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Chapter 515 Fengchan Taishan? Ridiculous!

Chapter 515 Fengchan Taishan? Ridiculous!

4338 (AD 1641), May 25th.

Emperor Su He held an imperial meeting, and the members of the imperial meeting changed a lot.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming and Governor Feng Sanqiu entered the venue with civil and military officials respectively.

They were divided into two rows on the left and right, and the awe of the civil and military officials was clear.

Officials from the cabinet and six ministries, as well as the governor and deputy governor of the governor's office, sit in the front row and have the right to discuss policies.

Other officials present can only discuss policies related to their yamen.

Emperor Su He looked at Wei Shiming, he had performed very well since he took office.

When the new official took office, he fired three fires very accurately, causing Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng to retreat temporarily.

Wei Shiming teamed up with Qu Xiangyang and Wang Yanhu, two new members of the cabinet, and quickly took control of the cabinet.

As soon as the imperial meeting began, Jin Yinhua, Minister of Industry, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the King of Wei and others are recruiting domestic craftsmen and purchasing domestic technology.

Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng saw Emperor Su He's expression displeased.

When Emperor Su He heard about Feng Chan Taishan, his face immediately turned livid.

Core technologies must remain in the local area, and restricted technologies can be divided into two categories: spreading to the governor-general and vassal countries.”

If he wants to implement a certain policy, he must obtain the support of the Ministry of Industry.

At that time, Emperor Qin and Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty visited Mount Tai, and this story has been passed down through the ages.

In the core provinces of Dahua, it is impossible for rebel forces to break through the army.

If he favors a certain minister, the results he obtains will be distorted, and other problems are likely to arise during policy implementation.

After Zhao Heng, Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, no one consecrated Mount Tai. There is a reason for this.

In order to save face, Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty Zhao Heng directly ruined this important ceremony by granting the title of Zen to Mount Tai.

The construction of the latest industrial base uses the latest technology.

How can I associate with such a cowardly emperor as Song Zhenzong?

The imperial court spent thousands of taels of silver coins to build this project, and it soon became clear whether it was worth it.

It happened that Jin Yinhua, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, joined forces with Li Zhisheng and often raised objections to Qu Xiangyang's policies.

At that time, in the face of a large-scale invasion by the Liao army, Song Zhenzong Zhao Heng, with the strong support of Kou Zhun, led the expedition in person and defeated the Liao army.

I believe that common technologies do not need to be blocked.

Only the First Emperor of Qin, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and Emperor Guangwu were qualified to enshrine Mount Tai and be praised by all people.

The phenomenon I have seen in various places and the exchange of technologies can promote technological progress.

When Wei Shiming and Li Zhisheng heard He Zhisheng speak, their expressions changed slightly and they observed Emperor Su He's expression.

There are only a few young people left who cannot break through the protection of the Qilin Guards."

The third stop was Kaifeng Mansion to witness the opening of the new Yellow River channel.

Wei Shiming still wanted to stop him, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Now that telegraph technology has matured, Emperor Su He can communicate with the capital via telegraph from any major city in the country.

The industrial development of the imperial court is obvious to all officials. The annual tax amount is set there. I do not want to restrict industrial development.

Your Majesty understands the current domestic industrial achievements, and Bashu is a better observation window."

Most of the gentry also followed the trend of the times and became factory owners.

When Emperor Su He heard this arrangement, a bit of a smile returned to his face, and there were still many people in the court who understood.

He did not end up, but looked at Prime Minister Wei Shiming.

The farthest place he can go is Tianjin, and after the train opens, he can return on the same day.

The territory of China has more than doubled.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming suggested: "I suggest that your Majesty go to Bashu.

The fifth stop is Yan'an Mansion, where we pay homage to the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum.

They have no reason to continue to oppose. If they continue to oppose at this time, it will leave a bad impression on Emperor Su He.

Su He does not have time to travel to all parts of the country, and he cannot cover everything.

The sixth stop is Zhangjiakou Prefecture to learn about the business situation between the mainland and Mongolia.

The two of them are competing for the right to speak about industry.

The emperor's patrols cost a lot of money, and the safety protection requirements are also extremely high.

Qu Xiangyang was very excited, his empty right arm shook with his body, and his sleeves fluttered back and forth in the air.

The Yellow River Project can be officially completed, and I want to personally witness the new Yellow River channel being put into use.

Fengchan Taishan's status dropped sharply.

A large amount of technology is flowing out, should the court stop it?"

It is easy for the emperor to think that the civil and military officials want to imprison the emperor.

The scale of commercial tax is more than five times that of agricultural tax.

However, in terms of the content of the Chanyuan Alliance, the Song Dynasty did not look like a victor at all, but like a defeated party, giving annual coins to the Liao Kingdom every year.

I want to take advantage of the fact that my body is still young and experience the great mountains and rivers.

He planned his own road map based on the suggestions from the officials just now.

It is also responsible for formulating industrial development policies and coordinating engineering projects in various locations.

Now that all the barbarians have surrendered, the princes are now stationed overseas.

Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng stood up and said worriedly: "Your Majesty, you must carefully consider the matter of going on patrol.

The Song army gained the advantage, but they obeyed the Liao Kingdom's request and the two countries stopped fighting.

The first stop was Jinan Prefecture to see the results of the Yellow River embankment and the situation of grain cultivation in Shandong.

He thought of the newspaper content he had read some time ago and prepared to show his knowledge.

People who didn't know the inside story thought that the Song Dynasty made a huge profit.

"Wei Aiqing's suggestion is very good. The cabinet should formulate a policy as soon as possible and try it out for a period of time. If there are no problems, then promote it."

The status of the Fengchan Taishan Ceremony plummeted, and many emperors were ashamed to associate with him.

Li Zhisheng has been in the cabinet for too long. After becoming prime minister, it is difficult to find another official to suppress him.

Emperor Su He saw the two arguing for a while, but neither one could convince the other.

Civil and military officials saw that Emperor Su He had a firm attitude and that there were trains and telegraphs in the country.

They all know that the military has many secret projects. If these projects can be discussed by the Royal Council, funding must be allocated.

After the conquest of Nanyang, all the remaining gentry forces in various places were forcibly immigrated to Nanyang.

The third emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty, Song Zhenzong Zhao Heng, did not achieve much during his reign.

When Emperor Su He saw the officials' compromise, he ordered: "My dear friends, let's discuss what needs to be done for this patrol so that I can decide on the route."

Emperor Su He spoke harshly, letting the officials know that Emperor Su He was really angry.

The Yellow River Project, which has been delayed for a year due to official corruption, has finally come to an end.

Emperor Su He said resolutely: "I know everything Li Aiqing said.

The cabinet should introduce measures to improve the treatment of craftsmen as soon as possible, and at the same time classify industrial technologies.

The second stop was Songjiang Prefecture, where we observed the development of Jiangnan and participated in the groundbreaking ceremony of the first Yangtze River Bridge.

When this happens, Emperor Su He also needs to make timely adjustments.

Once your Majesty has problems in other places, it is likely to cause turmoil in the court."

Wei Shiming strives for stability in his work and is not radical. This is something that Emperor Su He is quite satisfied with.

Emperor Su He had always wanted to go on tour before, but the time was not right.

In the early years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the remaining gentry was still very powerful.

If industrial technology wants to develop, it must seek innovation and change, and it cannot do without the role of top craftsmen."

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, Han Wu Emperor Liu Che, Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu, Tang Gaozong Li Zhi and his queen Wu Zetian, Tang Xuanzong Li Longji, Song Zhenzong Zhao Heng.

There was no emperor in the Ming Dynasty who went to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen, which shows the influence of Song Zhenzong Zhao Heng.

Emperor Su He saw this phenomenon, but he did not stop it.

"The Shandong section of the Yellow River embankment has passed the acceptance inspection. I sent several imperial envoys to lead inspection teams, and no problems were found.

In addition to daily work such as building water conservancy roads, the Ministry of Industry

It is normal for the two people to have disputes. Qu Xiangyang is in charge of industry-related affairs in the cabinet.

Qu Xiangyang and Honeysuckle are still competing with each other and are ready to fight for victory with their abilities.

Emperor Su He said angrily: "Fengchan Taishan? Ridiculous!

Cabinet has discussed these matters before.

He selected six main places to stay and observed the development of Dahua through these places.

He stood up and said: "At the cabinet meeting some time ago, I proposed to increase the salary of craftsmen.

Governor Feng Sanqiu submitted a memorial regarding the Navy's request to increase military research expenditures.

The cabinet and the six ministries have become one-spoken. This is a terrible situation.

The imperial court has expanded to more than a thousand miles, the overseas governor's palace can accommodate a large number of people, and the domestic contradiction between man and land has been alleviated.

The biggest hidden danger in the country has been eliminated, and Su He is not worried about his own safety.

Officials also recalled the operations of Song Zhenzong Zhao Heng, after the emperor granted Zen to Mount Tai.

Nowadays, the main subjects paying taxes to the country are no longer landlords and farmers, but have become major factory owners.

Even if these talents do not go overseas, they will flow to private businessmen.

We cannot allow technology and talent to leak."

The imperial meeting discussed some matters again, and Emperor Su He said the most important thing discussed today.

When Prime Minister Wei Shiming saw Emperor Su He's gesture, he stopped him and said, "I'm listening to your discussion, and you all have your own reasons.

Top craftsmen were lost, many projects were delayed, and the responsible officials came to the Ministry of Works to complain.

His Majesty's achievements far surpass those of Emperor Qin and Emperor Wu of Han.

Qu Xiangyang, the cabinet minister in charge of industry and other matters, listened to the speech of Honeysuckle, Minister of Construction.

The capital could contact the emperor in time, and in the event of an emergency, the emperor could also take a train and return to the capital quickly.

The railway has officially connected to Bashu, and Bashu will become the fourth largest industrial base in the country.

The conditions for going out have been met, and Emperor Su He is ready to visit various provinces.

