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Chapter 495 Post-War Governance

Chapter 495 Postwar Governance

March 9, 4338 (1641 AD).

Duke Su Hu of Wei came to Guangnan City, where he planned to set up a Chinese army tent and command the follow-up actions of the Third Army and the Tenth Army.

After the Royal Army of Great China eliminated the Zheng family and the Ruan family, there were no organized enemies nearby.

Duke Su Hu of Wei issued new orders to all armies to expand the results of this war.

The Third Army marched westward along Thang Long Prefecture and captured other prefectures and counties in Dai Viet.

Capture the Xuanfu Division of Laos, a traditional Chinese vassal state.

Fighting directly to the west, they met up with the Royal Army of Great China led by Qihou Sushan from the direction of Burma.

The Tenth Army captured the southeastern region of Dai Viet, as well as Champa and other forces, and then moved westward along the Mekong River to attack Siam and other places, trying to join forces with the army commanded by Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang.

As soon as Wei Guogong Su Hu walked to the front of the official residence, he saw Zhang Wanfeng, the governor of the Navy's Third Fleet, Jinghaihou Zhang Wanfeng waiting for him here.

Su Hu praised: "Jinghaihou, I have read the detailed military reports. You fought this battle very well.

The powerful Lin family in Luoshan County are the backers of the gangsters.

The governor of Quang Ngai, Soong Thanh Nhan, and the governor of Thanh Hoa, Nguyen Fuli, were secretly looking at each other with murderous intent.

Especially through these years of experience, we have summarized a mature method of assimilating foreign races.

He reported to the local security forces about the situation of the gangsters in Luoshan County.

His Majesty the Emperor is extremely satisfied, and we will definitely receive generous rewards when our teacher returns to the court."

He followed Wei Guogong Su Hu to Guangnan, which will be the future location of the Yamen of the Governor of Jiaozhi.

Now that I don’t speak Chinese, I still need to find a master who understands Chinese to assist with daily government affairs.

Stabilizing the place is what every official should do.

That is the minister of Conglong who followed His Majesty the Emperor in his later years.

If the gangsters can escape the search of the Ha Tinh security forces, there will definitely be local forces to provide cover for them.

After he expressed his stance, these Vietnamese officials expressed their stance one after another.

If the villagers want to get food, they have to exchange information with the gangsters.

Smart people have already figured out that learning Chinese well is the most important skill for the future.

There was already a conflict between the two forces, but now it has been cleverly arranged by the Shangguan of the Celestial Dynasty, and it has become even more intense.

The situation of good brother Maoxiang made Chen Zhenhui realize that the newly acquired territory of the imperial court was an opportunity for him to show off his abilities.

The banditry problem in Ha Tinh Province is relatively serious, and this is where the Vietnamese army gathers heavily.

He was also from the southeast region. In the current Great China Dynasty, officials born in the southeast have been suppressed by various factions.

The bandits considered by the Celestial Empire were the remnants of the Vietnamese army who wanted to continue to resist, and the common people who followed the remnants of the Vietnamese army.

Once the matter gets serious and some things that should not be exposed are exposed, Chen Zhenhui's career will be hindered in some undue way.

The most important thing is that more than 300 people from his family followed him to Luoshan County.

The original Guangnan Government Office and the future Governor's Government Office of Jiaozhi.

When these Vietnamese officials who came to seek refuge heard these words, chills ran down their spines.

Most of the prefects were domestic officials, and only a few prefects were awarded to Yue people who performed well in surrendering.

Which place has a large-scale banditry that has not been eliminated within two years?

It is already very difficult to work without making mistakes, and it is almost impossible to get promoted.

If the banditry in Luoshan County can be wiped out in a short period of time, Huang Ming will become famous.

If you don’t have the skills, you don’t need to be an official anymore.”

He applied to go to the Jiaozhi area to manage the area of ​​Dai Viet, Laos, and Champa.

Bai Yuangui was able to easily occupy Guangnan, capture Renjun Duke Ruan Fulan, and make Ruan's army surrender.

In addition to this reason, as long as you continue to climb up, there is another group that occupies a large number of official positions.

These officials had been demoted in the first place and had resentment in their hearts.

There are only some local forces that are not too strong and need to be solved step by step.

As officials who govern a party, your most important task after taking office is to cooperate with the local security forces and patrol and suppress bandits.

No general news in the county could be hidden from his eyes and ears.

In this way, there will be no fear that officials with too strong background will collude with the local government and cause rebellion in Dahua.

Zhang Wanfeng saluted with a military salute and requested: "Wei Guogong, the general wants to temporarily use the telegraph line. We have established contact with the Governor's Office to inquire about the next combat preparations."

When North Korea was annexed, place names had to be changed and a large number of immigrants were carried out.

Especially during times of war and when every household is running out of food.

Chen Zhenhui said with a smile: "Now that most of the bandits have been eliminated by the military, you should take office as soon as possible to maintain local stability.

