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Chapter 525 Sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor Dahua Empire

Chapter 525 Sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor Dahua Empire

Emperor Su He stayed in Rongcheng Mansion for several days.

This is the center of the southwest region of the Great China Dynasty, which can radiate to the Governor-General's Palace of Myanmar and the Governor-General's Palace of Siam.

Yunnan and Guizhou provinces are relatively weak, and most of the immigrants needed by Myanmar and Siam come from the Sichuan and Chongqing regions.

The officials transferred mainly come from the Sichuan and Chongqing regions, especially Sichuan, which has a large population.

In addition to serving as a transportation hub in the southwest region, Sichuan transports materials from all over the country to Myanmar and Siam.

At the civil and government levels, Sichuan has frequent exchanges with Myanmar and Siam.

Emperor Su He approved Sichuan's approach and told Feng Kuang, the governor of Sichuan, to continue to increase efforts. Sichuan was closely connected with Myanmar and Siam.

In this way, after one or two generations, Myanmar and Siam will be able to abolish the governor-general's office and officially become a province of the Great China Dynasty.

Emperor Su He is in Sichuan. He has inspected everything that needs to be seen and has received all the people that need to be received.

He has achieved all his set goals.

He said in his heart: "I will make the Great China Empire an empire on which the sun never sets, with dragon flags flying all over the world."

He led Prime Minister Wei Shiming and other officials to worship the Yellow Emperor.

She saw that Emperor Su He was enjoying the meal and gave her a piece of meat.

The little white cat has made this place his home and doesn't want to leave.

Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, brought a large number of people from the Ministry of Rites and had been waiting at the Huangdi Temple for a long time.

Jiang Fangding, the governor of Shaanxi, knew that Emperor Su He was coming to Shaanxi very early.

Many people are confused and don’t know what the change in the country’s name means.

A smart person who is well-read and knows something about overseas countries.

The Shaanxi governor's office teamed up with agricultural experts to investigate the loess soil in various parts of Shaanxi.

The people of the Great China Dynasty have become accustomed to various changes.

He was received by Emperor Su He and reported on his political achievements in Shaanxi over the years.

The billowing black smoke drifted in the wind, and from time to time there was a pungent smell, which contained the smell of various chemical reagents.

The Yellow Emperor Temple is about to hold a national sacrifice, and ordinary tourists have been evacuated.

Hanzhong has a strong industrial heritage.

The ancestors are respected and the country is peaceful and the people are safe."

He came to the Emperor's Temple in advance to prepare for the etiquette related to the national sacrifice.

This is a cat with a bad temper."

A large amount of grass is produced, and grass is also a resource. The cost of raising cattle and sheep is too high, so people here in Shaanxi began to raise rabbits in large numbers.

I heard that Shu merchants like it very much, and they are preparing to introduce rabbit raising technology to Sichuan and Chongqing areas."

Shaanxi has achieved good results in afforestation.

I report to my ancestors that the Great China Dynasty has officially changed its name to the Great China Empire."

It is also the second hometown of many important ministers of the country.

Only those who talked eloquently and explained the truth clearly.

They believed that when the emperor changed the name of the country, he wanted to make some changes to the outside world.

Wei Shiming received the telegram when he was in Hanzhong, and Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, had already prepared it.

Some places are suitable for growing shrubs, some places are suitable for growing fruit trees, and some places are suitable for growing medicinal herbs.

This is the blessing of our ancestors and the aspiration of the people.

The Dahua Dynasty believed in ancestors, and the Yellow Emperor was one of the most famous ancestors. The Huangdi Temple has become a holy place.

Liu Rushi looked at the little white cat and asked, "Husband, aren't you going to take this little white cat away?"

I worship my ancestors every year at the Ancestral Temple.

Emperor Su He called out: "Xiao Bai."

Emperor Su He led the civil and military officials to the drum beats and walked step by step along the steps towards the Yellow Emperor Temple.

Emperor Su He introduced: "This is spicy rabbit head and braised rabbit meat.

They walked into Prince Qin's Mansion, and in Emperor Su He's mind, scenes flashed.

Emperor Su He understood the meaning of the little white cat. He had not seen his owner for a long time and wanted him to raise these kittens.

Such officials must not be reused and allowed to do idle work to provide for their retirement.

Africa, America and other places are also guarded by vassal states.

There is no need to go to Sujia Village, and I don't want to disturb the peace there.

These two dishes have become staples here.

The imperial court specially expanded the scale of the Huangdi Temple to receive pilgrims from all over the world.

People here in Shaanxi plant fruit trees and scatter grass seeds in the fruit trees to prevent water loss in the fruit trees.


Other officials and people who participated in the national ceremony saw Prime Minister Wei Shiming kneeling down and shouting long live.

With a large number of rabbits appearing on the market, naturally there are chefs studying how to make them delicious.

Emperor Su He allowed the rest of his entourage to roam freely.

"Jiang Aiqing, along the way, I have seen a lot of green in Shaanxi, and it is no longer a yellow sandy land.

Han Cuibai, Minister of Rites, presided over the entire sacrificial ceremony.

