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Chapter 479 Not a Simple Big Case

Li Shengyun, the governor of Shandong, forced a smile.

He walked up to Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu, and said politely: "Master Li, the Shandong Governor's Yamen fully supports the Metropolitan Procuratorate in handling the case.

If you all have any requests from the Procuratorate, our Shandong Governor’s Yamen will cooperate unconditionally.

Before the Metropolitan Procuratorate handled the case, they were afraid of leaking the news and handled the case quietly. We understand this situation very well.

If the dust has settled on this matter, please inform the Shandong Governor's Yamen."

Li Shengyun, the governor of Shandong, maintained a very low profile.

He came here today just to call for punishment.

The methods adopted by the Metropolitan Procuratorate were too crude, causing panic among Shandong officials.

Li Shengyun could only step forward to stabilize the mood of other officials.

When he came here, he immediately changed his mind.

He knew something that Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu, could personally supervise.

That must be an important piece of news that Shang Datian has heard of, and he will be involved if he is not careful.

Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu, saw Li Shengyun, the governor of Shandong, keeping his attitude low.

In officialdom, don't hit anyone with a smiling face.

When he runs a business in Shandong, he also needs the support of the Shandong governor's office.

With Li Shengyun coordinating on the side, many factors that hinder the implementation of the eucalyptus can be eliminated.

Li Yuanzheng said in a calm tone: "I really have something here that I need Governor Li's help with.

Most of the fifth and sixth grade officials of Jining Prefecture were arrested.

Many things in Jining Prefecture have been suspended. I hope Governor Li will transfer a group of officials as soon as possible to take over various yamen in Jining Prefecture."

When Li Shengyun, the governor of Shandong, heard this request, he was secretly happy.

Li Shengyun was only promoted to governor of Shandong this year, and he has not yet completely sorted out the forces in Shandong.

In particular, the former governor of Shandong left behind a strong influence, causing whatever work he does now to be restricted by these people.

This arrangement allows us to transfer one of our own people to Jining Prefecture.

He will use Jining Prefecture to gain a breakthrough and let Shandong officials know who is in charge of Shandong.

Shandong Governor Li Shengyun said cheerfully: "Shandong Governor's Yamen fully supports Mr. Li's request.

I will immediately issue an order to transfer officials from other places to Jining Prefecture to restore Jining Prefecture to normal as soon as possible."

After Li Shengyun, the governor of Shandong, finished speaking, he asked politely: "Master Li, what kind of case are you dealing with? It's inconvenient for me to tell you."

Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu, snorted coldly and said: "Your officials here in Shandong are too bold. The Yellow River project that His Majesty the Emperor focused on has turned out to be a bunch of shoddy projects.

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There are few innocent officials in Jining Prefecture, and the local government, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and other yamen are all involved in this case."

Li Shengyun, the governor of Shandong, heard about the Yellow River Project.

A layer of sweat broke out on his body immediately. Before taking office as governor of Shandong, he went to the capital to report on his duties.

His Majesty the Emperor specifically asked him to do a good job in the logistics work of the Yellow River Project.

Efforts should be made to promptly evacuate people from the flood discharge area of ​​the new Yellow River channel, and strengthen official patrols to prevent anyone from damaging the river embankments.

This shows how much His Majesty the Emperor pays attention to the Yellow River Project.

These people are so bold that they dare to reach out to the Yellow River Project.

Shandong Governor Li Shengyun wiped the sweat from his head and said hurriedly: "Master Li is aware that I, Li Shengyun, just took office this year.

When I took office, the Yellow River Project was coming to an end, and this matter had nothing to do with me.

The former governor of Shandong was Mr. Zhang Youfeng.

If Mr. Li feels that someone from the governor’s office is involved in this case, he should ask Mr. Zhang Youfeng more."

Standing behind Li Yuanzheng, Zhang Qinian, the censor of Qiandu, stared at Li Shengyun, the governor of Shandong, with angry eyes.

He immediately said loudly: "My uncle is definitely not that kind of person. This matter must have nothing to do with my uncle."

Shandong Governor Li Shengyun glanced at Zhang Qinian, but he did not continue to speak.

As a veteran in official circles, he would not easily dump the blame on irrelevant people.

If you don't throw the pot away well and it hits you again, big problems will arise.

After Li Shengyun took office as the governor of Shandong, he felt that many people in the governor's yamen were confidants of the former governor Zhang Youfeng.

He wanted to arrange some policies, but many people disobeyed him and did not implement his orders.

Zhang Youfeng's behavior was very strange, unlike other governors he had seen.

This person's behavior is very similar to the previous officials of the Ming Dynasty.

He is good at forming cliques and forming his own small circle.

Li Shengyun also secretly investigated Zhang Youfeng's party.

He found no conclusive evidence, but he also found some clues.

Zhang Youfeng is by no means so honest as he appears to the outside world.