There is no chance to be a governor in charge of a province, let alone to be in the cabinet.

Chen Zhenhui divided the scope of each prefecture according to the topography and cultural customs, and appointed prefects to each prefecture.

Marquis Jinghai broke through the rules and regulations and set an example for the war.

His practice of abandoning the sea and surrendering to land will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the navy, which needs to be quelled as soon as possible.

I dismissed the local officials without asking the reason.

Chen Zhenhui looked at the map of the Jiaozhi region. According to the cabinet's arrangements, the Jiaozhi Governor-General ruled three provinces.

After consulting His Majesty the Emperor, he implemented a special method.

In the past, the Vietnamese army often robbed people of supplies and had a very bad reputation.

In order to maintain stability in Jiaozhi, Chen Zhenhui also prevented Vietnamese officials from colluding with local people.

Zhang Wanfeng must contact his relatives and friends to let them build momentum for him in the navy.

Chen Zhenhui did a good job as the prefect of Shuntian. The officials at the emperor's feet also had the opportunity to meet the emperor Su He and show their abilities.

Now the Great China Dynasty has become stronger and more culturally inclusive. Everyone from the common people to the emperor has become extremely confident.

Huang Ming has very good methods. It only took him a few days to understand the situation in Luoshan County.


Their main duty is to suppress bandits and will never collude with bandits.


In the absence of major turmoil in the country, any official would definitely not be able to compete with the Minister of Conglong under the same conditions.

With the support of him as the county magistrate, the family has taken control of some industries in Luoshan County and has also formed alliances with some powerful people.

I don’t want to listen to flattery, I just want to see how well you can achieve it.”

Ming led the security forces to Mangrove Village outside Luoshan County.

There are also some flexible officials who hire someone who can speak Chinese as their master.

The garrison was a local army composed of Chinese officers as its backbone and a large number of Vietnamese troops recruited.

His wife objected. The Jiaozhi area was a war zone, and if something went wrong in the war, lives would be lost.

Now in the Great China Dynasty, there is a deep conflict between the army and the navy.

News of the great victory has been reported through Hualian News Agency.

He opened warehouses to store grain, and he sent family members who worked in the county government to deliver grain to the villages without giving grain to the direct villagers.

A group of them walked into the residence of Renjun Duke Ruan Fulan, which became the temporary residence of Wei Duke Su Hu.

After he took office, he immediately visited the local powerful people to find out the forces in the county so that he could make corresponding arrangements.

If they lost their official status, they would not be able to keep their family alive in this turbulent era.

Your actions created an opportunity for Bai Yuangui to raid Ruan's capital.

Su Hu can now consider where to build his own country.

Being an official and being given a grain of rice are very attractive to the villagers.

The cabinet and the Emperor generally do not raise objections to the candidates he recommends.

No matter how well you do it, you can't stand out.

They were full of praise for the heroic performance of the army and navy on the battlefield.

Now that supplies are cut off, and after becoming a gangster, they can only rely on robbing people to replenish military supplies.

This time it’s a war, what’s the domestic response?”

He wanted to stand out and let the superior officials of the Celestial Dynasty realize that he was a talent and promote him to important positions.

One of the most important factors in identifying a gangster is whether they are hostile to the rule of the Celestial Dynasty.

His Majesty the Emperor particularly praised the navy for not following rules and making rational use of the Vietnamese prisoners, laying the foundation for victory.

The imperial court no longer uses this small trick of changing names.

While assisting them with government affairs, you can also teach them Chinese.

Without outstanding achievements, it is difficult to get ahead.

The Northern Government governed South Vietnam, and the Southern Government governed North Vietnam.

He made the right bet this time. As long as he wins, his performance this time will win the favor of His Majesty the Emperor.

Zhang Wanfeng asked with a smile: "Wei Guogong, I heard that while you are marching, wired telegraph lines will be set up closely following the army.

After he took office, his most important task was to eliminate banditry here within two years, and to complete the tasks assigned by his superiors.

People who don't have any hatred in the first place will show some resentment.

People who are hostile to the Celestial Empire are suspected to be regarded as bandits and need to be resolutely eliminated.

The Chinese army captured Dai Viet, and most people had accepted their fate, but some people still wanted to resist desperately.

The Chinese army defeated the Vietnamese army, and many of the remaining soldiers hid.

Chen Zhenhui arranged the official positions of these officials according to their abilities.

Your navy accounts for at least half of this military medal."

Su Hu approached the official residence. He leaned on the chair and looked at the current situation map.

From this detail, Chen Zhenhui saw that the imperial court was becoming more and more confident.

When Su Hu looked at Zhang Wanfeng's attitude, he understood what Zhang Wanfeng was worried about?

"Jinghaihou, after I get the military report, I will send the situation on the battlefield to the capital.

Everyone in the country knew the news of this great victory.

Song Chengren was the first to salute and said: "Sir, I will definitely do my job well in this lowly position, and will not insult your importance."

