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Chapter 482 Change the local government system

After Emperor Su He finished talking about this policy, there was silence in the Huangji Palace for a moment.

Wu Donglin, the minister of Dali Temple, broke the silence of the court and heard about Emperor Su He's policy.

He immediately stood up and objected loudly: "Your Majesty, this policy is not advisable.

Your Majesty's policy is to show that most officials are guilty.

This will give a lot of bad hints to villains.

They would fabricate cases to frame upright officials of the court.

Once the imperial court implements this policy, it will inevitably lead to official hardship.

Officials only want to be wise and protect themselves, but do not want to be loyal to the country, so many yamen will be shut down.

Once a guilty official is caught, some villains will definitely bite him randomly, causing all officials to panic.

The relevant cases have been expanded wantonly, and the original intention of His Majesty in formulating these policies has been lost.

Everyone in the officialdom will definitely be in danger from now on.

This prevents local governors from becoming monopolistic and local governments becoming independent kingdoms of governors.

The officials were very flexible, and many of them relied on the information copied by Zhang Youfeng's family.

Prime Minister Wang Zhongce searched out relevant policies and began to introduce the cabinet's suggestions for changing the local government system.

Wu Donglin and Zhang Youfeng have many people in the same party and have a very good relationship in private.

Many people competed for governor before, and the position of governor was limited, and only a few people succeeded.

Zhang Youfeng just didn't expect the telegram to appear.

But Su He could hear some faint threats in his words.

This system ensures the authority of the governor without making him bigger.

Su He listened to Wang Zhongce's suggestion and thought it was a good suggestion.

Now that various regions have stabilized, it is time to stop local centralization and decentralize power to local governors.

Opposing for the sake of opposition is one of the important signs of party struggle.

Officials in the Three Judiciary Divisions are too busy dealing with party disputes and have no intention of handling private cases.

The evidence is conclusive and corrupt officials should be investigated.

I allow officials of seventh rank and above across the country to impeach lawless officials to me through secret telegrams."

Many people are in a panic, thinking about whether they have offended anyone.

The cabinet should have relevant policies, and Wang Aiqing will introduce relevant policies to me and the officials."

He couldn't help but applaud and said: "Okay, Wang Aiqing's suggestion is very good.

Su He smiled and said: "Wang Aiqing's proposal deeply resonates with me.

Now the local governor is still building cliques in the local area, and it is very likely that someone will separatist power in the local area in the future."

The emperor lowered the threshold for impeachment to a seventh-rank official.

Emperor Su He was very happy. This was a once and for all solution to the excessive power of the governor.

Su He understood Li Zhisheng's suggestion and only checked the reports with evidence.

When all the officials heard about this appointment, they all knew that Wu Donglin had lost his holy family.

For example, the censor of the provincial procuratorate can participate in politics and specialize in the management of anti-corruption work.

He also did not want to mess up the officialdom, which would greatly damage the prestige of the court and the people would also bear the consequences.

The minister proposed to re-establish administrative envoys in each province to manage the government affairs of a province.

Su He looked at Wu Donglin. He always felt that this Dali Temple minister was also suspected of engaging in party strife.

This person is very confident that he will avoid the impact of this major case.

Where is the Parliament now? That is where retired officials retire.

“The cabinet’s main idea for the new official system in various places is to divide the powers of governors.

Everyone stood there, feeling very tormented and feeling that time passed too slowly.

Recreating the scene of the Hongwu Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty, officials brought torture instruments to judge other officials.

Once the incident occurs, he has enough time to destroy the evidence.

His tone was very sincere, and some of the situations he mentioned would indeed happen.

I don’t think any official would sympathize with these people.”

Dear ladies, do you have any other opinions?"

His Majesty Chen Jianyi collected reports from common people and officials.

Now the civil and military officials are very entangled in this situation, but there is no strong opposition.

Report letters must go through detailed selection by the Three Law Divisions.

As long as His Majesty the Emperor does not expand the scope and purge everyone in the officialdom, most people will be able to live safely.

I advise you not to investigate further those letters that are nonsense and have arbitrary fabricated content.

Su He sat back on the throne and said, "Li Aiqing's suggestion is good, but I am not going to use cruel officials to govern the country.

His house was ransacked by Su Yan, and all the irrefutable evidence fell into Su Yan's hands.

He immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty's policy idea is very unique, but there are some ill-considered aspects.

There were common people, merchants and nobles there.

Su He sat on the dragon chair and looked at the performance of the officials. Many of them had expressions of fear.

The policy just now is for anonymous reporting.

This is an impeachment method that goes directly to Tianting.

