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Chapter 549 Iron-Blooded Wei (6)

Chapter 549 The Iron-Blooded Wei (6)

Author: Feng Xiaomu

Chapter 549 The Iron-Blooded Wei (6)

The island of Cuba, the seat of the Spanish Viceroyalty of Central America.

The Spanish have been operating in this colony for a long time.

Governor Blorrell is angry with his men.

"Those fools in the kingdom are enjoying the large amounts of gold and silver we provide and are living a life of luxury in the country.

I asked the country to send a fleet to support us, but it was rejected."

After he got angry, he said earnestly to his men: "The situation on the west coast of America is very bad now. We don't even know what happened?

The route to China was cut off, and we could not exchange our silver for large quantities of porcelain, silk, tea and other oriental specialties.

We lost this route and how much profit we lost.

I can come here to replace the previous governor because the nobles of the kingdom are very dissatisfied with the situation here.

We live a very comfortable life on this island.

We have forgotten the feats of Magellan and other predecessors who traveled around the world and discovered America.

Some time ago, I dispatched a warship to the west coast of America to investigate the situation.

At the same time, we are preparing to expand our power on the west coast of the Americas.

I plan to move the Governor's Palace to the Peruvian region.

After we lost China, in order to obtain more benefits, we must expand the size of our colony."

Governor Blorrell is explaining how expanding the colonies on the west coast of America will bring them great benefits.

An irritable young man opened the door to the room with an anxious expression.

Governor Blorrell was about to ask the guards to drive the people out.

The young man looked horrified, and he immediately knelt down in front of Governor Blorrell.

"My Lord Governor, something big has happened.

Our Brazilian colony was occupied by the Chinese who suddenly appeared here.

Only a few people fled north through the river to the Caribbean, found our patrol boats, and brought the news back."

When Governor Blorrell heard the news, his pupils dilated a little and his mouth opened wide. He wanted to say something, but no sound came out.

The senior officials of the Governor's Mansion are also digesting this sudden bad news.

Governor Brorel quickly returned to normal, and he ordered: "Arit, go meet these survivors and learn more about the war from their mouths.

Bousol sent a reconnaissance ship to explore the situation in the Brazilian colony."

Governor Blorrell knew that the most important thing for him now was to find out the truth about this matter.

Arit and Bussol heard Governor Brorel's order and acted independently.

Yarit asked the young man who broke in rashly to lead the way. He was going to get information about the enemies of their colony from the survivors.

Busol walked out. He would take the colonial warships to the Brazilian colony to investigate the enemy's situation.

The island of Cuba is not too far from Brazil, and their exploration team can return home in a short time.

Governor Blorrell saw the two men walking out of the room to investigate the matter in accordance with his instructions.

He knew that if this incident were true, what impact would it have on the Kingdom of Spain?

When the Chinese invaded their Luzon Island colony, they were just expanding their power.

The Spanish did not have enough strength in the Far East and could not hold on to their colonies.

The struggle for colonies is intensifying all over the world.

If they lose a colony in the Far East, it will definitely cause loss of profits, but it cannot cause pain to the Kingdom of Spain.

The Brazilian colony is completely different. It is in the Americas, the back garden of Europe.

When this happens, it will definitely shock the nobles of the kingdom.

Starting from the Brazilian colony, it is easy to cross the Atlantic Ocean by following the ocean currents.

It really allowed the Chinese to develop and grow in America, and all European countries had trouble sleeping and eating.

Governor Blorrell said with a serious expression: "The Chinese people go too far to bully others. We absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of thing. We want the Chinese people to know who has the final say in the Americas."

Senior officials in the Governor's Mansion all agreed with Governor Blorrell's ideas.

They have a clear understanding of situations around the world.

The Chinese people were able to cross such a long distance and seize their colonies. The strength they displayed was so terrifying.

Governor Blorrell ordered: "The Governor's Mansion immediately entered a state of war, and all officers and soldiers on vacation canceled their vacations and were ready to go to war at any time.

We felt before that something was not quite right on the west coast of America, but now it seems that it is the fault of the Chinese.

The Chinese came from afar, so their strength was bound to be extremely weak, and they were unable to obtain local resources.

However, we were able to obtain timely support from the Spanish Armada.

This battle must be fought well, otherwise we will all be dismissed."

The senior officials of the Governor's Mansion were all sensible people and immediately cooperated with Governor Blorrell to prepare for war.

Yarit quickly finished interrogating the survivors and came to report the relevant matters to Governor Brorel.

"My Lord Governor, after my interrogation, what these people said is basically true.

Most of the flags they saw on the enemy team were in Chinese characters.

