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Chapter 458 Liao King Founds the Country

Chapter 458 The Founding of the King of Liao

4337 (AD 1640), September 21st in the Dahua calendar.

When Pastor Edward saw that the fleet was about to arrive at the Cape of Good Hope, he had a relaxed smile on his face.

After the fleet crossed the Cape of Good Hope, the fleet entered the Atlantic Ocean, which was the sphere of influence of the English Armada.

Pastor Edward no longer has to worry about sudden attacks by these Chinese people, and the information in his hands can be safely brought back to the country.

He saw the chaos in the Chinese fleet and immediately sent sailors to understand the situation.

Pastor Edward soon learned that the Dahua Xingsheng fleet had not survived the storms at sea, and many merchant ships had problems. These ships were no longer able to sail across the ocean.

They plan to build a simple dock here, and the fleet will dock at the dock to rest, waiting for the return of the Chinese fleet, and take them back to Dahua.

When Pastor Edward saw this situation, he felt very sorry.

Their cargo ship's warehouse is already full, otherwise they can buy the goods transported by this chamber of commerce at a cheaper price.

The English paid no attention to the caravan that broke away from the fleet.

This situation is all too common during ocean voyages.

Due to various reasons, the ship was damaged. It would be easier if there was a supply point nearby. If there is no supply point, it can only be abandoned on a desert island.

Dahua's caravan was relieved to see Prince Liao's team break away from the fleet.

Prince Liao's sense of oppression was so strong that every fleet was cautious, strictly restrained the crew, and prohibited them from contacting the English guides.

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, watched the fleet go away. He looked at the peninsula in front of him that penetrated deep into the sea. This was his future foothold.

He looked at Fan Youming, the head of the navy, his former guard and the future commander-in-chief of the Liao Kingdom.

"Lao Fan, has the navigational staff drawn up the chart?"

Their fleet is different from other merchants in that they can use sextant and other measuring tools to record accurate charts.

Charts marked with longitude and latitude lines allow ships to accurately position themselves at any location on the earth without worrying about getting lost.

Other caravans could only record rough directions and typical landmarks, and draw rough charts.

Once these merchants encountered strong winds and huge waves, their ships lost their way.

It is very easy for them to die in the sea, which is also the biggest danger in ocean navigation now.

Measuring tools such as the sextant, which are the guarantee of the combat power of the Dahua Navy, will not be distributed to the civilian population in recent decades.

Fan Youming said confidently: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the navigation staff we borrowed from the navy has already drawn the relevant charts.

The prepared nautical chart has been handed over to us.

The Royal Navy of China will also keep a copy."

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, heard that they had mastered the nautical chart, so there was no need to worry about getting lost on the sea. The use of the sextant was still very simple.

He lamented: "There are also navigational staff members in the mission. We cannot obtain the nautical charts for the second half of the journey to Europe."

King Li Qingmu of Liao saw that his army was ready and issued an order:

"Lao Fan, command the troops to land and clear a safe area within five thousand meters of the coastline. I don't want to see any enemies."

Fan Youming saluted with a military salute and promised: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will definitely be able to clear a safe area.

I sent a reconnaissance ship to conduct a preliminary investigation and found that there were only some simple docks built by Dutch merchants around the coastline. The reconnaissance ship also saw some indigenous tribes.

These enemies cannot be our army's opponents."

Fan Youming is full of confidence. As a veteran of the former South China Sea Fleet and the retired captain of the First Fleet.

The army he has trained cannot fail to defeat an enemy that is not even an army.

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, saw that Fan Youming had ordered his soldiers to take off the camouflage of the warship, a large number of artillery was pushed to the side of the warship, and the soldiers also picked up their rifles.

The dozen or so warships under his command, including five retired navy battleships, are invincible in this ocean.

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, looked at his brother-in-law Shen Boqun and asked: "Is the official's mood stable?

How are those immigrants now? During this journey, they lived in the worst environment.

These are our initial team members, and we must stabilize their emotions."

In order to prevent the large number of immigrants from being discovered by the English, Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, refused to lead them.

He could only let these immigrants live in the cabin of the ship, pretending to be crew members in batches, and come to the deck to breathe.

In the eyes of these Westerners, their Han appearance is very similar, so there is no need to worry about the disguise being discovered.

As the most trusted person of Liao King Li Qingmu and the default prime minister of the cabinet, Shen Boqun has been responsible for managing the fleet officials and immigrants.

"Your Majesty, the officials' mood is stable. I have followed your instructions and let them know their approximate positions in advance.

These people are all civil servants and frustrated petty officials, and they all cherish this opportunity.

The mood of immigrants is very stable, and most of them are single men.