When Governor Jiang Fangding heard Emperor Su He's praise, he was not proud, but said with emotion:

"Your Majesty, this is due to the great immigration of the imperial court.

He learned the exact news that the emperor and his party had arrived at the Yellow Emperor Temple.

He revisited his old place and remembered his previous experiences.

"The Great Hua Dynasty has a strong military force, all barbarians have surrendered, and the Chinese ancestors have conquered the territory, but I have not lost an inch.

Planting fruit trees and medicinal materials can yield great economic benefits, food prices are low, and the domestic situation is stable, so who would destroy forests to plant rice?

At 8:50 in the morning, with the sun hanging high above the bridge mountain, the ceremony to worship the Yellow Emperor officially began.

Husband, do you want to stop the car and pay homage to your ancestors?"

He took the train all the way and saw a lot of things in Shaanxi.

By comparing the small things with the big things, one can easily find out whether what Governor Jiang Fangding reported is true.

He and Liu Rushi visited all the places in Prince Qin's palace.

The imperial court also strictly controlled grain prices, which have not risen for four or five years.

To prevent China from being invaded by the barbarians and the massacre of tens of millions of Han people."

Emperor Su He waved his hand and said: "There is no one I am familiar with in Sujia Village.

A large number of newspaper reports made the common people aware of the change in the name of the Great China Dynasty.

Emperor Su He bowed three times to the statue of Yellow Emperor.

"I started from a humble beginning, overthrew the decadent Ming Dynasty, wiped out the nomadic forces such as the Mongolian Jurchens, and established a new dynasty.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming introduced: "Your Majesty, Han Cuibai, Minister of Rites, is following the previously arranged plan.

July 22, 4338 (1641 AD).

Tens of thousands of people come to Huangdi Temple every month to worship their ancestors.

Emperor Su He and the accompanying officials stepped off the train.

He held the incense in front of his chest with both hands and bowed to the statue of Yellow Emperor.

Emperor Su He finished his trip to Sichuan and took a special train north to Shaanxi.

Our Shaanxi governor's office has adapted measures to local conditions and allowed farmers to grow cash crops. These farmers will soon be able to get rid of poverty and become rich.

He recited the memorial in a loud voice, and behind him were students, doctors, workers and other representatives from all walks of life, who followed him in reciting the memorial in unison.

“The Dahua Dynasty was rich in agriculture, strong in industry, and prosperous in commerce.

Now, as a large number of people have been immigrated, the contradiction of more people and less land has been completely resolved.

I will lead the Great China Empire to become the greatest empire in the world."

Let the Huangdi Temple be well prepared in the past few days.

He sat on the seat of Lingyun Palace, recalling many major events in his mind.

He said in his heart: "I will vigorously develop industry and navigation. China will never miss the great navigation era and cause the nation to perish."

Long live your Majesty, long live the Great China Empire."

He looks dusty and unfit for worshiping ancestors."

The young and old are all provided with care, and the sick and disabled are provided with medical care.

Emperor Su He heard Governor Jiang Fangding introduce the situation in Shaanxi, and he knew that this was a way to treat both the symptoms and the root cause.

Emperor Su He's special train arrived at the train station. The crowd at the train station, which used to be bustling with people, had become thinner.

Emperor Su He did not stay in Hanzhong for long, he took the train and continued northward.

The exciting music sounded, and the national memorial ceremony came to an end.

She asked: "Husband, what kind of dish is this? We haven't eaten it before."

Emperor Su He took Liu Rushi to the Prince of Qin's Mansion.

After the sacrifice was over, the new name of the Dahua Empire was immediately spread to all parts of the country via telegram.

Two new delicacies appearing here in Shaanxi.


She reminded: "Husband, the train has arrived in Baoji, which is my husband's hometown.

Your Majesty can hold the national sacrifice whenever you want, the Yellow Emperor Temple is already ready."

Wei Shiming and others are all very familiar with Hanzhong City.

Scholars, farmers, industry and merchants each performed their duties.

Emperor Su He listened to Governor Jiang Guangding's report.

They quickly finished their meal, bathed and changed clothes, preparing to participate in the national memorial ceremony tomorrow.

According to the requirements of Emperor Su He, the sacrificial etiquette should be simple and the ceremony should be solemn.

After Emperor Su Hesan bowed, he put the burning incense in his hand into the bronze tripod in front of the Yellow Emperor's statue.

Emperor Su He bowed to the second statue of the Yellow Emperor.

Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, took out the sacrificial inscriptions for the Yellow Emperor.

Emperor Su He and his party entered the Yellow Emperor Temple to rest.

Hanzhong not only holds an extraordinary status in his heart.

Governor Jiang Fangding and the main officials of Shaanxi set off immediately and took the train to the Emperor's Temple.

The special train stopped at Hanzhong City, a city that Emperor Su He never forgot.

It is one of the cats he raised personally.

An old cat with a snow-white body and dark limbs was resting on the stone lion in front of Prince Qin's palace.

When Prime Minister Wei Shiming finished speaking, he immediately knelt down and shouted long live.