The main purpose is to centralize power. Only by centralizing power can local areas be stabilized in a timely manner and allowed to recuperate as quickly as possible.

Officials with the position of Minister of Dali Temple must not be involved in party disputes.

This shows that this policy has hit them where it hurts, but it has no fatal impact on most officials.

The policy just promulgated by the emperor is to impeach officials in real names.

Wu Donglin has been the Minister of Dali Temple for so many years, but he has become a little arrogant and has not figured out his position.

As soon as the case was discovered in Shandong, the capital city knew about it immediately.

The Third Judiciary Division has conclusive evidence, which will not affect the emotions of most officials.

His Majesty the Emperor's intention is very clear. This policy is mainly to frighten officials, rather than to set off major cases and let officials report each other and expose each other. No one will get a happy ending.

He felt that his move was extremely correct.

The fact that Zhang Youfeng was able to handle such a big case in Shandong and hide it from the public is because the power of the governor is too great.

The letter with solid evidence and clear structure will be handed over to the Three Law Division for investigation.

The Tri-Legal Division may even become a tool for party struggle.

Seeing the performance of these officials, Su He spoke again: "Now telegraph lines have been gradually set up in various regions.

He sent people to intercept letters between Shandong and the capital.

His purpose is to intimidate these civil servants and prevent them from harming the country and the people because of party disputes.

Today in the court, no official will intercede with Zhang Youfeng.

Su He also hoped that officials would be well-founded and find out the problems with the policies he promulgated.

Now each province has one more chief envoy and several political participants, and many people have the opportunity to become local officials.

Su He also ordered the cabinet to come up with a list of officials to fill vacancies in Shandong as soon as possible.

Su He quickly broke his silence and made several personnel adjustments in the court.

The people in the court certainly didn't want the emperor to cause a major case.

The contents of his impeachment can be transmitted directly to the palace through the telegraph network.

When the officials in Huangji Hall heard that Emperor Su He promulgated this policy, their expressions were even more frightened than before.

After the governor decentralized power, he was no longer a local emperor who kept his word.

Su He saw that none of the officials in the court objected to this policy.

Li Yuanzheng, the imperial censor of Zuodu, was not sure about his employment and was fined three months' salary.

All the officials looked at each other, and no one spoke first.

His status is as long as the evidence is destroyed in time and a scapegoat with sufficient identity is introduced.

Su Yan, the new minister of Dali Temple, stood up and reported: "Your Majesty, the evidence of Zhang Youfeng's party is conclusive, and they are now imprisoned.

Su Yan found no definite evidence, but based on rumors.

Wu Donglin was transferred to the parliament and served as director of the parliament's legal committee.

His anger has weakened a bit now, and reason has prevailed.

The General Telegraph Bureau was once again controlled by His Majesty's cronies, and many people were unable to get involved.

The governor is still the highest official in a province, but he does not personally manage government affairs.

Zhang Youfeng underestimated the development of technology, but he did not anticipate the telegraph.

The name of the telegraph had become a household name during this time.

Su Yan became the new minister of Dali Temple, and He Zhisheng, the left minister of the Ministry of Punishment, was promoted to Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

After Emperor Su He issued the imperial edict, the court fell into a brief silence.

When Emperor Su He saw Wu Donglin, the Minister of Dali Temple, he was the first to stand up against this policy.

The emperor is a solitary man. He promulgates a policy, and all the civil and military officials cheer.

The person who knows the most about an official's illegal situation, apart from his associates, is his enemy.

Who among the officials who really have a promising career would go to the parliament to gossip.

Most officials now have the power to impeach.

He had the idea of ​​​​removing this person from his position.

They are all vested interests and can easily be affected by a certain case.

The key position of Minister of Dali Temple must be impartial.

Prime Minister Wang Zhongce saw that Emperor Su He's anger had been reduced by half.

Cabinet Minister Qian Mingyi was in charge of the Yellow River Project. Due to his own negligence, major problems occurred in the Yellow River Project.

Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng saw that Emperor Su He had something wrong with his expression, and was worried that Emperor Su He would promulgate more radical policies.

Wang Zhongce immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, Zhang Youfeng was able to form a clique in Shandong for personal gain and hid it from everyone in the court.

The cabinet will propose candidates for chief envoys and political participants in each province as soon as possible.

The speed of the telegram was so fast that all telegraph machines on the same line could receive it and the content of the telegram could not be changed.

All major and minor matters in each province are decided by the governor, chief envoy and political advisors through joint discussion.

Nowadays, with the establishment of the telegraph network, communication in various places has become more convenient.

After Emperor Su He said these words, many officials breathed a sigh of relief.