They played mahjong in the cabin, engaged in some entertainment activities, and thought about the land they would be allocated in the future. They were called the landlords they had envied before, and their emotions were very stable."

Li Qingmu, King of Liao, looked at the land in the distance.

"The old people who follow us to conquer the world will have to work extra hard, but they will also gain the most.

Just like when I was young, I followed His Majesty Su He in rebellion. At that time, our power was so weak that even the gentry and servants could not defeat us.

If caught by the court at that time, he would be beheaded.

I survived and now I can start my own country.

If you follow me, you will also welcome a better tomorrow."

Shen Boqun said respectfully: "His Majesty, the Emperor of Great China, is a civil and military strategist and has extremely strong means of governing the country, so that the Great China Dynasty can prosper.

Your Majesty, you will learn from His Majesty the Emperor, and you will not go wrong."

As ministers, they naturally hope that the monarch they serve is a generous man.

Li Qingmu listened to the sound of huge cannons coming from the direction of the coast, and Fan Youming had already begun to attack the land.

Shen Boqun said worriedly: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, there is only a small wharf built by the Dutch.

I hope Captain Fan will keep the dock as much as possible.

It will take a long time for us to rebuild the pier, and it will be much more convenient to expand the original pier."

As soon as Shen Boqun finished speaking, he heard the whistle of the warship ahead.

This was the victory signal they had agreed upon before.

Shen Boqun said in surprise: "Not even a few shots were fired, Captain Fan won the victory.

Captain Fan was so fast, I thought the landing battle would take several days.

Now I need to organize the ships to dock and land."

Li Qingmu, King of Liao, said without surprise: "This situation is normal, our opponents are just some businessmen, not the regular Dutch army.

When the Dutch regular army encounters an enemy they cannot resist, they will surrender."

King Li Qingmu of Liao issued an order for all ships in the fleet to move closer to the dock and prepare to go ashore.

Fan Youming soon arrived at Li Qingmu's flagship.

"Your Majesty, I have fulfilled my mission and defeated the Western merchants entrenched at the dock.

I have sent the army to land successfully and captured most of the Western merchants.

Now the army is launching an attack on the local indigenous tribes.

These indigenous tribes on the seaside may have traded with Western traders, who used a small number of steel knives and bows and arrows.

But these indigenous tribes who use cold weapons cannot cause much damage to us.

Now the army is clearing these indigenous tribes to provide a safe area for those who are about to come ashore."

King Li Qingmu of Liao Dynasty understood the situation on the front line. He was completely relieved and ordered the people on the ship to land through the dock as soon as possible.

Fan Boqun directed the people on the boat to begin disembarking through the pier in an orderly manner.

Each ship has officials on board to manage it, and there was no confusion during the entire login process.

The people who came ashore were lined up next to the pier according to their status.

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, came ashore wearing single clothes. He looked at many workers, shirtless, cleaning the battlefield at the dock and dealing with the bodies that had fallen to the ground.

He looked at the green grass that had just emerged next to the pier and asked in surprise: "The grass in the grass next to the pier has just grown, and there are very few dead grass nearby. It doesn't look like autumn on such a hot day.

It's September now, and it's almost the harvest season. It shouldn't be like this."

Shen Boqun quickly introduced: "Your Majesty, the southernmost territory of Dahua is Nanyang, which is a tropical area with high temperatures all year round and abundant rainfall.

I learned about the differences between the northern and southern hemispheres by reading documents brought by Europeans.

The seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres are exactly opposite. We have autumn and winter in the northern hemisphere, but spring and summer in the southern hemisphere.

I have also learned about the climate here in South Africa. It is relatively far from the equator, but it is not cold at all.

The temperature here in winter is similar to that in Fujian. It occasionally snows in winter, but most of the time it's just frost.

This time, officially summer here, is a suitable season for growing food."

While they were talking, it suddenly started to rain heavily on a sunny day.

King Li Qingmu of the Liao Dynasty didn't even have time to put on his raincoat and was soon soaked by the heavy rain. However, he was extremely surprised.

"Good, very good. It's raining really well.

The temperature here is similar to that of Fujian, and it is still a large plain. This must be a big granary.

As long as there is no shortage of food here, my Liao Kingdom can slowly develop.

Xiao Shen, please immediately ask the officials to organize immigrants to open up wasteland and farm.

Build Daliao city and port by the sea."

Liao King Li Qingmu knew very well that most of his strength lay in the navy, and the new city he built must be within the range of the battleship's main gun.

This can ensure that the city is always under the protection of the navy.

Shen Boqun immediately reminded: "Your Majesty, if your name is incorrect, your words will not be correct. Our first goal now is to formally complete the founding ceremony, and your Majesty will be crowned and become the leader of the Liao Kingdom.

