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Chapter 537 Good News Ironclad Ship

Chapter 537 Good News Ironclad Ship

Author: Feng Xiaomu

Emperor Su He handled government affairs in Qianqing Palace.

Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi knocked on the door gently and reminded: "Your Majesty, Governor Feng Sanqiu is waiting outside. He has a good news to deliver."

When Emperor Su He heard the good news, he knew that there was a result in Beihai.

All around the Great China Empire, except for the northwest, it was in confrontation with Russia.

Neither country is ready and war will not break out easily.

The only remaining war is the Beihai one.

It’s almost Chinese New Year now, and the Beihai area should be covered in snow.

If he could no longer wait for good news, he understood that a truce was necessary in the winter, and this war was likely to drag on for a long time.

The environment in the North Sea makes it very difficult to survive in the winter, and it is impossible to fight in large groups.

Emperor Su He asked Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi to bring in Governor Feng Sanqiu.

He took out the map and looked at the situation in Beihai.

The name Beihai is the name of a huge lake, which later refers to this area and was later named Lake Baikal.

Surrounding the lake are excellent pastures, which are suitable for human habitation.

There are not only pastures here, but also contiguous forests, extremely rich in natural resources, and huge reserves of minerals underground.

Compared with Mobei, Beihai has greater development value.

Emperor Su He was staring at the map, and Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi had already brought in Governor Feng Sanqiu.

When Feng Sanqiu walked into the Qianqing Palace, he immediately bowed and said: "Your Majesty, Feng Sanqiu, pays homage to you.

Hong Han led the cavalry and destroyed the Buryat Mongols.

This is a detailed victory report, please review it by Your Majesty."

Emperor Su He waved, and Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi immediately took the good news from Feng Sanqiu's hand and handed it over.

Emperor Su He opened the victory report, and the scene of the cavalry's decisive battle on the prairie unfolded in his mind.

When he saw the specific results, he said happily: "Okay, Hong Han fought very well, I will reward him heavily."

The cavalry division fought with the Mongolian cavalry, and the battle loss ratio reached 1:35.

This signifies that the cavalry division of the Great China Empire, which is well-trained and has outstanding weapons, can completely crush the traditional Mongolian cavalry.

This was in an era when tanks did not appear and cavalry still played a great role.

With powerful cavalry at hand, the Great China Empire has no fear of the Mongolian cavalry.

The cavalry currently stationed in various places is enough to suppress the Mongolian tribes in the area they are responsible for.

The Great China Empire's policy towards the Mongolian tribes can be appropriately relaxed.

The tribes that were assimilated and annexed by the Great China Empire before were mainly small tribes.

After this, local officials can be more bold.

Even if they attack large Mongolian tribes, they don't have the strength to resist.

The Mobei Mongolian tribe with the best preserved strength, their great Khan gradually died of illness.

The Xuanwu Guards instigated this, and among these tribes, several forces were vying for the throne.

Even if these tribes are not divided, they will be severely weakened after internal strife.

Emperor Su He had previously thought of only one plan that could work immediately.

It was this strategy that achieved excellent results.

Even the radiation in natural ores cannot be resisted by the mortal body.

Emperor Su He came back to his senses and continued to look at the good news.

Hong Hanneng was able to cleanly and quickly eliminate the Mongolian cavalry.

Airships played a decisive role on the battlefield.

The first time the airship was put into the battlefield, it encountered the most suitable open battlefield.

There are no obstructions on the grassland, and the airship can easily detect traces of the enemy at high altitudes.

In mythology, the Mongols can detect traces of their enemies through the eagles they raise.

The cavalry of the Dahua Empire used technology to build airships that could fly thousands of meters into the air and easily detect enemy traces.

The only disadvantage of hydrogen airships is that they are too dangerous and prone to explosions.

But on the battlefield, the lives of a few scouts were exchanged for victory in the entire war.

Any general knows how to choose.

The Buryat tribe was eliminated by Hong Han, which also eliminated the most important hidden danger in the north of the empire.

The Beihai was included in the empire's territory, extending to the Wuliang Sea in the west and Sakhalin Island in the east.

The empire is in the north and has no enemies anymore.

These areas are all inland and require only a small number of troops to maintain law and order.

Emperor Su He ordered: "Hong Han fought very well in this war.

The Governor's Office will carefully check the military achievements and notify Hong Han to leave a division of cavalry to guard the Beihai area.

Other cavalry were transferred to the northwest region to deal with the threat of Russian Cossack cavalry."

The Governor's Office has verified that the military exploits are correct, and the rewards given by the imperial court must be distributed as quickly as possible.

Emperor Su He explained: "Let the newspapers publish this good news immediately so that the people can enjoy the country together.