Su He narrowed his eyes slightly and was about to scold Wu Donglin, the minister of Dali Temple.

But he didn't expect that Wu Donglin, the minister of Dali Temple, would be so impatient and the first to jump out and object.

The new method of telegram impeachment also confused all officials.

Su He carefully considered Li Zhisheng's opinion and found that it indeed had merit.

When the imperial court weakened the governor's power, they spoke out against it.

Local power is concentrated in the hands of the government, not the governor."

Most people in the court supported the increase in official positions.

He hates having his own interests harmed the most, like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, he immediately jumps out to object.

The credibility of anonymous reports is not high, and the three judicial departments also need a large number of officials to review anonymous reports.

The minister suggested setting up three to five people to participate in politics to assist the governor and chief envoy to manage a certain special matter.

Before the Great Hua Dynasty, only officials of the third rank or above could directly impeach an official through the General Affairs Department to the imperial court.

Officials will never let go of the power they already have, and it will be very difficult for the governor to concentrate the power of these officials.

Qian Mingyi was fined one year's salary and demoted to governor of Guangdong.

Su He listened to Wang Zhongce's arrangements and sorted out the relevant matters in great detail. The cabinet had already been prepared.

Then we need to think deeply about whether this policy has any potential risks.

The rapid development in various parts of the Dahua Dynasty over the years also proves that this policy had merits in the past.

This means that except for some grassroots officials, most officials in the officialdom have the power to impeach.

Once an official in this position has his own ideas, it will be more destructive to the officialdom than blocking it.

Those who wanted to object did not dare to speak out.

The minister suggested reducing the power of the governor, establishing a corresponding check and balance mechanism at the local level, and changing the current local official system.

If His Majesty the Emperor really wanted to do this, there was nothing they could do to stop him.

The Three Law Departments will first conduct overt and covert investigations to ensure that the report letter is true, and then they will deal with the relevant personnel."

It’s easy to be criticized by others. Do you have bad intentions and want to separate one party from another?

Zhang Youfeng did not have time to destroy the evidence and introduce the scapegoat.

Some people opposed this policy, and Emperor Su He had already anticipated it.

They maintained a state of fighting without breaking up, and no one was so angry that they impeached officials of the same level.

Emperor Su He noticed that something was wrong with Wu Donglin, the minister of Dali Temple.

Emperor Su He agreed to the request of Dali Temple Minister Su Yan, and the Three Law Divisions completed the joint trial as soon as possible. After waiting for his imperial approval, Caishikou executed these officials.

These officials can impeach the governor via telegram.

Some officials agreed with Prime Minister Wang Zhongce's suggestion, while others believed that Prime Minister Wang Zhongce's concerns were unnecessary.

The officials in the court continued to be silent. They didn't know what strange thoughts Emperor Su He had.

The governor's yamen and the chief envoy's yamen, which yamen they command respectively.

No matter how you look at this policy, it is not good governance."

As soon as Wang Zhongce made this suggestion, the court immediately became noisy.

This change is great news for many officials.

Officials have banded together to engage in party disputes.

Governors and chief envoys have very heavy affairs.

He said happily: "I will issue an imperial edict now, and the cabinet will publish it to the world.

If your Majesty does this, he will not be able to curb party strife. On the contrary, he will not be able to defeat cronies because of the scattered officials.

Doing this will completely make the officials of the Three Law Departments tired of handling cases.

Once this policy comes out, a large number of officials will definitely be impeached.

In the past, all members of the imperial court had their own tacit understanding.

Chief envoys and political ministers will also compete with the governor for power.

After my inspection, they will take office as soon as possible to stabilize the local situation."

I think the main reason is that the governor has too much power.

They learned about Zhang Youfeng's golden cicada's method of escaping from its shell.

He investigated the Yellow River Project case and was rewarded 500 taels of silver.

Wang Zhongce explained in detail the affairs that the governor and the chief envoy were responsible for.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Suhe gave the governor great power, and the governor almost kept his word in the local area.

The minister proposes to conduct a joint trial of the three judicial departments to determine the crimes of Zhang Youfeng and his party."

Today's court meeting lasted for a long time. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon before Zhou Fangzhi officially announced the dissolution of the court.

The officials walked out of the Meridian Gate hungry. They had gathered together in twos and threes to discuss the situation of the imperial meeting.

This time all officials became alert.

They were alone, not chatting with anyone they knew, and quickly walked out of the Meridian Gate.

The fate of Zhang Youfeng and his party made all officials realize that Emperor Su He hated forming cliques for personal gain.

This chapter has been completed!
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