Our people are very familiar with this kind of writing printed on porcelain, and they will never mistake it."

When Governor Blorel heard the news, he knew that the Brazilian colony must have been invaded by the Chinese.

There is only one force that has the strength to cross the sea and use Chinese characters.

Bousol also quickly returned to the port. He brought five reconnaissance ships, but only two came back. These two ships were still seriously damaged.

Bussall, leaning on crutches, asked to see Governor Blorel.

Governor Blorrell saw Bussall's situation, frowned and asked: "What's going on with you?"

With a look of horror on his face, Bussall first told what the governor was most concerned about.

"My Lord Governor, I risk my life to investigate the situation in the Brazilian colony.

The Brazilian colony was indeed occupied by the Chinese.

Chinese ships guard the port, and they are building a new city and using our immigrants as slaves.

The Chinese ships are very powerful, and the range of their naval guns is much farther than that of our warships.

But their number of warships is very small, only a dozen warships, which are still converted from cargo ships.

I think they are not the Chinese navy, but the private soldiers of a certain noble."

Busol described in detail the situation when he encountered the Chinese ships.

Governor Blorrell listened carefully, and he also believed that Bussall's judgment was correct.

He also knew something about the strength of the Chinese navy, and had been worried that the Chinese navy would be dispatched.

Now based on his experience, it is very likely that this is a private army of aristocrats.

Governor Blorrell was very active and he understood these situations.

He immediately took most of the naval warships in the colony and prepared to retake the Brazilian colony.


King Su Hu of Wei summoned officials from the Wei palace to discuss matters.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, he said with satisfaction: "Through everyone's efforts, everything is on track. I am very pleased.

The conditions for the founding of the country are mature. As long as the palace in Daliang City is completed, I will officially establish the Wei Kingdom."

King Su Hu of Wei promised the time for the founding of the country, and every official present was very happy.

After the establishment of the Wei State, ministers with meritorious service will inevitably be enfeoffed.

They have worked so hard and for such a long time just for this moment.

Qu Xiaolong, the first civil servant, saw that King Su Hu of Wei no longer expressed his opinion.

He stood up and cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty is wise, everything has been completed steadily, it is time for us to establish a country.

Confiscating the Spanish plantations, the minister led the officials to immediately assign the immigrants who wanted to farm to various plantations and let the immigrants take over the plantations.

The Ministry of Industry's prospecting team has discovered a large-scale iron mine, and the military has discovered a large-scale coal mine.

All constraints to our industrial development have been resolved.

With sufficient raw materials, blast furnaces can operate and produce large amounts of steel.

The entire industrial system can be completely revitalized.

We confiscated Spanish property and seized large amounts of gold, silver, grain, cotton, and spices.

Especially the large amount of food stored in warehouses can make us self-sufficient in food.

The only problem now is that there are too few officials and many yamen cannot function."

After Qu Xiaolong introduced the situation of the government, Song Kangbo introduced the situation of the army.

He stood up and said in a rough voice: "Your Majesty, the current numbers of the army and navy are too small to ensure our safety.

The minister suggested that the army should be expanded to at least 10,000 people.

If the number of immigrants is not enough, some indigenous people can be recruited."

When Qu Xiaolong heard Song Kangbo's request, he couldn't help but stand up and glare at Song Kangbo.

"General Song, it's not like you don't know the situation here.

There are less than 50,000 young people suitable to join the army. Once the military expands, many yamen will be paralyzed.

It is even more undesirable for you to recruit local indigenous people.

These natives have not yet been naturalized, and it would be really dangerous if they had weapons in their hands."

Wei Wang Su Hu also agreed with Qu Xiaolong's opinion.

After Native Americans undergo naturalization education, they can enlist in the army.

When the wild animals are not tamed, letting them join the army is asking for death.

Wei Wang Su Hu ordered: "General Song, the military will have to work harder now.

The crisis of underpopulation will be alleviated only when the second and third waves of immigrants are transported from the country."

Song Kangbo also knew the concerns of King Wei and Qu Xiaolong. He proposed this condition just to cover up his real purpose.

"Your Majesty, if we cannot expand the army, we can only strengthen the weapons of the army.

I request that the first batch of steel produced in the blast furnace be supplied to the arsenal and turned into weapons and equipment."

King Su Hu of Wei had previously rejected the military's request. After hearing this request, he was no longer embarrassed to reject it.

"I will give an order to the steel factory to make every effort to ensure the steel used by the arsenal. Only excess steel will be supplied to other factories."


Wang Dajin was wearing a sweater and walking on the road in Daliang City.

