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Chapter 520: The Yellow River Diverts

June 22, 4338 (1641 AD).

The special train that Emperor Su He was riding stopped at Kaifeng Railway Station.

The train goes directly from Nanjing Prefecture to Kaifeng Prefecture without stopping at other places on the way.

When Liu Rushi heard the sound of the air whistle, she stood up and stretched her numb hands and legs.

The whistle sounds, which means the train is about to stop at the train station.

"Men, we have been on the train for so long, and we can finally get off the train and exercise for a while.

We are all in a hurry in Jinan, Songjiang and Nanjing, so we should have plenty of time in Kaifeng this time."

Liu Rushi looked a little tired. She thought that accompanying Su He on the tour would be a relatively easy job.

She didn't expect that the schedule would be so hectic and she wouldn't have much time to rest.

She was on the train and couldn't get a good rest at all.

He immediately ordered: "Quickly inspect the Yellow River embankment and carefully check whether there are any leaks on it.

The Yellow River Project has been a part of his life, and now that it is officially put into use, he feels that his life has become a little more complete.

Buren looked at the huge Sanmenxia Reservoir and asked with some concern: "Mr. Ma, I heard Shaanxi scholars preaching it in newspapers.

Failure to open the gate and release water at the optimal time may affect the safety of the new river channel.

Missing the farming season is a trivial matter.


The steam engine pulled the hinge lock and lifted the several-ton reservoir gate.

After the huge vibration, the sound of rumbling water soon came.

When Bu Ren listened to Ma Xudong's introduction, he felt that Jiang Fangding was taking the opportunity to cause trouble again.

The full-time telegraph operator he brought with him connected the specially manufactured telegraph machine to the telegraph line on the Yellow River Embankment.

Emperor Su He looked at Wang Linjiang, the governor of Henan.

Nothing is perfect in this world. If something goes wrong, the entire project will be wasted."

If an error occurs somewhere, if communication cannot be made in time, others will not know about it at all.

In addition, the Sanmenxia Reservoir was short of court officials. Henan also strongly recommended Jiang Fangding and gave him a share of the credit.

The train door opened, and Henan Governor Wang Linjiang and Henan Chief Envoy Xia Yanzhu led many officials and immediately saluted Emperor Su He.

The old Kaifeng City, buried more than ten meters underground in Kaifeng Mansion, has witnessed the process of the Yellow River breaking its banks almost every year for hundreds of years and flooding the land with large amounts of sediment.

Once a problem is discovered, report it to the officer immediately."

The Weihe River bed is raised, which will lead to frequent floods and land salinization.

Governor Wang Linjiang stayed there until night, when he walked out of the telegraph office under the moonlight.

The raging river water kept lapping at the brittle banks.

Buren, who participated in politics in Henan, was in charge of the Sanmenxia Reservoir.

Governor Wang Linjiang immediately returned and said: "Your Majesty, everything is ready.

Emperor Su He ordered: "Order the Sanmenxia Reservoir to open the gates of the new Yellow River channel and release water."

As time goes on, the Yellow River will have enough water and even a flood peak will occur.

All prefectures along the new Yellow River channel will organize personnel to patrol the Yellow River embankments.

Now I can only hide like a mouse in the darkness at the bottom of the river. I can no longer drink and eat large amounts of meat like before."

Fang Zhenxing, the prefect of Luoyang, soon heard the sound of rumbling water.

The circuit inside the telegraph machine will automatically issue a set of codes to identify the telegraph machine that sent the message.

It will break the embankments in Henan, where there are many hanging rivers on the ground, leaving massive floods and large amounts of sediment here in Henan.

Telegraph operators quickly received replies from all over the country.

When Governor Wang Linjiang saw Emperor Su He arriving in time, his worried expression eased a little.

"Sir, I estimate that in more than ten minutes, the water of the Yellow River will flow through our place."

The new Yellow River channel in the Henan section has been delayed for more than a year due to the situation in Shandong, and the workers building the river channel have already evacuated.

[Qingzhou Reservoir is ready]

He asked his master: "Mingda, how long will it take for the water of the Yellow River to reach us?

His political achievements have also been recognized by Emperor Su He, and he will be promoted to the capital at the end of his term.

Jiang Fangding, the governor of Shaanxi, officially listened to the scholars’ words.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will definitely make corresponding arrangements."

Governor Wang Linjiang is the person in charge of the Yellow River Water Affairs Office.

The turbulent river water directly hit several thieves hiding at the bottom of the river.

As long as the speed of the Wei River remains unchanged, there will be no impact on the Wei River Basin.

Chief envoy Xia Yanzhu led Emperor Su He and his party to the temporary palace in Kaifeng Mansion for renovations and to meet with representatives of the people of Henan.

Do you have the confidence to completely tame the Yellow River and turn it into a mother river that nourishes the people on both sides of the river?"

The terrain here is excellent, making it a natural location for building a reservoir.

Emperor Su He got up early and ate a unique delicacy from Kaifeng Mansion.

Sitting in charge of the Sanmenxia Reservoir and doing things beautifully, that's what we should do.