Liu Rushi saw that the train had arrived at Baoji Mansion.

The cabinet has already made arrangements for a grand sacrificial event. Without advance preparation, there is no way to arrange it in a short time.

During dinner, Liu Rushi looked at the dishes that had a special smell.

Emperor Su He did not let local officials disturb him, he just wanted to find memories in this city.

Emperor Su He didn't want it to rest on its laurels and not make progress.


He was actually allowed to govern a place, but he made the place very chaotic.

Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, asked to see Emperor Su He to inquire whether the sacrificial ceremony was in line with the emperor's wishes.

The greening process of the land in Shaanxi has also promoted the development of rabbit breeding industry."

He said in his heart: "I am worthy of coming to the late Ming Dynasty to overthrow the decadent Ming Dynasty and eliminate the Tatars.

Emperor Su He walked to the Yellow Emperor's Temple and received the lit incense from Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites.

Emperor Su He looked at the little white cat. He was very familiar with this cat.

He touched Xiao Bai's head, picked up the kittens, handed three kittens to Liu Rushi, and he held two kittens himself.

The cat raised its eyes, looked in the direction of the cry, and then ran into Prince Qin's Mansion.

Bing Ming ancestors, protect China."

People don’t need to clear up wasteland on sandy land.

This governor, who was born as a wine drinker in the Imperial College, has lost his impetuous spirit after being tempered by the local government.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming said excitedly: "Your Majesty's achievements surpass those of Emperor Qin, Emperor Wu of Han, and Emperor Tang Zong Mingzu.

Emperor Su He issued an order that the train did not stop on the way and went directly to the railway station at the eastern foot of Qiaoshan Mountain in Yan'an, Shaanxi Province.

He came to the Prince of Qin's Mansion where he had lived for several years, and after leaving the Prince of Qin's Mansion for several years, the place still remained the same.

If this kind of clear-flow official can manage a party well after being trained by the local government, he will definitely be reused in the future.

Liu Rushi tried to take a bite. The rabbit meat was really sweet and delicious.

Shaanxi is not suitable for too many people to survive. The food grown here cannot feed a large population.

Chimes and drums sounded, and then the band of the Ministry of Rites played solemn music.

The train will go to the Yellow Emperor Temple in Yan'an Prefecture, Shaanxi Province as planned, and I will worship the Yellow Emperor."

I respect the choice of the little white cat and cannot take it away forcibly because of my preference.

"Long live your Majesty, long live the Great China Empire."

It's just that the Qin Prince's Mansion, which was full of people, has now become deserted, with many cats coming in and out from the side door.

It quickly took out five small white cats with similar looks, placed them at the feet of Emperor Su He, and purred non-stop.

Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, originally designed more than a dozen rituals. After hearing Emperor Su He's request, he immediately streamlined all the rituals that could be simplified.

Emperor Su He thought for a moment and then ordered: "Then the national sacrifice will be officially held in three days.

They also knelt on the ground with Wei Shiming and shouted long live.

Emperor Su He came to the Han River and looked at the busy factories in the industrial area.

Fruit pesticide farmers can obtain funds to support their families by selling fruit pesticides.

The technology of raising and cooking rabbits spread to other places at an extremely fast rate.

Emperor Su He saw officials and people kneeling together. He stretched out his hand and said, "My dear friends, we are at peace with the people.

You have done a very good job and have achieved obvious results in the past few years.”

Following the emperor's instructions, he immediately made some minor adjustments to the sacrificial ceremony.

Liu Rushi looked at the dishes on the table and thought to herself: "Rabbit is so cute, I really want to eat rabbit."

Emperor Su He smiled and said: "It lives very well here and has many friends.

Most of the decisions that overturned Ming Dynasty were made in this room.

Our kings and ministers are tired from the journey and need a few more days of rest.

Rabbits only need to eat grass and reproduce very quickly.

Emperor Su He wore a dragon robe, a gold crown on his head, and the Emperor's Sword at his waist.

The First Emperor changed his name from king to emperor, and His Majesty changed his dynasty to empire.

The green Shaanxi is very different from the yellow Shaanxi in my impression.

Hanzhong did not disappoint him. In the three major industries of alloy steel, machinery, and printing and dyeing, Hanzhong's technology is among the best in the country.

Here the first furnace of steel was produced and the first tank of sulfuric acid was produced.

This cat couldn't leave its homeland. I tried to take it away from Prince Qin's Mansion many times, but every time I jumped out of the car and returned to Prince Qin's Mansion.

Eastern Japan, Jiaozhi, Nanyang, Siam, Myanmar, Eastern India and other regions are all requested to be included.

He was very satisfied with the development of Hanzhong County. This was the birthplace of the first water conservancy factory and the birthplace of the first textile machine.

They immediately took action and prepared to fight for the interests of their family.

Later generations read the history books and realized that the change of the country's name marked the completion of the recuperation of the Great China Empire.

It gradually makes its own voice in the world.

It is like a sleeping dragon being awakened, making all overseas countries realize the strength of the Great China Empire.

(End of chapter)

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