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Chapter 477 Telegraph Test

July 8, 4337 (1640 AD).

This is a day worth remembering in history.

On this day, the wired telegraph developed by the Royal Academy of Sciences will send out its first telegram.

Today is not a major court meeting. The outside of Huangji Palace should have been deserted, but now a large number of people have gathered.

They are all important ministers of the Great China Dynasty.

Duke Zhang Yuliang of Fujian asked the Grand Governor Li Fengming: "Gong of Jin, you said that the technology of wired telegraphy is real?

We can really do it now and receive information from hundreds or thousands of kilometers away in an instant.

It's a bit like a magical spell, it's really incredible.

I hope this is true, this technology is authentic, and when we lead troops on an expedition, we can get in touch with the court at any time.

If there is a strategic change in the imperial court, the generals at the front can learn about it immediately and adjust their combat arrangements in a timely manner.

Qin Shu pressed the long-handled button of the telegraph machine rhythmically, and the telegraph machine made a clicking sound.

As long as the order for sending reports is established, there will be no confusion."

The most economical and effective method is to build telegraph offices in various places to relay and transmit the received signals.

The cost of running a telegraph was extremely low, consisting only of personnel costs and power generation costs.

He doesn't need a translator, he can understand the information directly by looking at these signals.

Qin Shu was extremely excited, he had finally waited for this important moment.

Qin Shu glanced at Emperor Su He. When he saw the emperor nodding slightly, he introduced to Prime Minister Wang Zhongce:

“With our current technology, each line can only transmit one channel of information.

Emperor Su He's intention was very clear. The telegraph network could only be controlled by the royal family and no one was allowed to get involved.

I entrust you with the responsibility of this matter, and I hope you will live up to your trust."

When Su He heard the news, he was extremely happy and said happily: "The successful development of wired telegraph is a blessing to the country.

All the ministers present applauded enthusiastically when they heard about the success of wired telegraph technology.

We should adapt to this change in advance and never be caught off guard."

The emergence of wired telegraphy allowed the court to keep abreast of changes in various parts of the country.

With the development of this technology, we will have opportunities to communicate with each other when we open our country overseas in the future."

The cost of one hundred articles per article is really cheap.

Officials who do not adapt to this change will be eliminated.

The receiving end of the telegraph machine is composed of electromagnets and other components, and can automatically produce corresponding signals on the paper tape.

Other telegraph lines, such as the railway bureau's internal telegraph lines, are set up by the telegraph bureau in cooperation with relevant yamen.

The telegraph sending device is very simple, just a long-handled button.

The imperial court can mobilize the country's supplies in the most efficient way.

I estimate the cost of each telegram to be around one hundred cents.

Wei Guogong Su Hu echoed from the side: "I think this technology should be popularized soon.

Electrical signals can be transmitted thousands of kilometers and the accuracy of the information can be guaranteed.

He respectfully replied: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will definitely handle this matter in a meeting and will never let down your Majesty's trust."

Su He specifically explained: “The most critical point in setting up a telegraph network is to train telegraph operators who can be trusted.

In the future, the army will use wired telegraphy to transmit messages. This thing is much faster than the communication corps.

Li Fengming nodded and said: "His Majesty is so aggressive that we should suspend preparations for the war in the south.

Wang Zhongce knew that with the success of wired telegraph technology, Emperor Su He would definitely set up telegraph networks across the country.

He turned to look at Emperor Su He and said: "Your Majesty, we have connected with the telegraph machine in Tianjin. Do you want to send the message?"

Even if the message transmitted is incomplete, it proves that the technical direction chosen by the wire telegraph is correct.

The telegraph and its contents were sorted out and kept in a museum.

The green light on the telegraph machine flashed and it made a clicking sound.

Emperor Su He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this situation.

Qin Shu received instructions from Emperor Su He, and he began to operate the telegraph machine and prepare for the transmission test.

They chose the pinyin code from the military cipher as the basic code for the telegraph machine.

There is no problem in passing news from the north to the south of the Great China Dynasty.

The empire of our Great China Dynasty will definitely be more stable than any other court in the past."

The most important cost is the cost of setting up the telegraph network.

My internal funds provided the money to set up the telegraph network."

Li Fengming said happily: "Your Majesty, the wired telegraph transmission test was successful.

If wired telegraph technology succeeds, then it will truly be possible to know the world's affairs without going out.

They raced against time to set up a telegraph line connecting Beijing and Tianjin.

Qin Shu immediately bowed to Emperor Su He and said: "Long live my emperor, on behalf of everyone in the team, I would like to thank your majesty for the reward.

Not to mention other advantages of this telegraph network, the eight hundred miles of expedited expenses saved are enough to build a telegraph line of thousands of kilometers."

The motor dragged the paper tape, and a long paper tape with signals of different lengths printed on it was spit out by the telegraph machine.

