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Chapter 448 Conferring the King

Chapter 448: Confessing the King and Preparing for the Founding of a Country Overseas

December 25, 4336 (1639 AD).

The Jinluan Hall of the Dahua Dynasty once again held a grand ceremony, which was on par with the ceremony where Emperor Su He became the Khan of Heaven some time ago.

Today is the day when Li Dazhuang, the Duke of Cao, and Li Qingmu, the Duke of Liao, were crowned kings.

After Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi read out the imperial edict, he led Li Dazhuang, King of Liao, who was waiting outside the hall, into the Jinluan Hall.

"His Royal Highness King Cao, please come with us into the palace."

Li Dazhuang looked back at Li Qingmu, King of Liao, and said with a smile: "King of Liao, I will take the first step."

Li Qingmu responded with a smile: "King Cao is very anxious when he sees it. Why be humble now? I will follow soon."

Li Dazhuang walked into the Golden Palace with his head held high and his head held high, wearing a dress belonging to the prince.

He was very happy and could not hide the smile on his face.

Li Dazhuang originally thought that his military achievements this time were insufficient and he was not qualified to be crowned prince.

He would like to thank Han Mingtong for his actions.

Emperor Su He became the Khan of Heaven, among whom the Khalkha Mongols made great contributions.

The military merits he obtained just met the passing mark for becoming a king.

Li Dazhuang walked into the Jinluan Palace and looked at the envious eyes of the civil and military officials.

He spent his entire life in the military, following Emperor Su He in rebellion, and today he finally reached the ultimate state of being a human minister, the highest title of prince in the nobility of the Great China Dynasty.

It is very likely that he will also become the founding monarch of a country and leave a fiefdom to future generations.

Su He watched Li Dazhuang approaching. This was the second person in the Dahua Dynasty who was crowned king based on his pure military merit.

Another person who is crowned king today is Li Qingmu, King of Liao. His main achievement is to build the navy.

There are now at least a dozen people in the Dahua Dynasty who are qualified to be crowned kings.

But Su He had already established a system before, and relevant personnel must accumulate enough meritorious service before they can be crowned kings.

Su He personally gave Li Dazhuang the noble medal belonging to the prince and completed the ceremony of making him king.

Li Dazhuang knelt down, kowtowed, and said from the bottom of his heart:

"I will never forget Your Majesty's kindness in the future and will expand the territory for the Great China Dynasty."

Su He smiled and helped Li Dazhuang up, saying: "King Cao, get up quickly, you will expand the territory for your country in the future."

When Li Dazhuang heard the news, he had tears in his eyes and could not hide his excitement.

Li Dazhuang took over the jade seal carved from Hetian jade from Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi.

He returned to his station and continued to watch the king-conferment ceremony of Liao King Li Qingmu.

Li Qingmu walked through his own king ceremony with tears streaming down his face.

When he was helped up by Emperor Su He, he said reluctantly: "I will not be able to serve your Majesty from now on, and my heart will always be empty."

Su He smiled and said: "There is no such thing as a banquet in the world that never ends, and so do our monarchs and ministers."

He did not choose to keep Li Qingmu by force. As the emperor, Su He really spoke out and kept Li Qingmu.

Not to mention whether Li Qingmu will regret it in the future, once Su He does this, it will be a violation of the promise he made before.

What's more, meritorious ministers like Li Qingmu cannot be allowed to continue to stay in the Dahua Dynasty.

As the founding emperor, Su He could easily suppress these meritorious ministers, but his successor did not have this ability.

It is very likely that there will be a terrible situation where the ministers exercise power and depose the emperor.

If in other eras, Su He could only choose the method of Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, and Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, to kill the heroes.

Su He would not use Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin's method of releasing military power over a cup of wine. This method left too many hidden dangers.

He summarized the methods of past dynasties and concluded that it would be the best situation for the successors if all the heroes disappeared.

Times are different now, and all countries around the world are competing for the living space of their own nations.

Letting these veterans with outstanding military exploits go overseas to expand their territory is a good thing that can achieve multiple things with one stone.

Su He had this idea and let all meritorious ministers know that he would not burn bridges across rivers.

These talents don't have to worry about their future and work hard to develop and strengthen this country.

The ceremony of conferring the title of king was very solemn, and the eyes of all the civil and military officials were full of envy.

They finally waited until the king-conferring ceremony was over and the court was about to go down.

King Zhao Su Xiong stopped the two people wearing new king uniforms.

"A banquet has been arranged at my home to celebrate your being crowned king.

We old brothers, in order to celebrate you two, are all invited here."

Under normal circumstances, everyone would go to the homes of Li Dazhuang and Li Qingmu to celebrate their achievements.

But there are more important things to discuss later.

