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Chapter 509 The fleet is returning

Chapter 509 The Fleet Returns (Part 2)

At the military training ground on Luzon Island, King Cao Li Dazhuang watched more than 5,000 soldiers training on a high platform near the barracks.

These soldiers are undergoing infantry and artillery coordination training, and they already look like elite soldiers.

General Kong Erniu said from the side: "Your Majesty, we have been training for almost a year.

The army uses retired soldiers as its backbone and recruits healthy farmers' children.

I can guarantee that this army, with sufficient ammunition, can hold off the regular army for five days."

When Kong Erniu said this, he was very confident in the army he had trained.

The strength of the Royal Army of Great China is obvious to all.

It can hold off the Royal Army of China for five days.

Even if they encounter Spanish troops in South America, they can beat them back.

The imaginary enemy of this army is not the powerful Royal Army of China, but the indigenous tribes and Western colonists of South America.

King Cao Li Dazhuang looked at the performance of these troops and said with satisfaction: "Er Niu, continue to strengthen your training and never relax.

Our main enemies are the local indigenous tribes. Together, these tribes can muster an army of 60,000.

My requirement for this army is that they must be able to maintain their position under siege by more than ten times the enemy."

Kong Erniu saluted with a military salute and immediately ran back to the team to continue training these soldiers.

King Cao Li Dazhuang has made all preparations before the founding of the country.

He collected relevant materials needed for the founding of the country and placed them all in a warehouse in Ma Port, Luzon Island.

The exploration fleet set off, almost a year ago.

During this period, many major events occurred in the country.

Prince Cao's Mansion used legal means to earn far more silver coins than Li Dazhuang expected.

For example, Prince Cao's Mansion took advantage of this war to transport related materials to the five governor-general offices and earned twelve million taels of silver coins.

King Cao Li Dazhuang was rich, and he became very heroic and purchased hundreds of thousands of Japanese and Yue slaves at one time.

These slaves cooperated with the immigration of the Han people, and he was confident that he could gain a foothold in South America.

King Cao Li Dazhuang was still a little anxious. He also saw that Su Hu and others were about to be crowned kings because of their great achievements in this war.

Once these people are crowned kings, there will not be three distant kingdoms overseas, but five or six new kingdoms may be added.

There must be a kingdom near his country.

Not acting soon to develop his country.

If he continues to delay, the advantages he created in the early stage will be completely lost.

King Cao Li Dazhuang was worried.

He saw his confidant Li Sanjin running towards here.

Li Sanjin quickly ran to Li Dazhuang and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, there is good news from the port.

Captain Lu Benyun returned to China from South America with the exploration fleet, and they have arrived at Macao.

Mr. Liu Yuanshan Liu is also on the boat, and he asked me to inform the prince as soon as possible about their return."

When King Cao Li Dazhuang heard the news, he was extremely surprised.

He immediately asked Li Sanjin to bring a big black horse from the camp.

King Cao Li Dazhuang rode on his horse and ran wildly. He didn't want to delay for a moment and rushed to the dock immediately.

He had been waiting for this day for more than a year, and now the good news finally came.

The exploration fleet finds the route and knows the approximate safe channel and the longitude and latitude of the target.

Then you don't have to worry about getting lost at sea.


Liu Yuanshan took his team all off the boat and they stood on the dock.

Magang has become more prosperous since before he left.

The rapid changes in the country have made Liu Yuanshan somewhat uncomfortable.

Liu Yuanshan smelled the aroma of food coming from the restaurant not far from the pier.

His stomach began to rumble.

I spent nearly a year on the boat, and the main dishes were fish and bean sprouts. It had been a long time since I had eaten delicious food on the shore.

Liu Yuanshan looked at Lu Benyun and invited: "Captain Lu, the crew has also worked hard for a year, please let them go ashore to rest for a while.

We have returned to China, so there is no need to work too hard and we can rest for a while."

Lu Benyun waved his hand and said: "I will explain the matter clearly to King Cao and return to the mainland as quickly as possible.

His Majesty the Emperor is still waiting for me to report on the situation on this route and South America."

Lu Benyun knew which was more important, and King Cao Li Dazhuang couldn't let him get promoted and make a fortune.

Do what you should do and don't get involved in the affairs of these nobles.

Besides, there are two princes here, King Cao and King Zhao.

If he takes refuge with any prince, he will secretly offend the other prince, which is completely thankless.

Liu Yuanshan wanted to win over Lu Benyun again. After all, he was the person most familiar with the routes to South America.

He saw a group of people riding fast horses rushing to the dock.

A closer look revealed that the leader was none other than King Cao Li Dazhuang.