He looked at the buildings on both sides of the road with a comfortable expression.

I just get used to seeing this kind of architecture in my hometown.

He murmured to himself: "Not long after I left Daliang City, the city has changed drastically."

Wang Dajin was a little dizzy. He couldn't find where his home was?

"Dajin, what are you doing standing there?"

"Dad, I'm back."

When Wang Dajin heard his father's voice, he immediately ran over.

He asked in confusion: "Dad, you wrote to me and asked me to return to Daliang City as soon as possible. What happened to our family?"

The royal father slapped his son on the forehead.

"You said in your letter that you found a large-scale copper-lead associated mine, and I asked you to report back to the city."

When Wang Dajin heard about this, he said with some dissatisfaction: "I haven't confirmed the specific size of this mine yet. It's too hasty to get it now."

Wang's father pulled Wang Dajin into the courtyard, closed the door and whispered: "If we delay it any longer, we won't have enough time.

The King of Wei personally announced that on the day the palace is completed, a founding ceremony will be held.

The palace is now being capped off and will be completed soon.

If you report before the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, it is a gift, but reporting afterward will have no such meaning."

Wang Dajin believed that what his father said was reasonable. He did not understand officialdom and listened to his father's teachings.


Qu Xiaolong received a report from the officials of the Ministry of Industry. He hurried to the palace and reported to Wei King Su Hu that they had discovered a large-scale copper-lead mine.

After the iron ore and coal mines were settled, a large amount of silver was seized from the plantations.

The only minerals that are lacking now are copper ore and lead ore.

Copper has many uses, the most important of which are mechanical raw materials and coins.

The people have become accustomed to using copper coins to measure small transactions, and now they lack a lot of copper.

As for lead, this is the most important mineral.

The technology has not yet recovered to the point where bullets can be processed.

Whether it is a front-loading flintlock gun or a breech-loading cap gun, they all use lead bullets.

Lead has always been a raw material on the same level as saltpeter, and these two are the core raw materials of the arsenal.

Before the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, it was a great thing to resolve a serious concern of King Su Hu of Wei.

Qu Xiaolong walked into the palace and reported the matter to Wei Wang Su Hu.

After Wei Wang Su Hu heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, the guards outside knocked on the door.

"Your Majesty, General Song Kangbo has something urgent to ask for."

King Su Hu of Wei immediately asked his guards to let General Song Kangbo in.

General Song Kangbo walked to Wei Wang Su Hu and said: "Your Majesty, something serious has happened."

King Su Hu of Wei asked his guard to hand him a cup of hot tea and said, "General Song, you don't have to be too anxious. If you have any matters, we can discuss them slowly."

Song Kangbo took a few deep breaths and said: "I have received a report that a navy patrol team is patrolling outside the port.

They found five small Spanish warships.

The patrol immediately chose to take the initiative. They quickly defeated the Spanish warships, and only two warships escaped.

The prisoners aboard the warship that was about to sink were captured and interrogated by surprise.

These prisoners confessed that they were soldiers under the Spanish Viceroyalty.

These prisoners revealed that the Governor-General had suspected that the colony here had been invaded by other forces.

This fleet is to investigate the situation here in advance.

The Spaniards find out that this place is occupied by us, and they will send out a large army soon, so the king must make preparations as soon as possible."

Wei Wang Su Hu looked a little solemn, but he was not surprised.

The news that they occupied this place simply cannot be hidden for too long.

King Su Hu of Wei said in a deep voice: "I have experienced hundreds of battles, big and small, in my life, and I have never been afraid.

This is not the Spanish navy. The coastal defense guns will all be installed in two days, so I am not worried at all."

General Song Kangbo saw that King Su Hu of Wei was not nervous at all, and he asked: "Your Majesty, will the founding ceremony of the country continue as planned?

In order to be ready to go to the battlefield at any time, the military cannot withdraw troops to protect the founding ceremony site."

Wei Wang Su Hu ordered: "The founding ceremony of the country will continue, and this matter will not affect the normal operation of the country."

When Qu Xiaolong heard the news, he suggested: "Your Majesty, we should stabilize the natives.

Once the army dealt with the Spaniards, it could not suppress the place.

The Spaniards began to stir up trouble again, and these natives were likely to have problems.

We don’t ask the natives to help us, we just hope they don’t cause trouble.”

Su Hu, King of Wei, agreed: "This is a very good thing, I'll leave it to you."

He saw Qu Xiaolong and Song Kangbo walking out of the palace.

Su Hu, King of Wei, whispered: "The troops will come to block it, and the water will come and the earth will cover it.

I will never lose, nor can I afford to lose."

(End of chapter)

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