Only when the prince becomes the leader of the Liao Kingdom can you appoint civil and military officials, establish relevant yamen, and rule this place.

These people followed those who went overseas to found the country. Now is their most exciting moment, and we cannot let these people feel cold."

Li Qingmu looked at the situation around the pier. There were clusters of wooden houses built by Western businessmen here. They were not as good as the countryside, and there was not even the prototype of a city.

He held the founding ceremony in such a shabby place, and felt a little resistant in his heart.

But what his wife's brother Shen Boqun said was also very clear.

The first priority now is to stabilize people's hearts.

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, ordered: "First, take everyone to build wooden houses to live in. It is rainy in this place, so we need to build houses to live in."

The army's attack on the indigenous tribes has not returned yet.

Once the place where we live is built and we expand into a safe area and stabilize, I will immediately hold the founding ceremony and confer titles and titles on everyone."

Li Qingmu originally wanted to make the founding ceremony more grand, but now he can only keep everything simple.

Time passed slowly, and people near the dock worked hard to build their own homes.

The army also defeated the resistance of the indigenous tribes and drove them to a place more than ten miles away.

October 10, 4337 (1640 AD).

The place named Daliao City by Li Qingmu, King of Liao Dynasty, already has the appearance of a small town.

The fleet carries a lot of cement, and this small town will soon become a big city.

In the center of Daliao City, in front of a larger wooden house.

Ou Zixun, a special correspondent from Yanhuang Daily, took an expensive camera to photograph the founding ceremony of Liao King Li Qingmu.

In the courtyard in front of the wooden house, there are two stone statues and a large bronze tripod.

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, wore a dragon robe with four claws and a crown on his head.

Behind him were civil and military officials in official uniforms.

All the ceremonial systems of the vassal kingdom are one level lower than those of the suzerain kingdom.

Li Qingmu, the king of Liao, first worshiped the stone statue of the Yellow Emperor, bowed to the ranking of his ancestors, and granted the throne to his father and grandfather.

He then led hundreds of civil and military officials to visit the stone statue of the emperor of the suzerain country.

Li Qingmu took off the seal of the leader of the Liao Kingdom from the stone statue.

Holding the big seal, he walked to the dragon chair and sat down. Holding the big seal high with his right hand, he faced all the civil and military officials of the Liao Kingdom and accepted their visit.

"Everyone loves you so much."

He then conferred official positions on all civil and military officials and awarded titles to those who had meritorious service.

The title of a vassal kingdom can only be awarded up to the title of Duke.

Li Qingmu, the leader of the Liao Kingdom, was in a great mood. He never thought that one day he would be able to open up his own country.

The country is now only the size of a town, but he is confident that he will develop the Liao Kingdom into a geographically large country.

After Li Qingmu became the leader of the Liao Kingdom, the first decree he issued was that the Liao Kingdom would forever become a vassal state of Dahua.

The second decree he issued was that the relevant systems of the Liao Kingdom were based on the system of Dahua and the establishment of various yamen.

The conditions were limited, and the founding ceremony was very simple and completed quickly.

Li Qingmu, the leader of the Liao Kingdom, immediately held the first major meeting of the Liao Kingdom. He discussed the important policies of the Liao Kingdom with all the civil and military officials.

Fan Youming, the governor of the capital, stood up and asked for instructions: "Your Majesty, the Liao army has captured more than 50,000 local natives. What should we do with these natives?

These natives are so good at eating, and they are so lazy, we can't feed them in vain."

Li Qingmu, the leader of the Liao Kingdom, looked at Shen Boqun, the Prime Minister of the Cabinet.

"Shen Aiqing, we came to this wild land.

The Liao State's policy towards local indigenous people is very important, what policy has the cabinet formulated now?"

Li Qingmu had already discussed the policies related to the Liao Kingdom with Shen Boqun.

But this policy harmed Tianhe. He, the leader of the Liao Kingdom, could not bear the blame, but his wife's brother Shen Boqun could only bear the blame.

Prime Minister Shen Boqun stood up. He knew that the policies he would introduce next would definitely be attacked by some corrupt Confucians who thought they were clean and honest.

There are no such people in the Liao Kingdom, and Shen Boqun will not allow such officials to have room to survive in the Liao Kingdom.

But in the Dahua Dynasty, this kind of people did not occupy the mainstream, but they were still very numerous. I hope they will not affect the Liao Kingdom.

Liao Prime Minister Shen Boqun stood up and said: "Your Majesty, my policy can be summarized in one sentence.

There are differences between the country and the country, and intermarriage is prohibited."

(End of chapter)

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