This time, Su Xiong could only come forward and invite the two of them to his home for a get-together.

New Year's Eve is coming soon, and many soldiers are coming to the capital to report on their duties. All veterans with outstanding merits have come to Su Xiong's home.

The huge living room in Su Xiong's home seemed a bit crowded.

He raised his wine glass and congratulated: "King Cao, King Liao, I am here to congratulate you."

After Su Xiong finished speaking, he raised his head and drained the wine in his hand.

Li Dazhuang and Li Qingmu immediately responded and drank the glasses of wine in their hands.

Su Xiong saw many people holding wine glasses, preparing to toast Li Dazhuang and Li Qingmu one by one.

He quickly stopped and said: "We have to discuss things later, and we can't get these two people drunk.

Let’s all toast together, as long as the etiquette is followed.”

Su Xiong's prestige is extremely high. After he gave his orders, everyone acted according to Su Xiong's suggestions.

Li Dazhuang and Li Qingmu glanced at Su Xiong gratefully.

They picked up their wine glasses and gave everyone in the living room a glass of wine in return.

Li Dazhuang looked at everyone's envious eyes, and some people even asked him why he was crowned king so quickly.

He knew that there were people gossiping behind his back, and some people secretly believed that he was crowned king because of his sister.

Li Dazhuang said under the influence of wine: "I, Li Dazhuang, were less than twenty years old, and I followed His Majesty the Emperor on his expeditions in the north and south.

Defeat Baoji, capture Hanzhong, attack Sichuan, march to Henan, destroy Korea, and suppress Mongolia.

I have fought nearly a thousand small battles in my life, and I have rarely lost.

I am respected as a victorious general, but in fact it is just that I march more cautiously than others.

Among the brothers present, some have higher qualifications than me, but your military achievements are not as good as mine, so you can only let me take the first step.

Everyone's military achievements are similar, and you only have one chance left.

Everyone will catch up soon, and I believe that with your ability, no one will really be left behind."

After Li Dazhuang finished speaking, seeing that everyone was speechless, he toasted everyone with another glass of wine.

After Li Qingmu listened, he also felt that he should say something?

Seeing that everyone was deep in thought, he raised his voice and said: "I, Li Qingmu, have been favored by Your Majesty. When the Army was still vaguely understood, Your Majesty asked me to command the Navy and build the Navy.

Today, I have become a king. Many brothers do not say anything, but still have some doubts in their hearts, thinking that I am not worthy.

He didn't lead any troops to win a few battles, and he didn't participate in many wars. Why was he the first to be crowned king?

I want to say here that our navy and army have different contributions, but there is no distinction between them.

Your Majesty has a sharp vision and will make a reasonable judgment on how much contribution you have made.

I think meritorious service is definitely not as simple as leading troops to win battles.

Otherwise, Chief of General Staff Li Fengming and those civil servants would never be able to be knighted in their lifetimes.

I hope you won't slack off, even if you can't find the opportunity to lead troops in battle, there are enough positions in the court for you to accumulate merit."

After they finished their toast, they discussed their friendship as comrades who had fought together before.

Li Dazhuang and Su Hu had a lively chat, while Li Qingmu and Zhang Yuliang had not seen each other for a long time. When they talked about their previous cooperation, they both felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

Su Xiong saw that the atmosphere in the living room was very lively. After chatting, everyone had returned to their previous familiarity.

He immediately ordered his servants to remove all the dining tables in the living room and bring up a more detailed map of the world.

Su Xiong said to everyone: "Today Li Dazhuang and Li Qingmu are crowned kings, and there are a total of three princes in the court.

No one has forgotten that it was before Dahua was established.

Your Majesty promised us that when we succeed, we will be allowed to establish our own country overseas.

I learned the news a few days ago that Li Dazhuang and Li Qingmu were crowned kings.

I will consult Your Majesty carefully on this matter specifically."

Su Xiong said slowly, trying his best to let everyone present understand what he said.

Su Xiong knew that Emperor Su He did not speak in person to explain the relevant policies to these people, but spoke through his mouth.

Emperor Su He was worried that some policies would be opposed by most people.

Su Xiong serves as the middleman, and if there is a problem with the policy, there is still room for maneuver between the monarch and his ministers.

There is no middleman, Emperor Su He Jinkou Yuyan, everyone has no room for maneuver.

It was originally a good thing, but it left a lot of regrets because of some problems.

Everyone in the living room was extremely concerned about this news. They all stared at the huge world map in the living room.

When Emperor Su He became king, he made an agreement with them that meritorious officials could establish the country overseas.

When the Ding Dynasty was established, the detailed requirements for title promotion were determined, and it was stipulated that only princes could establish a country overseas.

