "Okay, what Liu Wensheng said is very good.

Master Liu can understand the imperial policy so clearly.

I believe other people should also understand the court's policies."

The other division commanders of the garrison army shouted in unison: "We understand."

Guo Dalei nodded with satisfaction and said: "Not bad, very good. I am very satisfied with your performance.

You understand this policy very clearly. I am emphasizing some key issues to prevent you from failing to implement this policy...

The first step of the policy of nomadic settlement was to restrict large-scale movement of Mongolian tribes in the grasslands.

The grassland on the grassland is the lifeline of the nomadic tribes.

Excellent pastures are controlled by large tribes.

Our field army represents Dahua and is now the largest force on the grassland.

In the future, we will allocate pasture in the grassland.

The policy of herdsmen settling down is not to allow herdsmen to stay in a certain place forever.

We must formulate appropriate policies based on the differences in each place.

Slate's implementation of policies will cause great damage.

It really allows herdsmen to live in one place permanently and does not allow them to change pastures.

Grass also has a growth cycle, and the cattle and sheep eat grass faster than the pasture can recover, so the cattle and sheep will not have enough to eat.

This is tantamount to forcing a large number of herdsmen to oppose us.

Our main purpose is to control the power of allocating pasture.

Let certain tribes rotate in certain pastures. Each herdsman has his own pasture.

Those who have perseverance have perseverance. This saying also applies to the grassland.

Under our auspices, the formerly impoverished herdsmen were transformed.

Just like in the Central Plains, cattle, sheep and pasture were allocated to them.

In doing so, the authority of the tribal leader will be weakened, and the tribe will not be able to unite as one.

Every herdsman has his own cattle, sheep and pastures, and is full of hope for the future. It is difficult for them to pick up a knife and fight for their lives.

The second step for herders to settle down is to let them actually settle down.

Each division of the Camping Army is responsible for farming, adapting measures to local conditions in grasslands and deserts.

Establish agriculture and primary industry.

Desert areas are more suitable for growing potatoes.

I heard that there are a lot of forests in the Beihai area and there is plenty of rain there, so corn should be suitable for planting there.

With the development of agriculture, the local area can provide a large amount of food and support a large number of people to settle for a long time.

Develop primary industries, such as wool textile industry and leather processing industry that can be developed anywhere.

There are minerals around, and you can also develop the mining industry.

If the towns where our field army develops well, we will be able to attract a large number of herdsmen to the cities.

Let them work in the city and have a job that can make money, such as animal husbandry.

This is the biggest goal of the policy of nomadic settlement, to completely assimilate these people."

Guo Dalei said in a serious tone: "If you do this well, it will be very easy to get promoted or even get a title.

If you don't do this well, the Military Law Department of the Tuntian Army will be merciless."

Guo Dalei and Chief of Staff Zhang Tianfang had printed several pamphlets before.

At the end of the meeting, he distributed pamphlets to these division commanders.

What should the garrison army do at every step? How to solve related problems when encountering them?

The brochure clearly states that as long as you follow the instructions, you can do this well.

There is no way to get high scores, but if this policy is implemented smoothly, there will be no problem at all.

Liu Wensheng and other division commanders looked at the pamphlet distributed by General Guo Dalei, and they were overjoyed.

With this booklet, anyone can do this well as long as they are not self-righteous and smart and make random changes.

After Guo Dalei held a meeting of the garrison army, he asked the commanders to gather their troops and gather weapons outside Helin City...

He planned to follow the instructions of Cao Guogong Li Dazhuang and give the tribal Khan of Helin City a show of strength.

He asked Chief of Staff Zhang Tianfang to notify the great Khans of the four major Mongolian tribes and the leaders of the small tribes to come to the camp outside the city to watch the mighty and heroic appearance of the field army.


"Zasak Tuhan, after Devil Li left, Dahua sent a new general.

This unit is said to be a second-line unit, but it has all kinds of machine guns and various types of guns.

This unit conducted a drill, and with the strength of our tribe, we couldn't defeat it at all.

Especially the machine gun, the cavalry is a complete target in front of it.

The results of the Junggar tribe's attack on the Imperial Army of Great China have been announced.

Eighty thousand cavalrymen attacked the position defended by 3,000 Chinese Army troops.

More than half of the cavalry were killed and they failed to capture this position.

The most important reason is because of the machine guns equipped by the Dahua Army.

This evil weapon that can fire continuously and automatically change ammunition can completely restrain the cavalry.

No matter how brave a warrior is, there is no way he can get through a line of defense composed of bullets."

Tushet Khan was greatly disappointed when he saw the performance of the field army.

I thought that the field army was not strong, but I didn't expect that after sending away the tiger, another bad wolf came.

He is the great khan of the Tushet tribe, the leader of the four major tribes of Mongolia in the Outer Khalkha region.

He is responsible for hundreds of thousands of tribal people.

He looked at the Khans of other tribes, and their eyes also showed fear.

Guo Dalei personally met with these Mongolian Khans, and from their attitudes, it can be seen that this has achieved miraculous results.

wind howling wood

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