Huang Ming quickly thought of a good way to learn about the gangsters.

Huang Ming thought carefully, and suddenly he had an idea.

What he feared most was that His Majesty the Emperor would be angry because of his unauthorized assertion of letting the navy command the army.

When the Great China Dynasty came, all the previous local forces were reshuffled.

Chen Zhenhui was a Jinshi who was admitted after the world was at peace.

The most powerful thing is to suppress bandits.

This is a foreign war. They have destroyed Dai Viet, and the purpose of this war has basically been achieved.

In the next few years, people will be promoted slowly. When they reach old age, they will become the chief envoy of a province or participate in politics.

The plan implemented by Chen Zhenhui used officials who surrendered from the Zheng family to govern the Ruan family's area, and used officials who surrendered from the Ruan family to govern the Zheng family's area.

What he could understand so clearly was that he promoted a group of local petty officials who had not been reused before.

Many people who were robbed originally hated these bandits.

Chen Zhenhui coughed lightly and ordered: "You are the most outstanding group of officials. I will formally appoint you after consulting the imperial court.

He, an outlier, signed up to go to the Jiaozhi area and really stood out.

They either go alone or with their families to the area where they took office.

As an official of the Nguyen family in Na Son District, Ha Tinh Province, Magistrate Huang Minh came to the northern region for the first time.

These people are very flexible in their information, and they know all the local secret information.

The prefectures and counties governed by Yue officials were all places where banditry was extremely serious or where conflicts were particularly prominent.

He only had this choice to break the glass ceiling blocking his head.

A promising official in the capital was improperly appointed and went to serve as an unnamed governor in a remote place.

Luoshan County is a small county. There are not many tasks assigned by superiors. The most important task is to stabilize the place.

These officials expressed their loyalty one after another. They listened to the orders issued by Chen Zhenhui and took office with their official seals and letters of appointment.

If you provide information about more than a hundred gangsters, you can be recruited into the government and become a petty official.

I can't understand the speeches of the superior officials of the Celestial Dynasty, and I can't understand the documents sent by my superiors.

Nearly half of the county magistrates are employed by Yue people.

However, Chen Zhenhui knew that although the Shuntian prefect seemed to have a bright future, he had actually reached the top of his official position.

These people also know that only by tit-for-tat can they reassure the superior officials of the Celestial Dynasty.

Those officials who have followed His Majesty the Emperor in the early days have had their loyalty tested and their promotion speed is very fast.

Many people have discussed that they would rather be the prefect of Shuntian Prefecture than the governor of Luzon.

We cannot allow officials from China to serve as officials in the Cochin area, with their hands covered in blood.

Colleagues reacted strongly to this decision, and most of them believed that he had lost his mind and gone crazy.

The officials of Zheng family and Ruan family don't like each other.

In the Jiaozhi area, 99% of them are demoted officials.

In the past, it was just because of timidity and fear of retaliation, but now the government issues large amounts of rewards.

The villagers, who had been hungry for a long time, exchanged information about the bandits for food from the government.

His arrival in Guangnan also meant that the Hua Dynasty began to rule the Jiaozhi region.

Chen Zhenhui plans to promote a group of old Yue officials to make up for the current shortage of officials in the Jiaozhi area.

North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and Laos.

After Huang Ming obtained the information, he immediately calculated the information.

Chen Zhenhui met with the newly appointed old Dai Viet bureaucrats.

They attracted a group of domestic Qingliu Taoist priests who disgusted the Governor's Mansion of Cochin every day, which was also very troublesome.

When Zhang Wanfeng heard what Wei Guogong said, he was so happy that he almost laughed.

Marquis Jinghai was responsible for the feint attack to attract Ruan's attention.

Farmers must pay a fixed quota of grain every year and return to normal life as soon as possible.

Newly occupied territories generally use ancient names or simple and easy-to-remember names.

The garrison surrounded the small village, not letting anyone go, and captured everyone in the village, including a large number of gangsters.

These surrendered officials are also more suitable for dealing with some difficult problems.

As the highest-ranking civil servant in the Jiaozhi area, Chen Zhenhui was not appointed by the court, and her actual power was equivalent to that of the Governor of Jiaozhi.


Ruan Fulan, Duke of Renjun, sent a large number of soldiers and horses north to attack the enemy.

Provide information about a bandit and be rewarded with half a stone of food.

Su Hu immediately handed over to the staff officer in charge of the telegraph and took Zhang Wanfeng to use the telegraph.

Huang Ming learned this information, and he was thinking about what to do next.


The legal system in Jiaozhi has not yet been established, and the county magistrate is responsible for hearing cases.

Huang Ming imprisoned all the captured gangsters, men, women, old and young, on charges of rebellion.

These Yue officials were more cruel and vicious than the Han officials sent from China.

The gangsters in the Jiaozhi area gradually disappeared under their full efforts to suppress them.

(End of chapter)

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