Su He smiled and said: "Wang Aiqing, the telegraph network was set up without any money from the cabinet. Now the cabinet is raising military expenditures and can only barely maintain a balance of payments.

Prime Minister Wang Zhongce walked to Su He and said firmly: "Your Majesty, the telegraph network must be built as soon as possible.

Li Fengming looked at the simple signal on the paper tape. The code of the telegram was compiled by him and the staff of the staff department.

Qian Mingyi knew very well that the emergence of wired telegraph technology would bring great shock to the officialdom.

As long as a telegraph is set up on the front line, the most basic military units can communicate directly with the headquarters.

The cable telegram was successful, Su He returned to the palace, and the crowd dispersed from the front of Huangji Palace.

He quickly stood up, looked at Emperor Su He, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I have finished sending the report and are waiting for a reply from Tianjin.

Su He waited for the telegraph machine to receive the signal from Tianjin.

The distance between Beijing and Tianjin is more than 100 kilometers. This distance is neither close nor far. It is the best communication distance for wired telegraph.

Generals can convey their ideas to the front line of the army.

I feel that telegraph technology is far from reaching its limits."

If telegraph technology is really successful, it will revolutionize the current military command system.

But we know the convenience of this technology. This technology can convey messages to extremely distant places in an instant. It is faster than homing pigeons and the 800-mile express.

The cable telegraph network is laid out all over the country, and any area will become the Gyeonggi area.

With the success of wired telegraphy, the Great China Dynasty will be as stable as Mount Tai, and no trends anywhere will be hidden from the eyes of the imperial court.

In the past few days, Qin Shu has to take time to discuss the coding of the telegraph machine with others.

Tianjin sent back the correct answer, which proved that wired telegraphy could connect the two places and the exchange of information was very smooth.

We leaders all know that the execution of a strategy depends on the performance of junior officers."

According to our calculations, as long as the voltage is increased, the electrical signal will not attenuate too seriously.

The receipt and sending of telegrams must be controlled by Su He's confidants.

This telegraph machine is now very sophisticated, and it is very different from the prototype shown to Emperor Su He that day.

Zhang Yuliang, Duke of Min, said with a smile: "I believe there will be a day sooner or later. I just hope that when that day comes, the relationship between our brothers will not change."

In the wired telegraph project team, everyone’s title will be upgraded to one level, and each person will be rewarded with 10,000 taels of silver coins.

Ding Degui's abilities are outstanding, and Su He believes he can do this well.

Pinyin is encoded through two signals.

Newbies may not be able to adapt, what should I do if the signal is wrong?”

Don't look at issues limited to personal interests.

Our team will never stop and will continue to develop telegraph technology.

It does not need to consider the impact of multiple signals, but this also leads to a sharp increase in the cost of setting up telegraph lines.

Many generals in the Metropolitan Governor's Office were discussing the military application of wired telegraphy.

His subordinate was responsible for setting up telegraph lines, and he was responsible for improving the telegraph machine to make it easier to control.

Viscount Qin, I will not overstep my authority from now on, I will leave the work of sending and receiving telegrams to you."

If the distance is made longer, Qin Shu is afraid that the signal will be attenuated too much, a piece of information will be lost, and the transmission test will fail, which is not perfect.

There are also telegraph lines open to private use.

When Emperor Su He heard what Prime Minister Wang Zhongce said, he admired: "Wang Aiqing is right. Even in the last years of the imperial court, the imperial court did not lose control of the Gyeongsang region.

The best way is to train the dispatchers in advance so that they can be 100% correct."

Whether it is mobilizing troops to resist enemy forces or mobilizing supplies to respond to disasters, efficiency has been greatly improved.

His Majesty the Emperor will call us all here only when he judges that this technology is successful.

When Wang Zhongce learned about this cost, he smiled.

After listening to the discussion of these officials, Cabinet Minister Qian Mingyi sighed: "I don't understand how to implement wired telegraphy technology.

Prime Minister Wang Zhongce stepped forward and asked: "Viscount Qin, how far can this telegraph machine you developed, send messages, and what is the approximate cost of each message?"

This allows the imperial court to control every place, making it extremely difficult for powerful ministers and warlords to appear.

Su He returned to Qianqing Palace and immediately called Qilin Guard to congratulate his master Ding Degui.

Ding Degui soon arrived at the Qianqing Palace. As a confidant of Emperor Su He, he silently waited for the emperor's instructions.

Su He knew that the symbolic event of a country's decline is losing several key wars.

Qin Shu cooperated with the Metropolitan Governor's Office and had initially completed the coding of the telegraph machine.

In the past, the imperial court was indeed unable to effectively manage places far away from the center, and could only turn a blind eye.

Some officials want to use their power to make profits by virtue of their superiority, and will soon be exposed.