Now that there is such a big problem here in Jining Prefecture, Mei You, the prefect of Jining, is Zhang Youfeng's confidant.

If this incident had nothing to do with Zhang Youfeng, no one would believe it.

He will not take over the blame for what his predecessor did.

Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu, glared at Zhang Qinian.

Zhang Qinian immediately shut up and stood behind with his head lowered.

Li Yuanzheng said in a serious tone: "Our Metropolitan Procuratorate will not unjustly accuse an honest official, nor will we let a corrupt official go.

Governor Li, if you have any clues, please tell me. Our procuratorate is not afraid of any force.

Regarding this case, I must get to the bottom of it."

After Li Yuanzheng finished speaking, he warmly invited Li Shengyun, the governor of Shandong, to go to his study for a chat.

He already felt that there was something in Li Shengyun's words, and he should be able to learn some important information from him.


Li Yuanzheng investigated the clues he learned from Li Shengyun, the governor of Shandong, and already had some clues about this case.

He got news from Wei Shiming that the telegraph line had been connected.

After the two of them discussed it, they promptly reported the situation here to His Majesty the Emperor.

Li Yuanzheng put down his work and came to meet Wei Shiming.

When he saw Wei Shiming again, he was a little surprised at Wei Shiming's state.

Wei Shiming's sideburns were still black when we saw them a few days ago, but after just a few days, they have turned white.

Li Yuanzheng asked with concern: "Master Wei, what's going on?

At this moment, it is more important to take good care of your body.

Don’t be too anxious if you encounter difficult situations, we will discuss the solution.”

Wei Shiming slapped the drawing of the Yellow River Embankment on the table and said angrily: "These corrupt officials, how dare they do this."

Li Yuanzheng took a look at the drawings, which recorded the status of the reservoir and the Yellow River embankment.

The reservoir is in good condition and the quality is guaranteed.

The Yellow River embankment in Shandong has intermittent red lines painted on it.

He looked at the red lines in Jining Prefecture, which corresponded to the rubbish projects one by one, which showed the number of rubbish projects on the Yellow River embankment in Shandong.

Wei Shiming slapped the table and said angrily: "I sent people to take a train to Jinan Prefecture, and the data I got now is only about Jining Prefecture, Yanzhou Prefecture, and Jinan Prefecture.

The situation in the three prefectures is already very bleak. If Qingzhou Prefecture is also included, I can't even imagine it.

The number of shoddy projects on the Yellow River embankment has accounted for one-tenth of the total number of projects on the Yellow River embankment.

There are too many shoddy projects, and the problematic Yellow River embankments must be rebuilt.

The progress of the Yellow River Project will be delayed for at least another year."

Li Yuanzheng looked at this information and gritted his teeth.

The imperial court spent tens of millions of taels of silver coins and spent several years building the Yellow River embankment. All the money went into the pockets of corrupt officials.

The problems here in Shandong are huge, and they are by no means a problem of Jining Prefecture alone. The entire officialdom of Shandong has big problems.

Li Yuanzheng asked: "What about the problem in Henan?

The problem here in Shandong is extremely serious, and if there is a big problem in Henan, it will be a real trouble."

Rebuilding the Yellow River embankment will require a large number of workers and construction companies.

If there are no problems in Henan, people from Henan will be dispatched to Shandong to rebuild the Yellow River embankment. The progress and quality can be guaranteed.

Once problems arise in Henan and all the Yellow River embankments need to be rebuilt, things will become extremely complicated.

Wei Shiming took a breath and said: "The Yellow River embankment has been telegraphed, and I got a report from Song Wenjie.

He has randomly inspected the Yellow River embankments in key areas of Henan and found no problems.

Our hard work some time ago has paid off, and there is indeed no problem in Henan."

Li Yuanzheng said in a serious tone: "The telegraph line has been connected, and we will report the relevant situation to His Majesty the Emperor.

The problems in Shandong are too big for the two of us to solve. It is up to His Majesty the Emperor to make arrangements.

This incident is not simple, it is unprecedentedly large since the founding of the People's Republic of China."


Ding Degui, director of the Forbidden City Telegraph Bureau, was taking Emperor Su He and important officials of the imperial court to visit the telegraph office.

Ding Degui introduced: "According to His Majesty's request, we have set up the telegraph line to Shandong.

Last night, the telegraph office in Shandong had installed telegraph machines, and they also contacted Mr. Wei and Mr. Li."

Su He ordered: "Send a message to Wei Shiming and ask them about the progress of their inspection of the Yellow River embankment.

The last report I received from them was about the floods in Luoyang.

It tells that the old embankments of the Yellow River are extremely dangerous and it is necessary to divert the Yellow River water into the new river channel as soon as possible.

The two places are not far apart, and even if there is a train, the transmission of information is very slow."

Ding Degui immediately asked the telegraph operator to send a message to Wei Shiming and others.