Inform the ministers attending the imperial meeting tomorrow that the main topic of the imperial meeting tomorrow is about the North Sea."


At the imperial meeting in Qianqing Palace, the important officials of the Great China Empire took their seats one after another after paying homage to the emperor.

They had received news yesterday that most of the main discussions at the imperial meeting today were related to the North Sea.

Emperor Su He looked at these ministers and said with a happy smile: "Everyone already knows about the results of the battle in Beihai. Hong Han fought very well in this war and ended the war before the blizzard.

The North Sea is rich in resources, with open-pit copper and iron mines, as well as abundant forest resources.

Now that it is safe, the cabinet should increase immigration efforts to allow the Han people to completely occupy Beihai.

I will never allow the huge Beihai, where most of the residents are Mongolians.

The imperial court's inability to control the local area will inevitably lead to undue ambitions among the Mongolian tribes."

As soon as Emperor Su He finished speaking, Wang Yanhu, the cabinet minister in charge of immigration matters, immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the cabinet also knows that immigration is the most convenient way to control the local area.

But this method simply doesn’t work now.

The Overseas Governor's Mansion needs too many immigrants. We plan to immigrate tens of millions, and two-fifths of them have already been immigrated.

A large number of domestic immigrants were all transferred to overseas governor's offices.

What's more, the grain output of overseas governor's palaces is higher, with three or four crops a year.

There it is like spring all year round and life is relatively comfortable.

There is no comparison between the Beihai region and the overseas governor's mansions.

According to my understanding, the environment in Beihai is harsh and extremely cold.

In recent years, the imperial court has used opera to promote Su Wu Muyang.

The common people have the most basic understanding of the situation in Beihai.

They basically treat Beihai as a bitter cold land.

Rice and wheat with long growth cycles cannot be grown in Beihai, so only some cold-resistant corn can be grown.

If people really want to immigrate, they will not consider Beihai and directly choose the Overseas Governor's Mansion."

Emperor Su He listened to the introduction by cabinet minister Wang Yanhu.

This is indeed the situation in the country now.

In order to publicize Su Wu and other famous ancestors, the imperial court

Some optimizations have been made to their deeds.

Beihai is advertised as a bitter cold place with extremely harsh living environment.

If you are an ordinary farmer with too many children at home, you want to immigrate to improve your life.

He would definitely let his children go to the overseas governor's mansion where the farming environment was better, rather than Beihai, which was extremely harsh in his impression.

Except for the exiled prisoners, the court could not force immigrants, as the cost of management would be too high.

Even if all criminals are exiled to Beihai, the number of criminals will not reach the minimum number required in Beihai.

It is still difficult for the imperial court to permanently occupy Beihai.

Emperor Su He looked at the ministers in the Qianqing Palace and consulted: "What Wang Aiqing is worried about does exist.

My dear friends, do you have any good ideas to solve this problem?"

When everyone heard Emperor Su He's question, they all put forward their own opinions, but others soon found loopholes and these plans were not feasible.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming has been frowning and thinking. As the current Prime Minister, he must have the strength of the Prime Minister.

His predecessor Wang Zhongce left him with too much pressure.

Wei Shiming continued to absorb the opinions of other ministers.

With a flash of inspiration, he stood up and reported to Emperor Su Hehui: "Your Majesty, I have thought of a way.

Our main purpose is to let the Han forces control Beihai.

The arable land in Beihai is not as good as the conditions in the overseas governor's palace.

Normal farmers would definitely not want to go to Beihai.

But there is another group that is willing to go to Beihai to farm, and that is the farmers.

In the Nanyang Governor's Mansion, merchants purchased large amounts of land. They purchased slaves and planted crops on the farms.

We can allow these farmers to go to Beihai to farm.

In addition, the company set up by the Shaofu in Beihai mines and processes minerals and forests.

There are enough Han people in Beihai, so the imperial court will not lose control.

The main purpose of the empire was to prevent Beihai from being dominated by the Mongols.

When the domestic population gradually increases, we can then immigrate the Han people who are willing to go to Beihai there."

Emperor Su He heard the suggestion of Prime Minister Wei Shiming.

Given the current domestic situation, this is indeed a compromise.

Those farmers purchased a large number of slaves and went to Beihai to farm.

Their power is also very large, and they can indeed curb the development of the Mongolian tribes in the North Sea.

The imperial meeting also discussed the status of Beihai.

Emperor Su He finally decided to establish Beihai Province, but Beihai is too desolate and most areas are not yet inhabited.

Only a few city construction plans were established.

Most of the city was built around Beihai Lake and minerals.


As New Year's Eve approaches, Emperor Su He hears great news.