Everyone held their breath and observed the performance of the telegraph machine.

Both of these aspects accounted for a large proportion of the defeat of the Ming Dynasty.

The imperial court’s control over local areas will reach its highest level in history.”

Qin Shu spread his hands and said: "If you type the wrong signal, you can only type the wrong command and then resend the correct signal.

Qin Shu nodded. He kept tapping the long-handled button of the telegraph machine, and the clicking sound kept ringing.

This is the list of candidates sent by Wang Yanhu, the governor of Hebei."

The General Telegraph Office operates four main telegraph lines throughout the country.

Press and hold the long-handled button, and the telegraph will display a high-voltage signal. Short-press the long-handled button, and the telegraph will display a low-voltage signal.

"Degui, I am going to make you the director of the General Telegraph Bureau.

Once the telegraph network is controlled by other forces and key telegrams are intercepted at special moments, extremely serious problems will arise.

The royal palace connects the lines to the governors of major governor-general offices and the governors of various provinces.

He manufactured a telegraph machine a few days ago and was approved by His Majesty the Emperor.

Cable telegraphs can transmit messages to far away places, so it seems that His Majesty is so aggressive.

He hopes that wired telegraph technology can be successfully developed this time.

The main direction of their discussion was the changes in officialdom after the emergence of wired telegraph technology.

The imperial court now expedites three hundred miles to send documents to the southeast, which will cost at least a dozen taels of silver coins.

The earlier the information is conveyed, the better the chance of victory will be.

Wei Wang Su Hu asked curiously: "I saw Qin Zijue tapping the telegraph machine. This kind of work is very complicated.

After Emperor Su He praised Wang Zhongce, he smiled and said: "Of course, the basis of all this, that is, wired telegraph technology, has really been successful.

As the imperial court's decrees can be transmitted to the whole country in an instant, this will bring great changes to the officialdom.

As long as we persist in research and development for a while, sooner or later we will see a telegraph machine that can transmit information.

He had been silent before, and suddenly said: "You are all important ministers of the country, and your vision is too narrow.

Officials from the Sixth Ministry are also discussing wire telegraphy. They are more concerned about the emergence of wire telegraphy and its impact on officialdom.

He planned to appoint Ding Degui as the director of the General Bureau of Telegraph, responsible for managing the country's telegraph business.

Su He issued orders via telegram to all armies across the country and to the governors of each province.

The vast territory of the Dahua Dynasty will be closely connected, and there will never be a chance for these places to separate.

After the advent of wired telegraphy, the imperial court was able to concentrate the power of the country as quickly as possible.

He had to ask clearly about the efficiency and cost of the telegraph machine so that he could calculate the budget for building the telegraph network as quickly as possible.

The route from the Metropolitan Governor's Office to all armies.

Prime Minister Wang Zhongce listened to the officials' discussion.

The most critical aspect of telegrams is strict confidentiality.

The cabinet connects all provinces, prefectures and counties.

Qin Shu waited until the telegraph machine stopped. He tore off the paper tape and handed it to Jin Duke Li Fengming.

Out of the corner of his eye, Wang Zhongce saw Emperor Su He and several scholars walking towards here from the palace.

Come and watch the cable telegraph transmission test. This technology has a high chance of success.

Su He smiled and nodded and said: "Send a report to Tianjin and ask Wang Yanhu, the governor of Hebei, about the situation of Hebei's people going to Beijing to take the exam."

If the army lacks any supplies or encounters an unexpected situation, it can receive timely support from the court."

Whether it is an invasion by a foreign enemy or a natural disaster in a certain place, the imperial court can respond in a timely manner."

As the speed of information dissemination suddenly accelerates, the dark side of some small places will soon spread to the whole country, causing extremely serious impacts.

Cable telegraph technology has been successfully developed and can be used normally."

Or they suffered from continuous natural disasters but failed to provide effective disaster relief.

The cost of directly connecting two telegraph machines is too high and is generally used for special purposes.

If the telegraph machine can spit out paper tape, it proves that it has received news from Tianjin.

Other yamen use telegraph machines, which can perform secondary encryption on the basis of basic encoding.

Su He looked at Ding Degui. This man was his confidant and was usually responsible for the security of the Forbidden City.

As soon as Emperor Su He said this, no one fought for the ownership of the telegraph network.

Ding Degui stood up straight and heard the task assigned to him by Emperor Su He.

Missing or misplaced signals will lead to incomplete information.

Every dispatcher must be reviewed by Xuanwu Guards.

The General Administration of Telegraph and Telegraph gave priority to setting up telegraph lines to Shandong.

The new embankment of the Yellow River is about to be opened, and telegraph lines will also be set up on the embankment."

After Ding Degui received the order from Emperor Su He, he immediately took office and set up the telegraph network of the Dahua Dynasty.

Happy New Year

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