Emperor Su He and others were all staring at the telegraph machine. This was the first time that the telegraph was practical.

The ticking sound of the telegraph machine kept ringing.

Emperor Su He and others soon saw a piece of paper coming out of the telegraph machine.

Ding Degui immediately checked the content on the paper tape and quickly translated it.

Sweat dripped from his forehead as he translated the contents on the paper tape.

Emperor Su He saw Ding Degui's performance and said with a smile: "Xiao Ding, you are not nervous about bombing the enemy in a hot air balloon.

I'm just translating telegrams, why are I so nervous?"

With trembling hands, Ding Degui held the paper with the translation written on it and handed it to Emperor Su He.

Su He looked at the reports given by Wei Shiming and Li Yuanzheng.

The two of them began to introduce the situation in Henan.

Emperor Su He saw that the quality of the Yellow River embankment in Henan was very good.

He smiled and said: "The Yellow River Project cost so many silver coins, but it was worth it.

Looking at the current situation, I will tour the south at the end of the month and preside over the Yellow River water diversion project, and there will be no problem at all."

As soon as Su He finished saying this, his expression froze.

He has read the report on the situation of the Yellow River embankment in Shandong.

Su He angrily crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it directly on Cabinet Minister Qian Mingyi.

"I trust you so much, and this is how you repay my trust."

Qian Mingyi knelt down in fear and immediately kowtowed: "I am guilty!"

Emperor Su He said angrily: "What crime are you guilty of?

Do you know what happened?"

Big beads of sweat kept rolling down Qian Mingyi's forehead.

With trembling hands, he opened the crumpled paper and read the contents on it.

When he saw the amount of shoddy construction on the Yellow River embankment in Shandong, he was sweating profusely and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Qian Mingyi said with a trembling voice: "I am scared because my lack of supervision has led to a large number of shoddy projects on the Yellow River embankment in Shandong.

I plead guilty and please be punished by Your Majesty."

Su He ordered with a cold tone: "Go home and think about your mistakes behind closed doors, waiting for the investigation by the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

He took a look at Qian Mingyi and realized that if he made such a big mistake, he would definitely be severely punished.

But the extent of the punishment still depends on the investigation by the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Was Qian Mingyi guilty of negligence, or was he actively involved in these cases?

Ding Degui was quick-thinking and saw the translated content being thrown out by Emperor Su He.

He immediately translated it again and handed it to Emperor Su He again.

Su He waved his hand and asked Ding Degui to pass it to others.

He waited until these people finished reading and asked, "How do you think this matter should be handled?"

Many generals in the Metropolitan Governor's Office did not respond. This was a problem with the civilian officials.

Cabinet Prime Minister Wang Zhongce immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think the Yellow River water diversion project should be postponed.

The quality of the Yellow River embankment must be ensured before this project can be launched.

Once the Yellow River breaks its banks, the losses will be immeasurable."

Cabinet minister Li Zhisheng suggested: "Your Majesty, the imperial court has spent tens of millions of taels of silver coins on the Yellow River project.

The Yellow River Project cannot be abandoned halfway, otherwise the silver coins spent will be completely wasted.

I suggest that the Yellow River embankment be handed over to the Shaofu for construction to ensure the quality and safety of the Yellow River embankment."

After Su He asked the cabinet officials for their opinions, he wrote the order on paper and gave it to Ding Degui for reporting.


Wei Shiming and Li Yuanzheng looked at the telegraph machine curiously.

Li Yuanzheng asked doubtfully: "It's this thing that can send messages instantly across thousands of miles.

This thing is also very useful.

Mr. Wei, how can you be sure that the relevant order was issued by the emperor, and whether someone might be falsifying the information."

When Wei Shiming heard Li Yuanzheng's question, he simply explained: "His Majesty personally controls the General Telegraph Bureau. Falsely transmitting imperial edicts is a major crime against the nine tribes.

Just as we trusted messengers before, we trust telegraphs now."

While they were chatting, they saw the telegraph machine beeping and spitting out a piece of paper.

Li Yuanzheng asked in surprise: "Did His Majesty the Emperor send us a message back?"

Wei Shiming nodded and said: "Looking at the situation, it should be an imperial edict from His Majesty the Emperor. We are waiting for the telegraph operator to translate the relevant information."

The two looked at the translated telegram. Emperor Su He's will was very simple.

The cabinet will allocate funds to rebuild the problematic Yellow River embankment, and Wei Shiming is responsible for the reconstruction work.

Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu, investigated this case thoroughly.

No matter who is involved, we must get to the bottom of it.

Emperor Su He authorized Li Yuanzheng to arrest first-rank officials.

If Li Yuanzheng encounters too many obstacles, he is allowed to mobilize the local garrison.

Li Yuanzheng was extremely excited when he saw the authorization from Emperor Su He.

The emperor granted him such a great authority, and he will definitely be able to investigate this case clearly.

This chapter has been completed!
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