When Liu Yuanshan saw King Cao Li Dazhuang stop his horse, he immediately stepped forward, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, you are humble enough to live up to your mission and complete the task assigned by your Majesty."

Li Dazhuang immediately dismounted and stepped forward to help Liu Yuanshan up. He held Liu Yuanshan's hand and greeted excitedly:

"Mr. Liu, please get up quickly. You have worked hard during this time."

King Cao Li Dazhuang asked about Liu Yuanshan's situation.

With the corner of his eye, he saw Lu Benyun standing next to him.

"I will entertain Captain Lu first, and then I will discuss it in detail with Mr. Liu."

King Cao Li Dazhuang made an invitation gesture.

"Captain Lu, thank you for your hard work this time. Let's go to the restaurant next to the pier to discuss it in detail."

A rough voice sounded behind them.

"If there is a banquet, I won't be left out."

When Zhao Wang Su Xiong received the news, he immediately rushed from his residence to the dock.

Regarding news about America, he wanted to know the relevant time immediately.

According to the calculation of time, if the exploration fleet can succeed.

This fleet has returned, and the fleet exploring the northern route will soon return to the country.

The difference between the two will not exceed one or two months.

King Cao Li Dazhuang saw King Su Xiong of Zhao arriving.

He smiled and said: "Brother Su Xiong, let's go to the restaurant together."

Captain Lu Benyun accompanied the two princes to the restaurant.

He drank a few glasses of wine served by the two princes and politely declined their solicitation.

Lu Benyun introduced them to the route to South America and related information.

He had a businesslike attitude and introduced the route in detail, as well as dangerous places near the route.

Lu Benyun handed the navigation chart redrawn by the navigation staff to King Cao Li Dazhuang.

"King Cao, I leave this navigation chart to you.

According to His Majesty's arrangement, the exploration fleet will also send two navigation staff to help King Cao's fleet guide the direction."

King Cao Li Dazhuang was very happy to get this navigation chart.

With this nautical chart and information about the route, he can set off with the fleet at a suitable time.

Zhao Wang Su Xiong also thought that he had gained a lot.

The situation in South America is not much different from what the Spanish prisoners told them.

According to the descriptions of these captives, North America is also a fertile land.

Su Xiong is very confident in building a powerful country by himself.

At the end of the banquet, King Cao Li Dazhuang saw off King Zhao Su Xiong and Captain Lu Benyun.

Liu Yuanshan took out a founding strategy document from his sleeve.

He excitedly recounted: "Your Majesty, in addition to what Captain Lu Benyun said, I will give you some additional information.

The fishermen sent by the prince also know the stars on the route.

Even without a sextant to guide the direction, these fishermen can still find the location of South America based on experience.

But the sextant is extremely important, and it is best for the prince to train his confidants who can use the sextant skillfully.

We don't just lead fleets to South America.

The trade exchanges between South America and Dahua must also be controlled in our hands.

This route is our lifeline and we cannot give up control of it to others.

We also discovered a secret that even Lu Benyun didn’t know.

South America has rich reserves of saltpeter mines.

This is the founding strategy I wrote based on the situation in South America."

King Cao Li Dazhuang read the founding strategy carefully and found no obvious problems. This strategy was very feasible.

"Mr. Liu, your founding strategy is also very good.

The news brought is also extremely important.

There are a lot of saltpeter mines in South America, so we will not be short of gunpowder. Saltpeter mines can be turned into excellent fertilizers after simple processing.

This is the best news for a new country.

The regular army uses rifles, and ammunition needs to be transported thousands of miles from Dahua.

The militiamen used early muskets and black powder, and they were able to compete with local forces."

King Cao Li Dazhuang was extremely happy and immediately summoned his confidants to study the arrangements for the founding of the country.

After they decided on various matters, King Cao Li Dazhuang wrote a memorial to Emperor Su He, and he was ready to lead his people.


Emperor Su He looked at the two memorials and was extremely surprised.

One memorial is from Chu Sheng, the ambassador to Britain.

He introduced in detail what he saw and heard in Europe.

Su He immediately summoned Mi Jun, the military attaché of the embassy who had returned from Europe, to the Qianqing Palace.

Mi Jun was summoned by His Majesty the Emperor for the first time, and he looked extremely nervous.

He listened to Emperor Su He's questions and answered relevant questions with trepidation.

Some questions were so tricky that he didn't know the answers at all, so he could only answer "I don't know."

Emperor Su He listened to Chu Sheng and Mi Jun's report on Europe, combined with the vague memories in his mind.

He judged the current situation in Europe.

Especially regarding the situation in various European countries.

The war, which has involved most European countries, is still continuing, but it is also coming to an end.