Now that the Dahua Dynasty has entered stability, even the grassland nomadic tribes, which they have always regarded as a serious problem, have been completely eliminated by the Dahua Royal Army.

The northern grassland tribes will no longer pose a threat to the Great China Dynasty.

After Emperor Su He became the Khan of Heaven, it proved that these grassland tribes had completely given up resistance.

These veteran generals in the army can leave the Dahua Dynasty with peace of mind.

This time is just right. If it continues to be delayed, many people will enter old age and lose their current ambitions.

The specific requirements for establishing a country overseas have finally surfaced.

Su Xiong used a wooden stick to point to the approximate location of the map.

"The Institute of Geology of the Academy of Sciences combines the historical data recorded in our history with the discoveries of Western countries.

They have given different names to various places in the world, and everyone knows about them.

The Metropolitan Governor's Office also formulated three main spheres of influence.

The Central Plains region was the core sphere of influence of the Great China Dynasty.

The control area is the sphere of influence that the Great China Dynasty plans to occupy next.

The vassal area is the isolation zone between the Great China Dynasty and other forces.

According to His Majesty, as long as it is a territory outside the vassal territory, we can choose to occupy it."

After Su Xiong finished speaking, he drew a big red circle on the world map with a pen.

The left side of the red circle goes straight from the Ural Mountains to the Caspian Sea, bypasses the Iranian Plateau, and goes south from the Indus River.

On the right side of the red circle, Nurgandusi formed a large circle along Sakhalin Island, Wa Island, Luzon Island, and through the Nanyang Islands.

Su Xiong finished drawing the big circle and said: "Your Majesty's meaning is very clear. In addition to the places already occupied by the imperial court, Southeast Asia and India are the places that the imperial court will prepare to conquer in the future.

We can choose other places outside this circle at will.

There are some desolate places that can be easily occupied with a team of soldiers, but no one would want such a place.

There are lords in many places, and we need to recruit troops to capture these places.

The imperial court allowed us to recruit some retired soldiers and civilians to train the army on Luzon Island."

Li Dazhuang looked at this world map and found that the area occupied by the imperial court was not large.

In addition to the northern grasslands and Southeast Asia, the imperial court left only India for itself.

He is about to set off overseas to build his own country.

Li Dazhuang asked: "King Zhao, is there any quota for the troops we recruit?"

Su Xiong smiled and said: "There is no limit, but the court does not allocate a cent of military pay. No matter how many troops we recruit, we have to rely on our own abilities to support them.

The imperial court will send a navy to help us transport troops and establish a stable port."

When Li Dazhuang heard these words, he knew that establishing a country overseas was a very risky matter.

If you act rashly without being prepared, you will have to pay the price of both human and financial losses.

Li Qingmu asked worriedly: "King Zhao, if your Majesty allows us to establish a country overseas, does it specify the size of the country?"

Su Xiong smiled and replied: "There are no regulations on this. The size of the country all depends on its own ability.

However, the scope of the country shall be subject to the actual control area.

The imperial court will not recognize places that are beyond its control and will entrust these places to others in the future."

When Li Qingmu heard this sentence, he understood what Emperor Su He meant.

The imperial court would not impose too many restrictions on these vassal states, and it would not provide much protection.

After the founding monarch established the territory, if the descendants have the ability, they will be able to develop the country, but if they do not have the ability, the country will fail.

He looked at the people around him. The place where their country was founded was far away, and future generations would become friends in the future.

If he gets closer, his descendants will only become enemies in the future. At most, they will attack his country and capture these people, leaving only one life of the royal family.

Because of this situation, the sooner you choose a good place to start a country, the stronger the country left behind will be.

Su Xiong also introduced many policies related to the founding of the country overseas. After the others understood the good policies, they gradually dispersed.

Only Li Dazhuang and Li Qingmu were left in the living room.

Su Xiong also understood the reason why the two of them stayed, and he said: "We also have a certain understanding of these places.

I suggest that the three of us choose different places to found our country, so as to prevent the three of us from competing with each other in the early stage, and also as other brothers, explore the path."

Li Qingmu nodded and agreed: "My relationship is mainly with the navy, so I chose South Africa, which mainly develops maritime trade."

Su Xiong and Li Dazhuang took a look at South Africa. This was a gathering place for black people, and they were not prepared to fight for it.

When Su Xiong proposed this plan, he looked at Li Dazhuang and gave him the choice.

"King Zhao, America is a huge territory. I choose South America. How about you choose North America?"

Su Xiong looked at the map and agreed, "Okay."

They all unanimously chose areas where the local power was weak.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire was a territory controlled by such a powerful force. Smart people would not choose such a place when they had better choices.

The three of them discussed it and immediately went to the palace to meet the saint.

(End of chapter)

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