He took the ministers with him and took the train to Qinhuangdao Military Port again.

The ironclad ship that Emperor Su He had longed for has finally completed its sea trials. This type of ironclad ship has been completely finalized and can be mass-produced at any time.

The Great China Empire has many overseas interests. To protect these interests, it must rely on a powerful navy.

The addition of the ironclad ships means that the Imperial Navy of China is at the forefront of the world and is hundreds of years ahead of the world.

The train's steam engine has undergone many improvements and its service life has been improved.

Emperor Su He came to Qinhuangdao again, and the train did not break down halfway.

More than a dozen of them, the emperor and his ministers, took a carriage to the dock.

They did not choose to travel by car, which in this era was very unstable.

Cars often break down on the road, and both in terms of experience and price, they are now inferior to horse-drawn carriages.

It is just a luxury product used by wealthy businessmen to show their status.

Emperor Su He came to the dock, which had been blocked by navy soldiers.

He looked towards the sea and saw two ironclad ships, much smaller than battleships, docked at the pier.

Governor Feng Sanqiu, who was born in the navy, was extremely excited when he saw the ironclad ship.

When he was still in the Navy, he was thinking about when ironclad ships would be commissioned into the Navy.

Once such powerful ships join the navy, they will never find an opponent.

The Navy has previously conducted many actual combat exercises based on data from various ships.

One ironclad versus ten sailing battleships.

The final result was that the ironclads were severely damaged and the sailing battleships were completely wiped out.

The ironclad ship has a thick steel hull. Even if the battleship's artillery hits the ironclad ship, it will not cause fatal damage.

Only the concentrated fire of several main guns can damage the armored ship.

On the contrary, a sailing battleship will withdraw from the battlefield as long as it receives one cannonball from an ironclad ship.

Governor Feng Sanqiu, standing next to Emperor Su He, pointed at the armored ship.

"Your Majesty, we have been studying ironclad ships. After many trials, we have proven that warships can be made of steel.

The exploration fleet headed to America, and most of the ships returned safely.

This also shows that steam engine technology has made great progress.

After the ship returned to port, craftsmen immediately inspected these steam engine parts.

Discover problematic parts and designs and make timely adjustments.

According to the data collected by our military, the reliability of marine steam engines has made great progress.

When a warship goes to America, it can return to the military port safely without having to replace the steam engine midway."

Emperor Su He said happily: "I am very happy that the armored ship has entered the navy.

We boarded the ironclad ship and visited the greatest crystallization of this industry.

If it were not an industrial power, it would be impossible to build such a behemoth."

Their monarchs and ministers boarded the deck of the ironclad ship in an orderly manner.

Looking at the ironclad ship made of all steel, many people looked surprised.

Ships made of iron can float on water, which is beyond the knowledge of many officials.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming, he looked at the armored ship and the battleship next to it.

He frowned and asked: "Governor Feng, I remember that the cost of building an armored ship is as high as 950,000 silver coins.

The cost of building the battleship next to it is less than 300,000 taels of silver coins.

This is three times the difference. The overall length of the ironclad is still much shorter than that of the sailing battleship, and it is about the same size as the cruiser next to it."

Governor Feng Sanqiu listened to Prime Minister Wei Shiming analyzing the cost of the ship.

These civilian officials always find reasons to cut military spending.

Governor Feng Sanqiu immediately said: "Master Wei, you can't just look at the surface."

He tapped the steel hull of the ironclad ship with his hand.

"Master Wei, listen to this sound, this is a ship made of steel.

The ironclads were too big to be driven by steam engines.

Our ironclads are very strong, far more powerful than our sailing battleships.

Just like the sail battleship, if it is built on a large scale in the future, there will be no need to spend so many silver coins.

It is also improving very quickly. If we give the navy a few more decades, we will definitely be able to build an ironclad ship the size of a battleship."

After Emperor Su He took people to visit the ironclad ship, they walked off the deck and came to the dock.

The induction ceremony of the ironclad ship then began.

The simple ceremony was completed, and thick smoke billowed out from the ironclad's boiler.

Driven by the propeller, it slowly sails towards the sea.

Emperor Su He said happily: "I am very relieved that there are armored ships to protect the safety of the sea.

The armored ship will be the sacred weapon of our Great China Empire, and its figure will appear all over the world, safeguarding the interests of the empire."

Emperor Su He understood better than anyone else what a powerful navy meant in this era.

He looked eastward until the ironclad was no longer visible.

On the other side of the ocean is North America.

I don’t know if King Zhao Su Xiong has established a stable base.

Can the fleet of King Su Hu of Wei safely pass through the Pacific Ocean and head to the Americas they dream of?

This chapter has been completed!
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