This war caused the decline of the Habsburg dynasty and contributed to the rise of the German states.

This war made France the overlord of the European continent and laid a solid foundation for Napoleon to almost unify Europe in the future.

England provided support from the rear, and because of the conflicts of interest caused by this war, the conflict between the Parliamentary Party and the Royal Party intensified.

King Charles I experienced many rebellions, and the parliamentary party won the final victory, and England became a constitutional monarchy.

Emperor Su He saw the specific situation in London and realized that he had misremembered some things about England.

He remembered that Charles I was the last king before the constitutional monarchy of England, but he missed the time when he was killed.

The current power of the British Parliamentary Party is not yet capable of eliminating the Royal Party, and King Charles I can still live for a long time.

This period is very important to Dahua, as it is a period of serious civil strife in England.

The future empire on which the sun never sets will not have the energy to fully expand during this period.

Dahua seized this opportunity to expand its power globally and had no competitors at all.

Emperor Su He approved Chu Sheng's memorial and asked Chu Sheng to act according to his previous ideas.

Chinese businessmen sold low-end muskets and other arms to Europe, and the quantity of arms was tilted towards the Habsburg Dynasty.

Try to ensure the balance of power between the two parties, prolong the war, and buy more time for Dahua's overseas expansion.

Mi Jun was surprised and walked out of the Qianqing Palace holding the Viscount Medal.

He never thought that he would be able to obtain the title of Viscount after traveling to Europe.

Emperor Su He read the memorial of Lu Benyun, the captain of the exploration fleet.

Some things could not be explained clearly in the memorial, so he summoned Lu Benyun again.

The return time of the exploration fleet was longer than Su He expected.

But on the sea, you can encounter any dangers, and the exploration fleet cannot be on time.

Lu Benyun approached the Qianqing Palace, where Emperor Su He gave him a seat and asked him about his trip to South America.

Emperor Su He listened to Lu Benyun's report. This time the exploration fleet went to South America, they also encountered great risks.

Steam engine failure is a foreseeable risk.

They encountered tsunamis and typhoons, which are risks that cannot be avoided and are also the deadliest natural disasters on the ocean.

Steamships can withstand the test of tsunamis, and their quality is pretty good.

Emperor Su He understood the situation encountered by the exploration fleet when it returned.

They must have entered the ocean current area by mistake.

Emperor Su He only knew that ocean currents were huge seawater flow channels, but he did not know the specific paths of ocean currents.

This requires navigators to observe for a long time before they can draw ocean current diagrams.

By moving forward with the help of ocean currents, ships can save a lot of power and become faster.

Emperor Su He listened to the experience of the exploration fleet.

He asked: "Captain Lu, what do you think of the quality of the steamship? Can the steam engine sustain ocean voyages?"

Lu Benyun replied: "Your Majesty, I think the quality of the steamship is very good.

The exploration fleet's steam engines were completely destroyed. They were damaged beyond repair.

Steam ships normally sail on the sea and carry many fragile accessories, so there will generally not be any major problems.

There is still no problem with a single flight from China to South America.

Steamboats are not afraid of headwinds, are relatively fast, and are easy to maneuver.

If steam boats advance further, no one will use those small wooden boats."

Emperor Su He learned about the situation of the steamship.

He asked again: "Captain Lu, can ordinary merchants pass the route from China to South America? Are there any dangers along the way?"

Lu Benyun suggested: "Your Majesty, I suggest that the route should not be opened to the public in the early stage.

Wait until the lighthouse is built on the key island and store related items.

We are also very familiar with this route, and if the safety conditions meet the standards, it will be opened to civilian use."

Emperor Su He asked Lu Benyun several questions in succession, and he answered them all fluently.

As a hero in opening up new routes, Lu Benyun originally had the title of viscount and was awarded the title of earl by Emperor Su He.

Emperor Su He watched Lu Benyun exit the Qianqing Palace.

He ordered: "Inform Yanhuang Newspaper to interview Mi Jun and Lu Benyun to open the eyes of the people in the country.

Tell the people that we still have many opponents, and we are by no means a carefree country."

The new general affairs envoy Zhao Wenfeng immediately drafted several imperial edicts according to the needs of Emperor Su He.

Emperor Su He looked at the busy Zhao Wenfeng and asked, "I heard that some businessmen came back from Europe and made a big fuss at the port."

Zhao Wenfeng's hand shook, and he immediately said: "Your Majesty, I have heard the news, but I don't know the specific situation.

These businessmen make a lot of money, this is the consensus of the people in the capital now."

Emperor Su He was very satisfied when he heard the news.

Only driven by huge profits, many people in Dahua will take the initiative to go overseas to do business.

(End of chapter)

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