The entire project is too expensive and has too many difficulties.

When rainfall increases, a huge flood peak appears in the Yellow River.

Emperor Su He stood up and said: "I will stay in Kaifeng Mansion for a long time.

While they were chatting, a huge vibration came from the bottom of the river.

You must be careful not to let anything happen today that affects my official career."

You should be prepared to arrange for the Yellow River Project to officially open the gates and release water tomorrow morning. The Yellow River will abandon its old channel and use a new channel.

He glanced at the telegraph office with his peripheral vision and said with emotion: "Fortunately, there is a telegraph, which makes it easier to contact colleagues in distant places.

Emperor Su He looked at Kaifeng Mansion, where the smoke rising from the old city and the billowing black smoke rising from the industrial area complemented each other.

All the gates on the new river channel will be opened to confirm the overall safety of the river channel, and then we will close the gates on the old river channel."

He communicated via telegram with officials in charge of other matters.

Once these people are not evacuated in time, they will cause great hidden dangers.

"Brothers, if you escape this pursuit, my eldest brother will take you overseas.

The major reservoirs on the new course of the Yellow River have been prepared.

Without telegraph, I can't imagine how we would have arranged such a complicated project.

Qian Mingyi also became a cabinet minister based on his achievements in the Yellow River Project.

After reading the telegram and confirming the identity of the telegram sender, Buren ordered: "Open the gates of the new river channel of the Yellow River and introduce the river water into the new river channel.

Sanmenxia Reservoir is responsible for switching the old and new river courses of the Yellow River.

He is involved in politics in Henan and is one of the highest-ranking officials in Henan besides the governor and chief envoy of Henan.

Three thieves with scars on their faces were hiding at the bend at the bottom of the river.

[Luoyang Prefecture is organizing manpower to inspect the Yellow River embankment]

Ordinary turmoil cannot move Qian Mingyi away.

"Wang Aiqing, is everything ready for the Yellow River Project?

Especially in the new channel of the Yellow River, it must be confirmed that a large number of people cannot be left gathering.

Changes in personnel need to be announced on the entire Telegram network in advance.

Massive amounts of Yellow River water flow downstream along the new river channel and the old river channel.

He saw the high-speed flowing river water hitting the bend of the river, causing a huge splash.

Whenever something goes wrong, he is the one to take the blame.

However, the positioning of Sanmenxia Reservoir is different. It mainly connects the new river channel and the old river channel of the Yellow River.

We brothers finally escaped from prison, but we can't go back in."

These people who love to take advantage of small things will build houses or grow vegetables at the bottom of the river.

In Luoyang Prefecture, Henan, Magistrate Fang Zhenxing led a large number of people to inspect the embankment of the Yellow River.

Ensure that people will not gather in the new Yellow River channel.

Kaifeng City is developing very fast. The north city gate has been demolished and a wide road has been built to connect the old city and the industrial zone outside the city.

Emperor Su He personally asked people to send the report. As the emperor, he confirmed to various places whether they were ready.

Throughout Shaanxi and Gansu, soil erosion is reducing."

Emperor Su He knew that people loved to take advantage of others.

If the river flows at an extremely high speed, no one will be able to survive, which will cause huge tragedy and turn happy events into tragic events."

A bend in the new course of the Yellow River in Luoyang Prefecture.

The Yellow River Project can divert river water into new river channels at any time."

This project that took several years and cost thousands of taels of silver coins can finally be put into use."

Not only did he reject our invitation from Henan, he also wrote a memorial to impeach the Sanmenxia Reservoir."

To the north of the Yellow River Embankment, there is an above-ground hanging river six or seven meters above the ground.

When our identities change, who will remember us?"

Others used these two aspects, plus the route and location from which the telegram was sent.

Emperor Su He stood on the embankment of the Yellow River and looked around.

Liu Rushi's life experience gave her a profound understanding.

Before June, precipitation in the Yellow River Basin was limited.

Emperor Su He looked at Wang Linjiang and others, and asked: "How is the progress of the Yellow River Project?"

Ma Xudong was extremely excited. He was an official who followed Lord Qian Mingyi to build the Yellow River Project from scratch.

The steam engine on the train made a huge noise, and the collision of the train wheels and rails often woke her up from her deep sleep.

The old Yellow River embankments are constantly being eroded by the river water.

Ma Xudong shook his head and said: "If the mission of Sanmenxia Reservoir is to store water, this situation may happen.

Once the Yellow River embankment cannot withstand it and breaks, it will be a huge disaster.

All governments and important departments along the new Yellow River channel have sent reports to confirm that they are ready.

Jiang Fangding is about to end his term as governor of Shaanxi.

Determine the correct identity of the sender of this telegram.

Bu Ren watched as the turbid water entered the new channel of the Yellow River like a giant dragon, roaring loudly.

It is once again confirmed that the Yellow River Project will officially enter the final stage tomorrow, with the Yellow River flowing through the new river course and assigning tasks to various departments.

The river was mixed with gravel and branches, and coupled with the impact of the current, these thieves were killed instantly and buried at the bottom of the river by the turbid Yellow River water.