Emperor Su He has not observed the great rivers and mountains of China since he ascended the throne.

Instead, he became a cabinet minister and could in turn limit the powers of the prime minister.

After the imperial meeting ended, Su He ordered the eunuch to bring over the map of the whole country.

The achievement passed down to future generations is the Chanyuan Alliance.

The remuneration we offer is too low and it is impossible to retain talents.

Going to the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum to worship the Yellow Emperor is also in line with the ancestor worship culture that Dahua now advocates.

The most important problem we encounter now is the outflow of technology and talent.

Places like the Dongwa Governor's Mansion are more dangerous, while the core provinces of Dahua are relatively safe.

He did not let Li Zhisheng become prime minister, except for Li Zhisheng's own lack of ability.

The Ministry of Industry didn't pay much attention to it at first, but the treatment given by King Wei and others was too generous.

For example, many people know about ironclads. They only know that the Navy is researching ironclads. No one knows the specific progress.

Honeysuckle, Minister of Industry, immediately retorted: "Qu Xiang's remarks miss the point. I am here to discuss the harm of technology leakage.

The Yellow River Project is about to be completed, which is a good time.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the people have lived and worked in peace and contentment.

According to previous practice, whoever does these things well will have his suggestions adopted by the emperor.

After Zhao Heng, Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, granted the title of Zen to Mount Tai, the matter of granting the title of Zen to Mount Tai would only waste people and money, and would not increase any prestige. On the contrary, it would be ridiculed by others.

Now allowed to speak freely, He Zhisheng, the Minister of Punishment, who rarely had a chance to speak.

Before the Han Dynasty, it was an extremely glorious moment for an emperor to consecrate Mount Tai.

A thousand-mile horse is not fed well. What is the difference between a thousand-mile horse and a rogue horse?

I want to take this opportunity to inspect the surrounding provinces."

The Song Dynasty forced the Liao Kingdom to sign the Chanyuan Alliance, thus achieving peace between the Song and Liao Dynasties for a hundred years.

He Zhisheng was the first to stand up and suggested: "Your Majesty, Dahua's current territory extends from Beihai to the north, Australia to the south, Balkhash Lake to the west, and Dongwa Governor's Mansion to the east.

The matters decided by Emperor Su He will be directly implemented by all officials. For matters that cannot be decided temporarily, the opinions of all parties must be carefully followed.

Your Majesty’s achievements are not inferior to those of Emperor Qin and Emperor Wu of Han.”

Su He was also worried that if he left the capital for too long, something would happen in the capital.

I suggest that your majesty pray to Mount Tai and report your majesty’s achievements to heaven.”

During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty did not enshrine Mount Tai, but Emperor Gaozong and Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty enshrined Mount Tai.

He immediately stood up and suggested: "Your Majesty can pay homage to the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum and pray to the ancestors for the achievements your Majesty led Dahua to accomplish.

The treatment of craftsmen should indeed be improved, and skills should be classified.

Emperor Su He listened to Wei Shiming's suggestion, and his approach was to neutralize the two people's opinions and choose the most stable policy.

If I don’t go to Fengchan Taishan, no one will be allowed to mention it again from now on.”

As an official with a humble background, he was most afraid of others saying he was uneducated.

The officials were all looking at each other. They were unprepared and didn't know what suggestions to make.

Supervise the companies under the Shaofu and let them sign contracts with top craftsmen with generous benefits.

The main reason is that the country has just been founded and the political situation is not yet stable.

From ancient times to the present, only six emperors have granted Zen to Mount Tai.

Feng Sanqiu's words were ambiguous, but the civil servants did not object.

Elderly folk all know that the disciples of the church starve to death of the master.

Emperor Su He generally did not participate in the quarrels of ministers.

The fourth stop is Rongcheng Prefecture, where we inspect the Bashu Industrial Base and observe the hub of the southwest region.

After Wei Shiming finished speaking, he looked at Emperor Su He and asked, "Your Majesty, is this approach feasible?"

The most advanced technologies, such as penicillin, electromagnetic technology, firearms and bullet technology, are closely monitored by the Shaofu.

The King of Wei and others gathered a large number of talents, and ordinary officials were unable to stop them.

Emperor Su He listened to the suggestions of several officials and said with satisfaction: "I will soon notify the cabinet of the list of accompanying officials and the route."

If you want to go on tour later, you will be powerless.

Emperor Su He was sitting on the dragon throne, watching the quarrel between Qu Xiangyang and Honeysuckle.

Qu Xiangyang and Honeysuckle heard Emperor Su He's words and they stopped arguing.

Su He looked at the route he had planned. This route passed through the main core provinces of Dahua, and he could understand the situation in various parts of the country.

After he decided on the specific route, he immediately sent someone to send the relevant route to the cabinet and the Metropolitan Governor's Office.

The cabinet contacted the governors of various provinces to cooperate with the emperor when he went on tour.

The Metropolitan Government mobilized garrisons from various places to protect Emperor Su He and the accompanying officials.

(End of chapter)

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