Even after repairs, it became riddled with holes.

Wang Linjiang recalled the difficulties he encountered after taking over this project.

The old Yellow River channel does not open the gates to release water, and the delay continues.

At this time, the Yellow River changes its course, and there is no way to put a certain amount of pressure on the Yellow River embankment, and it is impossible to judge whether there are hidden dangers in the Yellow River embankment.

It will not block the flow of the Wei River into the Yellow River.

In the new Yellow River channels in Henan and Shandong, we cleaned up the debris in the rivers a month ago and drove away the people who entered the rivers.


But Jiang Fangding became very tactful and found excuses to refuse.

Every dispatcher has different dispatching habits.

The Yellow River is blocked by the Taihang Mountains from Tongguan, Shaanxi to Mengjin, Henan. It rushes out of the Sanlu Mountain Pass with huge water power.

If the Sanmenxia Reservoir is impounded, the flow rate of the Wei River will decrease.

As a tributary of the Yellow River, the Weihe River also contains a large amount of sediment.

The diversion of the Yellow River has been successful, and my main purpose of going south this time has been achieved, so there is no need to be so anxious in the future."

Any arrangements we have not made elsewhere will be made in Kaifeng Mansion.

Once the flow of water in the Weihe River slows down, it will inevitably lead to the precipitation of a large amount of sediment.

Not far to the south of the Yellow River Embankment is Kaifeng City.

This is a picture of fireworks in the world, showing the vitality of Kaifeng Mansion.

Ma Xudong, director of the Sanmenxia Reservoir, came over with a telegram.

Ma Xudong expressed his understanding and immediately gave the order.

"Those black dogs are watching us too closely.

This is the former official Qian Mingyi, who has sorted out the complicated matters.

After the Sanmenxia Reservoir is established, it will raise the riverbed of the Wei River, resulting in a large reduction in farmland production in Shaanxi and frequent floods.

A radio wave carrying Emperor Su He's imperial edict was immediately sent to the Sanmenxia Reservoir.

[The observation post at the mouth of the Yellow River is in place]

Emperor Su He heard about Sanmenxia Reservoir. He knew this reservoir well. It is the most important reservoir in the new Yellow River channel.

He said excitedly: "Master Bu, your Majesty's order has been issued, and we can open the gates of the new Yellow River channel.

June 23, 4338 (1641 AD).

The most critical point is that she did nothing along the way and was unable to show her own value.

The vital Sanmenxia Reservoir is personally controlled by Henan Political Consultant Buren."

Visible to the naked eye, the water level in the old Yellow River channel is decreasing sharply, and the flow rate is also slowing down.

Wang Linjiang said confidently, "Your Majesty, I have contact with the Shandong Governor's Yamen.

Emperor Su He ordered: "I am a little tired from the journey, and it is already afternoon.

"What's going on? Could it be that the earth dragon has turned over?"

[Sanmenxia Reservoir is ready]

The previous Yunxuan was not him, but Jiang Fangding, the governor of Shaanxi.

He took his entourage and began to climb the twelve-meter-high Yellow River embankment.

The governor and chief envoy are responsible for receiving His Majesty the Emperor, so he can only take over this hard job.

This is the origin of the name Sanmenxia Reservoir.

The telegraph machine was ticking, and information was sent to every telegraph machine through the telegraph line.

At that time, massive amounts of Yellow River water will be introduced into the new river channel.

Emperor Su He nodded, encouraged Wang Linjiang a few words, and asked him to handle this matter well.

No wonder that in the past, various dynasties only repaired the Yellow River, and no court would go to war to rebuild a new river channel.

The Yellow River flows through the three provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu and Hetao, and the river water carries a large amount of sediment.

If it weren't for the shoddy construction of the Yellow River embankment in Shandong, the foundation of his achievements would have been completely eliminated.

Even if it is a vase, it must be a valuable vase.

I have been at the Sanmenxia Reservoir these years, and I have seen that the water in the Yellow River is no longer as turbid as before.

Wei Chen also notified Shandong and asked them to prepare.

"Master, our brothers rob the rich and give to the poor, what a great reputation we have on the road.

When Governor Wang Linjiang heard what Emperor Su He said, he immediately straightened his body and clenched his fist nervously with his left hand.

Shaanxi and Gansu provinces are now planting trees to control desertification areas.

His experience in Shaanxi completely polished his temperament and made him realize the difference between theory and practice.


As the emperor, the imperial edict issued by telegraph can only be handled by a dedicated person.

Emperor Su He watched the telegrams from various places being summarized.

Prefect Fang Zhenxing has been paying attention to the Yellow River embankment, and he saw that the flow of water in the Yellow River channel has calmed down.

He knew that the river was still flowing at a high speed, but it looked calm.

The master immediately reported: "Sir, inspections have been completed in various places, and no problems have been found in the Yellow River embankment in Luoyang Prefecture."

Prefect Fang Zhenxing breathed a sigh of relief and immediately reported the situation in Luoyang Prefecture via telegram.

The prefectures along the new Yellow River channel promptly reported the situation there via telegrams.

This chapter has been completed!
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